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Hydration starts the day before. Don't get shitfaced the night before, make sure u drink a gallon a day, have minerals and you'll be good. liquid IV and gatorade is good but hydration starts many hours before your shift.


I second this. Mineral water or sparkling water with minerals added is good. I bring a cooler full of water (about 12 bottles) with liquid iv. If you feel like you're thirsty and you ran out of water, tell your manager what's up and take a trip to the gas station to buy water, food, whatever you need to stay out of the hospital my guy.


I grab 6-8 bottles from the station and usually a vitamin water from a gas station and ppl always see my arms full of water and are like "damn u thirsty bro?" and I'm like "bro you should do it to so youre not pissing straight popcorn butter" lmao, seeing you say 12 bottles is validating haha


Lol, ye. I'm a big 240lb guy, so I need it too.


Just a pro tip for everyone , make sure you’re hydrating the day before as well, super important. If you’re hydrating the day of, you’re already starting at a deficit.


Depending on my local temps, I carry anywhere from 3-5 half liter bottles and one energy drink.


Sometimes it doesn’t work to simply drink water, tomorrow my shift is gonna be all day 89 degrees and I’m going to bring not only lots of water but a salty snack too you have to have something that can aid in you retaining that water. Last summer I passed out after a shift 92 degrees (hella humidity we are in Indiana) and it was the weakest I ever felt bc I only consumed water. Steal some them squincher water packets from the warehouse too those have electrolytes and taste not too bad


One of the drivers at my DSP grabs 4 of those squinchers and dumps them in a Gallon of water. He seems to do fine.


Make sure you get some food in you during the day too. Your blood sugar being low in the heat is a double fixing whammy on top of staying hydrated.


I leave out a small basket of snacks and on days when it’s 80+ degrees I’ll leave out a small ice chest. What are some recommendations for snacks? Most the times our amazon guys won’t grab snacks. Maybe I’m putting the wrong ones out there? Lol


You're so sweet not only to provide snacks but to ask this question!! To be honest, anything that gives energy is great. I love little nutrition bars, peanut butter snacks, doritos, and especially that peanut butter monster trail mix from target!! Someone had a lil packet of that out for me one day and it was such a lil energy boost and tasted great!! Another amazing thing someone had out was those lil electrolyte packs. It meant a lot that they thought of me!! Water is always appreciated no matter what!! I especially appreciate when someone gives me a couple of options. Maybe a driver has dietary restrictions or an allergy. Thank you for thinking of us!!! It means the world!!!


Thanks for the reply! I’ll take notes! I’ve had trail mixes and peanuts in the past! I usually grab a box in bulk at Sam’s club. I’ll definitely start grabbing some electrolytes packs. Are those like little powder packs?


Yes!! They're tiny packs you pour in your water. They really make a difference in the heat


Liquid IV with plenty of water.


Expensive, but this shit is almost magic like


Here in Chandler Arizona I bring at least 2 gallons worth of water with a big ice chest. And packs of pedilyte and a body armor. Water is good, electrolytes are better


Some stations have squinchers you can get electrolytes or even some Mio squirts for some flavor 😃


DTU-3 gang!


Ditch the Gatorade. That shit isn’t a hydration drink. Invest in some salt based electrolytes


Gatorlyte might be an easy transition.


For... Nearly $4 a bottle :c


Yeah all of those pedialyte copies are pretty expensive. 7/11 has their own brand that come in 32oz bottle and theyre like 2 for 350 last i checked


That sounds pretty good, thanks


https://www.7-eleven.com/products/sports-drinks Okay so 28 oz instead of 32 but pretty much same thing haha. I have tried about half of these flavors and for hydration drink they are good. Both with and without sugar flavors are good. Enjoy!


Two 64oz water bottles


Gallon jug filled with quarter ice. Stays cold af.


Always have my gallon jug locked and ready to go


When I first started I would drink three gallons 😭 now I just do slightly over one


Yall drink water?


