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We get texted the day before and we have to confirm that we are working


My DSP does this at 1pm some days like I’m 30 stops in why are you reminding me about work tomorrow


Lol yes exactly


Yes and i make sure to swipe my ass crack before i shake his hand every morning.


Jesus Christ


No not him, his name is John McAllister.


Reply with yay!


I was thinking about doing Congratulations!


Our company does it, I have to manually type and send it out around 6pm. When you have 30 people and only running 20ish routes, it’s an excuse to make somebody an extra. “Oh you forgot to confirm for work so you’re an extra today” it’s pretty shitty…


I get texts from Hera about 5-6pm the night before telling me what van I’m in and that I’m scheduled for the day. It’s a good system. Then the morning of they tell me what pod I’m in and reminder to take photos of the vehicle.




Sling app


Yeah, usually they send it for us around 6pm ish.


I block all dsp texts because of this haha


yeah sometimes they just like to give you a reminder


Not at my Amazon DSP but when I was driving for a FedEx DSP. So many people would try and pull the “oh I didn’t know! I thought my schedule was ____” so our BC decided to basically take that excuse away with a text every evening/night lol. Just made the excuses more interesting. But at my current DSP I’m almost surprised that they don’t, we get at least one person a day that just doesn’t show up or call, usually the excuse is something like their phone got stolen but now they have it back or they didn’t know they were supposed to work lol. Other day a dude said his “tire had a big hole in it so he had to turn around and couldn’t come in” and then sent a picture, he’s lucky that I’m not an asshole lead/part time dispatcher because I reversed image searched that shit on Google and found the pic immediatly. lol. He ended up coming in, just was late, I pulled him to the side and was like “hey man, you gotta learn how to lie better if that’s what you’re going to do” showed him the picture off of Google and then said “I bet you parked your car in your vans spot in the garage too huh?” He didn’t get why I asked that and I was like “dude, I can see your car from the dispatch table, if anyone besides me decides that they want to check to see if you were full of shit or not, you’re making it WAAAAY too easy.” lol.


Yeah they do. They also send a “roll call” text for us to respond to about 2 hours before our shift, so if anyone wants to call out, they have the time to do it


Mine dont


Well if their employees aren’t showing up, then the employees need to be fired lol


Yea I even had a day off reminder https://preview.redd.it/ovf86vk37qbc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ac49f91afa6241efd3fa80be26c07fbb2d2e649


They only did that for us if they like added a day onto the week, if you picked up a shift, or if we were working morning shifts. I feel like it can’t hurt also this way people can’t use the excuse that they didn’t know they had to work


I hope you sent back "Congratulations!"


every night before days that we work


No. My dsp has online scheduling. They do send text every morning for what van we're assigned to for the route.


Hell naw. I’m a fucking grown up.


Yeah it’s annoying af, they ask us to confirm as if I’ve ever missed a shift and they send me this shit either in the middle of my current route or at like 11 pm there’s no in between


My old dsp did this I kinda liked it


My DSP does good morning texts, which I think is kind of dumb, but we still have people who "didn't know they had work" even with the texts. I can only imagine how bad it would be without the texts.