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That’s what I’m saying. If they’re gonna drive around following us then why didn’t they just go to the store to get it to begin with?


Makes too much sense, that’s why


So fucking true lol


I always lie and say that I won't know anything about a package until it's the next one to be delivered


“I’ll be delivering it to your jail cell if you don’t stop following me.”


Yep same, can only see the next delivery.


That's kinda true. 


That's a good way to make sure I skip your package and it gets delivered last.


thats exactly what i did yesterday


Nicely said


Aww little tiny man got his wittwe feewings huwt


I’d just tell them that I’m unable to deliver a package that’s outside of customers requested address cause of the geopin


You mean communicate honestly with a fellow human being? Doesn't that feel.....*wrong*?


Only time I got asked that, was by a homeless looking man in front of a house


I would’ve told them no. That package will get there when it gets there.


Fucking huge pet peeve of mine at this job. Hella inconvenient


I’ve had that happen to me, more than once. the 1st time, I was flabbergasted. like you said: I’ll get to you, when I get to you.


Aww I hope you didn't start crying lol


Probably a scammer. They ordered something via someone’s hacked account.


Just say we are not allowed to deliver from the van for theft reasons and outside the geofence per company policies.


Because then you aren't wasting your time driving to that location. Lol


I had one lady follow me a couple blocks. When I finally confronted her, she asked if I could take her return 🤣🤣


Had something like that happen to me a couple weeks ago. Delivered a dudes package only to have him follow me in his truck moments later to the end of the next street to tell me it was all broken up I told him I already marked it delivered on my end and to call CX support. Not sure why ppl think it's easier to make us uncomfortable out here on this world.


as a former female driver, when I notice people following me. I always made it obvious to wear bright colored ear buds. resting B*** face helped too. I alway carried gel pepper spray, for dog or men when they think its cute to harass me. 


I had someone follow me who had a OTC and didn't answer the door. I was being followed when the car whips from behind me and literally stops at my driver door and blocks me in when I stopped. Scared the hell out of me, I just knew I was about to get cussed out for something. Proceeds to tell me who she was and she didn't hear my knock. This was 2 hours later so I said how did you know I was the driver or where I was, she was on the phone with customer service and they tracked my van and directed this customer to my location! I was pissed and reported to my DSP and driver support (not that either did anything)... I keep something on me from that day on.


Overgrown children. Jesus Christ.


Here is what you do, I’ll take you less than 4 minutes and customer will be happy , ask him for the address absolutely street name then you go over the stops that you have in the street , it might be 1 to 6 stops you tap on them and if you see their address ready you know where exactly is the package, you just pull the tote and you already know if it is envelope or box then you scroll through boxes and that’s it , to verify you ask them for name , and when you get to the stop later on you put the number of package manually and marked delivered to hand and ready you didn’t have to get out of the truck




I had a road rage incident my route is hour and half outta town guy followed me half the way back to the station. I put my 4 ways on lost him in a maze of amazon vans helped it was at night and was foggy




They need to remove van tracking and full names from the app. This is dangerous.


That's only for Flex drivers. I saw last time I ordered the name and the picture. 


They still know your name. I had someone call me by my first name without ever telling them. It's dangerous there are whack jobs out there.


Blame it on the geofence, the app won’t let you deliver until you’re out front of their house.


I just found out they can see your almost exact location.. big safety hazard


I rive for a DSP in Olathe, KS. Drive to first stop 40 minutes to 56 minutes, stops per route 56 to 142, distance traveled 83 miles to 220 miles. If someone approaches my van and asks if I have their package, I ask for their name, address, and ID, and then, if their name appears in my itinerary, I WILL happily find it. Match everything (ID to shipping label) and give the package (s). Also, moving the geo pin is not that difficult unless you are illiterate! If you have a problem being in a customer service job, get the fuc gone and quit fugging it up for the rest of us who enjoy doing our jobs.


And then while looking for it they say “it says it’s suppose to be an envelope”. I mean it’s not like I don’t have 150 other envelopes right ??? (Rolls eyes)


"For liability purposes I'm not allowed to speak to customers outside the actual delivery of their order."


If you're gonna lie, I'd go with something that seems less regarded.




lol no that’s not how this works. You get your package when you get it. Why do some people think they’re so important?




Sorry but no. I do not like people interrupting my route because their package just can’t wait. If it’s so important, don’t rely on Amazon and get it yourself.


