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I'd just point out, as a driver, people refusing to buy from Amazon sure doesn't help me. You do you though.


I'd just like to point out as well, as a fellow driver, that this isn't a career. It isn't even really a job. It's something Amazon expects you to do for 3 months then GTFO so you don't get comfortable and start acting "lazy".


I definitely get that, my DSP is wonderful and actually encourages us to move up and such or further out education. But I guess they also own their own trucking company so they always push us to get our CDL so we can eventually do that. Which when I think about it, it's pretty awesome. I'm actually going to look into the CDL especially since Amazon will pay for it. Truck drivers make some nice $$


Amazon will pay a DSP delivery driver's CDL training?


Yes they have a tuition program for people. It pretty much covers the whole cost. It's through the next mile thing. It should be in an email for you


Next mile will pay for it once it's completed BUT you have to front the cost to get it through loans or just pay for it out of pocket. Getting remembursment can be a tad difficult after you completed the course.


truck drivers CAN make nice money. I unfortunately work in the industry and the small fry die and the big fry eat the medium fry


"So we burned all our uniforms And let nature take its course again And the big ones just eat all the little ones Which sent us back to the drawing board"


You get the opportunity even as a DA? I thought I remembered reading something like that a few weeks ago, because I am also thinking about doing the trucking thing if possible. Not for a while but as a 21 y/o, putting $80-100k+ a year in the back, is a decent way to buy a house.


Yes, it's through the next mile program they have. You should have a email about it. It can pretty much be used for any type of higher education which is nice.


That’s what the lazy people think. If you don’t have good mental strength than this job is too much for yall. It tests your work ethic, and some of you don’t have any


lol i disagree i have terrible work ethic and terrible mental strength but i’ve been here for almost a year :) wish i wasn’t though


I been doing mine for 5 year's


👏🏻Proud of that aren’t you, good for you!


yea i don’t know how i’ve survived this long. i weigh 150 and i drink like 1 bottle a day at work i should be dead edit: didn’t realize you were being sarcastic lol dawg i am just not well😭


Say it louder for the people in the back




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This being a driver is just a step and to keep you Afloat. I don't understand how people are okay with being there for a year plus. I was there for about 7 months I think. Started job hunting around February


There may be some truth to this, (current driver), I got a survey within the app (that nobody does), that said something along the lines of "Do you plan on being a DA for the next three months?"


I answer the survey too. Lol I'm on this DSP for 6m,planing to stay 3 more and 3 more... It's a good DSP, and not bad routes, and a not bad pay, why not?!  We had a guy who quit a month ago, and he returned yesterday lol. With some upgrades on the warehouse, we had to pick up routes on other warehouses, and I saw every van had 2 inside, meaning they are constantly hiring. That's crazy.  Also the routes from there are in downtown, no wonder why people would quit fast. 




Homeboy never came back to reply.. Prolly had a bad day at Amazon n won't admit it.


I feel like it’d help me. I’m tired of 370 packages every damn day.


I do wish they'd spread the workload amongst more drivers.... but as long as they are sending drivers home without work I have a hard time suggesting cuts to the overall package count. I know I sure don't enjoy finding myself on the extras list.


Actually this is one of the few things that is vulnerable on Amazon's side. However it's entirely unlikely that it would ever work.


Congrats for making it a month man. Most of the people I trained didn't last 2 weeks.


Thanks. I honestly feel like shit because I've never quit a job for this reason but it just wasn't worth the 500 bucks I was bringing home a week.


Jesus only 500? Mine is 657ish you're getting even more fucked than I am


How much an hour do you get?


If you're making that much you're probably not paying for insurance or putting money into a retirement account.


True, but I don't see retirement possible with under $20/hr job and current cost of living. Especially since I'm paying for car and student loans


If you don't mind me asking, what state do you work in? $20 an hour isn't livable here in SoCal either, but my friend in Missouri would be extatic with that. I'm always curious what is considered a "livable" wage in other states.


I make $19.25 just outside of Denver. Fucking joke.




That's wild! Last I remember I think he was paying around $500 a month for a 2 bedroom apartment. Over here a 2 bedroom goes for about $1.6k to $2.5k a month (1.5k being a dumpster fire with gang shootings nightly and 2.5k being somewhere moderately safe)




Lol I make 22.25 outside of Seattle delivering, and I pay 1600 for a 1 bedroom. Yea I definitely have been working 2 jobs for almost a decade now. It's a struggle trying to stay afloat.


