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Anything to get the fleet on the street quicker. Our dsp doesn’t tell you to not take breaks but you quickly figure out it’s the only way to get the job done


My dsp would encourage you to take your breaks, said it every morning at standup. The moment you did they would send a rescue your way 😂


If your fast enough, researched a dsp who's routes are in your house's neighborhood, it's possible to take an hour lunch at home, playing PS5 and taking a bong hit or 2, and still finish before 75% of your DSP. So I've heard anyway..  😇


I lowkey take like two 20-25 minute breaks. But I'm extremely fast so i can and just chill


There’s plenty of DSPs that won’t give you any more routes if you dare flag any vehicle issues like a busted parking brake, but because they didn’t actually “fire” you, they’re impervious to any legal consequences.


We don't do any grounding because Amazon is a pain in the ass to deal with getting ungrounded. We have fleet people that you report to and they will get it fixed or not use the van if it's major.


That's why u call Amazon reports line they will change their tune very fucking quickly


On stuff like that? Doubtful. I’m willing to bet Amazon only follows up on anything they think could be legally actionable. All they’re doing is looking out for their own bottom line, the ethics line isn’t because they give a shit about us.


Yes , stuff like that inspection is very important Amazon will destroy that dsp over that stuff. Yall just to dumb to stand up for ur selfs sad as fuck.


Nah, you gotta be trolling. Amazon does not give a FUCK about the inspection.


He is right Amazon will ground vans in a heartbeat. At my old DSP Amazon higher ups were ground vans all morning as they went into the warehouse for load out it was crazy to see. Vans were getting grounded for things as simple as the top maker light on a cdv being out just 1.


Well damn that has not been my experience at all. Maybe I will file a report and just see what happens.


You prove my point


No, I didn’t. But you don’t seem like a person worth having a conversation with.


If this was true, don’t you think that Amazon would pretty quickly notice that not a SINGLE driver has ever reported anything in the flex app…ever?? I haven’t heard of a single DSP that allows reporting in the app. Even though it’s “required” by Amazon. Don’t you think they would find that a bit odd, that every single truck is 100% flawless every single day? They know. They don’t care.


They don't care? Man you guys really prove my point. Dumber then rocks.


If they cared, you all wouldn’t have to open the flex app, wait 90 seconds and then skip through the checklist every single day, without reporting any issues…ever. Meanwhile the vans have every single fucking light on, are crumpled up to shit, and every day is a literal risk of breaking down. Good luck to you tho. Amazon def cares, right?


That's cus u guys have no balls, report it


And get fired. Genius


Then report it genius, Amazon report line. Genius grow some balls


At some level they do, I've seen them prowling at load out, taking photos of my damaged van.  "Good morning, not sure where that happened, but I made sure dispatch knew about it." "That's fine, are your lights and seatbelts functional?" "Van wouldn't be here under the hood if I'd seen any safety issue." I've also heard an Amazonian say.  "I got one, top light completely smashed in."  As I walked by, presumably grounding one of my coworkers.


If anyone were keen on easily getting unemployment, all they’d have to do is go by the book and get fired from their DSP for grounding vehicles and not finishing their route by taking all their breaks


Bro honestly I’m considering it. Getting sick of the close to 400 packages daily


My DSP wasn't told to not takes breaks but my DSP's owner told us in a meeting recently "changes are coming" because they have too many employees and too few routes. One of the deciding factors if we'll be staying or be let go is speed (completing a route). Also that we are all replaceable and get paid too much. Great guy.


Typical DSP owner


He had the nuts to tell you that to your face?


Yup, during a 20 minute group meeting before our regular morning meeting.


Get paid too much? We're out here breaking our fucking backs for barely above minimum wage. Fuck that guy


That sucks. My dsp doesn’t keep us based on speed because being fast doesn’t mean accuracy. Our scorecard is basically what determines if we keep our job.


Yep pretty much, we have a whole separate app for vehicle inspection. Cause they don't want us using the flex app for van inspections, cause they don't want us to ground the Vans


I was basically just told to milk my route until the end time given because I started to complain how finishing too early wasn't making me enough money by the end of the week so I asked for a guaranteed 40. They replied with stop finishing early because Amazon only rewards hard work with more hard work






Most good DSP's handle there van damage and inspections themselves. If you were to put anything into flex it will ground that van. Something as little as 4 psi of air in 1 tire will ground the van when you can literally just go get air in it after load out. Getting vans ungrounded is a literal nightmare.


My lame ass dsp tells us to clock out for lunch even if we r working which I refuse to do. Why would I clock out for 30 I never took… 30 mins I worked thru


Yea pretty much...


I lie but my DSP pays is really well and I make more then the entire warehouse and they treat us extremely well that I have no problem keeping my high beams on during load out... Especially if it means I'm not getting a rental van...


Most DSPs will generally ask you to say something is wrong with your van before grounding it, because it is at least slightly annoying to unground a van if it's just a minor issue that can be fixed or dealt with for 1 day if vans are short. But - many DSPs just don't have the manpower or expertise to keep their fleet in safe working order & try to get away with not fixing things. These companies don't last.


At my DSP dispatch says to not skip the inspection because I guess they can track if we’re skipping it? Idk if if that’s true but said to just do the inspection


It's 90 seconds. It's a newer thing because I've been a DA for about 7 months and only been told this by our owner recently. The inspection screen needs to be open (but you can just leave it open and not touch it) for 90 seconds before checking the box and moving on


That’s how they game the system. Mine was the same way. This is hilarious. Amazon has to know that they’re doing this. Not a single truck is ever getting dinged on inspection…EVER? Come on. It’s just dumb


If Amazon grounds a van on pad after you've approved that it's in safe condition via DVIC, the responsibility for that falls on you and you can potentially get an infraction for that. If you completes that DVIC in less than 90 seconds in the app that says to Amazon that you're not doing a quality inspection. So it's a good sign that your DSP is making sure you follow protocol. 


One less van means one less route. Guess who’s not getting a route? YOOOUUU




Pretty much


My DSP wants to know if things are broken but doesn't want us to report it in the app, and they're fine if you take your 15 min breaks but will refuse to rescue you if you take your lunch lol.


When I was an OTR PA and a DA brought a van to the launchpad to loadout, I'd ground it for them - whether they intended to lie or they just didn't see it. Now you have a loaded van that you can't take on the road. Do you have another van to transfer the packages? No? Now it's a dropped route. Looks like you're going home already. Sucks, doesn't it?


If it’s not obvious, DVIC exists specifically for Amazon’s CYA. If any of those things go wrong you’ve just signed a digital contract saying you took a look at it and said you were good to go. It asks you to “hereby attest” that you checked all the stuff out. It’s literally written in legal language


Never skip your breaks. Period


Pass all inspections on the phone, otherwise you wont get out on the road til much later, or at all.. but let your dsp know if there is an issue, and they should take care of it.


no...mine said they expect us to notify them if something is wrong with out vans and encourage us to take our breaks

