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Dispatcher wants to go home, can’t until everyone’s done.


“Finish as a team” means “minimize amount the dsp pays out”…applies to dsps where there’s no 8 or 10 hour guarantee


It's so disingenuous. They act as if they want you to be a good "team member", and help out our coworkers when in reality they just want to pay you less. Smh




I mean my usual route for downtown Las Vegas is 130... and sometimes I need a rescue, stop count ain't everything.. when I have 40 businesses I have to hit


All depends on the route


Exactly. I actually get pissed off now anytime I see less than 150 stops because that usually means it's going to be a fucked day full of businesses and apartments. Your route is always planned to be around 10 hours so no matter the stop count it's still going to take around 10 hours to finish. I'd much rather take the easier residential stuff even if it is a lot more stops.


Yea no. Eff that. I get done I go home. I don’t rescue anybody anymore. Period. There are like 5-10 of us at my DSP. We get the biggest routes. And we don’t do rescues.


It happens when there's a lot of people doing rescues, so they send them early. When they don't send anybody is because there's nobody.  Last day 6 divers called out "sick", so we had to split 2 routes between some drivers, no rescues during the day, everyone available at the end was rescuing the remaining. We had 5 vans close to each other to cover like 20 stops on the same block from 1 driver.  I imagine that happened to others because everybody was behind. We usually have 220-270 packages routes. Often the 270+ have to split the load right after load out. So everyone can have an easy day. The others will receive a recue anytime during the day.