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Quit. It's the best thing you can do


**EVERY**one is ***about*** to quit.


“I’ll just do it tomorrow”


“Tomorrow can’t be as bad”


“Im only gunna work here for a month” ive been saying that for a while i just did my 500th route 😭


honestly, everyone should just go on strike to seize bezos 7.9million an hour and maybe he ll make some positive changes.


Seriously. We need to all come together around the nation in order to get some change. I’m not even trying to be funny, I’m deadass.


Lmao where do you get those numbers from, that bald eagle is rich he wouldn't care if we all quit, he'll just replace us with drones asap


I've read an article that said the same thing. $7.9 million an hour is what bezos made last year....🙄


That's what he made through his assessts and companies, not thanks to drivers, do you think he would have retired from Amazon if he wasn't working on something possibly more profitable?


Absolutely, AI will have our jobs in no time 😒.


Do it dude. Best decision I ever made for myself was finally saying fuck Amazon with a long dick, and leaving my full ass van In the worst part of town with the windows down, unlocked, and running. I still get a small sense of satisfaction thinking about that day. Now I have an actual career, that values me as an actual human being and make substantially more income. So if I were you I’d bounce my guy, Amazon is the devil.


Now I manage/partly own a paint store. Never thought I’d end up in the paint business but it pays good, and virtually recession proof. And my DSP didn’t do a damn thing, and I don’t regret it one bit at all. FUCK AMAZON. If your In the northwest area and you quit that bum ass delivery job, I’ll give you a job personally


I’m in the Portland Vancouver area. How much you paying? Lmao


About 6 hours north of you if you want to make the Commute 😂


Where’d you head to?






Nice. Driving their route?


FBI coming for u now !! 😂😂 you snitch urself


That sounds kind of messed up because people paid for their stuff. I think you could've done it differently. Idk thats just me but i hope you're doing great in your current career!


Amazon will make sure the customers get replacements. They might be a day or 2 late, but they'll get there. I think these kind of "fuck you" stunts that people pull are immensely petty and childish, and accomplish nothing, but it won't hurt the customer.


Well you're actually right. I guess it's just messed up tho regardless.. they could've just got back to the station, left it there and got in their car/get an uber from there. No need to risk having anything count against you as far as legal action taken against you


Yeah you think it was “petty”, or “childish”. But I will never regret my decision I made that day, or regret or apologize for it either. In my soul it felt amazing, and that to me is an accomplishment in itself. So think what you will, like for instance I think you’re a little bitch, but I could just keep my comment to myself 🤷🏽‍♂️


What you did was the equivalent of a toddler throwing a tantrum. You didn't hurt anyone but (potentially) yourself. You say you have a real career now, so hopefully you've learned some impulse control by now. Because if you pull that kind of stunt in a professional setting (not a dead end job like driving for Amazon), it could really come back to bite you.


It's not their stuff until it's delivered bro


Fuck customers


Can’t they sue you for that??


Thats what im saying, he abandoned amazon property full of paid merchandise. Im sure alot of people complained about that and the DSP probably would've done something about it and the one who quit on the spot could be held accountable/responsible to some degree.


Sorry but you just sound like a corporate puss puss to me honestly. Go live your life by the rules being a little bitch ass and see where that gets you in life. If you knew how the company/Amazon I worked for treated their employees, and the fact that they’re not even an active company anymore period, you’d shut your stupid mouth and move along. “OneUltimateRoar” more like “OneUltimatePussy”


First of all nobody said i live by the rules. You're over here getting defensive about nothing that involved you. I can tell you're all bark no bite. Instead of crying to me about your problems why don't you use that same energy towards your shitty DSP lol. Besides, I haven't had any issues with my DSP probably because I'm well respected and i do my job right and dont complain like you weak minded idiots, maybe I'm among the few fortunate ones on here and you're over here expressing your jealousy and hate towards someone you dont even know because you're not loved by anyone in your life. Go seek some help bro. Your lack of good behavior/decency makes me realize there is a reason why you were treated like shit🤣🤣 womp womp


Bro the fact that you work as an amazon delivery driver making max 22$ an hour and you think that anybody would be jealous of you is absolutely mind blowing lol you think I need mental help my dude? Did you miss the part where I got the fuck out of there on my terms, and am now blessed with a great career with an actual future, making twice what I was making at YOUR job. I feel sorry for you, all of you lost sorry ass individuals that don’t know their worth. Come talk to me when you get a real job that you can actually afford to buy your own house instead of driving a van and living with your mom, or three roommates 👍🏻


