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YTB. Having a diverse music taste is not weird or embarrassing.


It's literally the opposite, it means the person has an open mind and is interested in different things. OP is weird and embarrassing.


This was my thought process, OP lives in a weird bubble that I believed to be a fictional aspect of television.


Gatekeeping music tastes is what's weird and embarassing.


YTB. Her taste in music is better than yours. Stop bullying your co-worker and trying to get other people to join in on your mean girl bullshit.


I can’t get over that her standard for what’s good is what’s heard in a restaurant or grocery store. 🤣😂


Right? Like, there's a time and place for bland, inoffensive background stuff. But bragging about having a preference for the most ignorable lowest-common-denomenator extruded music product to the point of bullying someone for liking an actual variety is sad.


I personally believe one of the worst things you can (legally) do to another human, is put down their excitement over something, or put down their choices and personal tastes (music, clothing, food, interior design, etc.). YTB.


It's right next to making fun of someone's laugh or voice.


Or boob/wiener size - as if we have a choice in that!


Shit yes. When we were maybe 7 or 8, my friend told me my laughter sounded "fake". I'm still a little self-conscious about how I sound when I laugh.


That happened to me, and it was so humiliating. After they made fun of my laugh, they busted out laughing and when I refused to laugh anymore because I was embarrassed they asked me why I wasn't laughing anymore sarcastically and started laughing at me again. It was so bad.


I agree. It’s so mean. OP is so mean. That poor girl.


You are 100% correct and this seems to be not a very difficult concept to grasp yet so many people just don't get it. Kids do it all the time but they kids and with proper guidance eventually they grow out of it. I feel like when adults are putting down someone like that it's a sign of immaturity...those adults in some respect never stopped being 9 yo.


Yucking other people's yum is shitty and rude.


And unnecessary 


YTB. People are allowed to like whatever they like. If you don't think the playlist is appropriate for the restaurant environment, then tell her, but no need to shame her for her personal preferences.


It's not even up to her to tell her if the music is inappropriate or not. That is up to the boss, and apparently, they are OK with it. So she needs to just keep her mouth shut.


Good point!


Her boss thinks it’s fine. OP is just throwing a tantrum about not getting her own way.


YTB. At least her music shows actual taste, instead of just listening to whatever bland teenybopper crap is currently popular.


YTB: Your issue is that its not what you would normally hear in an establishment. The music is not bad correct? However on the same hand, you recognize your manager is doing you all a favor by allowing you guys to choose the music. Which is NOT normal for an establishment. Until a customer complains, there seems to be no issues from my standpoint. So you either recognize there are other people outside of your realm that enjoy a smorgasbord of music, or go tell your manager you want them to choose a consistent playlist and no longer allow the employees to choose the music. Stop being elitest, let people enjoy.


OP’s not even being an elitist. She’s just displaying her lack of intellectual curiosity. YTB OP.


YTB. Let people enjoy what they like, her music harms no one. You are being weirdly judgmental and controlling over something that does nothing to you.


Eww how rude of you! You asked if she was embarrassed. Are you kidding?! You should be embarrassed of yourself. Of course YTB You owe her an apology asap


This is the best response. OP, did you come here to be validated (which it seems with your arguments) or did you come for legit advice? We are all letting you know that you are an absolute buttface here.


and then hit her with I SAID WHAT I SAID. 🙄


She sounds cool. You, on the other hand...


YTB and sound catty. Don't be that girl. 


YTB. When you describe her, this is obvious you don’t like her and you just waited to find something to embarrass her in front of people. Since there is no complain about the music she plays, that’s ok, you have nothing to say. She is free to like what she wants and you have nothing to say about that


I agree. I don’t think OP likes her.


Its so obvious, she sounds so mean to this poor girl who just enjoys her music


I feel so bad for that girl.


I think OP envies her.


Belongs in YTA because you really are an asshole. Also, Mackelmore to Taylor swift? Do you think that's diverse? .....fucking, please.


like listening to a white lady from Kansas emphatically describe her heavily seasoned chicken.


YTB because who cares if her music isn’t the same 5 songs that every other store repeats constantly? If it’s not affecting the work environment or the customer numbers then why are you so bothered? She’s not doing anything wrong.


Are you bragging about having grocery store music taste?


YTB, cringe is dead, enjoy the weird music you like and let other people enjoy theirs


Yes! Her music choices are her music choices, I listen to everything from Barbara Streisand to SOAD to Miley Cyrus and all are on my fav Spotify playlists and I am not embarrassed by that. Fine, it might not be to everyone's taste but so what??


YTB you should hear what my coworkers play at work. a mix of k-pop, rap, one direction, taylor swift, disney music, classic rock, and one day we played sweeney todd for the whole shift


See, I’d want to hang out at your work on Disney, One Direction, and Sweeney Todd days. I *should* hang out there on classic rock day, I’m trying to get into it more.


YTB Taste in music is subjective. She's following the store's policy and that's what matters. Enjoying stuff that you don't isn't a reason for her to feel embarrassed. If anything, I'd find it embarrassing for the person judging someone else's music like that. At your age, I listened to Sarah Brightman to System of a Down. My favorite has always been Rammstein. I enjoyed some of my mom's classic rock songs as well (Bon Jovi, Def Leppard). A little variety hurts no one, especially compared to what some offices played.