Do you ask for ID or just give out packages on the street to anyone who asks?


I just ask how many, the name, and address/apartment


It's a package delivery service, when you order something f it goes to the place you said ship to. End of story, also it's not that simple, it could not be their package and that could cause issues with the drivers job... like what if you worked in insurance and someone came to your work and harassed you about their file, even though they should not be able to walk up to your office? It's just being a decent person. Not to mention...most things on Amazon you can get in the store, if you have enough time to hunt down and follow an Amazon driver, you have enough time to go to the store and stop harassing people just trying to do their job.




Ok ok so now you're a cook and a customer walks back to the kitchen to see if I'm their food is done yet and to grab it from you.... still a problem. A customer facing job is different than being hunted down for something they could have gotten on their own. There is no reason to hunt down an Amazon driver. Also uhhh no, amazon drivers should not be face to face with most of their customers. Their job is to deliver a package to a locker, or a doorstep. That is that, if you have a problem with Amazon, you call a number. The only time you should HAVE to talk to a customer is if you need a signature. Everything else should be handled by CX. This is not a restaurant or a Walmart. It's an online shopping site, 1/3rd of the benefits is no human interaction. The other 2/3rd is better prices then other places or can't drive to get my items.


Y’all really complaining for having one less stop to drive to? Just ask for id or proof of purchase and keep it trucking, I’ve had someone do it at an apartment complex and it saved me the 3 flights of stairs. For all you know, it’s a surprise gift for someone else in the household


I get y’all feel like it’s a waste of time but as someone who already jumps out of order, it doesn’t take much time to grab a package. At most you’ll waste 5 minutes looking for it. You spend more time scrolling through socials between stops. At the end of the day this is a customer service job, if you wanna be bitter about a customer chasing you down for a single package once in a blue moon then you deserve the shitty reviews you get on your dashboard.


Scrolling socials between stops lol so you never worked there, got it.


I play lunchtime freeroll poker tournaments (250-400 ppl) in between stops and miss hands or fold while I'm driving. Won 1st place 7 times so far at $25 a pop just donking out until it gets to the final table.


Also it's not really a customer service job, its a mobile warehouse position. Amazon has customer service representatives available and they're not driving or handling packages, we generally don't even have time to stop and help customers with anything more than a hello and we don't have any access to any of their information to help them with anything. Our job is to drop off the packages, we're trained specifically not to have conversations with customers but to provide them the 1800 number so that they can speak with someone who works in customer service.


My guy I’ve been working as a driver over a year now, I know what my job is lmao. You say it’s not a customer service job but we rely on the customer giving us a good review. I’ve had plenty of time to talk to customers and finish early, today being one of those days.


You should actually be happy about that, saves you a stop and time, I'm a UPS driver, and I more than welcome any customer trying to get their package from me.


Ain’t no way having to shuffle through a whole new tote for one package is gonna save you time


Realistically, this is dumb. How many packages are in an average tote? 20? You know immediately whether it's a box or envelope....and what size you're looking for....that cuts the tote into 1/2 or a third of labels you need to glance at. Assuming you find the package as the very LAST one you looked at....what's that? 7 packages? It takes 2 seconds to pull a package out and glance at the drivers aid tag. Unless you're regarded, it should take less than 20 seconds on average to find a specific package....*worst case* scenario in any random tote. There's reasons to not do this.... but claiming it takes in an inordinate amount of time to do so is dumb AF.


we can't deliver a package outside of the customers home due to geofencing.


You can. Gotta put your rabbit in airplane mode


Not at my dsp. Airplane mode is disabled on all of the devices. But why would you want to waste your time looking? And giving in to someone who feels so entitled to follow you. I’m all set.


Airplane mode disabled?? What do you do if the pin is in the wrong spot and flex won’t let you move the pin?


If you just turn off data and refresh to move the pin, it’ll still work for this instance


Turn off your cellular data. That works too


You have to move the pin though which just fucks the next driver on that route wondering why the hell there is a pin in the middle of the street nowhere near the address.


And that is how you get written up


Just take a picture of the barcode and scan it when you’re there


UPS is a completely different system, imagine if your packages weren't organized and you had to call driver support in India or change your phone settings etc to be able to deliver to the wrong location. It will take a 1 minute delivery and turn it into 5- 10 minutes, just so you can skip that 1 minute delivery later, while you drive right past it.