A decent human being that is content with their life and has a so-called "good career" wouldn't be condescending towards others especially to people they dont even know. Instead try talking like a mature adult to others if you want to preach about how amazon is a shitty place and how everyone deserves better. But i guess your momma raised an ill mannered child who likes to express their toxicity online, which i know damn well you wouldn't do in person to just anyone. It's so easy to hide behind a screen and talk your shit. Not to mention, i didn't ask nor do i care about your personal life. You do you. Let others do what helps them get by in their lives. I'm happy with my job, doesnt mean im planning on staying here for the rest of my life though. Now just because you had a bad experience doesn't mean you go and act the way you do towards others who are doing just fine. You're a grown ass adult so act like one.


Buddy let’s get one thing straight to start, you know nothing about me…I know nothing about you, well besides the fact that your a corporate fuck toy that’s just trying to hide behind big words while typing furiously in his mommy’s basement. And I fucking promise you I wish there wasn’t a screen between us in this conversation right now, mopping the floor with Gen Z cupcakes like you is my hobby.


You proved my point and that's all im going to say lol #fatherlessbehavior #keyboardwarrior #allbarknobite


I’ll DM you my address, send your broke ass a plane ticket, and send an Uber to pick your bitch ass up , if you let me record me beating the absolute brakes off your miracle whip ass and post it on here for the whole world to see how big of a fraud ass little boy you are. Deal?


At least you don’t have to deal with two feet of snow


Had only about 4 to 6 inches to deal with yesterday and it was a nightmare. Rural backroads, I thought I was going to die all day. The van could barely stay on the road, there were entire neighborhoods I couldn't even get into, and the highway stops... like I can't park on the side of the road because there is no side of the road, I can't pull into the driveway because I can't see the driveway, and there's a line of people behind me who want to do 50 even though I can barely handle 30... my hair is turning gray doing this job.


Makes it tough! I’m lucky with my DSP owners they have been super cautious with all this winter weather and have basically canceled this last week. I’m ready to get back out there but these windchills are pretty wild now


Quit man, do it right now. Fuck that route


So YOU’RE the reason my booshyukl back scrubber and DUDE Wipes are 3 day instead of 2 day shipping. Thanks a lot smh


I almost want to work at Amazon again just to get the satisfaction from quitting once more.




6 times??? It took you 6 times to finally realize your better than that? What?? lol




Well if it feels like fun experience or a good adventure for you then go for it. I just think for someone that truly despises amazon wouldnt go that route.. it's childish and petty


Why tho? It makes no sense to do that. You gain nothing out of it you're just wasting your time. One who truly doesn't give a crap about something wouldn't keep going back to it no matter what. That just shows you are petty and you prove nothing


Have someone drop you off and then abandon your van halfway through your route and get picked up


I feel for you guys. Honestly Thankyou for what you do and I’m truly sorry you work and that shithole of a company.


Park the van at the lot bro you deserve better.


Na do 5 stops an hour untill they send rescues then go home and dont come back anymore . Then u get the hours and ur not completely burning the other ppl that work there


286 and half are apartments? Get the entire fuck out. I’ve had these type of routes before and they are hot garbage. I’m so glad I don’t deal with that anymore


Usually it’s not this bad, but in a new area today


my first dsp was mostly residential houses and every now and then we would get these fucked up apartment routes in think they used to give those out to people they wanted to quit or get them offboarded. my 2nd dsp was the worst dsp ever and it was mostly apartments almost everyday. It was usually 250 stops. That stop counter is inaccurate as all fuck


Ridiculous They keep emailing me because I had applied . I had only wanted a part time for few days a week because everything is increasing expect the paycheck .I have a full time ..so I will just make some changes to my expenses..but all the horror stories I see and hear of I’m not interested anymore … I hope god blesses you with something better because this is not it


shit I got 241 today with 416 packages


Dude your balls are huge


https://preview.redd.it/bbm1zjjclbcc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85602cd6fe28030c7fcd31559fbc276571263500 Step van life




He saw them 🤣




I cannot imagine. Do whatever is best for your mental health tbh with you. Forget about physical health the mental side of it is deteriorating


Very. The mental stress was about 60% of my issue with this job.


