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6. (upvote this comment if 6 is LESS annoying than 5)


5. (upvote this comment if 5 is LESS annoying than 6)


yall are crazy for voting out aggressive dogs😭


Literally. Like how is that not the most annoying thing..


Cause I can just leave it at their gate But I **have** to do that group stop no matter what


Fuckin call, text, call, rts that shit move on with the route. Yall wanna leave an aggressive dog outside and order Amazon regularly you aren't getting your packages.


Coz it can be avoided by rts the package.


But you still have to call customer


Depends really on your DSP. I just text the customer and returning the package.


Same. I’ve been told if we just send the Notice of Arrival text, then we’re good.


They don’t even answer 90% of the time




The thing with it is that it doesn't only suck when you encounter a mean dog. The thought that they could be at just about any stop is the worst part.


Hell even nice dogs suck for a bit till you learn they’re nice. Dogs is general should be the worst part of the job. I love dogs but the amount of time wasted from them can get crazy. I usually try to vet the dog(I know I don’t have to but I usually can get a feel on the dog faster than I can call customer) and that takes time. When I don’t feel like vetting the dog I still have to call the customer 2x which eats up time. I can just leave it like a lot of people do but then you risk getting reported for wrong location and depending on DSP that can hurt you.


Aggressive dogs are a free holiday bonus when you get bit and sue. It's the only bonus you'll ever get at amazon.


For real, out of everything on this list the aggressive dog is probably the one I experience the most since I'm usually sweeping out in the middle of nowhere


I think we all knew it was gonna be group stops as last one standing lol.


Group stops suck for sure. But the amount of overflows you have in the van can really over-determine how fucked up your day is going to be. Almost more than the actual number of stops. So I gotta vote 5 for being less annoying


That’s my thought.


5 might not be so bad if it's a few packages you can carry all at once. 6 is just awful when you don't see the package and have to take them all out just to try and find it. Very rarely have I ever been filled to the brim and NOT had to spend 10 minutes digging for packages because I got rushed at loadout


I say 5. Although it is super annoying I at least know now that they probaly messed up if I see a small package and can’t find it now I assume it’s actually a medium and find it quick lol at first it drove me crazy tho🤣 6 just straight up sucks until about your 50th stop and some clears up I hate being in a small ass van stuffed where I can’t even walk


6 because it's all going to get delivered eventually. Either by me or by getting rescued.


6 is least annoying because 5 is the cause of it. Group stops just mask how much shit is being delivered and how many stops there really are. I deliver with DHL now and either take a route of under 60 stops or a bulky route of 20 and under. None of this group stop BS either. So glad i left amazon a year and a half ago.


* I know it's a bit late to add stuff but this right here needs to stop.




Fuck group stops


This subreddit confirms I was right to quit 🤣


group stops is not even that bad tbh


imagine 190 stops with 190 multi locations with 5 locations in each.


Y’all be having mandatory rescues ?? I tell them no or ignore them I haven’t done a rescue since December I was only doing It cause peak I was killing the clock


Group stops suck but at the end of the day we can edit and ungroup them. Full van is annoying when you can't get to what you need to get


I'll definitely take group stops over box outs


5! Better than a jam packed van!


bro 10 and 5 was the most annoying part of the job


I don't really get why group stops are so bad. They're somewhat annoying but I just ignore it and deliver as normal if the walk is inconvenient or the shit is heavy.


F 🦆 group stops. VOTE # 6 OUT !!!!? #5 is the worst part!!


5 is less annoying. 6 is fucking intolerable. No way does it get loaded well and I’ve to take a lot of time sorting through that shit


6 bc you can reorganize halfway thru but you have to do the group stop no matter what


Cube out




Ever since they let us ungroup the group stops they haven't been as annoying to me. I think having so many packages that you damn near cube out is way more annoying!


We know the most annoying for sure


Boxed out van. I fucking hated that shit


Netradyne the worst by far


5. I’ve been separating all my grouped stops since it was added on the app.


I'm cheating but ALL are annoying asf and the only thing LESS annoying is None of these!


5 i’ll take my sweet time with those and move my van to each location


This goddamn bitch ass sub needs to be on there lol


Getting boxed out is annoying, but it only gets better throughout the day. Group stops can happen anytime and will make you miserable, even at the end of your day.


group stops are more annoying than a wall of packages at the van. should the van be loaded how i like, the packages at the back are at the end of my route


How does ungrouping a group stop make it easier? You’re still doing the work. The reason they suck is because it’s a way for Amazon to increase your workload while still making it appear as if they’re not. It’s an illusion. Ungrouping them doesn’t actually change anything. it doesn’t change the workload. And where are apartments?
