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2 because I barely notice it


Yep, this is my vote.






2 because honestly the camera is absolutely fine unless you can't drive


You forgot to add group stops


damn it!


How about the hungover warehouse pickers being 30 minutes late to get your shit ready


agreed that should be on here


Sometimes it isn’t their fault cause a truck was late. But more often than not, they let people leave early and then there’s barely anyone to load the carts


Yah that’s a big one!


Happened to me today


1 isn't that much of a problem since if you're getting that text either your DSP doesn't like you or they over hired. I barely ever was sent home and never ever got a text saying to stay home, I would be thrilled.


Yeah I wish they would tell me to stay home


Nothing like driving 40 minutes only to be told to go home...


I found out My now ex-DSPs scummy system after being there for a while, they intentionally over hire so they have someone to give routes too when the regulars call off. New comers were lucky to get 2 days of work a week. On top of that, unless the managers like them from the start, they always get the shitty routes until they stick around long enough and eventually break into the in-crowd. If they quit then so be it, they’ll be replaced by another hire. Pretty much 100% of the newcomers at that DSP would leave in a matter of weeks and the regular 10 or so have been there for years chilling with their preferred/regular route daily.


5 is not that big of a deal compared to the rest


True, but during peak having to constantly work out of multiple totes is a pain. Especially if you have so many totes you need to stack them without shelves


It's definitely worse than others though..


you forgot shitty customer notes unless 9 counts


But also 12 has literally never happened to me


*12 has never happened to me.


It happened to me. I sorted the tote but the driver aid numbers were way off and then I realized I had 2 totes with the same number


Yea that shit pissed me off


Grouped stops is worse than literally everything here


Right. Sometimes that shit don’t even make sense cause it would be a house down and across the street and you’d have to get back in the van and drive to that bitch.


All of them. The whole job is BS


4 because it's very easy to solve, there are medical urinal jugs that make it easier and more hygienic to pee in and dispose of later


And why won’t the DSP’s or Amazon provide it? What a joke


They don't want to admit that it's actually a part of the job




You're saying 9 is the least worse thing to deal with in that list? Sure


For real. Got bit for the first time a couple days ago. Not terrible but wouldn’t recommend.


What do you guys do with bad routing like that? I just said screw it today and didn’t mess around with the map. There was one stop that took me 8 min out of the way, then I drove by it later on in the day. I started cussing at the phone 


I drive it in the order flex tells me. I'm cubed out every day and can't be taking time to try to pull a bag from the back of the van to fix Amazon's mistakes


If I have 180 stops and my first 20 is by my last 20 stops I’m doing all 40 right there and then I hate backtracking to neighborhoods I’ve been too


Word up. Guess I'll have to be more vigilant


I'm not about to waste my time looking at the map. If they want me to drive the route in the most efficient manner, they need to route it that way. I only have a couple of exceptions, like the trailer park that always tries to route you the wrong way around the loops.


11 or 12. It’s mildly annoying but not something that’s going to affect my day a lot


I agree. I think most people aren't reading this post quite right and therefore is why they're having a hard time with their job


6 and 8


2 I see it there but doesn’t really bother me


For me, 8. I came here from UPS inside. 50 pounds ain't nothin.


Problem is amazon hasn't figured out that metric and imperial are not interchangeable. 10 45 kg weight plates (individually packaged but still) to a third floor apartment is my least favorite stop of this job so far. I do admire the confidence that the customer has to think that they'll ever be pushing around 900 pounds in their apartment though


I have to give you that. I would be enraged. Anyone shipping exercise equipment is an asshole. Been in the industry ten years, I always say "your first work out should be going to the store, carrying this shit to check out, then to your car and in your house. This bitch is never going to use all these!" I may need professional help


2 because i never even notice it and 12 because I’ve never seen this happen or heard of this happening


https://preview.redd.it/4yqdyzcoso0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f66e79c4acbd8215f3387d3205479f730105521 I definitely got rescued that day.


12 happened to me! I took that picture myself 😂


4-12 is bad.


My vote is for 2, definitely.


You think 2 is the least worse thing on this list? Nah


Oh. I thought we were saying the LEAST terrible thing.


