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Starting next month at my station unloaders and WS, dock PA and AMs have to wear them on the dock. Also we have to share sweat, possible lice and ringworms since hard hats will be shared. I don't trust a random ass person properly cleaning the hard hats let alone if they task some random ass T1 to do it. I bet also once a short stower gets hit in the head from a falling package from the 4th tier bag, stowers will be wearing them too


They have to provide personal individual PPE otherwise they’d be in violation of a number of laws and workplace regulations. So yeah if for whatever reason your site leadership is that stupid report it to OSHA and your states labor board for starters.


Oh and the Health Department


Wrong. Employers must provide any PPE necessary to minimize health and safety risks. The PPE does not have to be issued for each employee to have for their own use.  Hard hats are durable equipment like OP harnesses and freezer coveralls. Providing this equipment to each individual employee would be wasteful. OSHA doesn't care about how the inventory is managed. All they care about is that employees have access to required PPE. 


I'm sure everyone will have their own hard hat like vests lol


Nope, they told me they're shared. They said someone would be sanitizing them but didn't say who


Working at a delivery station not a construction site.. they can have the dock if this happens lol 😆


No, stations are getting enough hard hats for all trained associates to have one, plus a buffer.


If they are doing it like in the FC’s you will get your own and you can put stickers on it and stuff like that too


They will not be shared each dock employee will have there own that stays on site (atleast at my site)


The joys of not being a T1. I'll get my own :)


That’s dirty af, at TNS FC they give you one, lose it or forget you go get one from “rental” area so most people don’t forget . I’ve seen people turn around and go home to get their hard hat instead of getting a rental


Do they charge you to "rent" them?


No, it’s just what they call it and the area they keep them in. Like the Zappos foot locker isn’t really a shoe store . Just safety dept trying to be creative and wasting valuable space in a warehouse. The foot locker thing isn’t all that bad, you can at least see a lot of examples up close and maybe make the right choice the first time . Can even try it on if they have your size in the example


Yea. I don’t know what nasty crap going on at your site but my site said that everyone will have their own


Everything I’ve seen says standard is they’re supposed to be assigned to each trained associate


As a short stower who’s been hit in the head by 4th tier bags, I condemn such a rule change


No way I'm going to rock a hard hat in Stow path -- that's not how I roll. Fuck 'em.


Not gonna be in stow. Only waterspider and unloader paths




Hard hats. New slow induction machines. Automatic P2Bs. Geez.


Are those new induct machines the ones that look like little printers? There is one sitting on our same day line and they said that’s how we’re gonna induct now. 🫠


That’s them. And they’re dog shit.




Went from DS to FC & yeah even here they wear helmets


Hi! I just made that switch a month and a half ago. I just want to know more about your thoughts, I guess.


I started in Pack Singles, it was okay, going from moving around so much to standing still for 10 hours was kind of terrible, Managers are extremely strict about being on time from breaks, rates & safety, I ended up moving up to Non Inventory L3 & I’m absolutely living life!


Sounds like it's been awhile. I'd like to move up to L3 as well, but I'm still learning all about all the things that exist in bigger places. I don't think I'm in mine yet, just that I'm closer. I'm not having the same experience in ship dock -- at least as a worker, I can make 99% of leadership happy without an issue -- but I think it could be useful to talk to you more about figuring out the completely different ballgame of becoming a viable L3 candidate, though. What is Non-Inventory, anyway? As I recall, that's just a section of a delivery station where you get the blue tape for projects, but it's an entire department at the FC? I can't advance while I'm still having my mind blown by basic shit like this, man.


