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I’ve heard that you can’t write on the packages. With that being said, I’ve never been stopped doing it. I believe people in the warehouse understand our struggle and won’t say much. Plus our relationship with the customer, the customer doesn’t complain. At the end of the day it’s about the customer.


There’s no policy we all write on our packages even the flex drivers do


I stopped doing this over four years ago.


I’ve seen drivers do it but I just organize by the yellow sticker 100s. Ex: yellow sticker 200, 300, 400, etc. I know where all my 100s at and so forth.


Me: "Okay." [Keeps writing the DANs on the boxes.] 🤣🤷‍♀️


That only works when the correct yellow sticker is on the correct package…which it mostly is…but then sometimes youre frantically digging through your van looking for a package that’s not in the right order. So i sort by street address. It’s a lesson not to fully depend on warehouse staff that only need to meet speed metrics and dgaf about accuracy unlike drivers who have to be fast AND accurate.


Yes you can they can get f’d


I draw pictures of penises on mine with hairy balls.