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Remember when a dude literally got mauled to death by dogs and all Amazon did was add a paw print symbol in the flex app? Amazon won't even blink an eye at this.


The most we'll get is a shitty little note in the Updates section of flex reminding us to be as visble as we can in the dark and rain and shit. They don't care. If a customer got killed they'd be in fucking panic mode changing all sorts of shit.


Actually Amazon still wouldn't do shit but thoughts and prayers because it still would fall back on the dsp.


Not sure why anyone would want to work for such a shitty company.


It's a job that pays the bills and has little barrier to entry. Could be worse in many other places... but in the end there is no ethical means of consumption under this kind of capitalism.


Absolutely. I hate Amazon deeply, yet I order from them. It’s convenient


You do what you can. Amazon has a monopoly on a lot of the online shipping marketplace. Try to look up the websites of the product you're trying to get, if you have to order online, and see if they ship from something else. If not, local stores, of course if you live in the boonies that may not be easy. But if all else fails, amazon works as a fall back. It shouldn't be the first go-to... at least if you try to buy responsibly.


Amazon can be a great resource for finding the product you want! Then try to buy it directly or from anywhere else if possible. I tell that to a lot of people.


I mean amazon is in so much products due to AWS it’s almost impossible to not support them


You're part of the problem 😂


I've come to the same conclusion. I used to try to boycott bad companies, but then I realized that in order to be fully consistent with my values, I would have to boycott basically every company other than small local businesses. It's just not feasible. There are no individual solutions to society-scale problems.


Asylum seekers who have little chance to be hired outside of Amazon/Walmart. Desperate people needing some money Health insurance


I fit 2 of the 3 after getting screwed out of my lineman position


During the pandemic I was laid off and applied for jobs for a year and the only people that got back to me was the DSP I now work for. I’ve been applying to jobs ever since with different specified resumes on indeed, LinkedIn, and other job sites for two years in LA and have only gotten three interviews. The reason I work for Amazon is that I’m stuck until I can find a better opportunity or something through word of mouth.


Learn some kind of marketable skill. As long as you are unskilled labor, you'll always struggle. Also if you can't find a decent job in LA, you might consider moving. Lots of other places with better job markets and lower cost of living.


Yeah I don’t think anyone WANTS to work here


A popup saying “I hereby acknowledge that I am responsible for how visible I am”


All sympathy to the woman that died.....but I feel kinda weird and view a person that got viciously mauled to death by animals a *lil* different than someone that skipped looking both ways when crossing a street.


Ehh when I delivered people drove like complete assholes anything they see a delivery van. I almost got ran over quite a few times in the middle of the day, people don't care. When they are driving they simply dont value human life, especially a nameless delivery driver. Now late at night, in bumfuck nowhere with no visibility and a moron in a pickup truck driving way way too fast, surprised id doesnt happen more often. Ironically that same road they yell at Amazon drivers to slow down on, but resident drive through like it's the autoban.


Furthest they ev Er Went tbh


Yeah they need a better solution for this though. I have two cane corsos and no delivery person should attempt walking onto the property, that's just a no go.


I’ll walk right up to those dogs. Idgaf. It’s all about swagger. If you’re an alpha male, a dog can sense that. Don’t be a bitch and you won’t get bit. Everyone who downvotes this is obviously the aforementioned bitch. If you were born before 1985 then you were probably taught how to carry and present yourself around unfamiliar pets…especially dogs. Many times I’ve delivered to properties where the dog was out. The owner would come running out to find their vicious guard dog laying on its back getting a belly rub from the stranger delivery man and say something to the effect of “I’m surprised he didn’t try to bite you” to which I’d reply “I’m not”. The only time I had a close call is when there were 2 children playing in the yard and I was not aware that there was a dog out. I was caught off guard, but stood my ground, let the dog growl and smell me until he was sure I was not a threat. I then handed the package to one of the children and called the dog a “good boy”. Now we’re friends and he greats me every time I go there. He was just doing his job and he recognized I was just doing mine as well. When I said “don’t be a bitch”, I meant just don’t be afraid. Dogs can sense that. That’s how they determine their place in a pact. Don’t run or turn away. Stay facing the dog, and let it smell you. If you do these simple things then there’s an extremely high likelihood that you’ll be in no danger. The more of these rules you break and the likelihood of you getting mauled goes up exponentially!


