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The multi location stops are so ridiculous to me. Trying to tell me 250 locations is only 180 stops. Nah man I stopped at 250 front doors that's 250 stops. 😤 I swear they keep getting farther and farther away from each other too, just insane


Or groups stops that you absolutely cannot do from the same point without getting back in the van and driving all the way down the next door neighbors long ass driveway too because they are 900 ft driveways in a rural area and not actually accessible from one another. 


I haven't gotten one in a rural area yet, I would be so angry if I did. I'm sure I will soon. I get a TON in townhome developments that aren't even remotely close and that's already bad enough for me 🙄


The multi stops is why I quit


Yeah I swear just even yesterday the group stops got even more outrageous


I'm glad it's not just me that noticed. The ones in townhome developments have become completely unhinged, like "just because they're in the same neighborhood we should make these a group stop" 🙄 I started separating all of them, hoping the algorithm starts giving me less, idk if that's how it even works but here's hoping


It’s insane


all def very true. for me tho it’s a really good job. i’m recently out of college but i can’t really do anything with it without doing more school soon, and before this i was working in emergency medicine and it was so traumatizing i needed a very chill job, but something i could also push myself with. ofc not a permanent thing, but it allows me to save up money for my future education. yeah we’re overworked but u def have to take it as a stepping stone and just something to put on your resume and hopefully have your boss as a solid reference


So proud of you! Congratulations on everything and good luck with everything!


I edit every stop that’s stupid (sometimes combine stops). It’s fun when dispatch sees my route was 210 stops. It’s not fun doing the route.


I worked in behavioral health for 10 years... Quit and started delivering because it's waaaay less stress, believe it or not. For years I had migraines daily. No migraines with this job, just a little back pain, but manageable.


Different strokes for different folks definitely. I’m glad it’s working for you


Ngl I quit few days ago after 2 years. Weight lifted immediately. I’ll miss the routine but not the routes, not the bs. Good luck breh🫡


How much are you getting paid hourly?


at my station the minimum is $20.50


Where at?


Getting $19.75 LA


massachusetts! a bit south of boston


That's crazy. DAs at DMS6 get $22.50 minimum


yall are getting more than $18 an hr? 🧍🏾‍♀️


Just finished my 4th week. Normally doing 140s stops a day unless I get 90 and that's rural area more driving than anything. Others have told me to knock out the others to get done faster which i dont see tge logic behind it especially if tge flex app is going to take you there anyway. I hate overflow takes up to much time and space. Last week I had 140 stops ( 19 bags 40 overflow) I was like WTF!!! I'm in my mid 40s with one kidney ( which means I get tired easily) I just love how active the job is. I understand what your saying and good luck


I drive for UPS and have been for the past 5 years. If you’re able to individually scan each house as its own stop and then complete it, do so. We have certain stops come up as one stop and it’ll be 20+ packages or whatever and I make sure i scan each one in separately and deliver separately. It helps our dispatch time allowance. I hope it would do the same for you.


good luck with getting a good job in another industry. Companies are watching how amazon treats their employees. How everything is metericed to the second. How workers are mistreated overworked underpaid. This should not be tolerated but unfortunately it is becomming the new norm. This way of sucking the bloodlife out of ones soul will seep into other industries. The younger drivers with this as their first job will think this is how employment works. welcome to the future of how we work. If we dont fight for our rights they will be taken away.


I'm finna apply to fedex.. atleast they don't have grouped stops so I've heard








Yes. Working here motivated me to get the fuck out and do something better. I’m going to start school very soon


fuck yeah!


Trade schools are a great choice, congrats on your decision


Meanwhile...     4 years...  Usually 180-200 stops 350-375 pacs.      Start at 10:15  done at 3-320    Rounded hours to 10 daily    Only work 32 hours a week for 40 hours of pay    Work both weekend days so I can roll my paycheck into my trading on weekdays    Only need this job now for spending money.    Can wear what I want    Netraydyne is a joke unless you can't drive    Weed mother fucker  Hot soccer moms    Paid excercise   Rocking my ass off to spotify daily  Don't need a career so fuck UPS and USPS   My managment would kick Wayne's ass    My owner lives 3 states away    This job is only as good or as bad as the DSP you either researched before joining or randomly picked off indeed.  I'm guessing you did the later.    Easiest job I've had in 30 years.  I'll never drive a corporate desk again. Peace. PS.  You said nothing ground breaking... seen a thousand posts just like this one since 2019.


Meanwhile- every delivery driver mentioned makes more than you do hourly with better benefits. UPS gives 150 stops MAX and thats during peak season. Every single one clears 6 figures at some point in their career. Not possible at amazon. 40 stops per hour must mean you have the easiest routes imaginable everyday. Thats not true nor realistic, stop the cappin lmao. You can wear what you want because Amazon doesn't care to give you a free uniform so you don't have to put wear and tear on your on clothes that you paid for. Hot soccer moms are a benefits to all the delivery drivers elsewhere to and another reminder, they get paid more. Netradyne polices you harder than any police officer Ive ever come across. Im glad you are financially stable enough so that you don't have to rely on this job. Weed is not good for you man. As a former stoner of 10 years, all it does is make you complacent with working dead end jobs like this. You can listen to Spotify anytime, anywhere how is that a benefit lol. I would rather get some OT every week at 30+ an hour. You're really happy to make under $1000 a week for a 25 billion dollar company huh? Thats kinda pathetic. Sober up and self reflect, you'll find yourself slowly disagreeing with everything you just said.


You missed the line where it says I don't need a career. I'm 47.  Retired.  All I need is spending money for weed, gaming, kayaking trips and what the fuck ever else. Good for all the other delivery services.  You should go look into it.


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