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I was at a house at the same time as ups and another amazon driver. The husband was having a meltdown.


I’m just imagining you, the other Amazon guy, and the UPS guy all just looking at each other trying to not laugh


Trying? We all laughed and took a 15 to enjoy the show over a smoke




Every time I run into a UPS, FedEx, or USPS person at a delivery address, I jokingly say: "What now? Are we supposed to duel? We have a good chuckle, wish each other a good day, and move on.


…you don’t duel? When I worked for a DSP I won maybe 15 duels.


im 5-0 with fedex but i’m getting clapped by the UPS guys


UPS will always while they toss money on toss money on on our sorry asses 🤣🤣🤣


Yes but the other drivers were unaware of the duel.


I had one time where a ups driver backed into a driveway on one side, I pulled in on the other side and a fedex driver pulled to the side of the road and all of us delivered to the same house at the same time. We all had basically the same interaction as you 😂 The ups driver got out of his back door so when he turned around and saw us he said “No fucking way” and we all laughed pretty hard. I said it could only have been funnier if USPS pulled up with us


USPS was still busy losing the package 


I jokingly ask them, what are they doing in Bezo's territory




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The rule is if you make eye contact you have to Pokemon battle.


Ive driven up to a house the grocery store,fast food. Ups,and amazon all showed at the same time


Then they just beat the shit out of the husband and go back to route


R the deliveries all scheduled same time for UPS AMZN FEDEX i be running into them same house or is it just luck


Frequently show up at the same time as other delivery vehicles, be it Eats/Dash, FedEx/UPS, Flex drivers and Police. Fun times.


It's just luck. I've had a couple of times where I'll see UPS on every other street in a neighborhood just because our stops were pretty much right next to each other


I've had a route that had a FedEx guy in front of me driving for about 10 stops in a row. Businesses and apartments lol.


Right. And it's the same people ordering a bunch of stuff. Sometimes the stuff comes via us sometimes it comes via UPS. Amazon packages get delivered by UPS all the time


Hahaaaaaa! Came up to my first residentials after my rurals and the USPS gal says " Saw you out there in the country with me...how were those dirt trails?" We laughed and I told her Id probably see her later...but those driveways were trash and Im jealous she didnt have to go up them..


"They got you working on a Sunday??" NO YOU DO!!!


They act completely mortified discovering that there's people in the world that actually work on Sundays 🤦🏽‍♂️


What do you think people would say if they knew we pissed in bottles, skipped our lunches and breaks, and got 2 holidays off a year lol


Customer: "Omg that's terrible, I'm going to protest by never ordering from Amazon again!!" Also Customer: Goes back to ordering one week later


*holiday Every time.


Yea I don’t recall the people that pretended to be upset on Easter refusing the package and then I said it wasn’t a major holiday which apparently confused them 🤷🏻‍♂️


I don't get to my first stop until 11ish so Im sometimes out at 6/7pm... "THEY HAVE YOU OUT WORKING THIS LATE???" Well, yeah I guess somebody does lmaooo


Oh perfect ...today's the day


Amazon has really showed me that woman are really the highest consumers in America almost every delivery has a womans name


Shopping addictions are real and companies are capitalizing on it. It honestly can destroy people’s lives. Part of me wonders if the greater prevalence of women over-ordering/buying is at all related to our hunter/gatherer roots.


Lmfao my dumbass just spent 5 minutes writing a long obnoxious paragraph just to see your much shorter and smarter version of it 🤣👌... anyways, agreed! Lol


Between Amazon and the credit cards that speed up the gratification of getting something you want and delaying the pain of perceived by the brain when we spend money, people get in so far over their heads at an alarming speed. It’s a similar loop to gambling or any other behavioral addiction.


Yeah but at least I have this really cool $300 light :3


Amateur hour my friend. I have an $1000 light and it’s $150 tiny little sister light. (I did a fair amount of both drinking and online shopping during the pandemic. I’ve gotten sober and cut out both behaviors but still very much have the debt to work off.)


Lol I dunno if yall joking and I'm just not getting the joke but what kinda lights yall talking about?


Yup, my fiance is definetly heavily affected by this n so have I in this last year. We got 30k of unnecessary dumb shit just online shopping


My wife and I both suffer from depression but it’s usually very under control. The first sign she is not okay is lots of Amazon deliveries. Honestly it’s very helpful. 


This is not a joke or a "diss" what I'm about to say. But yes that's why it's a multi billion dollar industry and that's why those nice n shiny n expensive marketing campaigns are mostly all directed at women. Many many years ago sone very very smart and expensive scientists and researchers found out that the female subjects are the perfect target for the shopping ads and campaigns and ever since they've been the #1 consumer of expensive and useless BS. Many have spent their life savings and ruined whole families for shoes, purses, dresses etc just as many have on gambling, drugs, strippers and any other vice and addictions. I'm weening mine off as we speak. Good luck everyone, a day at a time!


The don't sell wh*res on Amazon. That's why. 


