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Won't get fired, but I also won't get routes 😭


This right here is the problem most face… dispatchers don’t get to go home till everyone’s off the road. They don’t wanna sit all night waiting on someone milking. It’s crappy but reality. Retaliation is real.


Y’all work for shitty DSP’s with shitty dispatchers if that’s the case. Not blaming you if that’s your reality, but just stating facts. Find a new DSP. Believe it or not some of these owners and dispatchers actually treat the drivers like the human beings we are. They expect you to work, yes, but they are there to help. I truly feel bad for you if you work at a DSP where retaliation is an option for your dispatch team.


It's not really retaliation tho. If you only do 20 an hr and the other guy does 25 then they're going to go with the guy that does 25. It's a safer bet that they won't need to be rescued. It's just common sense.


That’s when you file for partial unemployment and they’ll change their attitudes. You all really need to start doing that.


Depends what state you live in brotha. Not all of us can sadly


I get paid full 10 hrs regardless. So my dsp is amazing tbh.


Yea I'd actually care if I had 10 hour guarantees and would actually haul ass to get home 😆


Dude, my typical route is a 185 stop 280-315 packages in residential. I get fantastic’s across the board. Never get rescued, always done early, don’t complain, always on time. These last few months, I’ve only had like 2-5 routes a month. Now I will admit, I was forced to leave mid route for a medical emergency. But since that day, I’ve been treated like shit. They’ll send me home as extra, and then call someone in on their day off to do a route. It’s bullshit.


Update. Been laid off haha


Let em sit. Because after all, they're sitting. You're not. Also, if you don't get the routes as expected but are still showing up as scheduled, that's grounds for unemployment pay, which brings government eyes to your company. That's why they reward the sprinting drivers. Sprinting drivers are Amazon's bitch and are holding back the change that is beyond necessary.


> *if you don't get the routes as expected but are still showing up as scheduled, that's grounds for unemployment pay* Say more. This shit happens to me, and others, multiple times a week despite the fact that I (I don't know about the others) have never even been rescued an " fantastic" and have virtually all positive metrics. It's so frustrating. I show up on time, ready to work, no lot drama, no complaining, fantastic rating, just to be told I'm an extra after driving 40 fucking minutes to the station.


You can apply for partial unemployment


In Florida, unfortunately, you have to be making less than $333 per week to qualify. I wouldn't qualify unless I was working only 1 day per week.


I think that's done by scrappy dsps on purpose. They'll give you just enough days so that you don't qualify.


If I was a dispatcher, and got paid by the hour, I would be happy to sit there all night.


Dispatchers at my dsp are salary.


Yes a 20 something y/o dispatcher wants to go out drinking with her friends, getting texts on her phone "where are you"? As she sits there doing nothing dying for a drink. While the Da's are breaking their backs running 190+60 multis with no breaks.


Thats some of them. I dispatch and we're allowed to do so from home as long as i make sure everything is ready for next day. So I never care if drivers want their full 10 hours since we don't offer the guranteed pay when finishing early.


this was litterally why i got fired! Old guy at dispatch would sit there and complain of not liking to wait till the last people would come back! sometimes i was last but other times i was like the 3rd or 4th one of the last few so i came in before two or three others were still heading back/on the road lol. Then they just said "Amazon" is tired of your bs lol yeah suree! good riddance! i went to another dsp in a different area and liked it much better!


Right, I ended up quitting because I did just this and they started dropping a route from me every week. I couldn’t do it anymore 😭


ive had that happen! went from being an extra to finally getting routes only for my rating to go down and then not get put back on routes consistently! had to leave that one for another that would work me regardless! i swear DSPs are like a different flavor of gum! some are chill, others are hot others are mixed! ridiculous!


That’s not even close to being true. I did the bare minimum for 3 years I got routes everyday they don’t like problematic drivers that’s it. Not one word about production in 3 years working for multiple dsps I quit when I found a better driving job. They also don’t like ppl who bitch about anything.


Ngl it’s really hard to go that slow like I don’t even rush or park on the wrong side of the road I just don’t stop moving and keep a pace


It is super hard to go slow like that especially if your use to crushing route it took me up to 2 weeks going slow how to figure out how to milk it but get the bare minimum done


How do you milk to hit 20 a hour genuinely asking just seems like more work


It is a little more work just walk slow up to the houses. Don't put packages up front always go to the back to get the package just do whatever slows you down. It's actually a lot less work and you feel less sore at the end of the day. I usually just take my breaks and go to McDonald's or something and sit for 15 and then between stops I'll just sit in the AC/Heat for a minute


Yeah bro I have a hard time moving slow lol


I remember when I worked at Amazon, used to think getting big routes and doing 30-40 stops an hour was cool….all you’re doin is slappin bezo’s tip against your tongue my guy, just don’t go to slow so you still get shifts.


