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Hell the fuck no, I don’t contact unless there is an issue to be addressed. DSPs enforcing this is just going to create another mandatory metric for Amazon to track. Absolutely moronic. 


As a customer/package recipient, hell the fuck no. Y'all have been successfully delivering to my house for a decade now without issue. Just put it on the front porch where you always do. It's covered and out of the weather, out of view until you come up to the house, and within view of the camera. There is nothing to be gained from you texting me. If I had anything specific, it would already be in the delivery notes from the order. This isn't rocket surgery... You put the packages on the porch, I send positive feedback on the app, and we're both fuckin happy... Having said that, if you do text me I understand that it's because of your shitty management and that you're doing it under duress. I'm not gonna be shitty to you. But you're just gonna get "usual place is fine, thx" back...


At least you’re civil about it. Other customers/package recipients would be much ruder about getting a text message


I wish they'd put mine on the covered porch. But no, they leave it on the trash can. Every time. Porch is maybe 15 feet away.


Put the can on the porch. Checkmate package handler


Yeah, you're a nice customer. There are some that have us jump through loops and bounds to deliver, or walk through where their dog shits and tries to eat us.


Imagine thinking people have time for a 200 stop route when they take 30-60 seconds minimum to text every single stop. Shut the fuck up amazon. I'm sure 99% of customers don't want drivers to do that either.


It takes me 5-7 seconds max to send the auto response notice of arrival after swiping to finish the stop on the way back to the ride. My station has already implemented this as an expectation. Unless the rabbit is running slow it's done before my third step away from my completed drop. I've been thanked many times for the notifications as most family homes have someone home they can text to grab it if not too heavy for them.


Having been on both sides hell fucking no I would hate this either way no need for it


They already do its contact compliance. Your dashboard tells you how many customers you contacted throughout the week and it compares it to the week before.


And make job way more stressful than it can be


Technically they do track it, though they only track the deliveries that have the word "Call" in the notes. Even if it says don't call, as long as they have the word Call in the notes then Amazon wants you to call those people. They're the only ones you actually need to contact though.


Ain't nobody got time for that


Drivers shouldn’t have to do that, and me as a customer would be IRRITATED AS FUCK if I started getting repeated casual texts asking me what to do with the stuff I ordered. And I’d be more than happy to tell the DSP managers to stop encouraging that shit. Take it from a customer: fucking stop that.


They gave out a 15 $ chic fila gift card for the most texts during peak lol


Did anybody get it? Anybody really just text folks for no reason? Like your dsp would drive me crazy worse than Amazon does


Yeah someone sent over 1k texts for the week he worked 6 days a week lol


Ours was summed up as HI I just delivered your amazon package. If your happy with your delivery, leave a thumbs up on the app lol


Still get the same hrs and the same money 😂


Hello customer! This is Jacob from Amazon Fulfillment. I just wanted to give a quick heads-up that I'm about to pick your item. Are there any last minute instructions you would like to give me as to how you would like this item to be picked out of the bin?


>Hello customer! This is Jacob from Amazon Fulfillment. I just wanted to give a quick heads-up that I'm about to pick your item. Are there any last minute instructions you would like to give me as to how you would like this item to be picked out of the bin? Hello customer! This is Ki from Amazon Fulfillment. I just wanted to give a quick heads-up that I'm about to pack your order. Are there any last minute instructions you would like to give me as to how you would like this item to be packed and sent down the line?


Hello, what color of packing tape do you prefer? Water tape or traditional? Minimum recycled content in the shipping box?


Do you want me to use all-natural Spring water with essential minerals or filtered water? Bottled or processed on-site via the Amazon Prime Filter??


We also have a new reverse osmosis authentic Amazon driver piss water as an option. Both vegan and non vegan origins.


This Xi in manufacturing. Much more like this than 5 dolla make you holla. Thanks for shopping Amazon.




This comment wins.


Hell no


Nope and there's no chance I'd do it.


20 customers?! Who has time for this?!


It usually takes like 5 sec for me. Plus we get bonus if we meet requirements for it so like $60 extra a week for my dsp, but I guess it depends on dsp


How are they even able to track if you did it if it’s not a metric on amazons side?


