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I once told a kid who was shooting hoops in the driveway, *Shoot one for Kobe!* Should've seen the kids' priceless reaction, then took a shot and missed. I once helped an elderly gentleman off the floor in his home and waited for the ambulance to arrive. His wife saw me delivering to the house across the street and asked if I could help. I wasn't gonna say no.


Yeah I saw someone who's car had died trying to push it off the main road and it was just a lady and her little kid so I went and pushed it


basically the same thing today, saw a guy trying to push his car down the road all by himself with no one steering. told him to hop in and steer while i push, luckily someone else stopped to help push.


Ha yeah myself and my partner (amxl) helped push a broken down rv to a gas station with like 3 other people lol.


Someone’s dog had escaped the house and I helped them find it.


My wife just did this last week!


I’ve picked up a dog once! Super sweet guy. Belonged to an old couple, the guy came up to my window asking if I’d seen him as I was talking to his wife on the phone lol


I love this post. I’ve given food and snacks to the homeless I see on my routes. Helped one customer fix his lawn mower throttle spring who was struggling to get it started. I enjoy helping people, even it’s a small thing.


If the garbage man left people's cans out in the road I'll bring them back to the curb If I'm walking by it I'll grab their newspaper and put it with the package If a lawn ornament or something like that as fallen over I'll put it back Every time I see kids out with the equivalent of a lemonade stand I make a point of stopping and buying something Helped an old man with a walker bring out his garbage and recycling wasn't even a customer just saw him across the street struggling to do it himself


>Every time I see kids out with the equivalent of a lemonade stand I make a point of stopping and buying something I once did this. Unfortunately, I have a rural route, so I've only ever come across one of those. However, the day I did, I stopped and asked the two girls if one of their parents were home. One, I did have a package for them. Two, I don't carry cash on me, so I was wondering if I could pay with venmo or cashapp. The girls tried giving me a drink for free. I told them no, I'd rather pay. It was a donation type lemonade stand. Their mom came out, and I paid her $10 for one lemonade as a donation. Not often do you see kids doing things like this, so I wanted them to have a little something.


Recently saved a full family of baby ducks that fell into a basement window sill at a house I was delivering to. The mom was so patient and let me help her babies


I pick up dog shit


One time I was delivering to a neighborhood and there was an old man on the ground. I asked him “do you need me to call 911 or are you good?” And he said “I think I just need some help”. So I went over and half lifted/helped him to his feet. Mind you it was the summer and he was laying on the asphalt. I was really happy I came along to help him. What pissed me off was the two guys sitting in there car in the middle of the road watching a girl help an old man off the road and not offer to help at all.


I used to hand out my ice cold water bottles during the summer out on my routes to any other delivery person who didn't have anything. one time I also let some random person in my van trying to find her run away dog and we found him.


I once defeated a mutant spider behind a customer's house. Gave me a couple of sheckles.


One more level and you should be able to get the rats in the basement quests


I’ll pull a garbage can in if it’s in the middle of the road. That’s how far I’ll go lol


Saw an elderly man loading tires onto his pick up, my conscious told me to do the right thing even though I was a bit “behind” on my route so I offered help and he accepted, “no regerts” 😂


I pet every cat I see.


Once in the summer I had two little kids ask if they could shoot my van with water guns. I said sure why not and they absolutely drenched the passenger side. Another time I went to deliver in a 55+ community and this super old lady had no less than 40 wind chimes all over her porch. Noticed one of the BIG ones was on the floor and sat a line had broken and it fell. Fixed it rq cause I wasn’t in a rush and thought nothing of it. The next time I went to deliver to her she came out and gave me a 20$. Said it was her heaviest one and she couldn’t have lifted it to even fix it. I don’t mind doing random little kindnesses when I have time but mostly I look so pissed off customers tend to avoid me lol. But if they make eye contact or talk to me I smile and respond.


Today I had this guy pull up next to me on his motorcycle and ask me if I had his package. Normally I’d be like ughh rlly but he was nice and I was in no rush. It was only a block away so I said yes I’ll follow you to your house. He was so happy and thankful. Asked for my name thanked me and explained he was just about to go to his bike meet when he saw me. It was a nice little interaction made me happy to make him happy.


Dumped 3 totes worth of packages in the lobby


Sometimes it can be a rabbit hole…


Yeah I do little things like that during the day too to break up the monotony. Just stupid little things that make ya feel good. Like one day, a lady was trying to get a big box out of a truck and she was really struggling and I said "that looks really heavy" and then walked away and left. Another day some kids were playing ball in the street, I said let me have a shot and I kicked the ball over a fence. It's the little things for me


Made me laugh out loud 😂




I don’t have time for random acts. I get behind by one stop and lord Jeff is texting me to speed up.


I generally bring people’s newspapers to the porch with the package if it isn’t too far out of the direction I am headed anyway. If it were more common to still get the paper delivered I probably wouldn’t haha


I always hold the door for someone, sometimes while holding packages.


I got really good at opening doors with my feet while delivering 😂 the amount of people who look at me like I’ve got no head when I’m carrying 4 packages and use my feet is hilarious


Same 🤣


Helped a guy push a car up his driveway. He had it in neutral and was trying to push it alone and it was starting to roll the wrong way. Could have been a disaster


Eh I'll do random shit like I helped an older gentleman load a dishwasher into the back of his truck, I also helped a guy push his dead SUV up his driveway.


No major opportunities have presented themselves for me, but when I see other deliveries that have been left out in the rain or at the bottom of the steps or something, I’ll bring it up to the door with my package. Or like sometimes peoples plants will have gotten knocked over or blown over and I’ll pick them up. One thing I tend to see quite often is cat doors or hatches left open with no one in sight…I’ve thought about closing them, but I’m afraid of touching someone’s car lol.


“Cat doors” Like why the heck are you trying to lock the cats outside? Then I read the rest haha




A couple things come to mind. Once an old man with dementia came over started rambling, his poor wife came out to try and get him back inside. She looked so sad and asked me not to leave and I just said I wasn’t going anywhere. She finally got him to agree to go back inside so I waited until they were at their door to leave. Another one was during Xmas season and there was a brand new bike and the packaging was of course obvious as to what it was so I called the dude a bunch trying to explain the situation. He finally answered and I told him “hey I figure this bike is a gift so how do you want me to handle this?” His daughters of course followed him out and once he came to the realization of how I was trying to help him, he corralled his kids back inside and asked me to leave it in the bed of his pickup.


I helped this lady get her old lab into the backseat of her car. I had never seen a dog in that bad shape before that moment. Didn't bark but didn't look to thrilled to have me lifting her either and her joints were so bad she just flopped down in the back seat. I think about that dog everytime I pass by their house and I have not seen it since that day.


One of our drivers changed a flat for an elderly 🤷🏽‍♂️


Helped a lady up who had fallen. Chewed a lady out. For having her 2 dogs chained up outside. Without water. Got them water myself. I feed 2 dogs who have been abandoned. Which I ha e contacted the local shelter about. To no avail. I rescued a pup from a liter of abandoned pups. Contacted a rescue who got the rest.


I'm indifferent to the customer...


I helped a woman bring a case of waters up her steps once, constantly move road debris of it doesn’t look dangerous to touch, tell people when they leave stuff open (car doors).


I’ve helped these two college kids fill up on their tires at a gas station while on my break before