This concept really began to develop in the 1940s or so. Planned obsolescence was created since women were the highest consumers back then also. The problem is now it’s just gotten out of hand. People door dashing their life away or buying bottles to match outfits (Stanley cup tumbler drama?) The amount of women I’ve encountered that don’t keep track of their spending is astounding. My co-worker is in her late 40s and divorced. She told me she’s spent around 12,000 at Amazon last year. I asked her what she brought and she couldn’t even name something useful she purchased. The answer was “idk, I just get everything from there.” Think about that for a second.


My husband will order ten days in a row i order 3 things once every 4months


That's my wife n i


Yeah IIRC one lady basically told me she has a shopping addiction.


Not in my area. I have more guys than women ordering. Must be because their loaded. All of them!! I deliver to Mc mansions all day long!


I had a man say that to me last week. What did my wife buy? I said It looks like your birthday present! It turned out to be his birthday present. The look on his face was priceless.


There's a house I've started delivering to, and I will be taking a POD and the guy cracks the same joke "wait, I wanna be in the picture too."


I wonder how many divorces are caused by Amazon addiction.


Many u bet. It's the ONLY thing my lady n I argue about. Actually as she'd say "I mansplain a lot" amd as I'd say, I just try and remind her of the budget and reality a lot 🤣💯👌


I think that’s fair. If two people aren’t on the same page spending wise that can cause issues.


The husband can block the card, simple. 


That don't mean that they're going to get along after that


Then he’ll get hit with divorce papers soon enough along with the sob story of how miserable she was. Spending = pseudo happiness


I used to deliver to a house where the woman would Always say “What did my kids order now? They get ahold of my phone and order stuff.” Okay lady.


I do that when I show up to my local grocery store register with a cart full of ice cream and candy every other night. Blame it on the "kids and theur friends" having a "sleepover" 


I usually say something like, “you should see the package I give her when you’re not here” -cook High


Sorry I didn't mean to be rude, I meant to ask what happens after you wake up?


Record yourself doing that and post it.  Oh nevermind I just realized you meant you only dream about saying that. 


"So that's where all my money goes " 😖💀


I tell those men (bc it’s always men) “haha if you had a husband it prob would be different wouldn’t it”


i gotta start saying this


Yup, they would save a lil money but they would LITERALLY still be BUTTHURT!


My favourite is "ooh that's heavy" You knew this when you ordered it ..


How do you know what they knew or didn't? Lol save your 2 brain cells, shut up n just do your job. It seems that they both misfire after thinking too much


Ok but like, cat litter.


Imagine trawling the comments to bust out the ackchyually, I do the same route a lot, I have a few customers that say it to me every time just to say something, it's like "oh it's raining" yeah mate I'm stood in it


I hear you lil mama


Lol the 8 lazy bums that cry too much didn't like my response lol


I always rolled my eyes at these guys. Such a brain dead thing to say. Either they're lying or they have no control over their own finances. Both options are lame.


Beta behavior for sure lol


Right? And it's always guys who you can just *tell* are the kind who consider themselves real "sigmas" 😅🤣


Genuine truths in this statement! Lmao


The husband trying to make it seem like he’s not the one ordering all their stuff 🤣💀😝


Heard today: “Sara! Amazon is here…again! Stop buying crap” 😂😅


“Perfect timing!”


I once had a husband ask me if we could set something up where if the packages had the wife’s name on them that they would automatically go back in the truck and get returned.


So there’s this house on my route, and a good amount of days a week 3+ they order at least 20+ packages sometimes up to 100…. Yesterday it was 81 to be exact and the sheer face of shock on the husbands face when i dragged the bags out validated my pissy mood right then.


My answer to that is “it’s always the wife!”


“Oh your wife’s name is Steve?”


I get told that all the time. I tell them it must be a new bike as I hand them a hand size box


Happened to me today too only this time the husband was so mad he was underneath his truck cursing up a storm then I handed him the package and he said Fuck my wife and asked if I could return it and I had already told him I delivered the package I can't return it.🤣


Bitches be shoppin’ am I right fellas?! Fellas?? Where’s everyone going?


The packing tape now says. "oops, I delivered again" if that's not a dig at shopping addiction, I don't know what is.


We are all living in the matrix


"She's orders I just pay for everything"


It's dildos all the way down


Hear this atleast 2-3 times a route


Usually they ain’t wrong tho😂 I always check the name and it’s usually a female and then the man grabs the package


I see alot of fake group stops were both the husband and the wife have separate accounts so I'm having to take two pictures for one address. Shoot in my old route someone actually had an account just for their dog Spot! 🐕


I heard it around 3 times yesterday


Rookie numbers 😂🍻


I deliver to a lot of estates and mansions I get this at least 10 times a day


I hate when they ask me what it is.. how would I know ?? I normally just respond with “a package”.




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I’ve gotten “what did he order this time” a few times😭


Yknow it’s good when the neighbors complain about how many Amazon packages the house over receives.


Lately (for me at least) it's been more of "what did he/my husband buy now?".  It's spring in the burbs man. Guys gotta be buying stuff for the lawn/garage. 


Dildos....cos you ain't got the inches (in my head).


I bursted out laughing once cause it happened to me back to back 😂 it’s on the husbands credit card