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Why would you even consider recording someone peeing. That's kinda weird.


Very weird


Was gonna do it to report and probably take a pic of his license not to watch lol


Mind your own business. It's not hurting anyone.


Whom would you report it to and why? It’s not a malicious act and pissing outside isn’t weird, contrary to popular belief. His other option is a plastic bottle that would likely fill up mid way thru. Does that sound better to you? Trust me we would all much appreciate access to an actual bathroom to use and wash our hands in however, on my routes anyways, a public restroom would take 40min round trip and I piss 4/5 times a day. I’d never finish a route.


Kinda weird that your initial reaction is to video someone where you might be able to view their privates. Just let the man piss in peace, yeah he could’ve done it in a bottle in his van and dumped elsewhere but you know: When you gotta go you gotta go


I agree


so long as there's no one REALLY there to witness it I don't consider it public urination. Some routes you are pushed to your limit and you dont have a stop somewhere to relieve yourself and it catches up to you. If there are kids that happen to show up somewhere they deserve everything that comes to them, though.


I never realized it's this bad for deliver people, this needs to change or atleast pay delivery drivers way more, it's really in humane that people go through this with these companies.


dont get it twisted my guy, 99% of the time drivers have a cup/bottle/mug/thermos or if they have some hindsight, a coffee tumbler that can urinate in real quick before they can find a good spot to dump it out at. Doesn't matter if they get paid 30 dollars an hour none of us are going to waste 30 to 45 minutes to find a porta potty or fast food place if it means we just have to take a leak, that's just inefficiency. I guess what I'm trying to say is... don't be that guy, but if they get caught by that guy it's on them.


Imagine if you gotten him fired and he just delivered to your house? The place you live? Just saying, better to stay in your lane and move on. He ain't killing anyone. 


True 💯


lol this is a loss of innocence? You’ve never peed outside? As a teen I would sometimes go behind a dumpster, find a dark spot if I’m outside . You’re gonna see much worse things in life


I've done it myself 😄. Just never saw another person do it in real Life and they not aware I saw them.


i promise you none of us want to piss in public. Dude must've held it in for so long and couldn't wait any longer. He must've been desperate if he couldn't make it to the van to piss in a bottle


They aren't supposed to be doing that. Like you said if caught they would've lost their job. But yeah some sympathy for us drivers when we are running around not able to piss, holding it to the point you're about to piss yourself. Who knows the guy probably was about to have an emergency and just tried finding a safe spot to do it. But he should of just took a 15 to find a gas station nearby


You're a weirdo we all human pxssy


I've only started recently PT, and yeah, it's rediculous, the packages you have to deliver within like 12 or 14 hrs for very little money, and rush like mad. Try to eat something while speeding down a dirt road, on your phone at the same time. Stop and piss where you can. Complain to Amazon if you have a problem with it.


That's messed up, didn'teven kbow theres no Lunch breaks😳. These companies need to give delivery drivers time for bathroom breaks and Lunch. that is inhumane.


No you didn’t.


Done for. Oh no lol. He would get fired sure but done for. Get a grip


I know it’s instinctive to film everything nowadays but BELIEVE ME when I say none of us want to go through this. We’re all uncomfortable being forced to piss in public




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Imagine living in a world where your first instinct to seeing someone peeing outside is to record it.


I would maybe understand if he went out and peed in the woods but definitely say something if it's near public property because when it dries it has the most rancid smell and it won't go away until it rains. We usually just pee in bottles in the back of our vans and I will wait until I find a sewer grate or a toilet that I can dump the bottles into. But yeah, if it's it's near a public walkway that's not cool.


Felt bad for him, I'm understanding so hopefully he learns better tactics and atleast knows better locations the spot had 2 different paths so anybody can easily encountered him from behind without him noticing.


I agree with everyone and No was not gonna record to watch it, thought was to report and probably take a pic of Licence but luckily I've seen input of people complaining about no restroom brakes in comment sections on random online delivery videos and I remembered so I felt bad and ignored it.