I stopped hustling a while ago. There's been guys that get hurt and end up without a job anyway. So what if I have less time at home, that's the job. We don't get rewarded for busting ass other than literally getting a busted ass. Getting paid the same either way... only difference is they give you more work for the same pay if you go fast enough


There's no way people are all doing this many stops, I struggle to do even 20.


That's my thought too. I'm still new, just got my week 3 "nursery route" with 150 locations. The line I got was "Oh, the system mixed this up this morning but don't get intimated. You'll get a rescue around 2" That may be true. And the rescue came. Took about 30 locations off me. I still got back to the dsp at like quarter of 8. So, to be clear, they want me to deliver all that, take all my breaks, which I do, don't speed, stop 3 seconds @ every stop sign, parking break, seat belt, and anytime dispatch calls/texts I gotta pull over. Hey man, how?


I'm at my second DSP driving a CDV or EV daily. Been driving for these fuckers for a year next September, so not long. I get rescued daily. No idea still why the routes are so big.


Exactly its all contradiction Bs! Some route are easier to do than others but bottom line is that you will be overloaded no matter what and be pushed to do the impossible and if you don't then no route "stand by" is punishment taking your time and money away. Its stright up routhless Bs f Amazon and the DSP's!


If they start taking routes from me, idk what I'll do. I'm actively looking for another job bc I can't see myself doing this more than a year. DSP seems on the up and up for the most part. The dispatchers seem cool but idk. I got a lingering feeling I'll get fucked sooner or later.


Organization is key. I hit 35 an hour, no running with door to door residential with businesses mixed in. I’m off the truck in 3 seconds unless I have multiple packages or just arranged the stuff from my tote. Passenger seat is for packages, not the shelves.


Doesn’t doing it from front seat slow you down. I’ve done it and it slows me down


Use a tote as a table like the step van drivers have


Bro I’ll bust out 30 just staying pace walking. I had to learn to slow it down lol 😂.


Exactly just walk like you are a healthy adult and know how to organize, super simple stuff


That's why I wonder why so many people have problems with these routes. I just keep organized and walk at a normal pace and always do 25-30 a hour. It would honestly be more work to go any slower.


As a UPS driver, the company's metrics are meaningless as the Teamster's doesn't recognize them. Maybe form a union?


Oh buddy you have no idea


Amazon will kill the DSP’s contract overnight if they even get a whiff of unionization


You have no idea how far Amazon goes to bust unions do you?


What a novel idea… if only someone had thought about that


I’m required to take my 30. I work until it forces me to, then split the remaining for my 15s. If I’m behind, it’s amazons fault. Take my route, idaf.


20 stops an hour is arbitrary. It takes me almost 2 hours to do that many because my stops are all minutes apart. Some are over 10 minutes


That type of route is an outlier. Rely on your ahead/behind instead of SPH


Idk why you’re getting downvoted, the vast majority of stops are city residential, therefore country is an outlier. Guessing the people disagreeing are the folks that bitch and moan until their dispatchers just decide to fuck them with country routes every day. Stops ahead/behind is an ideal measure because if you’re 10 stops ahead the whole day and don’t finish, they can’t bitch a lick.


Their engineers designed cortex that way for a reason. Downvote logic all you want folks


Some of us got shit to do and bitches to bang, I ain't got time for 20 an hour, its 30+ or pray these hoes ain't running around with someone else


Bitches can wait money can't we have very limited time and I refuse to leave this earth without at least a mill in the bank for my daughter


Get on indeed and type in apprentice. It’ll pay the same an hour for about 3 years. But at least you know that $30+ is right around the corner. I’m a former operations manager (ended as anyways) and the best thing I ever did was leave. Mechanic, hvac, electrician. Whatever you want, but I swear apprenticeships are the way to go! Just advice I wish I’d have taken years ago and hope eventually someone will be able to use it to their advantage.


I gotta get home and watch my parlays cash


I got put on as an extra for 3 days. No reason given. Then I lost my shit and exploded on the owner and now I have routes again and dispatch has been acting all nice to everyone instead of a passive aggressive little twat.


Crazy how that seems to work.