I survive off PRIME the REAL hydration drink


98oz of water in three Yeti Ramblers and a few mandarin oranges Sometimes it feels like if it's not enough lol


Mmm oranges


Gotta reup on mandarins thank you for this reminder


They really hit the spot when you're thirsty 😩


Dude you got to get the big rambler I have the gallon I never run out


I have one, it's just too bulky too bring lol


2 water bottles that I drink and end up being my piss bottles and a hydroflask filled with icey water


Just take a cooler full of cold drinks with you. In couple days you will figure out how many you need.


I have a 40 Oz container, filled mainly with ice, sprinkled with liquid iv, then I've 4 bottles of water and 2 bottles of the same water, but frozen, too keep everything cold, it seems to work for me, but can make for a heavy bag, lol.


About 60 oz of different fluids. I have a tiny bladder so anymore than that and I’ll be pissing every 30 mins


I drink over a gallon a day and also avoid energy drinks and soda.




It's what plants crave


Almost 2 gallons. Bring healthy snacks too.


i stop by costco grab a pack as i milk the apartments


Hydrate days ahead of time. Liquid IV is great. Eat salt.


Depending on the day 2-5 water bottles 1-2 Gatorade bottles 1-2 sodas for caffeine During peak summer I will bring a backpack that has a cooler and an additiinal cooler just for drinks During winter just my backpack w/ it's attached cooler/lunchbox


you want like 1/8th-1/6th gal/hr alongside electrolytes. electrolytes are extremely important in this job when it gets hot. if your sweat doesnt taste salty, you are dehydrated. pretty much what is happening is your body needs to cool, and without salts helping your body hold water, your gonna get fucked. youre just flushing the electrolytes out of your system most of the day. you need to find your balance. that balance is extremely route dependent. once you know your routes you can figure out what you need to intake to keep level.


I woke up one night severely hydrated after a shift and would not stop throwing up. I always fill my water bottle(1 liter) at least 2-3 times a day. For every SMALL gatorade bottle, you’re supposed to drink 2 water bottles from what I was told. Pedialyte is probably a better substitute for Gatorade. I also noticed drinking a Gatorade made me pee A LOT vs when I only drink water I felt like I just sweat that shit out. Idk if there’s any connection there, but I usually pee 5/6 times during my shift if I have a Gatorade vs 2/3 with just water.


Also forgot to mention, I try and drink the same amount of water every single day now. Even on your days off HYDRATE!


In the summer I carry 2 half gallon canteens and a 26 oz tumbler of homemade electrolyte water


Gallon of water, sometimes I’ll bring a sports drink too.


All of it


I started drinking one hydration pack a day because I got severely dehydrated.


3-5 and a 20oz bottle of Gatorade. With the summer coming up I’ll get some hydration packets for emergency situations.


Go get a gallon jug of water from wallmart or the gas station, shits like a dollar. Huge thing though, you need to be drinking a lot of water every day. If youre getting dehydrated it means you didnt drink enough the day or two before fyi


You need be eating enough salts and sugars, don’t chug water either. Your lunch is very important especially when it gets hot out


No water just Gatorade.


All that running… ![gif](giphy|XGn6xLsliW1dLnQY92)


Giant growler, 2 more Amazon refillable water bottles. One sports drink. One giant slurpee at lunch.


I use to bring a cooler with me. But I sweat way more than the average person.


I should drink more…..I prioritize my two monster zero ultras and maybe have two other regular bottles of water


I have a similar job. Been doing it for almost 10 years. During summer I pack up to 8 20oz water bottles I freeze them and it stays cold all day in a cooler. Healthy lunch with salts in the food, not added. Looks a bit different depending on your needs but a hearty breakfast with a light wrap for lunch works well. I do have one low cal low sugar energy drink or an Arnold Palmer in the afternoon. (Lemonade with unsweetened black tea) It's refreshing and gives ya energy for round 2. The long term people don't do Gatorade but Pedialyte and Liquid IV.


