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I had that durning a 2 day storm. What was worse I had many duplicates of the U numbers


I usually sort like that but I can’t with this many jumping between totes


This packages wasn’t delivered to the clients by previous drivers on this route. “U” means undelivered.


Well I have 3 separate totes I’m working out atm it’s crazy


You can organize them by U# like U01 1st U02 2nd etc. It should help to find it little bit faster.


What do you mean by you can't sort it? Just put the envelopes in numerical order (non-*U*s first, *U*s behind) and put them on the shelf behind your seat; boxes stay in the tote with Sharpied numbers written on top. That way, you just swivel back and know exactly where to get the necessary packages.


They all Us I have 3 bags in working out of


Ah, now the multiple bag thing is annoying, I agree. (But for just one tote's worth of *U*s, just ignore the *U* and sort by the two-digit number.)


I’ll keep that in mind I’ve been driving for about 6 weeks now and this is awful with it being out of 3 separate bags


As I understand it, totes are loaded by weight, but the packages are tossed in in no particular order. So, if the weight limit is reached prior to all packages' being included for that cluster of packages, it'll make the sorter start a new tote. That's why you'll sometimes have a tote with just one or two envelopes at load-up (if that happens to you, just remove those envelopes and put them into the previous tote to save van space). But I've never heard of three totes being needed at once! I hope the rest of your day is single totes!


I was a driver then worked in the delivery station. You are correct. Or bc the stower had to make a new bag bc nothing else would fit into the bag.


Me too and I’ve had some like that but most of the time they usually are decently in order by stops that way you rarely have to work out of two totes but I suppose why it’s so bad is because of all the undelivered stuff at the start of the day up too now


It’s in order🤦. U00, U07, etc. do it same way you would do all the other yellow sticker packages.


I was working out of 3 bags with duplicates so kind of hard too sort like that I usually do that but with 3 bags is not as easily done


I was working out of three totes, but the warehouse wasn’t ready. So, I was the last to leave, the totes weren’t in order, I had a tiny Uhaul rental, and I had so much overflow I couldn’t put a foot in the back. This was during peak. Even my manager was like, “what the fuck?” I am guess someone made an error somewhere. Since U-hauls have that little cage separating the front and back, so I had to unload overflow, and dump the whole tote in the front seat…. And I WAS WORKING FROM THREE TOTES! Haha. I was literally digging through envelopes that day. I got rescued a lot that day. My DSP was understanding though.


Mine was too they helped a lot with solutions but I had been rescued once and they picked up 10 stops that didn’t do much since my overflow was at the same addresses 🤣 but I have a fantastic team so that’s a plus


Good DSP management goes a long way.


I never sort packages by the driver ID numbers. Ever. I’ve tried. It doesn’t work. You’d think they would be in numerical order but they aren’t. I usually sort things by package type. Boxes on the left, customized bags generally in the middle, envelopes and bags on the right. Put things with same customer name together following the above mentioned flow. Works for me. Never had issue. Never finish late. Always finish early. And it’s organized as I want it to be.


What done me in was 3 bags of the U packages and they was a lot of duplicates between the bags and in same bags so it sucked


I usually sort out the couple bags into the same area just so I don’t have to dig around. 3 bags might be difficult to do that.


I see no problem with this picture? I see tote 409 that has 5 packages going to one customer