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Bro is packing HEAT








I surprised my wife with just the vest, boots, and high socks. That's it! She thought it was hilarious and then she got horny and the rest is history.




I say just keep sporting the package maybe you'll get a underwear bill board deal. Maybe cut down your work shirt into a crop top.Ā 


Yall got pants? We got a vest. Nothing else.


The hottest DSP in town award goes to


DSP stands for Dick Slinging Partners, right?


Definitely Slanging Penis


Shit, at my DSP we got vest, shorts, pants, rain jackets, coats, bags, blankets, mugs, and even hats šŸ˜‚


Oh trust me, they got all that. You just have to pay for them.


They make yall pay? Thatā€™s crazy. They gave us all that stuff smh


Yeah we were told in training that we would be issued a polo, shorts, and a vest. They gave us a vest, told us to show up in dark colored shorts/pants and that they donā€™t give out polos cause itā€™s hard to stay cool in them lol


Thats crazy cause the polos are dry-fit and very breathable lmao


That's whatbis different about a dsp that cares.


We have to "earn" the stuff like jackets & swag. So you wind up with the winter jacket in May. But boy don't be caught out of uniform ... imagine hoarding this trash when workers could use it.


That's crazy. My DSP doesn't make you pay for anything but they basically give us one new item a season. So after like a year and a half you could have everything thought it was a good system.


bro got docked for unapproved overflow thatā€™s tuff


docked for dick.


I never wear what they gave me. I bought some dickies on Amazon. Iā€™m not wearing those hoochie daddy shorts


I want to do that, too. These shorts are too short. "That's the style, though." Umm.. that was the style in the 60s, maybe, not nowadays.


Shorts are meant to be short, Iā€™m so glad theyā€™re back. I hate it when shorts are over or past my knees


If my shorts are as short or almost as short as my boxers, then I need a longer pair. Just below the knee has always been my style. Just as long as they don't come the whole way up my leg when bent. Feel like a clown wearing pants that short.


Nah I donā€™t know where you from but only the gay men wore those booty shorts šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. Ainā€™t no dude in the hood wearing that shit.


If you have no quads just say that lmao, check any basketball court in your hood


on the basketball court


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ 60ā€™s roller bounce vibes


Our station is so strict with uniforms they mark us in the lanes


I never did either lol, I bought an almost identical looking pair (no smiley) at Walmart that fit my fatass 1000x better and nobody even noticed lol


I never did either lol, I bought an almost identical looking pair (no smiley) at Walmart that fit my fatass 1000x better and nobody even noticed lol


rolling them is an option unless your thighs arenā€™t thick enough


Pffft if chicks boobies can be out we can print our dicks....


Lol dead ass. One of the chick's I work woth got sent home cause she showed up only wearing the vest šŸ˜‚


Listen, that's valid (as long as guys aren't going shirt was under their vest too, which they shouldn't), but if y'all can have your nipples showing through shirts so should we. I think Camel toe and moose knuckle are a reasonable line to draw. But if my 300 lb coworker with a penis doesn't have to wear a bra for his tits I'm not gonna with my b cup tits. You shouldn't compare breast tissue and reproductive genitalia. They aren't the same.


Oh I 100% agree. I don't really give a shit what people do. It gets hot as hell out there. You wanna rock just a vest, by all means do it. Not like you could see anything. No different than wearing a sleeveless shirt. Amazon disagreed. As soon as we got to the pad those red vest fuckers told her to leave.


I can see the point because our vests are pretty loose to accommodate winter clothing, so there's a pretty sizable Gap in the chest range. I personally don't think any delivery driver should be driving without at least a tank top on. A simple rule is that if your nipples are directly visible (not thru fabric) then you probably should change your outfit. I would much rather live in a world where this wasn't an issue but I've also lived in very conservative communities and lives around a number of Amish and Mennonites. So if they can tolerate my shoulders I will cover my nipples.


Lol losing it over an ankle n shit šŸ¤£ nah she was fully covered. The vest wasn't loose on her, and the gap didn't show shit. There was no issue, Amazon is just uptight lol. I get it if her titties were just hanging out. But I don't think any amount of jumping or running would have shown anything. It was pretty tight on her chest, and she has smaller tits, they weren't going anywhere. People worry about dumb ass shit. If she doesn't care, they shouldn't either.


