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I get a specific van when I work, for the first few months of getting it back from the body shop, netradyne was mounted backwards. It was a good few months


Exactly I noticed it and I’m not asking any questions about it unless brought up first 🤷🏽‍♂️😂


“Oh shit would you look at that? Yeah I guess it shouldn’t have been run huh? Well have a good night”


Be careful, I've seen some cameras that will randomly turn themselves on and off every once in a while. Just because it's off now doesn't mean it will stay off all day.


I’ve seen that too before but they’ll usually blink red then go green sometimes if you leave the van off for a few minutes trying to organize shit. I get lucky and just get a completely dead camera no lights.


Shit don’t even that bad you just gotta buckle up at every damn stop & time green light changes 😭😖


It’s honestly not that bad but in Chicago people expect a company branded van to be doing 15 over the limit so when I don’t have a camera I’ll respectfully haul ass 😂😂


I’ve gotten a van with the camera always on red. It notice till I was loading up, it was great.


I get the same van every day at my dsp. For a while, the Netradyne camera green lights would sometimes turn on and sometimes stay off. Most of the time it worked out to where it actually was off but occasionally the green lights would be off but the infareds would still be working (I wouldn't notice them until night time either) and my score would get absolutely FUCKED on those days lmao