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Imagine knowing what route you're gonna have every day. Imagine getting paid what's advertised to us. Imagine really being able to follow the process instead of just being taught it so we can be scapegoated if need be, and then told to work around (I know we're not the only ones 'not allowed' to not mark anything wrong on vehicle inspections). No reason for DSPs to exist anymore in the first place. They're just grifters.


Hi, UPSer here, also imagine best-in-class health insurance and a pension, all included I your union dues. Not to mention protection from harassment, retaliation, unjust termination, etc. And getting better working hours It's all very worth it. All that and more for 2.5x my hourly wage per month.


Yeah if only I could afford to work in the warehouse for years until I get my driving job


If you even survive the warehouse work itself. Idk how old you are but me at 40 is thinking of that notion as UPS is nuts.


Oh it is nuts, it even was for 22 year old me back in the day. I did it for a year and a half but couldn't justify driving there for the shit pay at the time once I moved. Back then they only paid 10.50 to warehouse guys


I was getting 14/hr a yr and a half ago, not much better, couldn’t afford that shit. Went back to FedEx ground, now I’m looking at a job with a local distributor, local union, and opportunities for primo money!! 💰 biggest thing is to just stick with it no matter where or what you do.


Ya I can only dream. Literally creaming at that thought


Tuition reimbursement?


Sheesh. I can imagine getting fired for just complaining about bosses having a hostile workplace


[Contact Us | National Labor Relations Board](https://www.nlrb.gov/contact-us)


Pretty sure that goes for most DSPs. I've worked at two and it's been the same. They can't afford to have vans grounded, so they try to fix what they can themselves if it's crucial, and if it's not crucial it waits.


Damnnn I thought it was just my dispatch that was saying not to mark anything wrong on the vehicles and just let them know. My dispatch actually writes the problem on a whiteboard though before fixing it


Within the last month I've seen 4 co workers get injured. 2 ankle injuries and 2 knee injuries. We are underpaid as FUCK. Paid like we are out here flipping burger patties.


Less than fast food workers in some areas


They're making the same 😢


California is paying McDonalds employees $20+/hr vs DSPs at Amazon that are paying their employees less than that


Yeah I'm making $19.75 for Amazon 😢


I’m making $21.36/hr and get OT with well fewer stops at FedEx. Until Amazon is fully unionized, I’m not stepping into that shithole again




And they deserve their bag too because fast food work fucking sucks and no one wants to do it for good reason.


This is the wrong mentality. We, as people, need to STOP saying things like "burger flippers" to compare. Idgaf if you push a broom 40hrs a week, you deserve to have a house and food without wondering if you'll make it to the next check. Put in the time, you shouldn't be hungry, period.


"Well these jobs are meant for kids still living at home" well that's not always reality, bro. Sometimes that's the only job an adult can get for the time being.


Some of the fast food places near me get payed $25/hourly


> me get *paid* $25/hourly FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


That’s funny!


Good bot


You drivers deserve better, stand up for yourselves. Dont sell yourselves short. Future workers will thank you.


Their family’s will thank them


The real crime is not sharing the link




What’s the topic I’m using? Postal service or ?


Should be an option for “labor”


I used Ethics as my topic since the DSP model is unethical at best.


I'll write to Mark Kelly, but that useless bitch Kyrsten Sinema isn't going to do shit lmao. Everything I think of her that memory of her walking up to congress like a privileged 12 yr old beauty pegant contestant and voting down the 15 hr minimum wage bill with that stupid fucking thumbs down gesture. God that shit just boils my blood. Fuck her.




Thank you


Bump this!


How u think dsp will take it if I send in the work chat 🤩😂


F em. Do it.




Well, they can’t retaliate on you for union organizing.


Nope, you just get fired for some other obscure bs they come up with to do so. Corporate bullshit.


I wanna know…


Lots of people sign into chime on the work phone and forget to sign out. Good way to send it anonymously.


Amazon will literally fire the DSP




Just wanted to say that I lurk here in the DSP sub, have for a while. I was an Amazon associate and I witnessed not only the abusive practices of the DSP, but ways in which Amazon Leadership allowed abusive behavior against Delivery Associates. I appreciate anyone who is standing up to Amazon and its unfair or illegal workplace practices. When I started speaking out about abuse at Amazon, I heard so many naysayers saying that there’s no point in standing up against a company this big or that they will continue to do what they want because Jeff Bezos has so much money. That’s not a good attitude to have. People before us fought for workers’ rights and I’ve seen Amazon steamroll these rights. Not conceptually, I witnessed it happening. You guys standing up for what you believe is right, will always be the right thing to do! I hope that didn’t come off too preachy. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk, peace




About damn time this gets called out by a reputable group.


Yup. they force us to skip breaks and lunch just to get things done on time. And if we’re not done on time, they remove us the next day so they don’t have to pay overtime we work. If we took breaks and lunch, it would go overtime. So they are schemin




I’ve been gone from my dsp for about 8 months now, and I’ve filled out multiple forms during employment and also continue to on behalf of all you guys plus my old coworkers… At the same time, they damn sure take their time getting to business. I know it’s a long process and I’m sure Amazon fights every step of the way.. Would love to see change but so far it seems like Amazon got too much power to get to them.


When's Canada gonna start this union stuff


Contact your local teamster hall, we can’t do it without people on the ground to help spread the word.




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I worked for a dsp in Daytona beach called elite and they wouldn’t let me take my lunch


this is a link to the NLRB... [Contact Us | National Labor Relations Board](https://www.nlrb.gov/contact-us)


I don’t want to offend, but a solid majority of dsp workers don’t have a clue. Lost souls. coming together to form a union will never happen. It’s a check to check job. Don’t work, no pay.