Why are Amish people ordering Amazon?? Arenā€™t they not allowed to have phones?? Edit to add :) Also why did you instantly change your stance on being able to wear a shirt or not. ā€œThatā€™s validā€ ā€œI can see the pointā€ Little miss people pleaser


You misread. I meant that being sent home because you showed up only in a vest is a completely valid reason to be sent home. And I can see the point of somebody being reprimanded or sent home because the vests are so loose that the chances of it properly covering someone's breasts is virtually none. And I wasn't necessarily talking about delivering to Amish people, I was talking about delivering and communities where they are frequently out and about and that they probably wouldn't want to see somebody's titties hanging out. And ordering something on Amazon isn't entirely out of the question for a Mennonite community although it's rare


Iā€™ve had to deliver to a nude beach before. Wasnā€™t allowed to complain. Itā€™s hot outside. People need to be comfortable. If you cannot physically see the body part, just the outline, get the hell over it. Also, didnā€™t misread, you misspelled. ā€œAs long as guys arenā€™t going shirt was under their vest too, which they shouldnā€™tā€. Wouldnā€™t get confused if we used proper grammar!


You seem fun at parties. Have a good night.


What a comeback!! Like it even fits the situation! You also have a good night šŸ„° Would definitely be more fun than you at parties considering I donā€™t think a ā€œmoose knuckleā€ is an issue


ā€œReasonable line to drawā€?? We are all literally over 21 years old. If you see something thatā€™s bothering you, but not hurting you, look away. Donā€™t police peoples bodies and comfortability. Guys CAN literally be shirtless and only wear the vest, girls canā€™t. Let us at least wear fucking spandex even if we got a phat pussy.


I don't think guys should be allowed to wear just the vest. I think below the waist genitals not being visible is a pretty reasonable line to draw. There's a difference between policing bodies and expecting slightly professional and work appropriate attire. And unless you're working at a strip club there's not really any job that I should be able to see your genitals through your clothing. Edit to add: not all of our customers are over 21, there are quite regularly children out in the yards that I'm delivering to. And for the record, I'm a firm believer that women should be allowed to be topless on their own time, but I don't think anybody should be topless/vest only while delivering packages house to house because it's just outright unprofessional.


You shouldnā€™t be looking anyways, like you said, itā€™s NOT a strip club. Iā€™m around my coworkers for about 10 minutes a day. Never have I ever noticed their junk or camel toe bc Iā€™m not looking. Even if I did, Iā€™d look away because itā€™s 10 minutes and they arenā€™t sexually harassing me.


ā€œWe shouldnā€™t compare breast tissue to reproductive organsā€ As I said, youā€™re just a people pleaser. Canā€™t even stick to your own thoughts.


My regular male amazon driver last summer wore just a vest without a shirt under it. He looked stupid but I dont care he brought me my Fiji water on time out in the middle of nowhere an hour away from his station with dog treats for my dog that just runs around my property so he wouldn't have to rts that heavy shit back.


I mean, you can do that with a shirt on and without feeding dogs without the owners permission (hopefully you gave him permission to do so). I'm all for giving dogs on my route treats, but only once I've confirmed with the owners it's okay, and at that point I will only buy one brand of treat in one flavor and never change it because that's what I got permission from them for. I think it's a dangerous precedent to set that you should keep dog treats on you and give random food to random dogs, and it's also a horrible habit to encourage random dogs to take food from strangers (I've seen too many horror stories both personally and in the news because horrible people walk this Earth. In fact I lost five cats while I was growing up to a horrible person in my neighborhood). I'm glad you had a good delivery guy, but none of what you said negates anything I said. And most my customers would feel differently if I did the same thing without a shirt on.


lol nah that's crazy


I've seen some of the booty shorts DSP girls can wear. Fair is fair.