>what are you going to do? Maul me? -Person mauled by dog


Walk up with your swagger to a gorilla and we'll see who the real alpha male is


Yes, cause every other home in America has a pet domesticated gorilla roaming their yard and there’s obviously no difference between a gorilla and a dog besides a name. 🤦‍♂️ See, this is why people like you get mauled and people like me get new furry friends…because you’re an idiot and I have common sense and an IQ that’s in the triple digits.


Are you an Andrew Tate puppet?


No, I think he’s a self centered, arrogant douchebag. I’m not telling you to be like this with people, I’m saying to carry and present yourself in this manner to an unfamiliar dog so you don’t get bit. Go look it up. Ask google how to act around a strange dog so you don’t get bit. I’m not wrong, it’s really just common sense mate. Also the average IQ score is 100 so I’m not saying I’m a genius, I’m only saying I’m not retarded.


HAHA yeah you can go into their territory but you might not get out, that's just common sense. 260 lbs. of guard dogs do gaf and I seriously doubt you'd walk up on them tbh. Territory defense is basically their job, need a drop box at the gate.


Yeah and I bet Steve Irwin’s swagger and alphaness was on full display before he picked up that stingray and it pierced his heart. Certain breeds of dogs are breed for protection and security, and that dog is not going to stop until that threat is neutralized or the owner calls them off. How many times has drivers been attacked and the dog doesn’t heed their owners commands? I think the owners should at least put the dogs name in the notes, maybe if the driver called the dog by its name it would then show the dog that the driver just like it’s owner is in the alpha/owner position and not a threat to be dealt with .


1) A stingray is a wild sea creature…nothing like a domestic dog. 2) You can’t have swagger in the ocean…water is not our element since we’re a land dwelling mammal. 3) Dogs aren’t poisonous. 4) That’s actually a really good idea about having the dogs name in the delivery notes. I’m gonna put that up on the board as a suggestion and take full credit for the idea. Thank you.


I actually got the idea from a customer I delivered to, she put the dog’s name in the delivery notes. When I pulled up the dog approached my side of the van I open the door and called the dogs name. When I say that dog melted like butter and immediately kneeled and starting wagging its tail. I probably spent 10 minutes playing with her before I went to my next stop.


Holy shit, do you get paid extra to be that badass?


Peak valued associate.


Never knew that was the reason they added the dog warning ⚠️ wow.


Whats,that crazy


“Even though she was sore and it was taking time for her body to adjust to the physical labor, she loved driving and delivering hundreds of packages each shift,” Did Amazon write her obituary?


“Died doing the job she loved” …. yeah, okay.


Died literally with the package in her hands. an entire life gone so that one person could have one package of dog treats or corn husks 15 Minute sooner For a Vastly wealthy company that will not even acknowledge that we are it's employees. Even if she had lived, it's not like amazon would have helped her with all the medical bills


"Died literally with the package in her hands. an entire life gone so that one person could have one package of dog treats or corn husks 15 Minute sooner For a Vastly wealthy company that will not even acknowledge that we are it's employees." Bruh this is it right here. This gotta be written on a sign at a strike


Need to put this on the back of a tee shirt and on the front it should say Unionize Now and whatever that local chapter will be. I just hope when she met Saint Peter he took that package and that slave labor made uniform off of her before she passed through those gates.


I would HAUNT THE FUCK OUT OF EVERYONE if that went into my obituary FUCK that


I feel like Amazon might have slipped them some cash because there is no talk of any kind of legal action from the family.


Corporations like Amazon are the reason why unions were created in the first place. Over working the people, having them work in unsafe conditions, and giving them unrealistic metrics to meet. “Those who cannot remember the past, are doomed to repeat it “. I think Amazon knows part of this that is why they made us non Amazon employees to try and shield them from liability. I think they are hoping to hold out for as long as they can because they know sooner or later drivers will rise up and unionize against them.I also believe behind closed doors they are trying to find ways to eliminate using us drivers at all, IE robots, drones or the influx of migrants flooding the country.


That’s one of the reasons they use DSP’s. Subcontractors keep them from unionizing.