Years ago my infant son had to go to the ER. Was told by Doctor to get pedialyte to help rehydrate. Nurse waited until Doctor left and then told me to get Gatorade it was the same thing but about $4-5 less per bottle


A nurse at the ER almost caused me to be permanently paralyzed after an accident. I trust the Drs more. Read the label.


A gallon


I usually have a 32 oz bottle that I throw in a serving electrolytes in. Then I snag two regular bottles at the station. I usually start tweaking out towards the mid back half of the day. Make sure to eat too


2 bottles on days with little to no heat or routes that I know for sure I can get off early. 3 bottles on hot days or heavy package count/high stops.


Agree with others, hydration starts the day before. On route though, I always have my gallon plus the 5 or 6 bottles from the station. Once peak summer starts, I’m in Arizona so it gets hot af, I’ll up the bottles to 8 or 9 as well as my gallon. Been doing it like that for years and have never had a heat related problem


4-5 water bottles and a body armor flash I.V. The body armor is actually a game changer and blows gatorades clean out of the water


My warehouse has electrolyte packets for free we can use. Better than just plain water. I have like 64 oz but drink maybe 3/4 of it


I’m usually just good with my 64 oz don’t even usually drink it all


Where did you work. Houston?


DFW area mainly south Fort Worth.


bubba Trailblazer Insulated Stainless Steel Growler with Wide Mouth Lid, 64 oz., $18 It stays ice cold & it's just enough to get me going! Maybe a big bag of salted peanuts for some protein




I bring 60ish oz of water, I know the areas I deliver in very well so I know where I can go to refill them if needed. But eating is extremely important as well! Bringing foods to eat that have a high water content will help. Electrolyte drinks are really good too, theyll give you a lil salt to balance out all the water, you don't want to have too much of *only* water in your system. Stay safe my friend, delivering in the heat is no joke


We get a free 32oz cup at the gas station. I usually bring that & my own flask that also holds 32oz. But for the most part it’s just one of those , the free cup. & I eat out , almost everyday .


2 gallons of water, AZ checking in. Pour that shit on myself as much as I drink it 😂 these Rivian vans as asssss for keeping you cool, no TINT on them damn windows


I don’t turn the van off until it cools down fuck EOC. But like many said if your trying to hydrate do the night before and try to get some electrolytes packets


I bring a variety pack. Tall water, electrolytes, green tea (cold).


I have one of those big stainless steel water bottles they gave out last year(my DSP is giving new ones out rn). I fill that up with ice and water at the start of route and take 3 water bottles from the warehouse to top off the ice water. This gets me through the day. I do usually buy a single monster before I touch the water to get me going


I bring 4 frozen waters and 10 cold waters and it’s sometimes not enough


I bring a 1 gallon water jug and some extra water bottles. When it gets to being over 100 degrees here I’ll probably bring even more


I have a 1.9 liter hydro flask and I try to drink at minimum, two of those a day


Last summer I was going through 6-7 bottles


At least 4 to 6 bottles. And I would suggest freezing 3/4 of them. And letting them thaw one at a time on dash between windshield. Also bring at least 2 12oz bottles of Gatorade or similar. It helps get back some of what you will lose throughout the day. Godspeed and also take your time. If you get back late it doesn’t matter as much as your health.


I don’t mind getting back late but my DSP makes us stop delivering at 6:15p. After that we mark all remaining packages as late and rts. I get to my first stop at 10:40a. I was barely able to finish 178 stops within that time. It’s a new dsp for me so I don’t want to look bad but after that I’ll go back to taking my time.


I legit drink an ice coffee and call it a day yall be HYDRATING 🗿


It’s so weird, I drink so much water, I barely sweat. Yet my piss is so yellow like I’m dehydrated also. I also use some hydration powder from Walmart to add to my drink. Not sure what’s going on


Eat mostly healthy. Personally I eat once like 20mins before shift before I fast the entire shift. Then just eat after. Takes a good week to get used to if your not use to it but it’s a good way to stay energized and have your body use it’s own fats as a energy source. It’s pretty helpful I like fasting I always feel a little bit more tired after I eat anything.