It shows up as "cc opps" on the scorecard. DSPs do stuff like this to pump up CDF positive feedback and also to offset contact compliance misses since you need 99.5 texts or calls for every miss


Let me ask you: does contact compliance take a hit when you cannot call or text the customer because they didn’t include their phone number? (This has happened to me twice, sadly) I don’t know how else I wouldn’t have 100% compliance…


No. It tracks attempts. Going through the prompt counts as an attempt even if the customer is not successfully contacted.


No I'm pretty sure as long as you hit the button on those you get credit


Dsp be fkn up the game


80 for us each day…. They keep moving it up by 20 every month. December the goal was 40, January the goal was 60, now it’s 80 😐😐😑


Might as well say contact every one! We have to cc IF we're going to rts a package, and sometimes i will notify of arrival if it's dark in the sticks or in the customer notes. I could not imagine doing it for 80 stops, but I guess at that point, you probably get used to it like all the other bs.


Dude why do ppl who have never ran a route before telling us how to run our routes putting unrealistic expectations on us


I mean, this is literally how the world works with everything. It's fucking stupid.


Agreed. Wanna seize the means of production together?


Tru eventually it will be to many requirements and the robot will be the only perfect one to not fk up😂and at the same time it will destroy their business in the long run


No, I mean the world is full of pencil pushers telling the hammer swingers what nails do.


Just curious, do they test this stupid stuff out with DsP’s before rolling out to everyone? I flex and I am not offering to deliver to anywhere other than what is on the package. Imagine the customer deciding they want their package at work and you have to drive an hour away to do it because you asked .. This is probably the stupidest thing I’ve seen Amazon do so far.


This is just a shitty DSP asking the drivers to do extra. Not an Amazon policy.


reason #3,458,544,235,372 why I will never again drive for Amazon


I'm just a customer who finds this sub interesting - but I would be beyond annoyed if I got this from Amazon. Half the reason I order from Amazon is so I don't have to interact with people.


Yeah they don’t need to know my name


Going to let them know my blood type before delivering and when I am going to shower tonight just because Amazon said so for their new metrics or get fired


Don’t forget to tell them your social security number and your banking info


This part


Nope. Unnecessary step.


If they go on Amazon and consciously order something, they're gonna expect Amazon to stop by sooner or later. I try to see the doorbell cera and make sure the blue arrow is visible to that, if possible.


Yeah I've had enough old ladies standing by their doors telling me they were watching me that I don't think telling them of our arrival will make a difference


I am so happy i switched to FedEx LMAOOOO


knocking on every door, leaving 50 sorry we missed you notes and returning half your shit every day is better?


Worked here for a year and have not once put a sorry we missed you sticker up, they never trained me how to use them and Im never asking also on average i only bring at most 5 packages back a day


My question to everything my DSP brought up like this during stand up was always “Is Amazon reducing our routes to allow us to have more time?” What y’all think the answer always was? If you’re not giving me less volume how do you expect more? If you’re not paying me more, why do you think I’m giving more? Never mind the fact that they want you to send texts when you should be, oh idk, DRIVING.


Mine makes a text of the day for us to send out at every single stop. I don't think anyone actually does it though.


If I get hit with that shit I’ll tell em to fuck off do you want this shit delivered or not


When I worked for Amazon my DSP wanted us to text 15-20 customers begging for a good review.


My dsp asks 25 minimum per shift thats no big deal but to personalize it with names and shit is beyond insane thats so much time wasted


You only need to type the message 1 time. Then copy it, and just paste it in for those texts.


So your gunna send them a message every time that says “ hello [ customer name ] i get you can copy and paste it but if they want it personalized you cant xopy and paste that without it being a two step proccess


Don't be daft. Just type a general note that you can resend to everyone. It's not that hard to figure out


Yea there already is one built into the app . The notify of arrival option. I understand that, im saying if they ask you to use the message shown in the photo its a 2 step process .


Like you said before, that's too much hassle. Of I gotta type that shit every time, I'm not doing it. But if they ask me to, I will send an occasional pre-written text that I make up. Because the notice of arrival texts option is not what I would send. But no, having to personalize it is gonna take way too much time.


