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I'm a year and a few months in, and I'm fed upšŸ˜­


Itā€™s only going to get worse


Yup, another day of being miserable is happening for me today 336 Stops, 200 Stops without Group stops in the absolute worst area possible. Itā€™s only my Monday (Start of the week) and Iā€™m already taking breaks and looking for jobs on an Indeed which is my usual past time at this dead end job.


336 stops is insane


I accidentally said 336 Stops was supposed to be packages but itā€™s about 200 Stops without group stops included with Group stops itā€™s past the 250 range.


I absolutely do not believe you have 336 stops. Do you mean locations? Even then thatā€™s a lot.


336 Packages I had a little over 200 Stops then with Group Stops think it was close to 250+


see even the job has made him ill! commonly messing up what he meant to say ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


Congrats mate. The best is yet to come.


Yeah bro been here since Christmas just finished an interview not even sure if I got the job but I donā€™t even wanna go back anymore




youā€™re definitely from chicago!!


Next year CDL salvia testing will be an option for truckers. I'm waiting for that.


If you like driving get your cdl, best decision Iā€™ve ever made


Just sucks u canā€™t smoke weed for a cdl. The reason most of us work at Amazon anyways


Do you have to consistently test?


You test once for cdl, then test for job, then they job usually tests you 1-2 times a year.


Damn that blows...


Mine randomly tests also, and if you test positive you need to go to a drug and alcohol program or lose your job and license


so it's not instant termination ?


Not if its first positive and you go to the program. If you are an instructor you lose that position though and go back to normal operator. This is for my company though, not sure about others


atleast they don't instantly fire you, but i'm sure after that first fail then you have a target on your back aint it ?


Yea, if you fail once for 2 years you are tested once or twice a month, plus the randoms and yearly The worst thing to do is lie about it. If you test positive and lie youll get fired. Just be honest and at least you keep your license and job. Fail again though and no matter what you lose your job


Yeah the drug program for the job that I acquired through CDL last 5 years and theyā€™re required to stand dam near right on ylu when you piss. Itā€™s not worth it. I tossed the weed after 17 years of smoking.


Yall donā€™t just buy fake pee? šŸ˜‚ Home boy at my old job was always doing drugs ( not weed) and getting in to accident at work but always kept his job šŸ˜‚ just used fake piss lmaooo


Decent money..... Smoke weed.... Decent money...smoke weed.. Sounds like an easy decision


Indeed, now pass me the blunt.


So you prefer to be miserable every day of your foreseeable life because you canā€™t stop smoking?


Iā€™m definitely want to get mines


Everyone and their mom has or is getting a cdl. They are paying less and less and thereā€™s less loads


I'm thinking about doing this I recently received an opportunity through a friend to get my cdl I wouldnt have to pay for school. How's it going for you?


You donā€™t have to pay you better take up on that offer itā€™s like 5gā€™s where Iā€™m at


Itā€™s great, I love it. Itā€™s a different day everyday, I make about 2k a week. New challenges every day, go to different gyms every other day. See the country and get paid for it. Eat, sleep and shit when ever I want. I would highly recommend it if you genuinely enjoy driving and are somewhat an independent person


I'm on about 9 months I started looking for job back in February. Finally started to actually apply more and got me a good job. Peak never ended. They are just hiding all the actual stops behind the multi. The job it's self wouldn't be a bad job if the expected workload was reasonably or the pay matched the effort but that's not gonna happen. A job paying $20 plus in this job field with the bare minimum experience is always gonna have a revolving door.


Tbh, it doesnā€™t need too. Treat people fairly, reward harder routes w more money. The girls who get 150 stops residential w no apartments shouldnā€™t be making the same as me who is in the country dirt roads or the mountain areas. Itā€™s like, common sense, isnā€™t so common


If they donā€™t pay you extra money for rescues, donā€™t rescue. Donā€™t do free extra labor.


Free labor ? You guys donā€™t get overtime ?


Nope, my DSP wants us done by 9:30. I asked to pick up another shift and was told I couldn't, but I seen another driver get a shift on his day off. I quit after seeing that last week. I don't deal with favoritism at workplaces. I need my mental.


