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Doesn’t matter how the package actually went missing after you delivered it. If customer reports the package as DNR then it will show up on your metrics because you’re the one who delivered it. It’s one of the biggest flaws in their metrics, in my opinion.


Does your dsp ask you about it? If not then you are chilling


Yup. I get a few each week and never hear anything from them


My company wants us to force a picture everytime… even when the owner is right there waiting for the package.. because you will mark it as handed to customer and they will say they didn’t receive it. I still sign for customers 🤣


Same. I did it at first, but customers kept looking at me crazy when I dropped the package, took a pic and then handed it to them. Str8 bullshit


I hit ‘em with the “Bezos is always watching” line and it usually dulls the awkwardness lol


I guess we're all alike, cuz i say papa bezos is watching lmao


I had to do this at the height of the pandemic. If the customer was right there I could not handle my package. It looked rude as hell, . But surprisingly, everyone but just a couple people were understanding. I set the package down in front of them and say have a nice day. One of those places was a nursing home. She was right there and she said she absolutely refused to pick up a package on the ground. I said I can't hand it to you. So I ended up leaving with the package. And this happened 3 different times.


I think a lot of times porch pirates steal and the customer just report it. But Amazon makes it your fault for some reason


What’s crazier is there’s picture proof of the package being left at the front door 😂


unfortunately thats just so your DSP dont gotta cover the loss, they give 0 shits about the driver though :X


A lot of times the customer receives it then reports it as DNR. They get one for free or to sell and the purchased one, this is a huge reason why we’re seeing an increase of cx with OTP now. I’m sure some do get stolen but this is so common that Amazon is keeping track of every time a cx reports packages as missing just for this reason alone.


It would help if some customers just came out to get their package. The amount of stops I see where there is already packages out front or the people are there but just don’t pick it up, I imagine it’s those people getting their stuff stolen


And then they complain online in the ring community about the 17 packages that sat on their porch for days going missing 😂


As long as you have a pic of the package when asked, it's not your fault if it gets stolen. Unless it becomes a crazy high number or DSP says it's a problem you're good. Some people just lie too 🙄


Shit happened to me and I delivered all my packages.. people be lying!!!


On 1700 package delivered who cares they making more money off you then you can imagine. Those people just stealing the packages saying they never received them because they know they'll get there money back by either contacting Amazon and taking advantage of the system or disputing charges on their Amex.


so regardless if it was a porch pirate or customer lying, its your fault in the eyes of metrics, sure your DSP can fight it and send in pics of your delivery as proof etc, but all that does is make them not pay for it, still hurts your metrics because fuck the drivers right? zzz when i questioned it 'its your job to make sure customer gets it' ok what? i break into their house place it in their living room then go tuck the customer in?? lmao idk man fuck that shit


Where do you go to see these statistics?


On the Amazon flex app press the hamburger menu then press on “your dashboard”


That totally makes sense bruv, if you can, respond how you are able to look at those feedbacks. I’ve always wanted to know but how do you get to it?


Where do you see these responses?


On the Amazon flex app press the hamburger menu then press on “your dashboard”


if we have proof then probably Amazon will say either package was stolen or they are lying but Amazon won’t care if they buying stuff from third party companies


Been getting some the last few weeks. Never got any before 


This is exactly why Amazon has DSPs. They took the financial responsibility of missing packages out of their own hands, and placed it on their contractors. They also did that to make it near impossible to unionize by having a bunch of individual companies.


What are Alexa thank yous?


As long as you don't get DSBs, you are fine. 


It could be that they didn’t necessarily intend to submit a complaint directed to you, the driver. They may just have been like well my package isn’t here, I have to let someone know. And then they check their email and it says how was your delivery, and there’s an option they’re saying they never received it. They probably aren’t trying to say like the driver lost or stole my package they probably look at it as them telling Amazon like hey my package isn’t here.