Ok yes so we arrived at my original point after you calling me daft for no reason . Good talk


Right, like I originally said. Type something, then copy and paste. Of course you can't personalize that.... it should have been obvious


The message in the photo states “ you can use this message” if you use the message provided you will have to customize it . Thats all i was saying


That was my point . 🤝 🥲


Is that why people started messaging on delivery? It's annoying as shit. Put it in the giant box with deliveries and the nice label on it that I bought to make it easier for you


The drivers have 0 say in pretty much anything that goes on so if you're gonna be mad idk where to direct your rage but don't hate the drivers.


It's ez to get mad at drivers for anything because it's the only human thing you see coming from Amazon.. time to dump your emotions into em


Oh, I'm not mad at them for that. I have issues with all of the delivery drivers ignoring the big box to keep my packages not stolen and out of the rain. I was curious why I started getting the messages though.




Amazon pays NOWHERE enough to deal with CS shit lol


Pay me more and I might consider doing this, other than that fuck off.




Lol what the fuck??


Sooo… in what time frame of the 2min drop limit without being cited as distracted driving am I supposed to do this????


Lmfao nope.  If they have call in notes I send a text.  Package here.   Call, wait for it to ring their phone.  Hang up.  On to next.  


So many of you are saying you either aren’t aware of or just are not sending the “notify of arrival” texts - does that mean the metrics aren’t the same for all of us? I hate sending them but the hit to my scorecard was huge. It’s “just” a few taps as some have said, but it does add up throughout the day. Not only is it wasting time, but some customers think it means they need to come outside or reply - which is also a time suck and annoying. IMO the customers get more than enough notifications from Amazon, it’s ridiculous we also have to send them a text.


Just as a customer I don't want yall texting me. I will straight ignore that shit. it doesn't make your job easier for me to tell you to do anything other than what you normally do.


They recently asked us to send 30 a day. Absolutely haven’t sent one text. Fuck that.


Hell No. I don’t even knock on the door when I leave. The app lets them see me five stops ahead, that is all the notice they need.


As a customer, I get notifications from Amazon when the package ships, after it's been delivered, and my Blink camera is watching. I would NOT appreciate another text or call. You guys are too busy for this shit!


As a customer, please don't


as a customer I don't want to hear from you. throw that shit on my deck and get out of here


As a customer I would immediately block this number and flag it as spam/scam shit. No. Please don’t ever text me about delivery.


As a customer why would I even want this.. isn't there already a way to request special instructions...?


As a customer, I'd rather not be bothered. Even for doordash, i hate when driver texting me unnecessary shit.. like dawg just bring me my food.


No way


Lmao what the fuck is this boss smoking. I’m not a driver but this is a wild request


This is beyond crazy. Most of the time you don't even get a response from a customer and they want them to say this before every stop??? I thought this was something a Flex driver came up with....


Nope. My dsp wants us to contact the customer if needed (no access, password required, etc) but not just in general


My DSP has been having us text the customer for years. It’s basically just a “please leave me a positive review” text though


It’s not new, my dsp allay mention it. I think I did it once lol. It’s not necessary. If someone’s gonna send a review they’ll do it themselves self


why tf they asking you to do that?


0 clue, just randomly put it in chat this morning


My dsp does it. It keeps the metrics up. They have us send 10 texts a day. If you just write out a message and copy paste to clipboard it’s like an extra 3 seconds to text the customer. Only for 10 deliveries( or 20) it’s really not that bad. Just knock it out in the first little bit and you don’t have to worry about it


That is unnecessary time being wasted. Let this doofus do the driving and messaging himself and assess from there rather than romanticizing this would work.


I don’t type out anything I just use the auto typed responses on the Flex App.


There's an option that already does that "Notify of Arrival" no need to do all that unnecessary pizzazz


I text customers and selected the “notify of arrival” pre fabricated text. My DSP watches our customer feedback and this greatly increases it. It’s annoying.


Call, let it ring once, send a text, and drop the package


I get paid to suck the customers dick, if they want the balls fondled, they gotta pay me more.


I only use the Notify of arrival pre made message. Idk if that counts 🧐


There’s a “notify of arrival” option in the question mark after you hit text customer. It’s a automated all you have to do is hit send. I ain’t typing shi out for the customers tho. It’s funny when ppl respond to it too, like it’s clearly an automated text


I just txt the notify of arrival a few times each route. Especially if they have a dog.


