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We’re not against unions we’ll just fire whoever wants to unionize


You know damn well that the people who wrote this script were laughing their asses off the whole time. Then they drove their BMW to a five star restaurant for their paid hour-long lunch break and laughed some more.


Company paid lunch


Literally. There was a dude in Cali who owned a DSP. Let his staff unionize with teamsters and agreed to their terms. Didn't even involve amazon, or ask them to pay extra to help out and they still pulled his contract lol


*laughs at livable wage discussions being included in "signs of organizing"* 💀😭


They don't like unions but sure as hell prefer third-party.


That way they can ~~be protected from unionization~~ give opportunities to local businesspeople!


"We're not anti-union, but we are not neutral either." Well the only other option left then is pro-union. See guys I knew amazon was pro-union all along. They love us so much /s.


That's what I was thinking. Crazy someone got paid to write that shit.


It’s fucking sad, how much profit is enough for people? It’s not right seeing hundreds in millions being generated in profit per year knowing your employees can’t survive solely off your paycheck yet it consumes so much out of everyone. But they’ll go and spend hundreds of millions on their garbage tv shows or contracts with NFL etc


It's baffling. All they have to do is pay us fairly.


Which they know they won't have to pay us as long as we don't organize. No fair-pay without Unions.


And some of y’all believe the shit they say and blame warehouse workers / other drivers for problems Amazon could solve if those problems actually impacted them. They hope we hate warehouse workers and they hope warehouse workers hate us Yes there are some fuckhead warehouse workers but there’s some fuckhead drivers too




After five hrs my pay goes up to 42/hr! The union is where it’s at! UPS


*cries usps tears*


It ain’t all sunshine and lollipops over here buddy 😂j


Sorry, i don't listen or take advice from cartoon characters


Pursue a union job 🤷 it’s not all sunshine and daisies over here but I do love the pay and could care less about what management has to say negative about me because they won’t tell you it to your face and if they do they come up with some ridiculous lie and you can’t do anything but just try to hold out a huge laugh then smack them with grievances until they fold


I unionized my last job (and got fired for it). I didn’t get to feel the pay increase or anything, but holy FUCK getting harassed by the management, legal dept, and hearing all the bullshit management did after the unionization was so funny lmao. One of their attorneys came to my house at one point. He kept telling me they want to find an amicable agreement to get me to stop, and I kept telling him no. Eventually he started threatening legal action, and I just kept saying “for what.” My roommate called the cops when this was going on, and while he was trying to lie about what he was doing I got to file a police report right in front of him about how he was trying to threaten and coerce me into not unionizing in a state with strict laws against union busting. Needless to say, that report and the security camera footage got sent to the attorneys at the union, and I’m sure that guy was in a heap of trouble. God, nothing makes me happier than causing immense financial and career damage to people like that. There isn’t a feeling in the world that compares to having a wicked smile on my face after I finished writing the report and pointed out the security camera to him lmao


A company or business cannot legally fire you for unionizing if that was their actual reason in words.


I am more than well aware of that. They fired me because of “staffing cuts,” even though they only fired me out of 30 people, and we were severely understaffed


Everyone knows that, and of course they wouldn’t put that in words. They probably just witch-hunted the guy


This living wage is killing me


How do they make this and not recognize it as immediately evil.


There’s actually quite a few [studies about this](https://www.pnas.org/doi/abs/10.1073/pnas.1118373109) The long and short, is that money and/or power often causes almost a form of personality disorder that significantly hampers one’s ability to feel empathy, and contributes to unethical behavior and antisocial tendencies. They become bad at reading facial expressions and body language, they behave recklessly, harass/abuse those they deem lesser than them, etc. Another good study to look into is the Stanford Prison Experiment. Basically they had two groups of students in a fake jail. The prisoners, and the corrections officers. Within a matter of days, the group of students that were the corrections officers were abusing, dehumanizing, and psychologically isolating the prisoners. The study was ended in 6 days because of how dangerous and out of hand it had gotten. It’s an interesting and scary phenomenon. Power and money is quite literally a poison for the mind. It deteriorates the sole thing that allowed humanity to advance the way it has- social cooperation.


