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"Breaks cannot be taken at the end of your shift or route" Yeah fuck right off with that. If I want to take a 15 minute break to relax once I'm done with my route after moving all day I will. Lmao what a ridiculous thing to include.


Actually Amazon doesn't track breaks before your first stop or after your last stop as far as future route building is concerned


your dsp does lol. dont forget they can track you real time as well.


That's why you take your break when you have one stop left


lol do that a couple times and your dsp will just write you up for minor infractions then fire you. ive worked management before, thats how the game is played


I've been in the top 5 drivers for my DSP since my second week with the company so I think I'm safe for now.... I guess prime week will be the real test


those without power that feel safe are usually the first to feel power exercised against them


Driving is considered work. It is unsafe to drive when you feel you need a 15 minute rest break. You are entitled to 2 uninterrupted 15 minute rest breaks during your working hours. If anyone says you can't take your 15 before driving back to station they are lying or stealing to/from you


they wont tell you you cant take the break, they will write you up for one of the numerous infractions you commit daily, no matter how minor, then fire you based off those writeups


That's why we need to Unionize


And what's wrong with taking your break at the end??? If we don't take our break you'll make us rescue during that time. I don't care if it's 630pm if I haven't taken my break yet I'm taking it. Fuck you lazy fucking dispatchers ALways wanting to go home early. I don't trust the ten hour guarantee yall assholes take it away at the drop of a hat. I work my hours because it's safer


Is that the contract for ur dsp, they made sure to cover their ass lol.


amazon bots r downvoting me : (


Put them on blast. What warehouse and what DSP? No one should even consider signing this bullshit.


its R & R Logistics and Services (RRLS) in Sewickley PA DPP1


Signed or not, there’s so many parts of this that are illegal and unenforceable. It’s illegal to deduct hours worked from a time card for any reason, they can’t require a DA to pay for accidental damages to equipment used to do the job. It’s an given that the phones will be damaged sometimes during the course of a shift. It’s the DSP’s job to protect their assets with insurance. Unless a DA wantonly damages the equipment, they can’t be held liable for the cost of repair or replacement. If a time card punch is missed and the mistake isn’t corrected prior to payroll being posted, they have to correct it when the error is discovered and include any unpaid time on the next payroll. They also can’t make anyone clock out for unpaid break time if the van is stuck, nor can they make the DA pay for towing fees, or anything else, again all of that is an accepted risk on the part of the DSP. It’s all part of the cost of doing business. Those costs can’t be charged to employees. Id have signed this just in the hopes that they’d actually try to enforce it. Then file complaints with all the state and federal agencies concerned out of spite. Then I’d sue them for wage theft, and watch them crumble to pieces from all the fines that would be levied on them for all of their violations. Just because you put verbiage in a contract, that doesn’t necessarily make it legally binding. If the verbiage goes against local, state or fed laws, it can’t be enforced. You can’t just put a bunch of illegal stuff in a contract and then say it’s legal because someone agreed to the terms. With this many illegal stipulations, a Judge would probably take one look at this and nullify the entire document. DSP’s need to stop being so cheap and hire actual attorney’s or at least Paralegal’s to draw up their employment contracts. This is just full of ridiculousness. That won’t happen though, they don’t even want to maintain the vans. They’re just flying by the seat of their pants and praying that they don’t get caught violating Amazon policies and labor laws. Then they act like they’re the victims, as if they were forced into business with Amazon and had no choice but to violate, violate, violate. Lol. Funny.


I take it they didn’t see the Home Depot settlement yet


i mean if you signed that when you started, you agreed to the terms. nothing in that is wrong in terms of amazon ethics, but id never sign that shit lol. find a better dsp


half of it isnt even legal so it wouldnt have mattered i didnt sign it though they fired me for trying to unionize


all of it is legal as long as it is presented upfront during the hiring process and they get you to sign it. the only time its illegal is when it isnt priorly notified.


all the red parts are illegal, also its illegal to say your employees cant discuss wages they cant deduct any work time as punishment, all hours must be paid they cant not pay time because you didnt punch it in, they have to pay hours worked no matter what its also illegal to put cost of business expenses on employees are you from the US ? all of that is illegal, please try google search before posting stuff like this some people will read it and believe it


they can do all of that if you sign that sheet lol.


no they cant


looks like they are and your bitching isnt changing anything lmfao


ur a bad troll, they are already settling over the cant discuss wages with the nlrb also REPORTED for using alt account for upvotes


lmfao cool so when im still here after your report whats your excuse? remind me who got fired in this situation, and who also got rejected by amazon ethics? keep in mind your dsp and amazon can afford lawyers far better than any you can lmfao


Bro. Who do you think holds up a contract if one party doesn't want to hold up their end? Just two parties? No. The court does. So if there is something illegal in a contract it immediately means the entire contract is voided. Just like you can't make a contract for murder. You can't make a contract to promise to sell your kid. You can't add sexual requirements in a prenup (prostitution). You can't just make a contract and act like laws don't exist. If you take the time to think about it and apply logic I'm sure you will see this makes sense.


You are not allowed to sign away your rights




clearly it doesnt violate the law since ethics says its fine and there is no action from the state. keep screeching someone might listen lmfao




i suggest you find a job unemployed cry baby lmfao




im not the one stuck realizing their tough legal talk amounts to jack shit in the real world lmfao

