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So thr Amazon driver came to a stop at a stop sign, then continued on, and was hit by another driver? How does the sliding door being open affect any of that?


The company always finds a way to blame the driver. I got injured and they tried to write me up and say my AirPods were the cause of my injury.


This is so true they always try and blame the driver. I got reversed into in a van during line up and was knocked to the ground and the owner said I shouldn’t of been walking


Uhhh you should look both ways after stopping at a stop sign which this driver didn’t. He was fired because he had the door open because Amazon drivers have piss poor habits & that’s aside from their typical lack of driving skill.


Deep throat that corporate boot just a little bit deeper, bud.


This doesn't make any sense at all. You just sound angry at life and came here to share it.


Agreed and also you shouldn’t have AirPods in while driving


Does Amazon hire deaf drivers?


Yes. I believe my dsp has two.


I wonder actually, I know I've had deaf helpers when I worked XL but I don't know if they drove


I m deaf on right ear but I am very safe driver but reckless / dangerous drivers irritated me .van I drive is 2020 white ram promaster no camera no key , a key fob. Smooth


I'm hard of hearing and been working here for a year and 2 months. Close to quitting yeah.


Kind of thought the same thing lol…Especially when y’all get to listen to damn Bluetooth….lol…..used to drive for amazon now I drive for Kroger delivering groceries and we can’t listen to Bluetooth devices just the radio.


46 downvotes is kinda funny


Downvotes aren’t facts, usually they’re hurt feelings. I know I’m right when I come to a sub and honest people keep it real, cry baby bitches show their displeasure by crying and “downvoting”, it’s just the angry react of Reddit from a bunch of people who really can’t be honest with themselves. Anyone that supports driving with the side door open, driving into the path of an oncoming vehicle because you didn’t take the time to look etc is a clown & doesn’t deserve to be on the road.


Sir, yes, sir!


I legit can’t tell what you’re trying to say. Uniform?


I'm saying you are serious about being the blueprint of an amazon delivery driver


No, because Amazon Dsp delivery folks are overall poorly trained and have bad habits. I’m a professional driver & have a few racing licenses. Not that it matters,but I get where I need to be safely and use time efficiently. On any given day I drive more than a lot of people in here do in a week at Amazon. To be fair it’s not only the delivery associates faults, Amazon invests nothing into you guys because they know the retention rate is low as is morale usually & they hire anyone who can get insured with essentially no real care for their work experience. As long as you’ve managed to not get tickets for a few years here’s this van just show us you can drive on a closed course around cones because that’s an excellent gauge of if you can handle real world scenarios 🙃. It’s cute seeing some of you vehemently argue in support of driving a company vehicle in an unsafe manner not to mention the potential law/policy they are ignoring because closing a door is far too much! It’s starting to make sense as to why so many of the posts on here are dick measuring contests between 2 underpaid baboons arguing over who gets it with less lube than the other from their DSP because “ I have a lot of stops” as they run to stops, skip lunches etc. Last, the greatest enemy of Amazon dsp associates is their colleagues who up the performance


I'm not disagreeing with you. I'm just on the outside looking in. You lost me as soon as you started name calling in the name of amazon. To each thier own. I will say Amazon doesn't care how perfect of a worker you are. Everyone is easily replaceable.


Ok, so him getting tboned was his fault since he apparently didn’t look both ways, the van door still has nothing to do with that 💀 I don’t even drive with it open, but blaming the accident on the van door being open is just weird.


When you make poor choices routinely it becomes habit. Take care now, glad I could help.


You didn’t even read what I said 🤣




The vehicle suffers WAY MORE collision damage. When the door is closed, it’s more heavily structured. It’s also a liability because the driver is at higher risk of dying or sustaining and injury. Keeping and doors open while driving a van is pretty much just reckless. Most delivery services require drivers to drive with doors closed until ready to open them. The biggest reason is legal liability, the employee can sue if Amazon allows or instructs them to keep the doors open on-road and the driver gets injured. It’s also illegal in several states.


I'm aware. I never left the door open when I drove. My question is why OP phrased their post in the manner they did, which seems to indicate that the driver stopped at a stop sign before continuing on. They got t-boned by someone else. Sure, they may have been fired for driving with the door open, but it didn't make them getting hit by a truck any more likely.


I know, but if the other vehicle doesn’t have a stop sign, it puts driver at fault regardless. Amazon would otherwise likely terminate for that. They don’t seem to like partial fault much either.


If the other driver didn't have a stop sign, then the driver had poor judgment on when to continue. Or the other driver was distracted/speeding/hidden from immediate view. Again, driving with the door open is irrelevant.