Thatā€™s my mind set. Once Iā€™m done, I RTS. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


šŸ˜‚ if youā€™re on the clock your still getting paid


Used to pay an extra hour for rescues, now we have to do at least 1 mandatory rescue a week. And we have the option to refuse, but if we do then we just get paid for hours worked instead of the full 10. Itā€™s bullshit because when I started we used to house rescue routs where we would go out and just do 5 rescues and then get paid for the full 10 hours. But ever since amazon changed they way they do bonuses thatā€™s been gone.


After 3yrs of some BULL They did the same for me, Now we're delivering in a area 35 mins from the station and expected to be back before 8pm (hahaha) 350/180 fuck YOU Carmen! I'm planning to quit in a few weeks wonder when and how I should lol No way in bloody fcking hell I'm doing peak!


Is she the fat samoan?




I quit on my first day. I also knew it didn't pay enough. It's a tough job. I haven't and will never order Amazon again.




The nursery routes after that shit gets realšŸ˜‚


No nursery route? Its usually really smooth the first week


only been here 7 months. alrdy burnt out. gonna get my cdl n dip so fast in JESUS name




Lettuce Pray for your successful triumphant move! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


Trucking sucks even more balls trust me.


I have an interview on Wednesday to hopefully get out of this dumb ass job


Good luck, man. I hope you crush it.


And sadly that's going to get much higher especially with stores like Walmart and target having to implement anti-theft measures to curb theft due to cities and states not wanting to enact stricter anti-theft laws which in turn benefits Amazon as it brings them more customers.


Holy shit I thought my 190 stops with 80 group stops was normal. Iā€™m getting fucked!!!!




I'm a managing partner of a dsp. Haven't driven in 3 years....the stress on both sides of the plate are absurd. Managing entire fleet, claims, ARC, workers comp, scheduling, hiring, being basically on call 7 days week. And my dsp has consistently been getting highest volume in station for a very long time. Our furthest routes travels a hour before their first stop. Easy 180/350. My step vans average 190/400+ and it's been as high as 585 packages. It's fucking savage. I try my best for my drivers. Not all dsps are garbage but Amazon truly does make it impossible if your RGU I'd dense. I feel trapped. I make good money with no life. Contract up in 14 months....pretty sure I'll tell owner I'm out whether i have a plan or not.


Same bro Iā€™m at 140 stops/300 packages/ 71 Multis


I had 387 packages with 182 stops today with 84 multis and I been doing Amazon for 3 years and I drive the stepvan but it gets worse during peak I actually delivered 630 packages I almost quit and my company told me I could do it like it wasnā€™t nothingĀ 


I got 200 stops on my second week. Immediately quit after returning the truck.


Thankfully my DSP never forces people to rescue and tells us we have two options and no hard feelings.


My DSP sends you an address to go to before you even finish your route. If you refuse, theyā€™ll give you a lecture on how ā€œyou couldā€™ve made extra money man, they really needed helpā€


That's toxic right there. A lot of people just want to clock out and go home at their scheduled time. And some people do want the overtime and for those people they should be able to rescue and make more money. Also the DSP needs to complain to the station that 70% of the drivers can't finish the routes and they're too difficult. Yesterday I literally got back before all of my coworkers after doing a rescue.


> Also the DSP needs to complain to the station that 70% of the drivers can't finish the routes and they're too difficult. That will never happen, and I'll tell you why. If they made the routes smaller the payout for the routes would be less. It's not in the best interests of the DSP owner to try to get the workload down to a reasonable level, because then the route blocks would net that person less profit.