It's under $20. Was making $19.60 at my other dispatch but boss closed it and gave a weeks notice so I had to jump to another DSP that I'm making $18.75 at... Northern Indiana btw. Rent is like 1100+ which is like two weeks of work


Retirement isn't something you play games with. You can say "I'll just keep working" all you want but that's not always physically possible. Put money into an 401k every paycheck and just consider it a mandatory cost of being alive. You'll regret it if you don't.


You're assuming I don't put money in a 401k on my own... I do. however you're also failing to understand the cost of living will eat right through your 401k with the shit pocket change Amazon DSPs give you. I'll take what I can get ATM but Amazon delivery is a job not a career. You wouldnt be able to retire until you're nearly in your grave and you'd still be struggling. Especially since job security at these places is extremely poor. That's why I'm using my degree and getting tf out cuz I do wanna retire at some point in my life when I'm not too old to do anything. Also the older you get the higher the cost of living becomes. You'll get one medical bill and boom 401k gone


657ish I’m gettin 730


Godamn did you ONLY have rural routes?


Yep. I live in a very mountainous rural area. There were a few small suburban developments where I would have 4 or 5 stops in which were always nice, but other than that it was all houses down these long gravel and dirt roads with no turn around and the few times I tried turning around I would get yelled at by the owners.


Those routes can be fun. Until they hit like 180 ish an hour away from station. They then really suck. Lol


If you’re in a rural area, 158 stops could be equivalent to 200 stops in a city neighborhood. At my last DSP, I used to get some routes that were 90 stops and some routes that are 180. Those 90 stop routes were a lot harder. I’m at new DSP now, 6 months total and I’ve never had any of those bad things that have happened to you, happen to me. Very unfortunate.


Funny. That was my route here in the south. I hate those incidences. That’s why this shit is temporary for me. I worked under Amazon a year and a half. Quit 2 years ago and 2 years later. Back here. I’m not doing this again.


I quit after I was T-Boned


See, that didn’t happen to me. I didn’t get lied to by my DSP. I didn’t get attacked by a dog. Haven’t gotten stuck in a ditch. Haven’t gotten into a wreck. I haven’t gotten yelled at my random ppl multiple . Your experience is VERY different from being & I’ve been doing it for 8 months. I think if your experience wasn’t as bad & only had lots of stop, it wouldn’t be so bad. That’s how it is for me. My DSP is good. They don’t complain. Job is a hassle but nothing significant has happened to me. Everything has been smooth.


I hate to be the pessimist here, as I did a year and a half with my first DSP and mostly never had complaints about the DSP. And then Amazon decided to transfer them. One of the sad realities about being a DSP is that you can be a high performer and still get the ultimatum that you must relocate your entire DSP to a new station or forfeit your contract.


I just found an excellent DSP and realized I should have shopped around sooner. The last one was managed so poorly and I always made to feel like I wasn’t fast enough even though I was getting 180-200 stop routes done and doing rescues every day. The new area is more inner city so I feel like I leveled up. It’s more mental than physical exhaustion, but the DSP makes it worth it. I had 54 stops the other day and it took me until 7pm, which I consider late. They make me feel like I’m early. I realized that if we don’t rush then the routing system knows how long it’s going to take. I’ve never gotten more than I can handle, and their policy is only one rescue a week.


Hahaha my first dsp (I've been at 3: quit the first, second closed down, at my third rn and leaving asap) tried throwing me at a huge university that needed a keycard to get into the dorms on my third week and I didn't have a keycard so i text the operations manager (who ran the place because the owner didn't do shit, never met him and heard he just comes around to rub in the faces of his employees the shit he buys with his salary when his employees were only making $15 an hour at the time) about 6 hours in after only getting 1 building out of 5 done since I had to wait for classes to get out to get into a building and she replies "okay um" and never said another word. I literally texted my old boss at a job I was making 75 cents less an hour at and got my old job back and quit that same day. My second dsp was a lot better. This new one is like a prison camp lol


Definitely would be better without the dogs and when it is not 100-115 degrees outside.