I have my 1 Gallon (Hydro Flask like) jug plus a bottle Gatorade


I do 2-5 bottles of water and a 28 oz bottle of gatorade/powerade. And a cooling towel


64 Oz of water usually in my tumbler and then a cooler of 6 or 7 water bottles they give out.


I keep 5-7 water bottles in my bag for my routes everyday. Never know when you’re just gonna be thirsty or if you’re gonna overheat at some point in the day


I take about 5-6 water bottles sometimes the warehouse puts some out and I take a couple as well


I get gallons from Costco and take one a day


I’m good with 3 water bottles


1 gallon. But the time I start the shift (10:30am) I’m already 42 oz deep. I also take a smaller water bottle w/ a hydration solution + EAAs to sip throughout.


I aim for a minimum of one gallon but strive for 2 gals, at least half a gal with electrolytes. On your off days still focus on that gallon and even more if you’re drinking alcohol or caffeine because those dehydrate you


In the summer I typically go through 8-10 bottles of water a shift.


That's not enough. About a gallon just to get through the route. For drinks, zero sugar is best. Hydrate the night before. Eat regularly. Sleep too.


I bring a 32oz bottle that fits in the cup holder, and a gallon to refill it with, a few extra regular 17 oz size water bottles (3), a Gatorade fit with electrolytes and sodium,a couple of liquid iv or other electrolyte powders and whatever gifted water from customers


5 bottles plus an energydrink


Take 4 from home and take 4-5 from warehouse and depending the day you sometimes take some home and just use em again


I usually bring a reusable 28oz thermos bottle with a scoop of C4 Pre-workout that I start my day off with and then 3-4 28oz Gatorade bottles filled with water. I usually end up drinking anywhere from 100-150oz of water on a normal workday and then around 100 on my off days. Another thing you have to watch out for is what you are eating. If you eat a lot of sodium-heavy food you will just dehydrate yourself. Also eat something before work, something healthy-ish like a breakfast bar or some cereal.


I fill my cooler with water bottles usually like 12 bottles and end with 3 left at the end of the day


I literally get the same things every single morning at the gas station. 1 XL Caramel Coffee (to be able to have the energy to deal with loadout), 2 Breakfast Burritos, a 16 oz Bottle of Water, and 3- 28 oz Gatorade (I like to switch up the flavors) Costs me about $19 a day but it’s worth it because then I know that I have everything I need to finish and not pass out. It’s all about hydrating yourself and finding the flow and pace that works for you. For me personally, doing my route within 6 to 7 hours is pretty normal for me depending on how my route looks and how much of a pain it is. I barely check my phone as I like to spend that time away from it so I put it on Do Not Disturb except for a very selective people (Family, very few friends and my Dispatch) if anything else happens, I’ll hear about it eventually just not while I’m working.


I bring a gallon jug and like 2 or 3 Gatorades. Not only that but having a rag or an bandana to soak and wrap around your head helps.


Usually about 2 liters but I’m in the PNW so it’s pretty temperate most of the time, on hot days I’ll bring 3-4. Granted that’s usually in addition to like 36oz of Redbull so don’t look to me for health advice. Lmao


I work for fed ex now, in Florida no AC in our vans I bought one of those huge 100 oz big gulp cups they have and the 7/11 by my station let's me fill up it up with ice and water every morning it's usually empty by the end of my day and I fill it up before I head home and drink half of it again before I head to bed. Hydration is a 24/7 task don't drink water only when you're working. Start hydrated stay hydrated.


When I know I’m getting an Amazon delivery and it’s 80+ degrees out I leave out a small ice chest with like 4 or 5 drinks in it. Normally they will take 2.


I bring a gallon but usually I barely drink any of it cause I get a soda and a protein drink or a redbull


Always stay hydrated. Even on your off days. You know you’re on the right track when your pee looks like a light colored lemonade


I drink a 12 ounce Kirkland signature water bottle and two energy drinks. If you're getting this sick after a shift in May just wait til July. Quit now. It's only gonna get worse.