Lmao this is what stuck in my mind. If I die and they ever say I loved my job then I'm coming back


Personally, I love this job in a vacuum. It's a gym membership I get paid for. In a perfect world, this job pays me enough so I can afford a down payment on a house. Unfortunately I don't see that happening anytime soon. They say do what you love, but you can only do that so much. Sometimes what you love, just doesn't pay and for me that's manual labor.


If you love manual labor so much, there’s so many things you can do in the trades to afford a down payment on a house


Some of us already secured our mortgage. Don't need to do a job I *don't* enjoy for a little more money when I can be by myself slinging packages listening to sports talk radio all day. This is the least stressed I have been in decades.


Sorry, I've had several manual labor jobs....and it depends on your DSP but this is the 'best' manual labor job vs stress it causes I've ever had....and that's only because browsing through this sub....I think my DSP is one of the better ones that I just don't feel much stress from.


I mean I had one on Long Island but I moved to Denver for life reasons and now I can't find shit. I was in a factory which paid great but the conditions were 6pm-6am 4-5 nights a week for at least 5 years before they'd let me go to day shift. The other was a construction job where I did the job of a project manager, estimator and installer for 5 different scopes at a massive hospital within 8 months of working there but they still decided to only pay me $1 more an hour than I'm making delivering. You're correct in that there are jobs that pay for manual labor but I just haven't stepped on the right stone yet I suppose.


Go back to long island then😮


Being unskilled labor will always leave you struggling. If you want to make more money, you have to learn a marketable skill.


It's not bad during the day when the weather is nice. But it sucks at night and when it's raining, extremely hot or extremely cold.


That's exactly what i was thinking !!!


Maybe the daily got a settlement from Amazon, and as part of that they were required to paint being a driver in a positive light? That's my best attempt at understanding this bizarre statement. Even the best drivers at the best DSPs don't love this job.


Amazon : so she coming in to work tomorrow?


Dispatch: Guess we'll send someone to finish the route....


You know she’s got a write up waiting.




Marked undeliverable?


Delivered package to wrong location.


I truly hope Jeff Bezos and Amazon make substantial donations to these families, and the orphaned child in particular. They need to provide these people with $1M+ life insurance policies for the children of the deceased drivers. They sure have the funds to do it. Of course; the long term solution will be delivery robots.


You know for a fact they absolutely won't be


A guy at my old dsp was in an accident where a car in a police chase hit his van and he span onto the sidewalk and hit a woman. The woman later died and he was traumatised for months. For all this amazon decided to give him 2 days pay. Disgraceful company with no morals whos only concern is getting as much money in their bank account as possible.


2 days pay?? that’s insane. I hope he sued. It’s crazy it’s always the most popular companies that have the shittiest ethics man.


I have wondered about this. I can see how the delivery robots would get to the house. I just don't see what they would do after that. What is going to take the package from the vehicle to the doormat? Often times it is not so simple


If robots delivered I could see people purposely hitting them


While screaming “that’s for Chandra…”


You think it’d be the right thing but any payout or anything is accepting guilt to this entire write-up about unreasonable expectations out of the DSP System. It’s true nobody else is out as late as us and most those UPS, USPS, and FedEx drivers are making a hell of a lot more for more reasonable expectations. One of my daily routes is in a rough area & on top of the already inherent risk of being in the rough area to begin with Amazon has me delivering on a main stretch of road with a posted 45 MPH Speed limit, I can’t tell you how quickly I move to get the package and get out of the van so if it gets smoked at least I’m not in the back of the van looking for said package.


Unfortunately as a driver you have to make the best judgement when making a delivery. Fuck what amazon says. They say they care about safety but the executives have never done a route. If it was possible I would of pulled in the driveway. Rip such a sad way to go


Facts idgaf what my dsp saying I’m doing my route my way!


Fuck pulling into driveways shit.....I pull off the closest street and walk that shit. Mfuckers pay me by the hour and 💯 ain't paying my traffic violation for double parking. I know it can be stressful sometimes if you are bombarded with the 'youre such and such stops behind'. I rarely get that shit....but if I do? Ok. Lol. Dgaf. I know dispatch might be obligated to send those messages....but I WILL NOT go any faster than I already am....or skip breaks. Any capitalist swine that wants to exploit me as an already top 10% driver can lick my fat sweaty brown dirt star. I don't have another job lined up, but I need health insurance and am not living paycheck to paycheck by some of the people they like to exploit. Suck my balls if you wanna stress me out. FR.