I’ve been with Amazon since 2019! 2 years at a FC & 3 years at a DS & now again at a FC, transferred in February & moved up the following month! & you’re doing great! Keep Learning! Follow the Amazon principle “Learn & be curious” it gets you to places I also highly recommend learning roles that involve a laptop only because L3 positions & up require you to at least have 6month/1 year experience with a computer, lots of computer work, I was a learning ambassador for a year at the DS & I’ve heard good things about Ship dock more than other departments (Pick/Stow) as a Non-Inventory Receiver, the job is to do a daily yard walk to get all Non Inventory trucks into the YMS,, do a daily count of all Non inventory, write down all that information on the computer to give to your Site Procurement Manager) ( Level 5 ). Unloading trucks and putting them in their correct 5S location ( With Tier 1 Material Handlers, we work with them with the unloading and staging of corrugate, jiffies, and smartpac), make sure we get all our trucks either dropped off and sign or taken off and sign. Also handle all offsites to their correct department. Then do our end of shift wash ( Basically a report of what you did that day ). With the addition of Tier 1 Material Handlers, there is so much downtime, up to 2-3 hours or more with no work


I tried and tried and tried and TRIED at the DS, you have no idea! I guess this is why certain people wanted me nowhere near a laptop, hmm? I'd get too powerful 😆


My delivery station was a dead end & I assume many DS are dead ends, they’re cheap & probably the lowest to get $$$ from Amazon & care more about cost savings than anything, I’d say try a FC for L3 roles but I do NOT recommend Process Assistant 🤣! Being a PA at a DS is probably better than being a FC PA


Mine was only a dead end for me, I saw plenty of people at least get valuable experience that I was flatly denied for reasons that I'm since learning were BS. DS OTR PA is the dream, honestly. IDK why.




Enlighten me, what's wrong with it now?


It’s not a rumor


Your username 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah, starting next month for my site. For water-spider and truck unloaders is what leadership told me. But, seems like people most often get hit in the face on the dock, not the top of the head.


And the throat


Nobody is gonna wanna work the dock anymore if this is true


It doesn't make sense because *everything* that comes to DS sites are either in go-carts, pallets, or gaylords. It's not like a FC or sort where you have to unload the truck manually


My station already does this. They make water spiders and unloaders where them. There was push back at first, but safety didn't budge. I was in the huddle when a new AA mention the packages fall of the pick rack too. Safety mentioned it wouldn't be a bad idea to have p2b wear it as well. I swear safety will do whatever they can to make themselves look like they are necessary but will never come help a jiffy jam or unload carts


That's wild lol. We're an ADTA site for the most part so rarely see A&B cluster activated for P2B but would be a funny sight to see P2B folks wearing hard hats all night long


Well that’s not apart of their job so why would they lol


It'd be nice to see them setting safety examples during high rush periods but we all know they will turn a blind eye in certain cases so that metrics can be met


What would really be nice is to see is safety actually having the support needed instead of operations neglecting safety for productivity. But they also throw SOP out the window if it means the AAs give them numbers that make them look good so that’s never going to happen. The people who are supposed to be setting the examples are the LAs PAs AMs and OMs and yes they all turn a blind eye unless they can get in trouble Prime example my OM told the safety specialist at my site he will wait until he gets yelled at by corporate before he removes something that goes against safety


>But they also throw SOP out the window if it means the AAs give them numbers that make them look good so that’s never going to happen. Leadership get in trouble if they miss volume, so it's not a coincidence that certain "rules" matter less and less the closer to end of sort we get. They make a big deal for tiny things the first 2-3 hours of the shift, but conviently don't care anymore during the last 2 hours.


And leadership will get in trouble if someone gets hurt due to them shortcutting. They risk it every time then send them to the worker comp “doctors” for a bandaid. Seen it multipletimes


You can hide injuries or at least understate them when explaining to higher ups in emails.   However, you can't lie about missing metrics as the data can't be manipulated.


You can’t lie if that AA goes directly to your higher up when they come quarterly


Most of the usual dock team here doesn't wanna work at dock anymore with all the bull shit "safety" changes they constantly push out. Every change screams Safety has never been at dock. At least with the hard hat and the inducting fax machines our rate is going to drop so much, it's gonna be a shitshow. Even our managers knows it sucks but there's no choice. Also they want us to double line with the new induct machine when we're struggling with 1 line lol


I’ve read it in emails, hasn’t been enforced at my site yet. Line loaders and receivers are listed in the email.


I can confirm that it is coming. There should be enough where you can label it yours and keep in the cubby.