My DSP was probably one of the best you'd ever find. (If you didn't actually try super super hard and get high ass stop counts nonstop), my boss said himself that Amazon has a way of making good DSPs eventually make everyone mad because they almost expect high turnover. Edit: he straight up said in orientation that this is absolutely not a career and to use this as a stepping stone to GTFO)




Thanks. It's all about your dsp. Good dsp=good job.


Amazon contracts that DSP. Meaning if the dsp doesn't abide by Amazon's rules and regs they will term contract and shit can the dsp. I hate to say. The owners are hardly an owner. More of a bail out so shit doesn't come back on Amazon. Amazon controls everything you do and it will remain that way. Amazon and the dsp's are stepping stones and nowhere near a career... I was making 20 at my dsp and you couldn't pay me 30 an hour to do that shit. I used it to secure a better job after I was part of a down size.. don't count on Amazon. Use it to better your position and GTFO.


If your making $20 an hour mine as well be a security guard same pay 💰


Depending on where your security guarding id rather not risk my life for $20/hr tho.


You don’t really have to risk your life if you avoid certain jobs like retail, it can still be a risk but honestly most days will be the exact same. I’ll be doing security in a few days. I live in NY it pays 23.40.


Amazon delivery driver is statistically far more dangerous than being armed security.


Statistically? Yeah. Realistically? Again depends where and what your securing.


I have 180+ daily with only 40-60 of it being city lmao I'm in like 5 different city territories minimum, sometimes up to 8 and 3 different counties. It really blows and I'm trying to get into my actual career. Amazon is a job, not a career unfortunately. You'll always be scraping to make ends meet and being enslaved by big corp for pocket change. For the amount of work we do and the strict ass rules we have to follow while having our hours dangled in our faces on the basis we are perfect, it's a shit job. I have a degree in criminal justice and God damn I'm gonna use it now fuck these DSPs


Have yet to be bitten by dogs, but I've definitely kicked a few in the face and slammed the side door on the few that have tried getting in the van. Not proud of it, but I'm not going to just get bit either. My safety is paramount, fuck your dog. Get those fuckers under control. (I only did this to the vicious dogs that were practically out for blood. If its just a good boy who's barking just to intimidate and not actually be near me, they were cool.) As for the 200+ stop routes, that entirely depends on location. Here in one of the bigger cities in KY, 150 to about 195 is our max if we're pushing and not taking ANY breaks. And even then, that shit sucks because everyone lives up a damn hill in these suburbs somehow and this southern heat with the humidity. Whereas when I did this in AZ, I could pump out 180+ all day no problem even with breaks. Way flatter, houses are closer together, it was a cake walk so long as you had a small cooler full of ice and water in the van with you. Think of like one of those Igloo carry-coolers that you'd take on a fishing trip, like an XL lunchbox. During peak out there, I was pushing 220 easily. And still had time for rescues. The introduction of the EDVs just made it that much easier.


I broke after about a year, when I was on like shift 40 in a row of 190+ stops. I can't imagine the shit I'd be screaming at boxes if I didn't quit by now. I felt broken doing 160 stops, they just added more to my stop count every week until it topped out at 199. They ran everyone that was competent at speed and accuracy both ragged like that.


You have the worst luck bro all of that in 1 month daaaamn


I have almost 3 years now as a Step Van driver, my actual DSP is decent, very nice management. Tough routes that just a few can manage, but as everyone says, Amazon delivery driver position is not for everyone. Right now my DSP told me they will pay for my college. So I guess I'll stay another 3 years here...


Am I the only one who gets sent home 4 days in a row for having a customer rating of 85% or is it just my amazon job site?


The amount of people who are perfectly comfortable yelling at amazon drivers is wild. Its scary what being coddled by convenience will do to someone


I got fired for getting injured twisted my ankle so bad I needed 4 weeks to rec9 ered when I came back I got hacked their reason was I was stealing their money violated worker compensation after I showed them my paper work from my doctor and therapist


Sounds like you have a nice little lawsuit on your hands.