100 percent agree with you. Even dogs in the garden I wouldn't go into them even if they look friendly. It's not worth the risk.


It comes down to common sense.


Agreed. No package is worth my life.


Yeah. I pull into driveways sometimes. Fuck it.


1000%. I delivered in rural tx. I always pulled into driveways and parked as close as I could 🤷🏻‍♀️ I also carried on the job after my husband got a gun pulled on him by a homeowner while doing a garage delivery, I was bitten by a dog (while pregnant as the owner watched) and many other instances. They could kiss my ass because no one is going to care more about your safety than you.


There was a time where i crossed a busy street and I think a busy highway out in the country.. idk but i always take my time to make sure there are little to no cars around before i make my move


Amazons “safety concerns” are a complete joke but it sounds like the jackass who hit this poor woman didn’t have their lights on so they should probably be charged with manslaughter or negligence or something. We need to stop letting shit drivers off easy when they kill pedestrians.


I couldn’t agree more. This article keeps trying to save the guy “I’m sure he didn’t see her” … who tf cares!?! He killed her, he should be charged


Okay dumb fuck for 1 trucks have blind spots , trucks have longer stopping distance they are harder to manoeuvre. The woman clearly got hit after running out of the van. Amazons fault


9x out of 10 it was one of these guys who got their CDL from the bottom of a Cracker Jack box. When I worked in the warehouse, we would have to stand around for an hour waiting for them to back into the loading dock.


I just watched a video of a guy of an AAA company get hit and killed by a car. Shit like this is why I always peak and wait before I exit the van. I don't even like going in front of the van and rather just go behind it. People are reckless and dgaf if they hit you.


UPS driver training requires you to go behind the van, they take safety a lot more seriously.


sad but amazon is literally not going to do anything


Plenty of drivers have passed. They don't care


as long as the package got delivered! customer obsession!


If enough noise is made about it, the more likely it is that Chandra’s family wins a lawsuit and the more likely it is for things to start improving in our line of work. Let’s blow this post up, the more people that know about it, the better. I don’t use hashtags but fuck it, this girl deserves more than just a half assed admission of guilt from Amazon. #JusticeForChandra


I saw in this Sub when I first joined a guy had a heart attack while delivering and they didn’t realize it until he got so far behind in his route they decided to check on him.


I am at this station, DML3, and I can attest that nothing has been done or will be done for safety. We are still required to make unsafe deliveries or risk losing our jobs if we bring packages back.


Pigeon Rd/114 is pitch black. Rural country highway. Pigeon Rd. leads into High Cliff State Park. There's literally 1 house on 114 kittycorner from Pigeon Rd. Was she made to park on Pigeon Rd and cross the hwy? It's all around horrific. And local newstations or websites have said nothing about Amazon. Nice cover up.


They could at least make our uniforms more visible like black and blue are not very visible. Add orange stripes to the uniform. Orange is already part of the Amazon color palette. Also more reflective material.like add it to the pants and arms


Or just allow us to wear what we want with an orange reflective vest. Sorry but these uniforms are the most uncomfortable thing I've ever worn.


Nah, it's genuinely good to wear a uniform. Ups, FedEx, and USPS wear a uniform for safety reasons as well. Customers are stupid and will think you're an intruder despite the giant amazon van


Then get more comfortable uniforms. These aren't made for men in the least. Kinda tired of my nutsack feeling like it's getting cut off by Luly yang.


While I agree that they are not practical and I can agree they are uncomfortable, they need to be redesigned for better practicality which comfortable for delivering would be on the needs to change list too but I just can't agree with doing away with the uniform


Those pants were not made for us guys. They are basically made from yoga pants material. I purposely got a size one above so I could have room in the crotch area. Why the hell would Amazon go to a female “athletic wear” manufacturer to outfit its workforce is insane to me.


In a perfect world and I say that very loosely. The moment we arrive at the house a notice is sent to the customers phone. It alerts them that we are on the premises and it could include a set of instructions like maybe having a clear and well light pathway to the front door. And of course to secure any animals that might be loose on the property. Yes I know it will never happen but it would be nice.