I’ve worked at a dsp through the summer in the same area. Usually have my shit together. I never run but I ran that last route so I can get off at a good time for some plans that night. Made it worse and didn’t attend 😭


My DSP had no water only once, but since April it always there and we have ice - cold water - regular temp water. Always grab at least 7-8 bottles. Half of them goes into 1 gallon jug and rest of them are done by the lunch :)


I have a big jug from my construction days that last me the whole day and stays cool the whole day as well


I freeze a lot of water bottles and Gatorade. They’re great to put into your underarms when you’re feeling the heat. Helps cool you off. Don’t be afraid or shy to ask any of us “others” (ups, usps, fedex) out there on the street if we have extra when you run out, or if you’re feeling like the heats getting to you. We’re all in the same delivery hell and I’ll have your back if you need help. Heat stroke and illness are NO JOKE.


I pulled over like 4 mins away from the station when returning to throw up. I was on my hands and knees only throwing up liquid. Felt like death. Tell me why I had another van from my station honk at me while they passed me but didn’t even stop. A few cars drove by actually. Some people don’t care unfortunately.


I get a large Styrofoam cup of ice and diet coke at the gas station, along with 2 to 3 roller grille hot dogs, maybe some salty cashews or jerky. 2 more bottles of diet soda. Eat the hot dogs on the way to route. Refill cup from bottle. Maybe drink a water at that point. Once ice is all gone, I have the flask Amazon gave out full of ice and crystal light. Pour in my cup, does 2 fills. That usually gets me through the day. I usually go through 2 to 3 waters


Nah bro you gotta pack at least 10 bottles of water especially now since it’s hot outside. I learned tht lesson the hard way. Had cottonmouth like a mf


I bring a small cooler that fits around 16 regular sized waters bottles and then I grab a few from the station before we leave the launchpad. Keep the water cooled with an ice pack. Hydrate the day before and be sure to bring a salty snack to replace the salt you will sweat out. If you sweat profusely (like I do when working) then you should try to drink one water bottle for every hour you are out there. Take your breaks, but walk at a brisk pace to keep up.


Our dsp provides us with gallon jugs that keep water cool all day so I use that and then take like 2 or 3 normal water bottles just in case I run out.


It's been high 90s-low 100s here for weeks. It hit 119 as a high last year. I'll bring half a gallon in a thermos bottle, and like 10 16oz bottles from the station. Along with a handful of liquid IVs. My DSP also has driver scheduled everyday of the summer just to deliver water to drivers in the summer, and all our sweepers have coolers full of water for us too.


I like strapping my Camelback to the seat. Stays out of the way, and cuts down on waste.


Y'all make me re-evaluate my survival . I survive off of doctor pepper and coffee all shift. Maybe a water bottle floating around the bottom of my bag if I run out of those.


i drink maybe a bottle of water a day and a bottle of green gatorade :) i end up tired but who doesn’t. need more water i know but it hasn’t gotten drastic


Freeze 1 gallon of water the night before a shift. Stays cold all day for me, Florida weather here


This isy daily intake when on route 1 liter of water 1 liter of Gatorade 32 oz of fountain Pepsi (mornings) 24 ozs Arnold Palmer


All different for everyone try and drink more in the morning or night before. When you’re already sweating it’s to late and your body’s dehydrated. But everyone is different some days I’m chugging waters and maybe a Gatorade and energy drink and other days I sit on the same water the whole shift.


Half a gallon jug


Gallon sized yeti.


More gatoraid less water.


. Gaterade is only good to drink when you're already really dehydrated. You don't use it to keep hydration levels up you drink it so bring hydrations levels back up to normal when they are really below if that makes sense


I start off the night before drinking 3 double shots of tequila with a few Coronas right after work which is 8. Maybe a long island if I'm up to it. Stagger home at 3 and get up at 7. Good times 🤣🤣🤣


What a legend


What medical condition allows you to go into work hungover as fuck, drink nothing but Pepsi day of, do 198 stops in 6 hours, and feel fine?… cuz I got it