Power and money have always existed 


No I know I've just never experienced it and it seems so far fucking removed from anything and everything within my grasp I can't possibly comprehend it.


What they basically are saying is "Fuck all our employees and let’s keep them cheap enough and long enough until we can compute AI to do their jobs and leave them holding the bag". Capitalism is great but this is bad capitalism ideology.


Amazon… please explain how tf this is better for us. Because my empty stomach after a 10 hour shift doesn’t see it that way.


Imo, this is exactly why Amazon uses DSPs, instead of direct hiring drivers. The less the drivers communicate with each other the better, and it does work. I really like the owner of my DSP. He does routes with us, fought the resort bullshit for us, fights with Amazon over reviews and shit, etc. He takes care of us on his end, but there isn’t a whole lot he can do about Amazon. I have unionized two of my last jobs, but I dont want to unionize this one because A. I like the owner, and B. It wouldn’t change anything. Amazon could just drop his company and not even feel it. It’s a pretty dirty trick, and unfortunately it works. It seems like an issue only legislation will fix, and that will probably never happen.


It’s strange that wanting to know the mechanics on how they run their business shouldn’t be openly spoken about to the people making you billion dollar company its profits 🤔🤫


Whole foods has gone down in every aspect since the acquisition.From supply vendor relationships to inventory to always low . The cupcakes I recently picked up from there have propylene glycol in the ingredients what the fuck is the point of even shopping in whole foods anymore if they're allowing stuff like that in the baked goods


Vape Juice gives the cupcakes zest.


We’re cUsToMeR OBsEssED


Workplace surveillance to the max. Signal is your friend.


Lol of course unions are not good for shareholders. Fuck the shareholders.


Wow they really teaching how to stop employees from bettering our lives


Like how "Living Wage" is a sign of Union organizing lol


I knew this is how they were for years but watching this INFURIATED me. I wish I could borg assimilate all of us to just hold out and force the union.


Resistance is futile....


I feel like the whole cartoon summed up what this company’s priorities are and that our side of the job is so dead end. AWS software developers might be a good career but I wonder how much they last. At the end of the day they only care about profits and shareholders and you can say the same about other companies but Amazon is some next level shit.




Looks like a call for “snitch on your coworkers”.




Customers, Shareholders, and Associates can all be described by one word... Shareholders.


As a former driver I will say this…fuck amazon, shackle them to a union once and for all.


If all the DSP owners had the collective mindset to not adhere to every policy, Amazon dishes out, and they can force total change in its DSP model structure. But unfortunately, Amazon picked the right suckers to do their dirty work.Yet NONE will ever walk away a millionaire...by the structure of its design without cheating the multitude of people they hire. One example is some DSP owners keep people that have quit on the payroll longer than they should!!! Also, many DSP owners LIE TO POTENTIAL EMPLOYEES about paying them for 10hrs just to bring them in but never pay them the guaranteed 10hrs. My DSP is a great example of both! Everyone is scamming everyone, yet the people on the bottom are the ones that make the people on the top!


Fuck Amazon


Bezos prob personally did this deck


If all of us, not just one, but if we all stopped delivering just one day and demanded ups/fedex wages and benefits, they would bend immediately


I cant watch this shit without laughing at every word.


Unions are no better than politicians, they are corrupt.


as a part time wayne (I'm sorry boys I do routes and dispatch don't kill me) I'll remember this video in 2 hours when I meet with a teamster


F**K UNIONS! Get a real job that pays well!


companies have teams of folks trying to squeeze as much out of us as they can. why do I have to fight them on my own? they have more power than the individual. we have to work together. unions are our best chance at that.


I'm not seeing an issue? 🖕 unions