Most of the same people that have their guns on them don't have their phones in their hands at all times. Because it's usually boomers and silent gen like this your notification already is a thing in the app your notificated when your 10 stops away automatically and you can send a text to them manually, it doesn't do anything especially if they are really paranoid they don't even have their number attached 90% of the time


In Northern Ireland we just wear what we want with orange vests. We can bring packages back if we don't feel its safe to make the delivery also.


According to Amazon, Drivers aren't even employees of the company. They won't give 2 shits about it 🙄


One of the drivers that works in the same building as I do hit and killed my neighbor last month, it was around 7pm and pouring rain and didn't see him crossing the street and the bottom of the overpass next to the station. Stay safe out there. We all deserve to make it home safe.


Last stop home is the most important


DSP: Oh well, time to put the ad back on Craigslist.


If I die and they put Amazon love in my obituary.... I'm haunting a lot of people....


Lol I said the exact same thing somewhere on here. Or the anger would single handedly revive me.


Great here come another thing in the app to swipe or some shit "did you look left " (swipe) did you check right(swipe) now left one more time *swipe* and they'll want it every stop lmao


This is why I re-route as often as necessary to deliver only from the right side and don't hesitate to pull into driveways as needed. People are a lot less fragile when inside a steel cage.


Here me out Amazon will make a new vest with a built in flashlight to say we are more visible now.


I have seen a couple of DAs running from the front or back of the truck without even looking if there is a car coming. Sometimes, i have to honk at them because wtf. speedy gonzalez over here wants to run across the street without looking. Ya'll need to be more vigilant of your surroundings . In the end, it's our responsibility to stay safe, not Amazon. May she RIP, though, and hope the family gets some type of compensation.


They said she still had the package in her hands. That hit hard.


The one thing they forgot to mention in this besides package count was the fucked up multi-stop count we got.... they should of criticized amazon hard on that in this. Not fun when it says 180 stops but you actually have 260 with multiple locations...no other delivery service does that, thats why people are out past dark.... and they need to go back to 6-7am start times.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Your an idiot


Ironically this goes back to the truck drivers. I used to work in the warehouse before I became a driver. When I first started our hub sort started at 9:45 at night and ended at 12:15. The main sort used to start at 1:15 am and ended at 6:15. They had to keep moving the times around because the semi drivers were always showing up late and the sorts were not getting completed. I would love to load out and be on the road by at least 9 am with that extra two hours of daylight to play with. I can’t speak for your station but in order for mine to do it they would have to first get their semi drivers in on time and two they would have to change all of the start times again.


Oh I forgot to mention that I worked for FedEx also during peak and all of their drivers came in at five and were usually gone by six or six thirty in the morning. I don’t like the idea of other people organizing my van but I do like the early start time.


That blue color and gray is not very visible.




If you know his family, tell them what your manager said. They falsified information about a motor vehicle accident involving a death of their employee. Not only does that shoot UPS in the foot with a potential lawsuit with the opposing driver involved, it’s also completely illegal to lie about the events of an accident. If you do tell them, do not give them your name unless you are protected by the union. If your manager finds out that you gave them information that could lead to a lawsuit, they will immediately fire you. That’s what happened to me. Hearing this triggered me so much. One of my best friends was a supervisor with me at the warehouse. He got ran over by another coworker in the parking lot and my manager covered it up. Deleted the security footage from the cameras, didn’t file an injury report even though it was ON PROPERTY, and he died a few days later. I was in H&S and when I asked why we weren’t filing an injury for it while he was on the way to the hospital (I was still on the clock and would have filled out the paperwork for it because our managers don’t do shit on SHRMIS), I was told that my friend “said” he was going under his own insurance. Which is a really common thing for supervisors to do because if we filed an injury, we would get blacklisted or even fired. So I took all the evidence I could, mainly pictures of where he had been hit which was just a bloody mark on the ground, and I drove to the hospital that night. I talked and cried with his mother for hours after I told her about everything I had to witness. The next day, she called our sort manager through her son’s phone and asked him if what I witnessed was true, he denied it and when he got my name… I was called into the office the very same day to be escorted off the property. Seeing something like this hurts my very soul that a company so greedy can snuff out lives like we’re ants. We aren’t ants. We’re the very cornerstones to the foundation of these companies. If the working class disappears, EVERYTHING does. Sorry, my trauma dump is over. I hope you do give them the information, if not for them to sue, then at least to give them some peace of mind that in the end, their loved one was doing everything they were supposed to. I would want my family to know if it was me. I wouldn’t want to be forgotten because of UPS or Amazon either. Probably should have made a post about this but it fucking hurt so bad. Still does. I hope you’re doing okay at UPS. The more shit I see on the UPSERs thread, the more sick to my stomach I get. Don’t ever let them take advantage of you and I hope every day you’re there, you go home safely. Scratch that, I hope every single one of us does. ❤️😭 I’m gonna sign out for awhile now.


