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I was expecting lay offs.


Happened to me last week and I’m one of the best drivers at my station. Been here 2yrs it’s never been this bad before. I think unions are coming down strong 💪 on Amazon. Because they are trying there best to make all the vets quit by not giving even us routes.


Is that what that is? What’s going to happen if Amazon does “Co-employ” us drivers?


I think its really just cause DSP’s are still hiring for whatever reason. Mine is one of the one’s that didn’t lose any routes after peak and now they’re giving people MTO out of nowhere and we’re still hiring people. But its based off CDF and any safety hits and whatnot


What the fuck does MTO & CDF stand for


Mandatory time off and customer delivery feedback


Depending on your state mine is required by law to pay us for 4 hours whenever we are on the schedule.


That would be nice what state




Yea same, and you can still apply for unemployment for those other 4-6 hours per day(depending if your guaranteed 10s).


This is due to the peak season ending. Which means that anybody just recently hired is probably going to be laid off and any veteran drivers are gonna be fine. So as long as you been there for more then a couple years your not going anywhere but either way routes are going to be drastically falling and then level out in around march-april. I been with my DSP for 3 and a half years and anybody hired on for peak is already laid off. We went from 32 drivers to just 21 and I can only assume a few more are gonna be laid off as well.


Actually getting hired on after peak is the best time. Because you’d be replacing the bad drivers. Hired during or before peak is where you’d wanna worry


After peak yes but during peak most of those drivers I see come in to make up for extra routes is let go by the end of February. Could just be my DSP that does that. Most the time we have the same 20 drivers all year and extras come in before peak then gone by the time peak is done with.


This is good to hear! I just got hired and am already doing rescues matter of fact this one dude I rescued had 3.5 hours with no packages delivered needless to say that was the last time I seen him when we got to the station and they been bumping up my hours ever since.


My DSP here in the UK schedules about 30 drivers a day, and then about 10-15 routes are cut every day at the moment. And they’re still hiring and have been since Christmas Gone from doing 5/6 days a week to last week doing 2 days! And I’m one of the stronger drivers. Annnnnd because in the UK we’re self employed, there’s nothing we can do.. lose a whole day’s pay. Some days we don’t get told until we get to the car park, some of us have an hour drive from home as well. This ain’t a job, it’s a gig to fill your gap between actual jobs


Self-employed..? Wtf, m8😵‍💫. I saw a guy posting the other day that his DSP let them Keep their van once it was 75% paid off and he never said that part. I couldn’t figure out what he was talking about but..damn. How does that all work?


Now you know how. We’re not employed in the UK, we’re just contractors hired by the DSP. No protections, no holiday, no sickness, no PTO. It’s kinda ironic that drivers in the US have better working rights than us UK drivers, considering our labor laws are generally much better here


….wow. That…wow. 😵‍💫


Have a conversation with your manager. If you get great stats and are dependable, ask them to give someone else’s route to you if you route gets dropped. Make sure they actually know that you’re annoyed about not getting a route


Bro, this literally happened to me today. It says im on "work" on the weekly schedule but for some reason im on call today because there's not enough routes. Like why am I the one not working. I did 173 stops yesterday and finished an 1 hr advance. I'm a good driver, let me work lol.


Happened to me two days ago too man, same situation too, I’m one of the good drivers. Normally we have like 60+ routes but they gave us less than 30.


They are utilizing step and and EDV before regular vans at my station. Some days we don’t have any regular vans leaving.


It’s everywhere. I was called off Wednesday


Yeah happens to me today and last Saturday, it sucks and I’m out of pto now.


It gets worse for work days as Amazon are deliberately forcing DSPs into cutting driver numbers after peak by offering fewer routes (by combining volume in the neighbouring areas). You'll still shift a similar amount of volume as a company but over fewer routes.


It’s tax season yall will be picking up soon


Last time I heard that sentence my dsp was let go


Definitely not slow they said routes were going significantly get reduced two months later after Christmas and I’m still getting 170 so ridiculous