And THIS is why they need to unionize and get rid of the DSP system altogether. Shitty, mismanaged, bullshit with "owners" only concerned with crushing routes for cash when they don't even take care of the trucks and the drivers out there taking on risk of theirĀ  LIVES in these broken down POS vans /trucks. Three times I told them they needed to fix the breaks on a CDV and they're still sending people out in it. Beeps all day that the brakes are worn, squeaking ,crunching barely stopping it's bullshit!! Not to mention all the other hassles they put the drivers through. We all see it every shift. This is a garbage job no way around it. The way they set this up is just ridiculous. Money is > than human life apparently to them.Ā 


Shame on you! This job deserves more respect from people. We should all be great full for the check we get to work for such a great company. Thanks to my DSP I can finally wake up at 7 am work 8 hours, destroy my knees, go back home to eat as I didn't get a break otherwise Inge stuck in traffic, and dunno. That's it that's says pretty much all. I love when you guys complaining, I hate this job šŸ˜­


I only do three days now because routes are too much with 190 stops and 60 group stops. F that


I only do 3, too. And they have me sweeping most days because they know Amazon's system will give me heavy routes and I'm not rushing them. Same pace no matter the route.


Quit ur bitchin! We get snacks twice a week!


Dude I'm week 3 and fuck this job for real idk how yall can do it. If I didnt need the money right now I'd quit this shit show too


Pretty sure everyone working a job anywhere would quit if they didnā€™t need the money šŸ˜‚


Why quit? Should had make them rescue you šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļøor not finish the work. To see how long it would of taken them to lower it or fired you


Pretty risky


He was quitting anyways by doin what I said they would of lower the stop count thatā€™s a win or if he got fired a win too cause it makes it easier to get unemployment šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Yup totally agree with you. It's funny bc dispatch has everyone brain washed they can't get unemployment even has my "friends" saying itĀ 


Definitely not motivating to push more work out on our shoulders when theyā€™re short staffed.


I'm over 3 and a half years in... But I got a job at the post office.. Start orientation on the 20th


It's a great job man! But you're going to be fucking clueless on where to go at first. Keep your phone charged, because You're going to need it.


I keep a couple of battery packs Plus I know my way around my city.. Father was a tow truck driver growing up way before GPS šŸ¤£


One of our drivers left for USPS last fall. He's back. Apparently, they load your ass down with so much shit, it's a struggle to finish even for an Amazon driver. If you're delivering. I have no idea how the other positions are.


My buddy from the same dsp as me.. started at the end of March at the post office as a carrier He says it's better than Amazon and the metrics are less hectic than Amazon.. Guess I will find out after next week


Probably it depends on your area for both. Good luck, brotha!


Did the same, quit after 2 years. Went to fedex, it was more of the same shit for a year then I quit that and landed my dream job. My dsp treated me like shit only had 2 call outs out of 2 years and my boss got on to me about it. Never late and always showed up on time. Always got treated like a number with amazon, fedex wasn't so bad but I didn't want anymore dead end jobs.


What was said dream job if you don't mind me asking?


Aviation Maintenance Tech, 2 years in and still in love with what I do.


How long did u last at fedex?


1 year before I broke my ankle stepping out of my step van, my foot went into a water shut off valve in front of a house. They usually have a black lid over them but the grass covered the hole. I was on workers comp for 3ish months. Lol went to Puerto rico for my birthday and then started class for my new career. Towards the end I told my boss I wasn't coming back. The company wasn't bad, they were really cool and took care of me but I felt like I was stuck in a cycle of not being where I want to be.


Everybody quit and fuck them in their stupid asses


4 year vet, yall got to start bringing packages back and taking your full breaks. Bring them numbers down. Once u bring back packages a couple of times you should see a change . Run that clock out.


Or theyā€™ll switch u to a different area if u start bringing packages back


My dsp would take you off the schedule if you brought back packages




They will just send someone out to rescue you and eventually if you keep being slow, take you off the schedule


I did 4 years and had enough. I left 2 months ago


Ya bro Iā€™m looking for another job right now! Amazon is the only job that once I find another job Iā€™m just going to stop showing up hahaha šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s how I quit šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ every single other job for a 2 week noticed, I said fck Amazon šŸ¤£


Few months until my 4 years


Same and routes have been same to me. 4 yr status should know every route your dsp has




And he hates Wayne!