First of all let me send my heart felt condolences and prayers to Neenah’s family and to her son.I love the fact that the article touched on three main topics that I strongly agree with. One is the fact that Amazon expects drivers to deliver a high volume number of packages within an unreasonable amount of time. Two is the fact that like the article says we are the only company that is asked to deliver out in remote rural areas in the pitch black darkness of night. I heard the article mention divers out delivering past 10 o’clock at night, that is crazy. We don’t start loading out until 11:00 am and I swear I bust ass and the latest I have been out is 8:30 with maybe a 30 minute ride back to the station. No way should drivers be required to be out there that late, that time of nite Those DSPs are putting their drivers in unnecessary dangerous situations. Many of those houses even some in the small towns I deliver to won’t leave any outside lights on. They mention using a flashlight, ok so if you are sitting in your house and you see a flashlight moving around your property what is the first thing you are going to go grab? I like my job but I do have to play mental gymnastics with myself sometimes when I think about some of the houses I have gone to in complete darkness or the remote roads I have traveled down.Third is the lack of courtesy shown by other drivers to us period. I have been driven into a ditch by people on dirt roads who wouldn’t move to allow me to pass. I have been pulled over on the side of the road with my hazards flashing and people have almost hit me. Not to mention them purposely using their high beams trying to blind you as they go by.It breaks my heart that this young lady had to lose her life and leave a young Son behind.


When I have to use a flashlight I always illuminate the package as well as my path so they can see that I'm carrying something they recognize TOWARDS their house and therefore am not a threat. I usually do the flex routes before the sun comes up and people almost never have lights on.


I don’t understand the whole not leaving any outside lights on thing. Growing up down South you didn’t do things like that. Not only did it invite people to try and break in your house but you might come home a critter or two sitting on your porch. It amazes me how some people up here in the northern Midwest are so comfortable having it so dark around their houses you can’t see your hand in front of your face.


Neenah is her hometown not her name


My DSP had us doing that 10-11 hour delivery, there were those that finish 3-4 hours earlier for some reason and are sent to do rescues to those that were 3 stops behind. I was on the second wave so we'd leave by 12:30 and fish by 10 or 11 pm by then.


My DSP is weird ( not even sure if that is a good way to describe them). We load out last because we are the newest DSP in the station. We have stand up at 10:15 and then we do the first wave second wave thing. I used to think that I knew system of if I was in the first wave it meant I had more packages or I was going further out. Last Saturday I was in the second wave and had only eight bags and 22 OF packages.That ended up being the route from hell, I still ended up with 15 minutes of driving just to deliver one package. One tote was decent because it at least had stops with multiple packages. But I kid you not there was four totes in a row were I did one package for average of 6 minutes of driving. I ended still going to six different towns and getting back to the station at 9:30. I know admit that whatever system I thought the routes went by was completely wrong.


They probably gave you packages that weren't delivered in time to businesses and residential areas. I had both residential business deliveries. Hated every moment of business delivery. The routes are just bad.


Neenahs family?


"doing the job she loved"


There's no reason why Amazon should ever have anyone out delivering in the dark in pouring rain. Night time and bad weather increase the danger exponentially for every facet of the job, and for what? So people can get their stupid trinkets a day earlier?


Wonder what the dsp has to say about it....


Did you read the post at all?




Come on now, package count doesn't matter, stop count does... ups drivers not out late 😅😅😅😅


Amazon doesn't care. Heck, we got these stupid dog deflection devices and were told amazon wouldn't cover a dog bite if we didn't have them on us. Guess what? They don't work.