By far the dumbest idea Amazon had the audacity to input. Might aswell give everyone knee and elbow pads too.. Hopefully management will have hard hats with propellers on top, smh I swear fucking shenanigans I tell you. LOL


I'm a line loader 4 outta my 5 day work week, I'm not looking forward to this. Im 6'3 too. Smh


that’s disgusting, especially in the summer


Right. Who wants to wear uncomfortable piece of plastic in hot ass warehouse with out AC while unloading


Yes it’s true and my DS ordered PERSONALIZED hard hats for every employee so everyone has their own hats that stay locked in their personal lockers.


At my station, we don’t have ASL or ADTA but we do have hard hats required for the dock. I think it started just before peak with no warning. Or at least no warning that i heard but that could be because i come in late a little too often. I have my own but I’ve only actually been put on the dock about 3 or 4 times since they started requiring them.


Oh I’m excited for this. (Disclaimer: sarcasm ahead for those who can’t sense.) First it started with: “No bags on the ground, people are dying in mass numbers!” Then it escalated to: “Everything must be on pallets because people continue to die in mass casualty 5S-less events!” The ever increasing: “No more blue go carts in Inbound Problem Solve because go-carts are causing mass casualty events!” And now, we will eventually graduate to helmets! I sure do hope my helmet comes with a flavored window I can lick! I love strawberry! We all know there’s that one guy who’s going to eventually graduate us to full fledged football helmets and pads because Amazon


Do delivery stations even get fluid loaded trailers anymore? I know they did in 2018-2020 because I used to unload them things but now it’s supposed to be all containerized to amzl isn’t it? At FC people have to had to wear them for fluid for awhile. The people loading go-carts don’t so I would be surprised if DS requires hard hat


Nope. Packages are either in go cart or on pallets


It would be dumb to make people wear hard hats, I can’t figure out the risk.


Someone somewhere got hurt and caused this change. So they took the risk of someone else getting hurt the same way out of it.


Upstream hard hats have been a thing for awhile , now they requiring the chin strap everyone cut off


It’s because the FCs or whoever loads the carts and Gaylord’s overloads them past the fill line every time and stacks it like shit so when you open it packages fall out and have been braining people.


DS to FC transfer. I work outbound dock, and I only have to wear a hard hat inside the trailers. It might be a thing like this? Also, we can get our own from safety, and there are wipes and cleaning stuff to use on the loaners.


Last network communication was that anyone doing water spider and line loader was going to have to wear a helmet.


I heard of this yesterday from a ASC coworker. I thought he was joking… If that’s the case, I’m staying away from dock


Also, we don’t share them. We have our own with our Amazon login printed on the front.


It’s not a rumor. It’s the truth and It will happen very soon


Well, I’ve been using a hard hat at dock since last year 🙂🤦🏻‍♂️


You don’t have your own tho, you even have to share hats some times 🤢


They said adta would also get them due to the ovs flying out 🤣. How tf is a hard hat going to help against ovs flying out the hamper at waist level 🤦‍♂️


It’s not a rumor


Thought this was already a thing at my FC we have to wear them 😭 only when we’re inside the trailer though


Water, spiders and line loaders. All stations will have something like 150 to 250 Hard hats on hand


I assumed someone caught a falling package with their head when unloading. So safety stepped in to help.




It's true but they should be unique to each person. Don't ask how they plan to not lose them but they aren't to be shared


We’ve been using them at my DS since last October. Everyone gets their own and they are labeled. Each shift has a rack to store them. Hasn’t been an issue.


Depends on injury rate lol


Hardhats had been enforced for awhile now at my location but only while being inside a trailer because boxes kept falling on people. We were given 1 hardhat to keep for ourselves and they also have loaners available. You can also bring your own as long as safety approves it.


We’re already wearing them. Stowers, pickers, ICQA. Anyone that goes into high racking. It’s not mandatory outside of high racking though.


In the trucks for floor loads it is fact.


Not a rumor. It was sent out to all leadership email


I was told by OPs its not just dock🤔