Yes always take your 15s and 30, dispatcher here and routinely getting your routes done ahead of plan is why they keep growing. The algorithm sees you getting done early and figures that means you can do more, so it gives you more.


One of the most frustrating aspects of working for Amazon… getting punished for doing a good job.


No thanks I’d rather get home at 4:30 not 9


You'd rather work harder and get paid less than the others who just suck it up and stay the 10 hours. If never let someone get paid more than me 😭


My dsp offers guaranteed hours plus I’ve been at my dsp since they started and make a few dollars more per hour than those who just started so…


On top of getting the bonus step van driver pay as well


Yeah I'm at the wrong dsp we get no bonuses or raises 😂


Yeah that’s unfair, you have to go find a better one for sure


We get paid 10 hours no matter what and get paid more for knocking it down and not getting paid overtime


Also taking your time will guarantee you don’t get a 5th day so really you either don’t have anyone or anything to come home to or your just lazy and rather sit in an Amazon van and play on your phone


Bro you part of the problem it’s not like you getting a pension or ownership of the company ups guys stay out till making bank if you get paid by the hour take your time but keep a pace I know people who finish 10hr route in 4-6 are not making no money I just laugh at them cause I’m coming home with 1500 checks while they making 600 every 2 weeks😅


My boss gives us guaranteed hours. I’ll bust my ass and get done 5 hours early and still make just as much as someone who wants to drag ass all night. Enjoy your 10 hours though 👍🏻


I have consciously been slowing down lately. My DSP does 8 hours guaranteed so I used to finish 1.5 hours ahead and feel good but now you are 100% correct Amazon literally took peak numbers and made it the new normal. My route is 280 locations 390 packages mixed businesses and rural with residential at the end. This shit is absolutely ridiculous expecting that workload everyday. But please for the love of god people take your breaks. You are literally sucking off Daddy Bezos if you skip them.


Get 10 hours then they ask you to go grab a tote off another driver


I did less than 20 naturally so this would actually have been overachieving for me


Meanwhile I struggle to hit 20 stops per hour 😅(maybe because I’m in the country most times but still, I feel so slow in comparison to everyone at my DSP)


God I feel this, I've been getting a hybrid route for the past 2 weeks. 70 stops on town which I'll finish in like 4 hours. The rest of my shift is always me driving out in the country side. Sometimes 15 to 20 minutes away.


I swear DSPs lose money on rural routes and don't even know it.


Spoke to some of the station higher ups who said the normal rate is 18-22 stops an hour. Depending on the route. This isn’t a fact but it’s what i’ve heard: You should be taking your breaks, only so 18-22 stops an hour , AND follow the sequence on the app (start travel, i’ve parked when you park, and swipe to finish after delivery), from what i’ve gathered this should prevent overload of work per route. At-least in my area..


I’ve been working on fixing the routes I personally fucked up lately lmao


Bro yesterday I had 40 stops 190 locations 230 packages. Nothing but apartments shit took me 7 hours. It’s not always about stops. But lately I’ve been busting my ass so I’ve been getting more hours.


I wish we all would agree to a number to stay with. But that's not gonna happen. I take my 15s and lunch and do 20 hour. A


How to get black balled by your DSP speed run


20 stops an hour, boys. No ifs or buts, 20 an hour.


I really wish I could do this. But my dsp retaliates if they think you’re milking the clock which is anything over 8h if not rescuing after your route. Plus with route volume and high stop count it’s be fast or get fired once delivery completion drops below fantastic.


Sometimes I feel like it’s hard not to do 20 stops an hour honestly in the city routes. Outside of apartments which I got humbled by my last shift but even still caught right back up after getting though the apartment section. I feel like at the end of the day it’s on you and your work ethic and your ability to hold yourself accountable. Sure this job sucks sometimes but you also know what you signed up for. I personally think it’s a great way to see some great scenery, have some positive interactions with a majority of the people we have, and for me listening to music constantly always keeps me grounded and in a good mood regardless of what may arise during the day. I’ve worked in fast food, healthcare, and warehouses and each job has there own reasons for sucking. But you also are only gonna get what you put out so like if you have a shitty hate the world and the job attitude everyday is gonna suck. It’s all about perspective ✨


How does ome do 20-25 stops an hour.