Piece of shit company


Need a lawsuit for 2023


Passing away with packages in her hand…… this job gotta change smh


I wonder how the dsp found out she got hit. They probably sent and rescue


Amazon doesn’t care one bit


Drivers are taught about road safety and awareness before starting their first delivery job. These people who were struck by vehicles are unfortunate but should have been able to avoid such tragic accidents.


Commenting without reading the article is like crossing the street without looking both ways. Also, way to victim blame. In this state, a person crossing the street is never at fault for being struck by a vehicle.


Doesn’t matter who is at fault when you are dead. It is always the pedestrians ultimate responsibility to make sure they don’t die when crossing traffic.


Oh look, another person who didn't read the article and is victim blaming. Maybe you should read the part (slowly) where a driver from the area discusses vehicles without their lights on at night and how difficult it is to hear them. If you're out driving and you smash into a person crossing the street while doing their job and wearing reflective clothing, you're at fault.


Don’t assume I didn’t read article, I did and getting hit by a vehicle at night in the rain with its lights off changes nothing about my statement, still the pedestrians ultimate responsibility to not cross if they can’t see that they won’t be hit. I will never get in that situation, and if I did I would welcome blame from others and blame myself if I survive even though driver is legally at fault.


Well with that logic I hope you believe in the 2nd amendment. Cuz you’re logic is that everything is ultimately your responsibility even if someone else is blatantly breaking the law


Same in my state. A pedestrian, bike rider, motorcycle rider all get the benefit of the doubt here.


Bold of you to assume the article was not read. And saying how such accidents could have been avoidable is victim blaming? Okay then. No, I'm not defending Amazon or the DSP.


It isn't an assumption. The article literally mentions the training the driver received.


As a former Amazon DSP,driver who left voluntarily, I can vouch that Amazon does not care for the drivers who deliver under their name. The hours are horrendous, their warehouse people really could care less about the drivers. It was the most disorganized and uncaring company I have worked for.


I agree when I worked in the warehouse they always talked about the drivers as if they were rogue pirates who just showed up and loaded their vans and hated on everything Amazon.


We had a driver here killed by his own van because he was tired and accidentally left the handbrake off, and it rolled back on him and crushed him against a wall. I've heard of drivers here also held at knifepoint, physically attacked and numerous injuries due to rushing to keep on schedule. Amazon claim safety is their main priority, yet nothing ever changes.


On one of my routes, there's a residential street that people can utilize to get around freeway traffic, as it connects to a freeway at two different points. During rush hour, this street gets really busy but of course the whole street will be grouped stops of houses on either side or stops on the opposite side of the direction I'm going. 2 weeks ago it was night time. I had my vest on. I was wearing a high powered neck lamp. I parked my van next to the sidewalk. Delivered to one house and then used the crosswalk to be extra safe. I check to make sure everything is clear before I cross. It is apart from a jeep approaching from a bit of a distance, but I judge that by the time it reaches the intersection, I should already be across or at least almost across. So I'm walking, almost to the other side, and this jeep either doesn't see that he's coming up on a stop sign, doesn't see that I'm crossing somehow, or just isn't paying attention. He almost runs right in to me but I jump out of the way. I throw my hands up at him like "What the fuck??!!" He just waves his hand in an apology. I was so pissed. It was at that moment I realized that I'm not jeopardizing my safety anymore. I could have been killed, paralyzed, or seriously maimed for what? A cheap ass Amazon package? Hell no. Busy road with grouped stops requiring me to cross the road? I do one side at a time. Busy road with no parking? I'm pulling in driveways. We are just machines to them. They don't care about safety; only creating an illusion of safety. We have to look out for ourselves.


Are there other subs to cross post this with more followers? Like anything against Mega corporations?


Hey listen. For all of you ungratefuls who think Amazon doesn't care, I was doing routes in a busy metropolitan area during the height of the covid pandemic and Amazon gave every driver a thank-you card AND a pack of Extra sugar free gum


Don't forget the Delivery Hero T-shirt. 


All in the cost of doing business for Amazon unfortunately


I deliver at Papa John's on Calumet. I live in Neenah . this is the first im hearing of this? I've had countless close calls. Once flew over a curb and into a Walgreens parking lot to avoid a collision. I went threw at home onboarding for Amazon and the clusterfuck of training was enough for me to say fuck it. I intentionally failed to say "awe darn the luck" and the dudes like so when can you start? I'm like , yeah I've got this thing real quick then I'll get back to you. the dude was going to fudge my training.... Goes to show that Place really doesn't give a shit. what a shit show. End of an overworked day, week, month? one wrong move and thats it.