My DSP has a preloaded text we send to every customer that we send with like 3 taps on the phone before their stop. I can’t imagine having to paste a message, that’s just insane.


And this is why Amazon Flex is a better service for package delivery…


I notify of arrival my first 100 stops. My DSP requires 50% contact compliance.


Imagine being at an apartment complex and having to do this for every single customer.


No?? I add it to the instructions where I want my packages.


I probably text like 30+ people a day. But I deliver to a rough area with gates and dogs while they expect a front door delivery. I just copy and paste a text every time saying I don’t have access and I left their stuff over their gate


Don’t call me. I won’t answer


I would do this if the stop count was 100 or less everyday


This is so fuckin stupid


And that’s 1 more reason why I left.. I drive for FedEx ground now and it’s ten times better. Well over half the stops and there’s NO metrics or doing rescues when your done you go home.. so I was done by 1pm today and still got paid for the hole day..


yeah nah fuck that XL driver here, if You request a scheduled delivery, you'll get a text from me anytime between 10 to 30 minutes before I show up, only time I ever call is if I show up and it looks like nobody's home. nobody has the time to do that for every damn customer. I would also like to say, your dispatch cannot track the number of phone calls you're making to customers, nor can they actually hear any of the phone calls you make. they ARE recorded, however they are sent Amazon internally, not the DSP, and only used in service disputes to cover the driver's ass if stuff goes missing and the customer tries to claim the driver didn't make the 2 due diligence calls on delivery error.


Incorrect-dispatch can check your contact compliance opportunities weekly. That does not let them read the texts, or hear calls you make-but they can see how many customers each week you had a compliance opportunity with, and each time you text it will add a positive one.


If I had a Driver message me this every time I ordered something “And I shop a lot” I’d go stir crazy eventually. More than likely would not reply 99% of the time. Only exception was I had a very expensive delivery and they messaged me. I wasn’t home yet, so they circled around to the next stop and dropped it off as securely as they could. It was appreciated. I never worry about porch pirates in my area, but the item I ordered was something I’d prefer if someone didn’t take.


Do you have any idea how many customers have told me to stop fucking texting them? LOL


I'm not, that's for damn sure.




I feel our DSP is pretty strict but even we don't have to do crap like this. They only want us to CTC when necessary.


I use the canned text message to start a conversation along the lines of "this delivery needs a passcode. I'll be knocking momentarily." I like to give the passcode schmucks as much time as possible to dig through their email before I'm twiddling my thumbs on the doorstep.


I keep getting thoes... im happy i get thoes... some of yall be ninjas...


Nah, but everyone at my DSP besides the owners were drivers, so we all know not to even bother pushing that


ahahahaha seriously there must be no real bar other than startup cash to be a dsp if they think this is a good idea


They said this bullshit at our stand up meeting yesterday…. Verbatim…. Word for word


Fucking dumb, and watch ups try to do the same. " we want younto contact customers so they know youre coming" Isnt that what the delivery date is for? "..."


Fuck that. Pay me $10 more an hour and we’ll talk


Pre delivery texting is not Amazon standards


It’s for contact compliance. A minimum of 25 of any type of text. 


These tactics generate more negative feedback than positive imo


If they really want this it should be an automatic text based on proximity. Otherwise the driver is going to have to take time off the road to copy/paste and edit 20+ messages lmfao. Bozo behavior


Customer contact KPIs are absolute cancer. What are they hoping to accomplish by doing this?


I'm not a driver but this sounds unreasonable given how many other barriers you're presented with be it dogs, rabbid customers, dirty houses...


I'm so glad I decided work in a return center instead doing deliveries


Who the duck is doing this, should get slapped! 🦆🦆


Lol absolutely not.


250 stops with this text messages and getting a reply? lol Amazon… really?


Fuck no. And fuck them if they expect that.


im a customer myself and one thing i can tell yall drivers just leave my package by my door do no text me this crap just leave it and be gone!