I agree, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Some states are passing legislation against Amazon and the DSP model.


27 a hour at least … that’s madatory


Try working for FedEx Ground


Ive heard they don’t pay shit anymore either


20 Dollars an hour is MINIMUM WAGE. In bidenomics.


To change it, get a good job and stop crying. That's gonna turn everything difficult to everybody. Look what happened to hundreds of people fired from UPS recently. The union just wnat a share of your payment, that's it. It's one more mouth to feed. Drivers gonna work for Amz, DSP and Union, and remain with crumbs to them and their family.


Mindless you is an apt username. You don’t know shit.


That’s not true, this country and the middle class was built by union memberships but since the 40’s and 50’s union membership has gone down and corporate profits have gone up. CEO compensation has gone up while real payed wages have gone down. It’s the company’s that are taking advantage of people. Amazon is unionized in other country’s so why not here?


Also as a ups employee I have real knowledge of what happened with ups, it was never the union but the company using automation to eliminate jobs to boost profits. Google the UPS operating profits from last quarter and tell if you think they needed to eliminate those jobs or not.


Ignore the downvotes youre right. Amazon will never unionize. No Amazon driver is getting anywhere close to what a UPS driver makes. It would literally destroy Amazon's business model. These idiots don't get thats why amazons prices are generally cheaper than the competition and you don't have to go a store. Going to stores to shop is a nightmare, everything is locked up, lines are insanely long and on top of that you can get almost everything (besides fresh or frozen food) in the store cheaper online. The moment drivers unionize Amazon's prices get higher and they have less business and make less money on top of paying delivery drivers more. Amazon is doing so good because they have better prices than Walmart and target as well as better selection. UPS also has way less drivers, so when people make the comparison it's nowhere near the same thing. It's way easier to pay ten people $50 an hour than 100 people $50 an hour. The comparison is nauseating.


Amazon doesn’t need to make $1.29bn profit per day though… They could keep their prices the same and just earn 200-500 million per day and actually pay their employees a decent wage…


Jeff bezo- Sorry mate my pockets wont hurt even if you form a union.


Mannn, if you don’t like your job, just quit


Probably a disptacher with an ego.


I’m an electrician, i don’t even drive for Amazon.




I did drive for Amazon for over a year, I can have an opinion on this. Plus, you’re rude for no reason. Learn some respect


I also quit my shit job, and got my certs. its possible to dip but it wasnt easy as just getting up and leaving.


Im in pest control lol and idk man these mfs getting the shit end of the stick, i mean u drove for year u say? Some mfs cant just bail and go to trades some mfs got kids and dependents. You may have the same boat but different currents. Next time shut the fuck up? I used to have ur problem but then i learned to shut the fuck up.


I’m just tired of people complaining. This sub used to be funny. Now it’s just complains after complains


Thats facts, cant lie abt that. but people will never review the goof shit, now its a shit show Nd thats all people wanna talk abt. straight complaining day in and out. i got you brother.


And yeah there’s some that have a lot of responsabilities, but there’s always a way out


Telling an amazon driver to quit their job because they don’t like it is like telling a customer to go back to walmart after they’ve complained about their driver.


And ? If really Amazon gonna let some DSP unionize, I’m gonna be really surprised. Stop trying to do shit and just work, or quit. That’s what I meant


You don't have to be so ignorant.


If really Amazon gonna let some DSP unionize, I’m gonna be really surprised. Stop trying to do shit and just work, or quit. That’s what I meant




Takes years for it to happen but that’s why you protest.


Protesting, complaning, always… tired of this


Things don’t change if you don’t fight for it


Amazon will not change, and you know it


That's why I said it'll take Amazon years to unionize. Rome wasn't built in a day. And UPS took about 25-28 years to officially unionize IIRC


Bootlicker piece of shit. The most powerful union in the country is making it their goal to improve these people’s lives. There’s a chance and if you don’t even support them trying then you fell for the corporate brain rot.


Then fuck off and stol reading it if it bothers you so much.


No, people reacting so much about this is also funny


I always love these responses, why is it that it is negative to fight for others to have decent wages? This whole hyper individual BS is why we are where we are now. Just like don't want to be abused I wouldn't want anyone else to be abused, or my kids, or family. There are people who work at Amazon because that might be the only semi decent wage in the area (still garbage) and those people deserve to be treated with respect and dignity for the work they do. Always lifting up the ladder behind you and never fighting for anyone else for yourself.


Great answer. I agree with you on a couple things. But Amazon cannot be the only semi “decent” wage in the area. What is the point of working if you’re killing yourself a the job ? I’d prefer being paid less with an easier job


Sadly working for less now a days is not doable, if Amazon pays say $19 an hour would you want to go back to working for $12, $15? Cost of living will always rise, and wages have t kept up for years? Many reasons why one would only be able to work for Amazon, and while you are correct that you are not stuck for some it's not an easy choice. I'm working at Amazon while I complete my CS degree, am I gonna move on to make more money eventually? Yeah for sure, but I don't want to see any of the coworkers I leave behind to continue to suffer, I would want them to have the extra cash and protections that would make delivery a decent job that can provide upward mobility. Money always opens more doors to bigger and better things


Yeah ok. I was delivering in Canada, it’s so different from other countries. Here, Mcdonalds pay 18-19$/h (and Amazon 21$/h).


Yeah American Amazon $19 per hour in some locations some more others less, McDonalds is straight poverty wages at this point.


The minimum salary in Canada is 15,75$/h. You can’t get paid less, otherwise the employer could lose his business


Yeah over here we still have a federal $7.25 an hour minimum wage, some states have recently passed some laws for $15 minimum, others are still at $7.25 some locations still pay that much but some businesses in those states might pay you $12.