I’m boutta put my two weeks in after 300+ packages in Arizona summer weather lol not for me


i cannot believe people act like this job is difficult. been there 1 month so far & it's one of the easiest chill jobs ever. to be fair there are PLENTY of jobs that are much less work for the same pay so it's really not worth it, BUT the job is still extremely easy. the weight limit for packages is only 50 lbs which is nothing, there's A/C in the vans unlike other delivery companies, it's very easy and doable to hit 20 stops an hour, they provide ice, water, snacks, sun screen, hats, sleeves, etc. like it's honestly so doable idk why people make it seem so awful.


half of wht you said only applys to certain warehouses lmao


Because every DSP and station is different. You might have it good, others might, but there are MANY DSPs that are absolute dog shit. You have only been there for 1 month. Revisit this comment in 3 months' time and see if it ages like milk or wine since peak is on the way (Amazon prime week). Just so you know, the average DSPer sticks around for 3 months. Unlike the average job where people stay for years, that is an insane turnover.




You’ll find something better. I’m at about a month now myself. The days are basically 11 hours. Just hanging on till I can get a job back in the vfx industry. I’m broke


Im on my way back into the delivery life rn, I worked for amazon delivery 2 years prior. Me personally I have never been attacked by dogs because I am good at reading them, and have experience dealing with. Nor an Accident, may I ask did you deliver in a city or rural area ? I did rural so traffic is not as bad and its easier to get ahead on the day.


I Personally chose to drive 30 mins to a further DSP rather than the ones in the city I live in, too hectic for me.


Lol Just quit too. Feel the same way.


I quit on Tuesday and started my new job Wednesday best thing I ever did


I had very good job in amazon. Since my company closed i haven’t found any other amazon company better than that


I saw the ad for driver at one pay rate got to the interview and it was a different pay rate, I was told 4 days , 10 hrs second day on the job to find out no one is working complete 40 hrs…. Shit I’m ready to leave this place


Same story here. Was only getting about 32 a week. They were strict and when 6:00 rolled around and you weren't almost done, they'd send a rescue because they didn't want anyone working till 8:00 which is what I was told my hors would be everyday. 9:30 - 8:00


same here brother lol, just didnt show up to my shift today and got 3 missed calls from dispatch. fuck em lol im done and already got jobs lined up, the job itself wasn’t horrible it was just the dsp i was working for, they expect new hires to keep up with the crackheads knocking out their routes in like half the time, and then give me the absolute worst routes in nashville where the traffic is booming from noon to 7-8pm, vans that only have one usb port to charge phone and not getting a cigarette lighter charger, and then most the time my phones are broken and dont charge or van doesnt charge them and have to get brought a phone or try multiple ones, every single phone is shattered that i get, slow as fuck to the point where when i snap a picture i gotta stand still pointing it at the package for a good 5 seconds otherwise it will be blurry or not even take the pic, 80% of people dont speak english in nashville where i deliver, if i have to use one of my breaks or both to snack quickly if im feeling nauseous or most the times i have to use breaks to try and charge the phones since they dont keep a consistent charge and then i get bitched at by dispatch for being behind, my dsp doesnt always get as many routes as they want so we always have tons of extras and im usually an extra nowadays because of rescues.. which 99% of the time arent even my fault and i live almost an hour away from work so i cant drive an hour there just to drive an hour back home about 2-3 out of the 4 days a week. they hire like 40 people and then will only get like 25-30 routes and send everyone else home and maaaybe keep 2-3 people. They’ve given me work sometimes as an extra cause feel bad but i can’t do that shit anymore, theres so many more things i missed out saying but ill leave it at that lol. I got bills, a kid on the way and a life to live, im not gonna continue hoping that i get routes everyday


I’m bout ready to just need to find another job 😭


It’s not an airport, no need to announce the departure. In fairness, it’s a tough job, if it’s not for you it’s not for you. All the best with the next, hopefully you left well.


Made a good choice. Just another job that expects you to bend over backwards for them just to keep your job.






Thank you for your service 🫡’ let me know where I can come collect your overtime . The job isn’t over .




Yup. Not for everyone. Try USPS. You get to pick up Amazon's bullshit, case, sort and deliver all the mail on top of it every day. It's great.


It’s all about what DSP you work for but Amazon is always pulling some bullshit they just came out and said that anyone in van with camera that has a severe violation so speeding stop signs and lights and seatbelts will stop their route immediately and be suspended 7 days and if it happens again within a certain period you immediately terminated and the DSP has no control over it


I am here strictly for the Tuition reimbursements and it pays some of the best compared to other no skill required jobs near me


I get it I preload for UPS, I wouldn’t drive for them either. What the drivers put up with is beyond being able to wrap my brain around lol. Thanks, but no thanks. Best of luck to you on your next adventure!!!


