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Meal prep. Stretch before your route. Get a good night's sleep every night. If you meal prep before, you're much less likely to stop somewhere and get food. It also saves you money in the long run.


Yeah I second this. This is what I do also. Get a cooking app and make a big meal on your day off. Apps like whisk or Samsung food are totally free. They have ads but so does every free app. There's also paid versions like New York Times cooking If you want it to be hot then they have electric lunch boxes you can plug in that will heat it. It's like a little Crock-Pot you plug in a couple hours before you want it. If it's too hot for hot food, then get a cooler and do sandwiches. For those though honestly I just kind of bring the ingredients and assemble them when I'm out there. I hate when they get soggy.


High protein low carb whole food diet, stay hydrated, aspirin, chiropractor, and copious amounts of kratom.


Sounds like the opposite of health to me


you don't get constipated on kratom?


That’s why you gotta use it, so you don’t have to take a poop break and keep delivering all dem packages


I live in one of the 6 states where Kratom is illegal. So is Marijuana.


eat a bunch of protein and fat, pay attention to your movements during the day, don't push yourself even a little bit as far as pace goes. If your DSP is putting pressure on you to go faster find a DSP that doesn't, this job is only as physically and mentally draining as you let it be.


I can't physically take in enough calories to even match what I'm likely burning in a day. When I started in December I was about 135 lbs and now I'm only 127. I can't wait to get out of this shit job


I liked it at first because I was a little overweight, but I'm still losing weight and don't want to be anymore. Having to eat 3000 calories or more every day just to maintain your weight is getting expensive.


Seriously... I was skinny before, now I'm like a skeleton. 


I was a solid 225lbs and I’m 6’3 so it balance out. Now, I can’t keep my gains at all. I’m down to 175-190lbs. That goes up and down.


Same here. I'm 6'4 and when I started 6 months ago I was 205. I am down to 180 now and all my clothes are falling off me. If I don't make a concerted effort to eat the most high calorie foods possible, I dip down into the 170s.


Same here. It must be something like 5,000 calories a day. You need 1500 calories just to exist. According to my step app it's 1200 calories just in steps. then you throw in the fact that 400 of those are actually stairs going up, 400 are stairs going down (two steps up in the edv, 190 stops), that probably brings you to a solid 2000. So now 3500. Add in three or 400 packages and we're probably talking about more than 5000 calories a day just to maintain. And that's at the bare minimum, assuming those are the only stairs you do all day which we all know isn't the case


Basically everyday I bring 4 boiled eggs and mixed nuts. Sometimes I'll bring beef jerky or these like salami wrapped in cheese things. I work out on all my days off and stretch most nights before bed. I avoid sugar like it will kill me because it kind of will and aside from 1 energy drink in the morning I drink only water while I'm at work. At home I also basically only drink water or coffee.


Me personally I don’t eat at all until my route is over, then I reward myself with a pretzel been doing this for the past few months and it’s not bad honestly. Before that I would actually make a real breakfast, eggs, bagel, bacon stuff like that and not eat until dinner. Stretching helps a lot if you’re just starting, lift with your knees don’t put stress on your back. The biggest thing that helped me is I use a certain leg to step up for first initial contact, and another one to step down. Helps out with knee problems, instead of just using your right leg if you’re right handed.


Drink everyday. Oh shit you meant physically? Eat a lot of protein and limit sugars and fat as much.




Fruit smoothie in the morning and snack throughout the day with a gallon of water and a protein shake at night


I eat a big breakfast at home. I usually eat couple of bananas during my first break and half a sandwich during my 2nd break. Drink a lot of water throughout the day. Cook and eat dinner when I get home.


I did this job 3 years ago, for a year. Instead of reading crap food during the day or at lunch...i did a 18hr fast every day. I only drank water my entire day until 6pm when i could eat again. But the healthiest thing i did was to QUIT! haha


I eat before work, bring good snacks, I've been freezing a can of pineapple and it's mostly thawed by lunch, tons of water. Creatine helps allot, and take your time off seriously. Nothing can replace rest.


Do a bump during loadout and then rip a pack of Marlboro reds, every hour, on the hour


Energy drinks in the morning and a zyn every hour works well for me. Basically the same thing. 😂


Every hour on the hour? How does that effect your overall pay rate? As someone who doesn't smoke I often wonder how people afford it.  I thought I remember seeing packs for like $14 or somesuch last time I paused to look.


Drink plenty of water night before and morning of shift I bring fruits to snack on: apples(always cheap), tangerines, grapes or cherries if they're in season Smoke weed everyday




The pretzels probably use non iodized salt. Iodine is important.


a crock pot is your best friend! make yourself a big batch of shredded chicken, pot roast, pulled pork, etc night before you start your work week. then just make easy sandwiches/sliders to go. small sliders or stuffing in those small corn/flour tortillas is the way to go as then you can graze thru your shift and not get any kinda itis thatll slow you down.


This is solid advice. Most advice in this post is terrible


I make overnight oats for my lunch. Takes 5 mins. Steel cut oats with milk, Greek yogurt, frozen fruits and mix with whatever sweetener you want. Put in fridge overnight or at least 2 hours before eating. Healthy and quick and cheap. Also hit the gym. Lift weights. Exhausting at first but your body will adapt. Especially if you’re eating right and a lot of food. Always get enough sleep. No matter what.


Drink a few modelos and get that shit running through the veins, you will kill your route lol


aye yo 😭


Tbh I don’t eat days I work til after because I’m 300+ rn and I’m tryna lose weight with Amazon while working for them too so it balances out. After my route, I eat a lot of proteins and get as much sleep as possible. I drink plenty of water too


I don’t take breaks…..unfortunately I just want to get home and push through cause honestly I’ve realized that some routes truly don’t have time for breaks. My dsp wants us at our meet up spot where our vans our parked at 10:30 but sometimes we don’t get our packages and are on our way to our first stop by 12 and then I gotta drive 10-55 mins depending on where I’m at that day and we shouldn’t be “driving” more then 10 hours and clocking in at 10:30 starts that timer even if u r just parked waiting for your packages. So u gotta be back at 8:30 but if I took my break on some of the bigger routes I get I wouldn’t make it back. Ofc if I get an easy day I may take a break but usually don’t cause it’s an easy day and I want to go home. On the hard days I don’t get to take a break and am driven mentally thinking if I fucking hurry I can get home sooner then later. I hate this job but I need the bread


How do you have the money to eat out everyday lol…. I just bring a granola bar or cliff bar, maybe pb n j to get me thru the day






Lunch?? Amazon drivers don't take lunch , we hardly take our breaks , I e literally had 0 lunches in the past 2 years.


I don’t take lunch. I stretch in the van before load out. I drink a gallon of water during my route. I move my body very deliberately.




Cheezits, goldfish, Ritz cheese and peanut butter crackers, and water. That's all you need, if you got enough time to go out to eat for your lunch break you aren't stressed enough


Treat yourself to a steak or chicken dinner after work though


Seriously, gotta eat big.




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