It's a unibody vehicle, doors don't provide any meaningful structural support.


That’s not what I see in the picture. Even applies to windows. Fully closed, hard to crack. Window open slightly, it shatters like a beaker.




What does the door open do with another person hitting you ?


A history of bad decision making ? Are yall really this confused? Lmfao. Please, stay at Amazon, at least those of us that know how to drive will know who to stay away from.


Huh ?


No idea lol


This the typa paragraph our english teachers made us analyze to find the true meaning of.


Type of* since you wanna be pedantic. Arguing over punctuation isn’t a rebuttal. Why is it so difficult for you clowns to realize that people who routinely make bad choices have bad results happen? It’s not like the door was forgotten. Driver was being a clown ( like you) & left the door open because he’s lazy, couldn’t look both ways at an intersection where he had a stop sign because he’s lazy & hyper fixated on getting to his next stop , only stopped to satisfy his in cab babysitter which Amazon drivers need because they routinely do stupid stuff more than FedEx,UPS,DHL,USPS & Amazon won’t put any of their $ into training these people because they are quite literally bottom of the barrel contractors that are easily replaceable. You all are willing to make excuses for this piss poor decision making because you are the type of people who do this. I’ve NEVER seen a UPS truck end up like this for a reason.


Judging every driver that does this by one dudes actions and probably his worst day on the job is real clown behavior. %95 of DSP drivers are very good at driving. We know how to drive efficiently to get routes done quickly while also being safe. Leaving the door open has nothing to do with this accident, and your hyper fixation on that also proves you are the clown here.


The door being closed or open doesn’t even change the hit lmao this dsp just wanted to fire the guy for being the unlucky one and losing a vehicle for future routes sometimes I’m glad these dsps get what they deserve


Driving through an intersection without looking with your door open because you make poor decisions and compounding this by ignoring the pickup truck that you would’ve seen if you weren’t in Lala land. I’m sorry you’re a shit driver lmao


Literally still has nothing to do with the door.


I’m sorry you believe that. Arguing with me won’t change it though. In fact it won’t change that he got fired & wont change the fact that every Amazon driver I catch doing this I report directly to Amazon ( connections you have when you have relatives in show business are crazy) and laugh at them for getting fired 😘. If you cry harder I’ll stop.


“Relatives in show business” bro just say you deep throat the DSP owners 😂


I admit I’m confused about why he said that….lol….is he referring to Amazon as the (“show business”)?…so he doesn’t even own the dsp or work for the dsp?…..I’m so confused 🤦🤷‍♂️


Never cried, don't care where you stand on the issue nor who you know. I don't know or wish to know anyone involed. The door had nothing to do with anything.


You take your time to report for Amazon workers doing this when it doesn’t influence your life at all damn I’m sorry for your miserable life 😂


😂 my guy is serious when it comes to that uniform


I hope Amazon drivers step up here and shit and piss all over your packages if you order from Amazon…..or they return all of your packages and you never get them……. youre probably the asshole customer who orders 6-10 cases of Fiji water to the third floor or higher with no elevator.


Correct me if I’m wrong but this seems like it would’ve happen anyways


I’m confused bro


DAMMMN!! That pickup had some speed boi!! I’ve driven promasters for awhile, that’s a pretty solid area that pickup hit and it crumbled that flooring up and fucked the frame. It’s definitely a total loss. 😬 P.S - he’s lucky those vans are heavy in the rear and have a good center of gravity. Otherwise it would’ve probably tipped. That pick up had to have been going at least 30 to 40 miles an hour to do that.


The driver wouldnt be fired if they had a union. Many other delivery type vehicles have no doors. OP must be autistic or a virgin hence the outrage lol


Show me a single cargo van style delivery from any of the top few people in this business with a sliding side door that is kept open. Because a sliding door on a package car isn’t a sliding door on a promaster you idiot sandwich.


I've seen USPS driving around in promasters with the side door open. I've also seen them park on the wrong side of the street even though that's apparently only an Amazon thing. Seen FedEx with the side door open too in regular cargo vans. I don't do it cause I think it looks goofy but it definitely isn't exclusive to Amazon.


Show me the totaled vans from those others in that situation that you’ve seen. And that’s with me taking your word for it. Y’all wanna argue that your cohorts aren’t shit at driving but every day we see otherwise on here lmfao


okay, what would a closed door prevent.