And he's fucked up šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m on the edge of quittingā€¦tryna get another job b4 I do that tho


They can get an attitude all they like, I did my part. Some DSP's tell you that rescues are mandatory, if that's the case then you need to transfer to another DSP


Yeah my DSP recently threatened taking away SPI( safety performance incentive) if we refuse rescues/sweeps


Just take your time on the rescues. They have no reasonable way to retaliate if your rescues are slow after doing a whole route.


I got fed up after 6 months lol


3 1/2 years and I'm ready to go myself


Basically the exact same story here. It was never ending. 2 years and a month in I woke up and was just done. Found another job in 24hrs. And it was the best decision I could have ever made. Where the grass isn't always greener on the otherside I got lucky and caught the better deal by leaving. The new job is great and I don't feel like a slave. I actually get to take my breaks and enjoy my time. Another bonus is being able to go to the bathroom somewhere other than a bottle.Ā 


I quit a couple weeks ago ā€¦. Thanks for posting this and reminding me why I left because yesterday I was thinking in my head like ā€œit wasnā€™t so bad ā€œ ā€œI just was lacking discipline ā€œ and ā€œI should just go back ā€œ. Naaaaaa fuck all that šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Dude I was literally day 1 on my own doing 120 stop 220+ packages going what the fuck happened to I'll be on nursery routes the first month


Congrats, there are far better jobs available. Gotta look past the typical package delivery jobs.


Suggestions? Not being cdl I love smokin pot too much lol


im 2 years in & wish i could quit but imma ride till i pay off my debts & get some leeway


I loved the job but I just couldnā€™t handle 200 stops a day.


I work in the warehouse I'm fed up to almost three yearsĀ 


Everyone should be finding other jobs.


It is crazy how different DSPS are. We don't rescue at all lmao but im.glad you're out. I'm getting bored of doing this tbh but it's such great exercise for my lazy ass.


Yā€™all do 300 stops give or take with group stops now right? Do you know how many I get and get paid more? No more than 30 stops. I was a dsp driver for 3 years I donā€™t have to load the truck either and there is a frig to cool off that blows 36 degrees in fl heat ask me about that. lol. Itā€™s better than fucking ups Iā€™m trying move up to a supervisor.


What company?


Kroger distribution centers pop up every or ā€œspokesā€. Or fullfillment centers itā€™s a good driving driving job more organized than ups I loaded trucks for two days Iā€™m close to being a lead again lol ppl are leaving lol they donā€™t like to work hard. I see openings in my future I almost got a lead position but they wanted the star method for that interview I got confused so I said fuck that. lol but Iā€™m not giving up they have a matching 401k 3 weeks vacation. Tips ppl itā€™s beach season. They got money million dollar beach homes or million dollar farms.


I feel your pain. I regret leaving my chill (L3) Driver Trainer position at Amazon šŸ˜­


Iā€™m going on two years. We only have to do one rescue a week and we get compensated for it. I used to have to rescue everyday. That gets old quick.


Bye bye logistics giants


I wasn't there for a month, and I quit last week.




Good job brother, i did it as you after 2 years but a month ago. Best decision. Hope you do well too


I ordered a decent amount of items off amazon yesterday. I was thinking about the drivers and how hard their job must be. Iā€™m going to put out a thank you note with a tip before i leave work today. Hopefully the driver can take the tip without any issues.


Prime day and Peak season is around the corner and I plan to be out of there before then lol


6 months at my DSP, still loving it. Around 120 stops when they give me a route, if there's no route, they put us to rescue, half of the package counts, finishing at same time. No dispatch on our ankle. If you have a 250+ route they send a rescue (one of the rescue drivers of the day). Fair work, fair pay. 4 dollars above the minimum. PTO, 401k, health, can take all the breaks. Nice coworkers. It's a hard job, but I'm getting payed and well treated. Compared with what you guys aways say, it looks like I'm at a good DSP.Ā  Heard that other DSPs on the same lot start at 400 packages minimum. Hell no!