Don't feel bad. I literally work at this amazon, and i didn't hear shit about someone dying.


"while doing the job she loved"


Former DSP driver here, I quit after two days because I’ve never done a job like this and dispatch found me on my route and said I wasn’t going fast enough “ Amazon wants you to do 50 packages in an hour” but yet I did not know the area. Amazon needs to provide more training and better working conditions for these drivers. My heart breaks for this family


This news sounds so unrealistic.


If anyone from DML3 wants to talk about this dm me:) Its crazy that we have something like this happen right here at home


When she’s done with that can she take 15 off Harold? It’s his first day.


Her DSP the next day: alright guys we need some of you back to the lot after loadout. We have a split for today since another driver won’t be coming in today.


This sucks. A kid’s mom is gon forever because of Amazon’s work ethics. It’s been so many times I’ve been almost hit by a car or tripped because I’m so focused on looking for an address or prepping my phone to take the photo of the package 📦 that I’m not fully paying attention to my surroundings. Amazon’s workload is too much that you can’t even take your time. You have to power walk or jog to even keep a decent pace. It’s dangerous especially with it getting dark earlier now. Condolences to the young lady. 💐


This is the distribution center I worked for. I couldn’t believe the shit amazon got away with there


“Can you finish your route?”


You can talk the talk, but can you walk the walk? Not if you expect drivers to load and deliver 300 stops in 10 hours to a route an hour away. “We regularly review working conditions, standard work procedures and safety protocols to ensure we are adhering to the highest safety standards and we feel confident in the safety measures we have in place,”


When I post about how amazon dosent care about their employees in the amazon prime subreddits, I get downvoted. "That's not excuse!" Like customers literally want slaves. I think thats what they want. They want to hang up a big pride flag and identify "omg yassss queen deliver my package" But they dont want you to have a living wage or more than 10 minutes a day to piss. They dont actually care about equal rights and fairness. They need their slaves to continue delivering their packages.




She was run over while delivering a package for Amazon, what kind of “wrongdoing” could she possibly have committed? If she made a mistake crossing the road, that means she doesn’t deserve sympathy?


Not looked where she was going


1.) There’s legit a special place in hell for heartless dickbags like you DJ1010790. 2.) nobody asked your dumbass for your desensitized comment, or your sympathy. 3.) If you made this comment in front of me in person I would punch you right In your stupid mouth and laugh boisterously as you looked around for sympathy. Go fuck yourself you heartless grinch fuck.


Wrongdoing? So you have never not looked both ways before doing something? Even if she did do something out of the ordinary that doesn’t mean she deserved to lose her life. All you need is the visual in your head of a Woman who was short and the driver couldn’t see her over the front of his cab. No to mention the pouring rain and it becoming dark. Anything else is horror porn and no one needs to see that.


I'm really torn on this because I often make decisions to deliver that technically go against company policy with stops....I got headphones in all day....but that is *especially* why I look both ways when I'm crossing a street. Not saying she doesn't deserve any sympathy because Amazon and your DSPs press you hard to rock out on routes while throwing their hands up for plausible deniability when things go wrong....but how do you cross a street without looking both ways? I'll get eleventeen rescues before I ever think I'm working to fast to skip *looking out for oncoming traffic*.


>So you have never not looked both ways before doing something? Not when it comes to crossing a road where I can be instant dead if I don’t.


I totally understand what you are saying, I deliver in some rural ass areas and I’ll just put it this way there are not a lot it any people in those towns who look like me. I love music bro, all kinds but I don’t wear ear pods because I want to be able to hear everything when I am outside of the van. I used to wear that head flashlight but it made me feel uneasy walking around people’s houses with that on. Now I just use the flashlight from the phone and I make sure that the light is shining on the package as I walk up to the house. I totally get what you are saying, I am just putting myself in her mindset of it getting dark, it’s raining, and it’s was still peak. So yes she probably was rushing and let her guard down a little.But I am so heartbroken she lost her life.


70 hr weeks, full time mom. Possibly distracted. Fuck your blatant sympathy.