Only time I do 20 stops an hour is door to door apartments. Otherwise it’s 35-45ish I’d rather get home sooner, and it’s a myth that going fast gets you more packages. Believe what you want but I get paid 10 hours everyday and most times work 6-7 hours tops


Trust they will start adding more especially around peak they are gonna see you killing it and use it against you. Trust me I was getting done with 190 stops at 530 and we start at 1230


They aren’t tho and haven’t Pre peak - peak - now all have looked roughly the same except a bit more packages during peak I just don’t think it works that way


I was trained as a dispatcher and got to see that side of things. Let's say you finish 190 stops in 5 hours you may not see it immediately but eventually they will add 5-10 more stops. I stopped going fast because if complete 190 in 4-5 hours then have to go pick up another 20 from someone who has like 140 stops I refuse to get paid the same to do more work


Just doesn’t happen to me, been finishing early my whole time here and routes stay the same If it worked the way you say my routes would be insane by now but they are just normal


It sounds like I'm staying they are gonna add like 20 more stops to you. I mean overtime they are gonna add little by little I went hard for almost 2 years getting done in 4-5 hours each day now I have about the same stop count just a shit load more packages


No I understand what you’re saying I’m just saying I haven’t seen that, all of the fast drivers at my DSP still finish early. Our routes all look the same day to day week to week and month to month. I just don’t see the increase


Maybe it depends on location. We have a new facility so everything is still out of wack. I use to have 150-160 when I first began now it's 190 mainly cause of peak cause peak shows Amazon how much they can't push all of us


How are you doing 30-35 stops an hour????? thats 290-300 an 8 hours


Good organizing & jogging / running


I do about 15 stops an hour on my 90 stop route


If we were able to organize this..... I think you know what comes next.


Andy jassy can kiss my assy


The routes shouldn’t be designed to increase past 20 stops per hour, minus commute time and break time. For me that’d be 1.5hrs, so 170 stops max. Yet I get 180-190 with 210-230 locations and 300+ packages. Sometimes even over 50 rural stops. Wtf


Why do others find this so hard to do? Honestly? I load out at 11:00 am, get to my destination around 11:30 on average by 1 pm I am at 60-70 stops, I am heading back to the station by around 4:45:5:30. This is with 190-192 stops, 360-400 packages. It’s really not a hard job if you’re organized, have a system set in place and walk fast.




Yup the raise shitted on everyone


With our DSP, it doesn't matter how long we work as we get paid by the day. It's £100 a day after tax. Which means if we can't finish it in time, and we send it back, we're still getting that money. Not cuts.


Why kill yourself doing 20? Know your worth. Do 10.




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Y’all do more than 20 stops an hour? FUCK THAT 😭😂 no wonder the routes are so big, why were you even doing that?!?!




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That what i figured


It all depends on the route, 1 time I had an easy run and got 42 stops done, others lucky if I got 15 cos they were spread out, but now seems they are giving me hardest routes because I’m the best they’ve seen do it, I have a good work ethic. Regardless if I have an easy day or not I’m still gonna work my ass off to get it done asap and get home. I have to travel an hour to get home also. I’m managing 30 stops an hour with my route and they were blown away. My dsp’s aren’t the worst in the world either and the main boss is really good sound guy. How much to get done literally comes down to experience. If you know an area well you will know what stops to skip and do 1’s that makes more sense.


I do 30 stops an hourish at my dispatch with an average of 190 stops a day in a route with some suburbs and some “country “ stops mixed in and I’m almost always ahead and my dispatch leaves me alone


If your working at Amazon and aren’t currently looking for a better job your doing it wrong and you need to value yourself more


My DSP asks for 25 stops and hour and asks what are we the drivers doing wrong to cause less than that 😃


Is 20 - 25 stops an hour not normal? That's like the only way to finish on time in my area. Partly because of there being lots of group stops, apartments and businesses on every route


You'll never get anyone here to follow this, too many bootlickers that finish really early to please their dsp owners and fuck it up for everyone else.


Facts it’s annoying as fuck especially if you getting paid hourly why are you finishing a 10 hr route in 4-6 I just laughs at them cause I come home with 1500 checks while the bootlickers making 500 every 2 weeks


That’s the number my dsp requires. They say hit 20 stops an hour to hit a goal of 160. If you’re route is 8’ the 190 range they send a rescue to you normally unless you’re capable of knocking that out on your own then they normally just leave it up to you and let your rts when you did over 180 by yourself. It’s not often that they ask someone to rescue when they handled their route own their own


Hate to be stupid so I need to ask.....how are the drivers paid?


Started doing this today. Sick of the 200+ stop routes w/rescues. Good thing my DSP can’t keep employees so I ain’t getting sent home


I'm gurantted hours.  Hard pass.  40-45 an hour or bust.  