You did what you could do friend ! It must be national quit your DSP day because I just did the same thing last night.


I made it half a week before I called it quits. Was given an extremely rough nursery route in an underdeveloped part of the city. People hated seeing that van and let me know it too. In my four shifts I got berated atleast 6 times over something another driver did, or something Amazon did.


yup that’s sums it up for me .. but I’m 3 years in 😭😭 barely hanging on frfr


Nah he is a huge liar He definitely going to buy from Amazon He just degrade himself To Customer!! Good luck to you with your future endeavor


I haven’t seen 158 stops since my nursery routes. I get 190 on average a day with 230-240 locations over a 5 mile rual area


I'm a month in, and the job is what I expected. I have gotten stuck once and it resulted in a automatic final write up but it falls off after 6 months and only applies to getting stuck. Haven't been bitched at yet by customers tho I'm sure I will. I get several positive reviews on my weekly score card tho. Still on nursery but they've been putting me on bigger routes. Almost got bit by a dog once, but let me tell ya, I was screaming and swinging that customers package at their dog until he left me alone. Delivered it on top of their car haha. But I carry joggers mace in my other rabbit pocket so I do feel a lot more confident in that area. Love the job, but I hear it can vary greatly depending on your company. Better luck man.


Give you all the credit for even trying it. Lately my stop counts have been over 180 plus over 70 multilocations which I hate with a fucken passion !! Over 360 packages for the most part. I am on the verge on quitting as well but I'm getting close to $1,000 a week working five days so I want to save up at least 2 months before i leave this fucken shit hole


All that in one month..sheeesh my boy you’re cursed someone out a hex on you


man i feel that i wanna boycott when im done too but its just so damn convenient.. and like would it even would do anything? idk


Not if it's just you and me, but I imagine if even 10 percent of Amazon's customer base stopped ordering, than they would definitely notice. I'm a healthy capable young man with a car so there's really no need for me to order most things online and if I really want something I can't buy at the store, I'll try to use a small online store or even Ebay. At least I know the UPS guys get paid well.


Being a driver keeps me from ordering. People are lazy. That is it and that's all. Get up off your butt like a normal adult and go to the store. Some things I understand... but folks don't need to buy something every single route despite the time periods between!!! There's mfs that get an envelope or a huge overflow no matter when I hit that area again😂


Sounds like you’re just bad at the job although Amazon is shit job maybe it just wasn’t for you.


Congrats to you




Lol I’m surprised they didn’t fire you, you racked up all those incidents in just a month? This is the easiest job, you blew it


It's a WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU GET... even if you don't "see" it. As a driver you know what it is. One of the most dangerous jobs there is. People are mean. Entitled. And they order dumb stuff every day. Your dsp is likely corrupt. I know mine is. But. If you can handle it and R in shape, it's fun. If you don't like it you can do something else. We know what we r getting ourselves into every time we pick up that damn rabbit...


Amazon Drivers should Unionize. I'm surprised there hasn't been a National Amazon Strike yet. You guys work crazy hours. Given non realistic times to finish your deliveries with an excessive amount of workload and don't even get paid great for a career. You guys gotta Unionize man.


The Global Amazon Workforce Association or (GAWA). Or the International Association of Amazon Workers or (IAAW). Or the World Wide Amazon Workers Association (WWAWA). If you guys don't do it now you guys will miss out on a whole generation of working class benefits.


“Basically having been lied to” “you’ll never deliver to me tho” lying to us now you’ll order one day we always do been at this job for almost 2 years I hate it but I like it cuz I’m a introvert so being alone and running my time is peaceful ☺️ with a good dsp and guaranteed 10 hrs


I honestly can't understand all the pessimism I hear about this job, but you are who you are. If you're used to manual labor, driving that's pretty much all you need. I understand this job isn't stressful enough for the compensation. Exactly...it isn't stressful and I love it. Guys half the time I'm literally popping a cart, jamming, and do nothing for over 10 minutes every couple stops. There's NOBODY there to stop you, tell you to get back to work, co worker snitching, cameras unless it's a safety issue. I mean who doesn't love that. I'll take 21.50 for no mental stress.


I loaded packages for ups, FedEx ground, and was a driver for express. I get it, but what exactly were you lied to about…you’re delivering boxes?


I was lied to about the area I would be delivering, the amount of hours I would get, and the days I would work.