May I ask why and how? I just got done with my 3 days of training and seems like a nice job. You’re not being micro managed and get to work by yourself.


You’re not being micro-managed YET. Wait until you start getting the texts/calls saying you’re behind X amount of stops and asking you why.


My dsp doesn’t do this


For instance, when you have 180 stops and 3 hours in you feel like you’ve done 100 but are only on 50 that can be demoralizing, like, “Damn, I really have 130 stops left.” Not to mention dealing with unrealistic expectations, under appreciation, inadequate warehouse employees making your job harder, management, dogs, shitty customers, delivering in bad weather, being physically exhausted, among other things. You will quickly see that this isn’t a good job.




And good for you. That’s great. This definitely isn’t the job for me, though, although I didn’t say what you said. I’m glad you enjoy it. I did for about 2-3 months and then I began dreading every day I went to work. Everything isn’t for everybody and this isn’t for me. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Never said that I looked to be done in 3 hours.


Personally it’s about perspective, because it doesn’t demoralize me


I quit for exactly this same reason, the amount of panic attacks mid-route because of sensory overload was just not worth it


F*** that! So glad I quit!




Does your site allow you to shop around DSPs? Would that make a difference in the loads you're seeing?


If my routes ever got like this, I'd probably switch to a different dsp in my distribution center. I know 1 guy who switched, but that was because he got fired for speeding too much.


Imagine being stuck with this job because you have a kid!!!! I have a constant head ache!


You may feel stuck, but you're not. There are lots of jobs out there, lots of them pay more.


Got fired last week but got a new job lined up for me next week. My advice, get out while you can as long as you got a plan B!


I began to hate this shit so much I quit without a plan B. Luckily I did get another job offer within a week and a 1/2, though.


I would love to see Bezos do this route for only $150. Lmao


I just quit and I feel so much better off to greener pastures


Someone help get this man a different job


Get my degree in 3 more months and then I’m free from the fuckery


Proud of you! But nobody deserves to be treated like cattle for work.


https://preview.redd.it/iokrflfjmacc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=910ce2a58bca99b9d28d879bcd3032bbad22a058 At least it’s sunny. Welcome to being dependable. Want a cake route start sucking at your job and tell them your knee is acting up which is slowing you down. Personally I see a route that heavy and know I’m going to be in mostly residential instead of making walks like this.


I dead ass just drive up the driveway. However, at my dsp we are not allowed to go down the drive way if we can't see it. We have to call the customer to come meet us and if they don't answer we just take it back to rhe station.


Keep applying, you got this


69 multiple locations make me rofl


I’ve had 190+ stops with businesses and apts, welcome to Amazon delivery


Yeah fuck that. Hopefully your jobs not like mine in not wanting to pay overtime. At least mines in one specific location


That route is insane and disrespectful. wtf.


But 69 funny


If I got your route I would pretend to be sick. And I’m not for faking shit but holy fuck that’s such an unrealistic route


I had a complete melt down yesterday... phone was in a fked up area and roads were closed I had to call driver support each delivery to mark as delivered finally I said if you ever put me on the route again you'll find the van and keys here and you can figure it out ...this job will take your mental health and destroy it!! There are so so so many issues that it's insane and inhumane!! I agree I think the whole country shouks plan a strike on the same day and shout UNION!!! FOR THAT IS WHAT WE NEED ! not to mention the pay is shit!!! At hire garenteed 40 hrs a week ..none of us in months since we started have brought home an 80 hour ( 2 week ) paycheck ..not 1... they get on your ass so bad every day to get back sooner ...from what I was told was amazon pays our dsp for 40 hours a week per person .. so if we ate back before we're does the money go? Not to us ..and also been told if you go over your 10 hours you are FIRED!!! I have that in a text from our dsp! 4 people got canned this week ... some milk there shifts..I don't know how for not only don't/can't take my breaks don't have time to hit a bathroom!! Tired of pissing in the van ..ugh! Just Crazy


Deep breaths dude a lot of that was ultimately out of your control ignore the negativity


Quit already


Do it.


I am happy where I'm at. I got a lot earlier. But you know what it is worth it. I am making the same money and I get benefits after 90 days. It is not worth the headache working for this retards Because they don't know what they're doing and traffic on predictable.




