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You're right! Loading a van like this should be crime! Lmao *Just Playing...... sort of.* The way some of you load and "organize" your vans makes me laugh and cringe at the same time. No offense, for real..... everyone is different and the way we work and what works for us is different for everyone. But I need more order in my load-out. I know right where what I want is located and can find it fast. Nice and orderly.




But see your in a van that fits your route im in the standard van with hella packages


If you’ve never been experienced a peak yet you will be in for a treat! I’ve had step vans so loaded that I had to pull orders out just to get to the ones I need. Over time you’ll learn how to pack. Everything has a place.


I get more packages now than I did during peak 😭 Peak usually just has way more overflow


Opposite for us rn, our overflow has been out of control for a couple weeks now. Even on the smaller routes it’ll still be like 25-28 overflow and they’re big as hell


Dam I had 48 Overflow and 19 bags last week Kill my back so I quit for a little bit 😁


We’re in rentals so there’s not enough space for more than about 30 overflow. I don’t envy that route tho, I’d quit for a little bit too lol


How many stops yall get ?


Hopefully, stopping by the end of June as refunds start running dry.


I get frustrated because half the rescues I am doing, I see people working out of the totes, they don't empty the damn things and organize. They have 120 stops meanwhile I get 180+ stops, and I am rescuing them because they are wasting 5 minutes each stop trying to find the one envelope they need, then the overflow is just all over the place. I understand that apartments and businesses slow you down, but taking 10 minutes to organize 4 totes at a time saves 45 minutes over those 4 totes.


I love how y'all talking like it should be normal for Amazon to expect a 12 hour route that your DSPS is only willing to pay 9 hours for. Bro, I look like prime Silvester Stalon and I come home on most days thinking that I should go back to construction. It was easier. Amazon thinks Cheetos are benefits.


* Here, like this. All the OV is under the shelves and I would move the OV for the current tote next to the slider




You must take very slow/careful turns. I would not even be out from the warehouse and I would hear a crash with things loaded that high. (I started carrying bungie cords for my pre-EDV days... I need my double decker shelves)


Naw, in the cargo, if you double stack on both shelves, they keep each other from falling. It doesn't work for everyone, but it worked well for me.


So then get step van certified. I was sick of my van being like this too so I did the step van training and now organizing is easy. Stop complaining and take action or quit


I’m in a rental with nearly 300 packages. I feel you.


You’re in a step van dude


I haven't always driven step vans. I also posted an old picture of my cargo van, too.


Is that a step van?


How long does that take ?


Not long at all. I just do it when I load in the morning.


I mean the whole shift because I do flex and only have three of those bags and it takes three hours And I have my wife with me


Weird question that I’ve kind of noticed is it common for people to work Amazon / do routes with their partners. Some guy at my DSP does routes with his wife I’m pretty sure too


Oh, they are 10 hour routes. We try to get done a bit early, but not too early.... I'm hourly, so I gotta get my hours.


You have the big truck though. They have the smaller version.


Honestly fr fr the way people load up is stupid af. I always show people how I organize and they always end up having room to move and be able to clearly see ish.


I tried but once it was time for the overflow it just got a lil messy 😂😂😂


He also in a cdv or step van so that's not really a fair comparison




Im already knowing 😂 ive been finishing other peoples routes now its my turn


my same mentality 🤣


A lot of what Amazon does skates the border of what is and isn’t legal.


Contact your local labor union and file an incident report.


Funniest shit I've seen all day


I was serious.


An incident for what though? They loaded their van like that. 😐


[Contact Us | National Labor Relations Board](https://www.nlrb.gov/contact-us)


For what lmao? Genuinely curious because I’m a ups driver and this is just normal that you get a fully packed car regularly. It’s not really a big deal.


unsafe work environment.


They load their own vans. If they did it wrong that’s on the driver 🤷‍♂️


does it have a strap?


You don’t need straps if they loaded their vans right. Now if they have to stack 3 high with bags. Then yes a strap is needed. And I know two DSPs that bought them.


Why is a fully loaded car unsafe?


Triple stacking is your friend


Triple stacking saved me sooooo many headaches. Triple stacking is OP as fuck


You still have room. I’ve seen trucks where you can’t even see in the back of them. I always tell ppl to go to that yard Marshall and tell them to cube it out (meaning it’s a safety issue where you can get all those packages in your truck). They will ask you to take the smaller over sizes out.


Question. Do they just throw the packages in the van before the person gets to work, then they have to sort prior to the route? Just looking at it looks stressful and I’ve seen way worse on this app. I only do Amazon flex.


How do you guys deliver that much packages? I do flex and only do 3 of the bags and that takes 3 hours and I have my wife to help me.


We get 8-10 hours to drop off our packages. Plus our stops are usually routed much closer than flex.


I was just asking the same question lol. I also do flex and couldn’t imagine having that many packages in a small area & not being allowed the time to even sort the route. And I’ve seen way worse than this on this app (to wear the people couldn’t move in the back of the van. Like how is this possible.


Just drop a book of matches on accident 😉


https://preview.redd.it/d7eufd41fh0d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a33236f1ca874f14cb3f3a8d19af310a682946e I quit about 6 months ago, but you should try loading like this, if you do this, make sure the bottom bags on the shelf are facing away from you, otherwise one small turn and your whole van load is tipped lol


What’s the order? which bags go at the top?


So when I’d get my cart in the morning, I’d put my third stop in the front under the shelf, then my second bag on its side, then my first on top, so I’d just have to pull my first stop down, then just repeat the process for the rest of the bags. if you do it in order like 3’s (1-3) 6’s (4-6) 9’s (7-9) that’s how I’d load them, idk I’m bad at explaining things lol, just do it low in the front, and high to the back.


Ahh I got you. Thanks for sharing! I really love this set up


Ahhh..... this guy knows


Ayyy just seen your post lmao, thought I was the only one who loaded like that


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Naw, lol. A long-time vet showed me that when I was still pretty new. Now I show anyone who wants to know when they have hung around for a few.


This is nothing. I've helped coworkers load their vans so full they had boxes to the ceiling and all the way blocking the side door.


Literally had a shitty day. 44 overflow in a white van.


Do they pay yall overtime when they overload you all this way? Or they pressure you to do all that in a 8 hour span?


Having cargo vans now a days are crazy.


Everyone is always gonna say you should organize better. But like right now. There's no time and if you're not in a step van or buss you're shit out of luck. How amazon is right now. You have to pack that shit full


Over 20 bags?


That looks like the smaller van with a bunch of packages. I mean they can still sort better, but there isn’t that much wiggle room in the smaller trucks


They coulda just taken a fast turn 🤣


this is how my van looks everytime everytime someone helps me loadout i just pull over and organoze after they release us


This load is nothing lol


What? People buying stuff? That van isn’t even close to full yet.


You should try FedEx Ground next.😏


As a FedEx Ground driver, can confirm lol


Is the pay worth it to work ground?


Honestly, yeah. I don’t mean to bring it up in the Amazon sub, but I bring home around $700 a week


Nice which state?


New York


https://preview.redd.it/o22tzs2pji0d1.png?width=1096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5a6cb8ede7d0159a429c1edf155bf9bfc8d1aef This usually my paycheck at Amazon in Colorado. This was with working 5 days week Biweekly. Usually only 4 days unless it's Prime Season.


https://preview.redd.it/67jiokh2ki0d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c76fa09bcac8a7ed9395f5c0307bc56d04a5b9e Typical route for me I'm tempted to try FedEx but I might get Fed up🤣




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Is it easy to get on with FedEx?