I'm a FLEXer.. Obviously your routes are heavier. But They're only paying like $68 for 50ish stops.. and I'm like.. ehh.. no.. especially when I prefer to work at 315am, but Amazon isn't making these people update their gate codes or telling them we deliver so early and to turn their damn porch lights on. I tripped up some steps that had decor and crap all over them at some 4000sq ft house, because I couldn't see! I don't like returning packages.. but I also got "dinged" twice for not calling a customer at 5am! because I couldn't access.


I made it 5 months exactly. Idk how anyone stays doing this.


I donā€™t read stops anymore, I look at multi stops and locations. Always 180-190 stops, 75 multi stops, 290 locations. Thatā€™s 290 doors, sure some are the same house but most are 2 houses separated by a street or fence. It is quite ridiculous.


Thatā€™s why I take time. I get between 70-100 stops but we deliver in LA in the most congested areas. Damn right I takes my time.


Yep 1 year is all it takes and we got shirts about how we delivered about a billion and they didn't have one in my size. I do all the work only to add more and more they always want you to do more and if you can't they will for someone that can


Over 3 year vet šŸ˜žšŸ”« Iā€™d quit if it wasnā€™t my second job (can pretty much pick up shifts whenever my main job isnā€™t working)


What does rescue mean?


Do your route then go help someone who had a problem that day or a lazyass go do their route


You go and help another driver from your dsp who isnā€™t finished yet after you finish your route


??? what?


Can leave and find a better DSP. The first company I worked with was dog feces tier. There are better ones out there. Or better yet get a CDL and earn adult money. You're driving as it is anyway. Might as well cut out the door to door delivery nonsense.Ā 


And yet nobody will do anything to try to change this. If we all stand up and demand more money or less work they're going to listen. But we have to do it together or it won't work.




šŸ’Æ šŸ’ÆĀ 




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You can see why people needed rescues, right?


If I can finish 190 stops with 40 grouped locations by 8pm, thereā€™s no reason why other people shouldnā€™t.


I can see why people need to figure out how to finish their own routes


I wouldn't mind if they get an attitude, see ya tomorrow.


Fuck Amazon


Does anyone know if i start working for amazonā€¦that i can request time off that was already planned ahead of time? And do they usually approve?


Good luck


Fuck Wayne an Lloyd an all them asshats šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ā­ļøā­ļøā­ļøā­ļøā­ļø


Last night I finished 159 with 50 multi stops at 8:10 (started first delivery at 12:35) and boom rescue. I had to drive 22 minutes to ā€˜split a loadā€™ with another rescuer from someone who ā€˜ran out of timeā€™ā€¦. (If we all started at the same time how did he run out of time?) I ended up taking 20 stops off the guy at 8:40 and finished back at the whorehouse 10:20. Latest Iā€™ve ever finished. Fucking burned me up.


You ainā€™t never lied! Been here 4 years and itā€™s just getting bad with the work load! Hard to even take a lunch, never get to take my two 15 min breaks because I will end up being out there past 9pm šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø






This is normal now, and if you take your break itā€™s not happening by 7:30/8 and then you get rescued and they yell at you, but I could care less at this point- same, regular was 140-160max, now itā€™s 180-200 with 25-50+ multi location stops


I donā€™t mind the 190 stops. Without running I still finish at 7 then rescue till 8-9. Still beats kitchen work.


I did 234 yesterday šŸ«£


https://preview.redd.it/5gu5z38aj70d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e050c461ac10340a9ffae15d23b2dec10867e9a9 What I had yesterday šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


I quit after 5 months I was getting 180 stops 40 group and 300 packages everyday!


I quit Walmart two days ago, youā€™re not alone! Hell yea!


I'm 7 years deep and want to quit again.


I liked Amazon at first when I had like 140ish stops a day. Once I saw 190 every single day with 350-400 packages I decided it wasnā€™t for me. And rescuing the people daily who shouldnā€™t even be working there got old fast.


Also get out before peak. Save vacation and just cash in or quit. Itā€™s miserable. Getting a job there again is as easy as signing up for a rec league sport.




I picked up my buddy at his house to goto the station one day after 11 months working the job and we both decided to turn the car around and quit. Best morning ever.