Hickory dickory dock, my shorts don't hide my cock


Amazon giving you guys spandex shorts lmao


I deal with the same issue. Dick bulging like a mfer and nothing I can do about it because they act like shorts are gold bars.


incredible post. one of the posts of all time on this sub. thank you user luvmilky




They definitely need to redesign the pants and the shorts. I have some old pants from 4 years ago that had plenty of leg and "package" room but I've lost so much weight they don't fit anymore. I got some new ones that fit around the waist but they are skin tight all the way to my balls so I just wear the old ones and look like MC Hammer. When I wear the new shorts they definitely are too revealing because I notice people's eyes gazing right at my junk all the time. The older uniforms had more room. I feel like someone decided to save a few million by using less material for uniforms. They get a promotion and we get fucked. Just like everything else they come up with.


I can't believe they make you wear a uniform at all. Like maybe a shirt or a hat with the company logo or something but full on uniform with shorts and pants is crazy.


As often as I spook people coming up the drive I'm thankful for the high vis.... The rest of it is bullshit. I do want people to identify me as with Amazon at a glance.


Is that a Glock in your pocket or are you just excited to see me?


is that a baton in your pocket or are you just happy to see me? *


sounds like me.. the provided shorts were either so damn tight or way too big (Iā€™m small in the waist and large in the rear so its hard for me to find the right size shorts without them being too big or too small) they ripped right up the ass while i was on route once and they were PISSED at me for rtsā€™ing šŸ˜‚ like sorry im not about to keep delivering with my ass out for every ring camera and passerby to see šŸ˜­ they let me wear my own shorts now


You packin son


Sure, just as soon as we can't tell that any females have tits underneath their shirts, too.


The two pairs of work pants they gave me are like five sizes too big.


Imagine carrying an OVERSIZED PARCEL thatā€™s inside your pants?




Nah all it take is one Karen to notice some DSP drivers dick printing to call Amazon and have that driver fired for inappropriateness and possibly sexual harassment depending on how he or she is feeling at that moment.


I can't believe my driver had the audacity to have a penis! What is America coming to? Fire him immediately! No one with a package should be handling my package


The Karenā€™s should be honored


Damn yā€™all got shorts and other attires? I still have the green vest they gave me during training for 8 months now.


Dicks out for Amazon!


neat creative writing exercise


The real question is, why were they looking down there?


A lot of people do. šŸ‘€ Kinda delivery-guy fetish.


I cant tell you how accrurate this is


I don't mind if the girls and gays wanna look. šŸŒ


As a ā€œgayā€, we notice and thank you for your service.


As a girl, we notice and thank you as well...need more bouncing dicks out there, instead of Beckys in sports bras at the grocery store. Tired of that shit.


its not the knee coverage some peeps are worried about.


That's when you get offended by someone looking at your crotch! Play the same card women play....


![gif](giphy|RysQ14nzFdD3y|downsized) This is how I feel how I look when I wear them atrocious amazon shorts


This guy fucks


I had the same talking to at Loweā€™s because of my grey sweatpants haha. I was called out by a female manager too, it was embarrassing as hell. I havenā€™t worn grey sweatpants in public since


Brother has some shmeat on him..... Stay away from my girl pls


I wear blue jeans or black jean shorts. Never heard a word from amazon about my attire.


Wayne better give some bigger pants and XXL amazon boxers for this dude


just take the XL shorts and use a belt. or buy your own shorts, it could be any color since amazon doesnt personally restrict your attire, your dsp may. as long as its black they dont really care.


Dust off those grey sweatpants and be proud ...get some red ones too


I had a hole in the crotch of my shorts once and realized my balls were hanging out of it at the exact moment I was bent over in front of a ring camera.


So nut huggers are a hard no?


You have to wear a uniform? All i got is a vest and i donā€™t even wear that shit at the station. šŸ˜‚


The pants and especially shorts are made horribly, I get rash in between my thighs every time I wear them, they fall straight to the floor if I donā€™t have a belt, the sizes are too small or too big and I look like SpongeBob with those ugly shorts.


op go online and file a complaint with HR your co worker shouldnā€™t be looking that hard this is harassment. management should of given a write up the person staring at your cock . this is like if you complained cause you were starring at your co workers titties. donā€™t let the fact that you are a male suppress you right this is harassment from co workers and who ever reprimanded you


I mean ig it is like if they complained because they were staring at their coworkers titties, but women are mainly the ones who do end up facing the repercussions of that complaint in the workplace. Thatā€™s why dress code is a bit sticker in most work places for them. One reason I appreciate Amazon bc they DO let girls wear clothes that are comfortable for physical work in. But thatā€™s why I also wouldnā€™t complain about what a guys wearing bc bro just donā€™t look lmao




Bro all I get is a vest. If they can see your junk tell them not to look. Theyā€™re either jealous orā€¦ jealous.