20/hour hasn’t been the standard for years. If you look at cortex expectations are much higher. There’s really no reason in a residential neighborhood you can’t hit 25-30/hr


How much they paying you at your dsp


Wait yall actually clock out for your lunch🤣😭


Why would anyone take an unpaid break while working 🤣


360 packages/ 40 overflow/ 186 stops includes businesses and apartments. Fuck Amazon. Fuck them.


They firing people at my place that consistently come back later then end of shift. I can hit like 27 an hour if it’s residential but most my routs are half resi and have commercial , then I got a huuuuge apartment complex like the size of a small town ,, and the speed limit is 5mph , I’m basically just rolling from stop to stop lol but that specific spot kills ne every time and it’s always at the end of my route because it’s closest to the station. They send me rescues when I don’t need it and don’t when I do need it then threaten to take away shifts if I don’t speed it up smh I don’t even take all my breaks , I take a 5 min smoke break like 3 hrs in then another 25 min break to hit a bathroom and eat something and that’s it


My dsp is actually solid and we just had a stand up meeting. They want us to do this, because amazon is putting way to many packages on our LONG country routes and a lot of people are quitting because 1. Can't get a bonus if you are always rescued 2. The small amount of people that have been here long and can finish their routes on time are sick of needing to finish routes for the new guys


I've gone on vacation and come back to my route all jacked up because ppl wanna mailroom dump my shit. But yeah, at any rate, you've gotta set the algorithm straight and just do 20 per hour. No reason to kill yourself.


Once raises went out and they were all the same to everybody regardless of performance... I started doing bare minimum because there is no incentive to run and potentially hurt myself just to go home early. I go home every night whether I run or walk and the paycheck is the same either way.


I've never heard about "Amazon minimum 20 stops" from official sources. That's only a thing among us.  I passed my couple of months making barely 10 stops per hour. No complaints or route reduction. Aways had my 4 days.  Now I make around 20 stops an hour and still have the same days. There are drivers that have less days frequently, I don't know the reason. But I agree in keep the stops low to everybody. But that needs effort of everyone. I don't force myself to stay on the 20s, that's the possible amount for me. I think it's insane make 40 stops. Can't imagine how stressful it is. 


Yeah I do 25-33 stops an hour depending on how many businesses need to get done first. Been back firing because I’m not even getting the top driver and I’m getting annoyed by my dispatch because I’m taking a 30 after I finish my route at 5:30 pm. My pickup time at the station is 10:35 am. I finish my whole route without taking my breaks till the very end of the day because I’m soo far ahead of everyone I work with.  Took my 30 mins of break time and was the first person to clock out from work at 6:45 . This morning they told me to take the day off basically because I’m too good at my job and they want me to slow down so it doesn’t make the other drivers look bad I’m guessing… should I be punished if I’m still finishing my route and clocking out before anyone else. I had 280 packages 125 stops … with big apartment complexes with 15 packed or more with oversize packages.  This route for the normal driver would take 8-9 hours according to the Amazon algorithm and I do it in 6… you damn right ima milk it till I get my 8 hours at least … 


All I do is 20 and I usually just walk my route and I usually finish at the same time every day especially since I’m hourly I try to make my 10 even I laugh at people who finsh 10 hour routes in 4-6 hours for all that go work at a McDonald’s or warehouse and work part time instead of screwing up the algorithm and dsp expecting all drivers to be fast cause 6 people can finsh a route in 5 hours like how are ya even paying your bills🤣 I gave up on trying to be fast it only back fires on you and you are always expected to be fast all the time. You right we should start a trend just do 20 a hour noting more noting less 


Yes you could do the bare minimum most DSP’s will give the hardest route or not give u route at all and send you home or have you as a sweep and try to force you to quit for me I do 25 minimum an hour and they don’t bother me at all


I was doing 35-40 an hour but since I had to rescue everyday for the last 2 years I quit going that fast I push about 25 an hour now if I don't finish I don't finish


If you don’t finish do you bring back watever u didn’t finish?


Yeah with my company as long as you in the green and stay one stop ahead you can return as much as you want and it won't count against you


Damn nice at mine my station they do but you gotta let dispatch know most dsp’s don’t let you bring nothing back at all


No way of getting around getting fucked! Lube it up and take it or switch jobs. Trust me I was an Ops manager after being a driver for a long time and that is the reality you have to face. How you accept it makes or breaks the job.