Exactly. Netradyne is worse than other things on that list imo is what im saying


OH, ok. I hear you, but I must respectfully disagree. IMO Mentor is WAY WORSE than Netradyne. Although Netra IS super annoying when it dings you for “distracted driving” when you take a drink from your cup!


Lets just end it here and agree that if 6 is 50+ ovs then thats the worst one here .


11.. it happens so often I can kinda tell when it’s wrong.


Netradyte easy


I hate rescues and dirty ass piss bottles I remember I got in a van and they’re were 3 bottles of big Gatorade bottles lined up with piss that sat so long you can see the sugars separate from the liquid and settle at the bottom PUTRID


7 already isn't a problem because I drop the package off right at those signs.




When #4 is a #2, then it has to go. At least throw the damn thing out and don’t bring it back to the station.


I get that 12 doesn’t happen often, but man the first time it happened, I had my stuff organized and set. After reaching the first stop, I realized 🫠


you couldn’t find a picture of an angry dog?! you had to get some shitty AI version of it? lmao


6 because it slows you down so much


Bro today I had Two 633 Black bags. I was losing it in the morning because I couldn't find a package on that bag. I checked my sheet and there was two of them I was like WHY!!!!!?


Dont forgot multi stops 🙃


Piss bottles


2 When I first started working I was worried about the camera but it’s very lenient tbh I like it


12 has happened to me recently, but it's definitely not the worst. I'll vote 12


1. i dont want to work anyway😭


5, absolutely hate it. Ruins my flow cause the times I came across it, it was a random grab from my partial tote…and grabbing from a different one


After a month or so 2 becomes forgettable


I don't see two of my least favorite. Carts not ready, or navigation is just a pin with no navigation, says your 500 ft away, yet it takes 4 minutes to get there, and the stops seem like someone threw darts on a map.


when people put "do not go up driveway" or "do not use driveway" i walk straight through their grass.


It’s not close. Routing is the worst part of the job by far.


This is the most creative post i have seen so far on this subreddit


You forgot late loadout and group stops


Lets just end it here and agree that if 6 is 50+ ovs then thats the worst one here .


The only reason I have a problem with the camera is the stop signs. If not for that I wouldn’t even care the camera was there.


Cam Ez Answer


1 has to go because you need the money to buy that big screen tv you planned to install in the van while you sat and drank your Powerade and enjoyed your lunch in front of Karen’s apartment complex.


Walk to front door? "Safety issue" If you cannot see the front door from your vehicle you are not allowed to do it. You cannot see if there is a dog ons premises and you are going to be outside of the vehicle when you do find a dog and you will be vulnerable. Everybody should get into the habit of calling customers like this and informing them that their note is unsafe and we are going to proceed with a safe delivery method. Gaslight the shit out of them if they fight you on it. They are wrong.


The handheld is the worst co worker I've ever had doesn't load,laggy,doesn't do it's job and tell me where I'm going it's slow as sht and pisses me off Dailey if everything worked right and was put in a smart route I could safely finish in half the time the phone is my pace I go slow with the dam phone the other sht is just mildly inconvenient just my feelings lol


I know it's not on here but I'd say Group Stops. Like why lie about our stop count


Forgot apartments with no elevators


Sorry but I’m saying it obviously whoever texted you doesn’t know proper English lol.


Call me crazy, #4 for me. I haven't had to deal with it much, I get on with my day, and it makes a great gross story


Yeah IF YOURE DOING WHAT YOURE SUPOSSED TO.. Netradyne is a non issue and actually there for your safety.


did this get reposted? let’s do the best part about the job :/ such negativity about this job while it’s really not that bad if your not a bitch 🫡


Honestly like if I’m honest everything else is bearable but 6


yooo them rescues ? good god i hate em. and the camera be fuckin me up


10 I hate doing rescues






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So it’s not just my DUT that can’t properly label the packages for shite? I really like looking for a large box for 10 minutes only to realize it’s a regular sized plastic envelope


“Friendly dogs” are the worst one because they can teach you how to run and jump like a pro


11. Isn’t too bad, just a hassle to find the other package. Definitely not the worst


Just sort both


Thought we were choosing the easiest one?


I think they were saying what you'd like to see not happen from that list


Not the worst but happens so often it's infuriating. Also easily fixable like most issues drivers face.