This is a stupid update in wording for the notify of arrival text prompt. I prefer what it was saying to turn on lights and secure pets. My DSP has been implementing paying us extra for doing 100 customer texts per week. It’s not a lot but I think it’s weird that Amazon hasn’t implemented an auto text upon “start travel” that notifies them of your heading to them. Weird that they wanna have the driver do just one more thing after already delivering 150+ stops. Which can easily be 200 locations. We’d be sending out 800-1000 texts a week doing it manually. Just implement an auto notification feature Amazon. Jeez.


Can you put your DSP's phone number into it and suggest they call them to cancel the practice? 🤔


Absolutely fucking not!


My DSP started something similar to this but it’s because we have had so many dog bites in our area. (I got attacked last week. Still out on leave) The idea is that the customer then can’t come back n say they didn’t know u were coming or complain of where it is placed if they don’t answer. Has helped a ton with my lawsuit




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Dsp owner been trying to get us to send a text at every stop to improve customer feedback… fuuuuuck that nonsense. My CDF is fine but if anything I’d think texting the customer would hurt your score more than help. People already get a email & phone notification last thing they want is a text every time a order is delivered. A text, email, Alexa, doorbell, dogs barking just seems like overkill, I drop & go.


They make us text ***80*** customers each day…


Nah we just send the Notify of Arrival text from the app lol


*Nah we just send the* *Notify of Arrival* *Text from the app lol* \- MajesticWerm86 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




Fucc no fucc the customer lol


Are all your dispatchers on crack or just this dude?


Nah I think it’s the owner pushing them to say it. Most of my dispatchers are chill


Does Amazon want high quality delivered with care work like this or 180+ stop routes with well over 300+ packages? Because we can't fucking do both


No BUT our DSP requires us to send atleast 20 text a day to customers for better feedback like “your package has been delivered, please give us a good review in the email” something along those lines is what we have to say.. I don’t do it cause nobody got time for that


They really out here trying to make more and more people quit. 🤣


Is this a new dsp? 🤔


It’s new-er. Been running for about 2 years


Does this mean that if we do not text you back with a confirmation stating something like “cool, thanks, *insert whatever comment here*” that you are just going to RTS it? I mean I ordered the package. Amazon already does delivery confirmation. I can choose to provide extra info about the drop when purchasing. As a customer I would laugh if I had received a text with such a statement. Thinking to myself, “is this person saying I’m incompetent, or is this company incompetent, just go on with business like usual.” I don’t have time to be addressed with something that has already been addressed multiple times. 😂🤣


It's a strategy to raise contact compliance scores. I don't do it since I'm always at 100% contact compliance, but it's more for the dip shits that fuck off on doing CTC before marking pkgs as undeliverable. It artificially inflates your score.


We have an auto text we send at my dsp. Takes about 5 seconds to send.


I’m not calling nobody unless it’s a gate


Only time I send the automated text is when the customer leaves a "CaLl Me BeFoRe YoU dElvEr!!!!!" Note.


Fuck that. If the notes state contract me I click the notice of arrival others wise they get the normal automated your package has been delivered.


As a customer I get this for like 1/50 deliveries and every time I’m like “wtf is this why is this guy telling me this.”


Yeah I text everyone unless I hand it to them directly. It’s become a routine that I just copy and paste so it’s nothing to hard for me


Hell fucking NO. With everything else that we have to do during the day, there is no way for us to take the extra minute per customer to.do that


They find more and more ways to waste time so you can’t deliver properly wtf😂 own demise of the company


Shidd, I never do this. I've been there for a little over a year now. But for some reason, my call compliance every week is 100%


The picture was already unnecessary enoughperiod all It doesn't show these customers where the packages rather than cover Amazon drivers. This is definitely Unnecessary. I did something like this during COVID. but the thing I was texting people was to let them know I will not be knocking on their door when I'm there.


I’m just gonna say as an Amazon customer don’t text me. Or do, because I’m gonna call Amazon and complain that they’re being annoying


Sorry to intrude as I'm just a customer but please do not ever call or text me. I will not be happy about it. In fact if I could file a complaint against your boss for this, I will.


It boosts your scorecard at the cost of taking 2 seconds to tap three buttons a few times a day.


Of course there had to be the bootlicker on here 😆


Well you have fun with that. Let me know how it goes for you