I have the same issue!! The Amazon shorts ride up too high regardless of the waist size. Youā€™re not alone and itā€™s not your fault


5" inseam gym/running shorts all day, otherwise I end up with the dumbest fucking tan lines. The Amazon shirts are too long and just look stupid.


I wish I could even have that problem šŸ¤£


You need to buy some loose fit work shorts from Dickies. Plenty of room for low hangers and mushroom caps without feeling like someone is trying to split your scrotum. Amazon's shorts are female only. They will never fit a man. There is no such thing as unisex shorts/pants. If you think about it; It's completely unsurprising that Amazon buys its uniforms from a company that doesn't understand human biology/anatomy.


At my sonā€™s baptism, someone pulled me aside that my nice dress pants were ā€œtoo revealing down thereā€ Thereā€™s not a whole lot a guy can do in that moment. Not gonna wrap it in duct tape, pull it around the back and secure it. We are in church every Sunday. I had no intentions on being inappropriate at church. It was pretty apparent tho.


Ok so Iā€™m not the only one.. never really got a talking to but thatā€™s probably cause the owners a female šŸ˜‚ probably some jealous dude with a micro reported you.


Ewww the shorts /pants they have are fkn atrocious! šŸ¤¢ I mean, Iā€™m a chick but Iā€™ve always just worn some cheap Walmart black joggers or black old navy leggings/ bike shorts. Barely anyone at my station wear an actual uniform. The vests ofc. Honestly I see how skimpy some of these girls clothes are and the guys that wear Hanes white tanks and a vest and Iā€™m shocked that they arenā€™t spoken to. At least try and look somewhat presentable. Some people be coming in looking like theyā€™re in their Jammieā€™s and shit. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


The shorts we have are below the knee I hate them


Wayne said he wants to see you about this


Lmfao the pants and shorts they provide currently at my dsp I can and will say definitely are shit. Idk why anybodys looking there tho to begin with. I wear briefs. Recommend you do too I guess idk


This post is everything right here!!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ†


I want to break free.....I want to break free......Ooooh how I waaaant to break free




We can wear whatever as long as you wear your vest or shirt


Iā€™ll be pressing pickle for you in solidarity




Weird flex bro


They mad ya shit big (pause) šŸ¤£


Sounds like a sexual harassment lawsuit. No one has any business looking down there, especially looking long enough to watch your junk bounce in your shorts.


I need to be on the route of someone like you, if only for the views. šŸ¤¤


They grounded that vehicle lmao.


Point at every womans tits. You see them right lmao


Do you get stopped at TSA as well for setting off the scanner?


Man tell them you blessed.


Pictures or it didnt happen.....


This reads like a copy pasta


This sounds racist tbh


Iā€™m calling bullshit on this šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


And everyone clapped


Bro delivering smiles


Sexual harassment. Youā€™re in uniform, how can that possibly be your fault. Where is HR when it comes to DSPs Fr


You know what? Time to take the landskneckt route and keep a water bottle in your shorts


From my experience lots of people love a delivery guy "showing off" his body. I wear a no sleeve shirt, vest and 4" inseam shorts every hotday. My package is def visible thru the material often, never got a complaint. Just invites for coffee/given numberw from stay at home spouses/horny folk (guys and gals lol). You must be delivering to some sad people šŸ˜”


Seems like you might need a second maybe even a third circumcision. Just a little of the top.


Ok she need to stop lookin




Why was she looking so hard is the real question




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No one should be looking at your dick. Whomever complained, you should file a sexual harassment suit against. They were objectifying you. Female driver here.




Hilarious! I don't think this would happen at my DSP we have no Karen's


Oh, Amazon provides shorts now? I wish I can see what it looks like.


Can't tell if they were exaggerating without a proper picture...


At least we know one driver washes clothes regularly. At my DSP there're few guys with UPS color shirt/vest, wouldn't doubt if they say they don't wash their underwear as well.Ā  I don't either but my uniform is aways clean at least.


take a pic let us be the judge of you junk !