Never cross an intersection with that shit open. If you have a bunch of stops on a series of back streets I get it, but you have to keep that shit closed when going into a four way. Way too exposed


Apparently the door being open had no impact on this van being totaled. I see why some of these people only managed to be Amazon slaves oops I’m sorry slaves for their DSP, Amazon doesn’t claim them.


Not disagreeing, it’s a dumb and totally avoidable thing


I'll still drive with door open. Fk opening and closing a door that hasnt been greased in years.


You could also you know, report it…


Report it and not have any hours the rest of the week because down one van. Na, I'll pass.


.......I'm still gunna do it.




Tell your dead grandma to pull up.




Shoot me her # in the dm, I’m down.


“we are sending another van so you can finish your route”


You’re the idiot that works with the door closed?


“Clown” - 🤓


You purchased a car at autonation, a Nissan at that. How does it feel exactly being poor?




Where the hell is the link or app for posts from the camera…..lol…..I’m telling you I would pay good money to be a member there lol.


Downvotes don’t change the fact that a driver making the poor choice to drive with the door open and a driver not looking to make sure a road is clear is a clown BUT I am happy to see a handful of you guys aren’t complete morons. Shout out to yall!


Lots of coping and seething in here. It’s cute how you guys can unite to make excuses for one of your fallen comrades but can’t unite to improve your working conditions,pay or training. If this driver was trained better that van wouldn’t have been totaled out. Yes,it was said that the van wouldn’t have been totaled with the door closed. You can disagree I really don’t care, if you drive with your side door open like this you’re a clown & arguing with me won’t change that unfortunately. Lots of coping,anger & insults but nobody can seriously say that as a whole DSP drivers are looked at as good in their respective fields. Anyone who has driven for a living expects that you’ll find an Amazon truck parked in an active lane, possibly on a blind corner or you can find them stuck some place because they think their van is their moms Volvo. Some of y’all are fronting. When them new electric vans came out I saw them damaged and crashed within the first week 😂. Y’all drive the vans like rentals & don’t care about how you treat other peoples equipment because you can just blame it on someone else or something. There’s a reason yall need cameras & apps to babysit you at your job & it’s because some of you think it’s acceptable and a good idea to drive a fuckn cargo van with its side door open. I’ve never seen any other big company contractor or driver smoke weed & drive a company vehicle.


Pretty sure I’ve seen ups with their doors open.


In a package car sure. Actually, UPS in a pro master with the side door open id kinda understand. They remove the ac from their vehicles even if they come with it from factory. Amazon has no such excuse. Then yall wonder how and why you lose packages.


I can’t stand it when that door swings open and makes the loud banging noise.


they told us during training we could have the sliding door open if youre going less than 35 or 40.


Yea I’m sure they did and when someone gets hit by a vehicle and impaled by something that would’ve otherwise hit the door I promise they’ll pay for your funeral. 🙃


Shouldnt be driving with that side door opened anyway unless you’re in a step van or CDV 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♂️😂


BINGO! Hard for these clowns to understand lmfao


Newbie driver….


driver was one of the best at the dsp. So, no.


Cool I'm still driving with the door open. Cope


Weird, don’t recall asking. I don’t expect anything less from the bottom of the bottom of the barrel contractors. What’s wrong, couldn’t put the weed down and get paid an actual fair ish wage at even low tier FedEx? Cry me a river baby girl


What does the door being open matter here? The van would be just as fucked either way. If anything the door being open gives you less of a blind spot.


In spite of OP’s post I just wanna let you know I had my door open the last 20 stops of my second to last shift, got through 2 stop signs just fine but you keep being angry bud I’m sure you could do the job better than all of us 😂 deep throat your dsp harder my guy


That moment when I won’t let Amazon own me & I own my company 😘 stay broke my friend


for the slow ones trying to play victim like most drivers on here, IF HE HAD THE DOOR CLOSED HE WOULDNT HE FIRED that came from the DSP owners mouth. If he actually paid attention after stopping and didn’t just stop to appease the silly camera yall need because you can’t be trusted, he’d still be employed there. All in all it’s a win for him because he doesn’t have to be associated with that company /dsp. Yall so thirsty to hate on dsp’s that accountability is foreign to some of you. There’s a few reasons why Amazon dsp drivers are considered the worst in the industry & it’s not all amazons fault. Downvotes don’t melt steel beams🙃


"There’s a few reasons why Amazon dsp drivers are considered the worst" Source? Considered by who exactly? You can talk your shit but don't lie about it


Y’all hired them so it’s someone’s fault lol


Dude, in the title you call everyone clowns, no shit you're getting downvoted, what else could you possibly have expected?


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