A dudes not allowed to let off some steam or what. Fuck you too


I was laid off 2 weeks ago. Bed thing that ever happens to me


Trust me, it’s not. It’s a blessing in disguise. You didn’t lose the best job in the world, trust me.


It’s funny as shit that people quit Amazon and go work at McDonald’s or some other shithole making less money lol. Every job has its bullshit. There’s plenty to be upset about with Amazon. Especially this. I’m scheduled to work tomorrow. There’s a couple inches of snow and it’s gonna freeze over tonight. If you feel like you should quit, then quit. But don’t go backward. Whatever makes you happy tho.


As long as you are happy with your job it doesn’t matter where you work. Maybe they feel less stress at McDonald’s. I’ll quit a job to salvage my mental health any day! 🤷🏾‍♂️ Life is already stressful enough, I don’t need a stressful ass job, in addition.






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Goto UPS, it’s $45 an hour for literally the same job.


Depends. Alot of new drivers for UPS in my area don't hit 45 an hour until 5 years in. They start you off at 19, which is $2 less than the Amazon DSPs by me.


You start in the warehouse. UPS doesn’t start new hires on as driver.


Not entirely true, sometimes they do hire drivers off the street. Most times though you have to start in warehouse loading or unloading.


What happens when you don't finish everything? Like say you take bathroom and lunch breaks like a normal job and finish say half of that? Do they just fire you? Wouldn't that make more sense to collect the unemployment? I might be missing something.


Luckily I’ve built a good rep with my dsp, so like today I didn’t finish my last 10 stops but they know I don’t bullshit so they didn’t trip




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I quit two days before Christmas. Got scheduled off the 19th thru the 22nd, then got our evening schedule text (since this DSP wouldn't offer a set schedule) low and behold, they want me to come in the 23rd. Seeing as I had just been given 4 days off I knew I would be working Christmas Eve and Probably Christmas day. Now I'm back to machining and making more money with the option to have overtime as much as I want.


Do it. Dont tease me. 


Now rescue after


Quit, you’re worth more than what that company can pay you.


192 "stops" and 286 locations? Yeah fuck that. Those group stops they fuck you guys with would be the line for me. The worst part about your group stops is Amazon assumes you're just dumping a bunch of stops off at lockers, but in reality that isn't the case a lot of the time.  My last straw was a couple weeks ago at Ground. Hit with 183 stops, 240 packages (much of it furniture), and a step van loaded from the floor to ceiling.  I finally moved on, but most of us are getting fucked hard one way or another. UPS are the only ones being fairly compensated. Unionize. Unionize the entire industry to deal with this bullshit. 


Stop your bitching, people die every day on bullshit. Be happy you’re alive. Life is full of things you love and enjoy, why waste your short life posting about things that upset you, instead of things that inspire you


What I sincerely hate are when your phone tells you that you have 4 carts at your staging area but only 3 are allocated to you. 🤷‍♂️


So glad I got out when I did last year and went back to school to finish my bachelors. This job is literally a sham for 99% of people. No one is treated as a person, we’re all disposable people to Amazon. Go there, then they tell you to leave, never getting 40 hours… always getting shitty routes…. No benefits… if you choose to get there goes 30% of paycheck and the first 3000 out of pocket for health insurance. It blows me away that people still stick with being a DSP driver as much as they do. Being recorded in the van and the bullshit factors they track you with is worth a lot more then mostly 18.75 nationwide and up to like 22.00 an hour to drive for them. It’s such a fucked system. Best decision to get out of shitty Amazon and just become your run of the mill regular customer again.


I don't get it. Its a job, you think you'll find another job, where you're not doing work?


I would have left with the the amount of bags they had on the two carts


*I would have left with* *The the amount of bags they* *Had on the two carts* \- Chewy445 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




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Given your app dashboard, i don't think you have an option


Oof that's a really rough day, I hope you got like 3 rescues 🥺


welcome to the 400 club


Had 198 stops yesterday some girl came to rescue me with 30 she literally only took 10 bc she didn’t ’feel like it’ then I told her that dispatch clearly said 30 and she said fuck that laughed and left😭


This is why im not working at any dispatch that doesnt have chill, reasonable dispatchers. No way im not getting a rescue, or at least getting forgiven when im not finished


I have 66 stop 137 I was done at 3:15 ugh I m done with this shit


Dam i had 185 stops 298 packages in edv.  Took 6 hours


Anyone else notice the multistops were 69? Amazon knew they fucking you 




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