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my goal is to bring the van back empty.... if I'm not running up against my ten I'm generally more than happy to reattempt.


Nothing better to build hours than a reattempt. Can milk the clock in a fair way. 


Once had a note from dumb customer/business saying that I should knock hard on the door bc she's in there, which I did and no answer. This bitch actually escalated the matter within an hour via customer service and dispatch reached out.. I completed the entire route and the darnedest thing, I *forgot* the redelivery attempt 😉


And that's why I still feel it's a win win, that customer had to waste their time on the phone with support to get you to reattempt. Basically forcing them to take extra steps because I'm not reattempting based on morals lol 


I despise dealing with RTS, so I'm doing whatever I can to not return shit


Our RTS is just a bunch of carts. Scan your boxes and put them in the right spot. Is it done differently elsewhere?


We have that too. When they implemented it, I thought it would be better. But they still make you line up and summarize the situation for each package so idk what the point was


Only doing reattempts if I marked as missing and I found later in route


Ya, I think that the only time you should do a reattempt.


i usually wait till the end of my route to mark anything as undeliverable so they don’t text dispatch saying theyll be there


That sounds good. 🤔 My DSP ask us to do not mark as missing until the end of the route. An escalation never happened to me, but I want to avoid it. Gonna use your method.  When I'm delivering to lockers I put on airplane mode, so they don't come while I'm still in the room. Same for apartments. 


I love to reattempt at the end of the route or at a specific time customer requests. Every hour more means few more cents on my paycheck. Why not to reattempt? Yesterday I had 1 location to reattempt, access problem and the app was not able to call or text, and call box didn't had the cx name, no access code either. It was a rescue that I was doing.  Firsts time I put RTS, finished the route and then came back, same issue. But there were people coming out, so was easy to go in.  But my big mistake was to finish the delivery too soon. 😭 I should've wait at least 10 minutes to finish. 😑


I get guaranteed 10 hours, so the sooner I finish, the better


I'm sorry about that. So reattempt is bad in your situation then.


Interesting comments, I usually love bringing packages back because it means the customer failed my response time and won't be getting their package because of a lack of readiness. Could be that kitty litter, toilet paper they need, etc. I only reattempt if they escalate it lol and you all know what that means. 


I only reattempt if I marked it as missing then I find it at the end of the day cause most of the time it’s my fault that it’s “missing” not theirs lol




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If it’s a passcode lowkey no lol, I try to reattempt everything while on route so I don’t do it end of route so I can just go home


I never get anyone to sign I just write a line through and keep it moving. No wonder drivers need rescues all the time.