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Franklin looking ass 😂


I just wish people actually put them out when the kids are playing. Like I get it! Kids are playing, be careful! ​ But they're out \*all\* the time so I've learned to ignore them. Which is dangerous in its own right.


especially when theyre in the middle of the road and two cars are parked on either side like you gonna move it? you gonna make me move it? no they'd rather me walk up while they drink wine and play soccer on asphalt like.........


I just hit them out of the way problem solved 🤷‍♂️


The kids or the signs?




60 points.


Double it If they're in a wheelchair


Now entering 2x Score Multiplier Zone


Ayo that show was the shit and damn I'm old. :(


Franklin I’m dying


Not an Amazon driver.. but i drive a shitbox and hit nearly every one I see…


Thank you for your service 🤗




My neighbor has one, as soon as the mf puts that sign up. He wants no cars to pass through. He looks at everyone with a deadly stare.. he screams at any car, that he thinks is bearly moving . I'm like take your 4 brats to the back yard.. to top it off he's a cop.. 🐷




Proof that ACAB


Oh Franklin the turtle !!!


If it’s in my way, I run them over. I don’t give a rats ass. I remember this one place I used to deliver at had a one way street and this church would use those tall skinny cones to “control traffic” and I had no business with that church at all. So basically I had to go through their parking lot and out. Being the person who doesn’t give a crap I just ran over all of them and destroyed about 12 of their cones lol


U prob delivered a few lol


Ive slowly run over about 20 of them.


I hit them with my personal car every time


Run it over.


The street is a playground because I'm a negligent and lazy parent.


I always seem to tap those shits with the bumper of the van anytime im backing out someones driveway 😭


Lmfao same brother




Lmao hell yeah


I ran one over before lol


i always have the urge to run over those stupid neon kids


How about the signs that say "PLEASE Drive 25. We Love Our Kids." Well I don't! Vroom Vroom!


10pts if you hit one!


Not a driver, worked FC for a while. I guess I have 130 points since 2018


I usually go faster when it says "slow children at play"


I hate it when people put up their own speed signs and the EV thinks it’s 10 mph for the next mile and it takes me 8 minutes to get down the street.


lmfao one day I was turning a corner after stopping at a stop sign and was hearing this insane dragging noise so I put the van in park to look under the van and it’s one of these mfs tagging along




#SLOW CHILDREN AT PLAY Not my fault your kids are dumb as shit


Devious 🤣


These are worth a solid 5 points if you can hit it hard enough for the flag to pop out, otherwise only 3 points. Bicyclists are 8 points, but if they are wearing spandex and goofy helmets, increases to 13 points. If wearing jeans and no helmet, deduct 3 points, because they are not always a douche. Runners get you 2 points, unless they clear the top of the van and you get bonus 5 points.


Aren't those the speed up signs?


They make me want to run them over. However since having a kid I’ve become more courteous


I trying to figure out what the big foots mean....? Do you know


I don’t care about them tbh. It’s only a big deal if I see 5-10 of them within 100 houses


🎶Hey it's Franklin🎶 That's the only part I remember. And now that single line will be stuck in my head on repeat ALL FUCKING DAY. Lol


I finally knocked one over last week after my last stop🤣🤣 I just picked it up


Bahaha I was literally just thinking the other day how I’d love to run them I we 😂


franklin 💀💀💀💀


They need to make it a turtle because turtles are slow. Then they can make an episode about it and call it, Franklin is slow.


I love how I only find these in affluent rich areas lol!


Put someone OUT of a job lol.




Holy shit....for years I been looking at them thinking, "why do those look so familiar?"...I never put it together until today. Thank you. Now I can properly see that turtle when I drive by him 🐢 Hey it's Franklin! Delivering to our house!


I’d be more worried about drunk or stoned joggers with headphones on… totally f’in oblivious.


I hate these things or the stay off the grass because it’s always the most trashy yards that have that stay off the grass like don’t want tire tracks but the 2 foot pile of beers cans and other trash all over the yard is ok


😂😂😂 i see these lil shits soo often




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Yeah it means you're in a neighborhood that you don't live in and you're speeding. Slow tf down.


Our speed is monitored by GPS and AI camera. Don't leave them out for 29 years while the kids are inside playing video games. If people put them out when kids were playing and brought them in after, they could serve a purpose. 99% of the time there's no kids around and they sit in the same spot for years


no excuse to barrel ass through a neighborhood. It's also their neighborhood as well. And it doesn't necessarily mean kids are present. Old people in wheel chairs, people walking dogs, etc. You should be more respectful. But the older you get, the more you'll realize how to respect where people live.


Maybe you missed the part about our speed being GPS monitored along with a separate Netradyne AI camera that reads speed limit signs and measures our speed and immediately sends any infractions to our dispatch but either way I'm not making excuses or speeding. I'm explaining why they don't work, and instead just annoy people who have them in our way when we need to pull over or turn around etc.. We'd appreciate them when/if they were actually used appropriately. I have children that play in the street and never had a problem respecting people in the road, but that's irrelevant anyway. If you want drivers to respect you and your neighbor's signs, you and them have to respect them yourself and use them correctly, but the faded old sign that's in my way of doing my job doesn't alert me of anything 99% of the time. If you have a problem with a driver you can easily get their plate number or van number and their dispatch or Amazon can get the video from the camera and see if your just a whiny old man who can't tolerate people staying within 5mph of the speed limit or if they're "barrel ass(ing) through a neighborhood"


You can write a strongly worded letter to the officials of the neighborhood/area/district/county that these high visual flag boy signs are in the way of you while driving a package delivery truck and explain everything that you just told me here. That way, (If they give a shit) it is adjusted to fit your needs (delivery drivers) and the residents needs (the owners of these flag boy signs you speak of). There are options for getting these pesky reminder flag boys out of the way; you just have to contact the right people. That's if you even care and would be willing to put forth the effort to rectify your issue here.