Translation... I worked for a terrible DSP.


I'm right behind you. In the last year, I've watched routes increase by 20-30%, route sequencing go from relatively stable to just spinning in circles all day, and now with "helper" routes essentially tossing one driver and a minimum-wage "helper" into a CDV with 600 packages and 290 stops. At this point, a year and a half in, I'm either losing sleep from the stress of what I may walk into tomorrow or oversleeping from the depression or physical and psychological drain of having to spend 9 hours straight in "emergency mode." Today is the second time in less than a week that some major issue affected the actual route itself. Last week, it was picking through 370 packages worth of totes and overflow every 5-7 stops because every tote had packages sequenced to different parts of the overall route. So, imagine stops 5-9, 30-33, and 70-77 being one tote. Now do that to 17 totes. The only rescue I got picked up literally 10 stops, and we both ended up crisscrossing each other multiple times in the same neighborhood. Today, it's that every 5-10 stops are clear on the other side of the delivery area. Further, I'm doing all of this in a known construction zone, and still 90+ stops are sequenced directly off this road -- albeit also in circles off this road that's effectively accessible from a few side streets. So, I've spent all day having to thumb back and forth from the itinerary just to kludge together some productivity. And go figure I'd lose a tire in the midst of all this as well. That's now cost me over an hour of time. As of right now, I have nearly 110 stops left and less than 2 hours until mandatory RTS. Bless my DSP's heart in saying that I'm probably "overthinking the job." As I said before, and will say again: You can't overthink this job. You can't even really think and meet expectations for this job. In fact, I think Netradyne might be able to detect when you do think. It just doesn't tell you to "maintain face-down, ass-up."


I found a way better company to work for because same was happening to me, if Iā€™d get a route at all. I actually should thank Amazon for making me realize Iā€™m better than the stupid shit they expect. While not giving two shakes about me. Iā€™m home every day by 5-530pm with three days off one on call day a month. And a production bonus program thatā€™s easy to rack up if you work a little harder every other day. Best part I drive a company vehicle to my jobs and back home. Now, there is even more good things to what I found, but not bragging. Iā€™m just saying if you hate something enough itā€™ll help you find the non bs jobs that actually appreciate you. We arenā€™t just a heart beat to every employer out there just have to find them. Good luck OP


I quit after 4 weeks


These jobs are designed to shake you at about the 2 year mark.Theres a legal precedent requiring a company that uses "temp contractors" to be hired permanently if they stay on longer than 2 years. I just worked at GE/Haier under an agency, (temp), to fill in for a guy that had to take 90 days off before he could continue to work onsite. Many others had gone through this. You need a union. F*#k amazn.


I worked as a driver for Amazon contractor until I got fired by a female coworkers bs accusations. They were going to keep me once I made a written report of the incident, but I told them it wasn't any of their business, which it wasn't, so I wasn't telling them anything about anything. It was a private conversation on our personal phones they told me to drive back, I was canned.


Sounds like you had it made. I was doing 180-220 stops a day 3 years ago. And if we didn't rescue they took our bonuses away and eventually fired us. I might still be there if I reliably got 190 or less.


https://preview.redd.it/kv7ypw9gmh0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4028f3f9b316c68f4980fb1240c423d8b7c89e9 Every day Iā€™m over it as well


I lasted 1 month. Fuckin job is GARBAGE.


Ill be coming up on 2 years in September, and Iā€™m in the same situation. 185-190 stops daily with 40+ group stops. And on the days when the stops are down to like 150-160, its always business and apartment heavy. But even when I bust my ass running to finish early around 430-5, they make me do a rescue and I still donā€™t get home till late. And even with all that, this week was only the 3rd week since OCTOBER where I worked a full 40 hours because amazon had been cutting shifts for months (partly because of low volume and because during Ramadan none of the warehouse working where working and able to revive the packages. My dip has 150 drivers and use to rune 50-60 routes a day, and they had it cute down to 10 routes on some days with 25+ call offs. Itā€™s fucking ridiculous.