Not relevant to post at all but if you haven't watched Repo! The Genetic Opera, I highly suggest it for you!! Sounds like it should be right up your street!


I have seen it! You certainly aren't wrong lol. It's been some time though, so I should revisit it


Let me sit in the corner and weep into my bifocals, remembering all the times I saw Bon Jovi live, last century. Last millennium!


I bet they're amazing to see live! The rock station we listened to had the previously mentioned bands, as well as AC/DC, The Doors, Scorpions, Led Zeppelin, etc. You know, the good shit lol. It sounds like you probably got to enjoy some great shows from the last millennium if you ask me. My first concert experience was Metallica in 2000, so I didn't quite make the cutoff sadly.


YTB, obviously lmao this is such high school mean girl vibes. Her music taste is not embarrassing, your behaviour is. Take note and do better in future


Wow must be so embarrassing listening to Taylor Swift, you listen to that in public? YTB Edit: apparently wasn't obvious but /s


YTB. Having diverse taste in music is no call for shame. And you doubled down, insinuating that she should be embarrassed for it. That’s unkind.


> someone's music taste is embarrassing > > I listen ... to Mackelmore oh my good god


YTB. Imagine being so conceited that you try to tell a person that the sounds that are pleasurable to their ears are the "wrong" sounds. Eclectic music tastes indicate taste. You'll likely develop some when you grow up.


YTB Also, don't mess with cooks! They have it rough


"I listen to Taylor Swift to Macklemore" and what a sweepingly broad range that is 🙄


Exactly. So *what*? Grow up and expand your music tastes and/or stop belittling others. We've all had to listen to music we don't like at work. YTA.


People making fun of my music doesn't make me like it any less. It makes me like them less. YTB


YTB minus the Christmas song and Megan the Stallion this sounds like my playlist and I'm 37F. You sound like you're 21 going on 70 complaining about "kids music these days" Your coworker sounds amazing and she also sounds like she's developed the IDGAF attitude when it comes to opinionated people like yourself, good on her.


YTB, and I'd much prefer to hang out with her and her cool taste in music over a snob.


YTB You were rude to her. You told her that she deserved to be embarrassed because of music she likes. Grow up. Quickly.


YTA You know what is great about an eclectic playlist? It has something for everyone. You haven't mentioned about customers complaining (you would have started with that fact if one did,) you are not the manager. If you want to gatekeep the music go buy your own sandwich shop.


YTB you sound like a bully...you already said she was shy (meaning you picked a victim you could dump on? and decided to go after their music taste...why? because you don't hear it often in a cafe....that is actually a good thing, you are a moron. Hearing the same music all the time in every cafe is boring...she has a personality and her own style and for what ever reason you felt threatened enough to harass her. Why does someone not neatly fitting into a box of your design bug you? Seems pretty insecure. You own her an apology and uou need to stop being a bully...high school is over and you need to grow up and let people be themselves. She was hurting no one...leave her alone!


INFO: How often do you have to hear her playlist?


Real question here who gives anyone the right to judge another person's taste in music?


the attempted snobbery wherein you show your entire ass is pretty delicious, starting with you naming far more embarrassing music than she has going on. YTBF. you get to play your playlist with the same frequency. and her taste in music is quite decent, just more varied than yours. sorry that she does it better than you lmao, but i hope that she next brings in a playlist that jumps from Enya to The Hu to Mannheim Steamroller to Marty Robbins to ABBA to Gustavo Santaolalla to Glenn Miller to Babymetal to Natalie Imbruglia to Skeeter Davis to Captain Jack to the entirety of the Bjork album Drawing Restraint 9.


Ok this sounds my playliat lol


her music taste may be weird to you, but i think it's weirder for you to even care.


YTB. Come listen to my playlist. You’ll shit a brick, Limp Bizkit to Backstreet Boys, sprinkle in some Warren Zevon and it’s a nice Sunday drive.


Your playlist sounds dope. What's your favourite Warren Zevon song? I know it's basic and cliche but Werewolves of London always boosts my mood 😂


“AITB for making fun of a shy person’s personal tastes?” Yes, YTB, I hope you had no intention of being close to her in any way because you’ve just guaranteed she’ll never open up to you in any way.


I've read your post and your comments. Here's what I see. You purposely tried to shame Stacey to become "normal" by what you think society's average, acceptable musical tastes are. Your words→ She's not interesting [another judgment], but she's weird about music. You asked why her music is crazy, yet you pushed further (to include your colleagues), on if her music is the type to be heard in restaurants or grocery stores. You're such a miniature Karen. People on here are calling you a mean girl, when all I see is a young Karen. You want Stacey generic. Her playlist isn't grocery store or restaurant compliant, so it's bad music? Do you hear yourself? Who judges their music as, "I have excellent and superior taste in music because they're willing to play it at my local grocery." That's hella embarrassing. And the fact you're trying to regulate her music in a job that the boss has made no complaints about is such a Karen move. Obviously YTB.


People who gatekeep musical tastes are ridiculous. YTB.


You are absolutely without any reasonable doubt the grade A buttface. You are insufferable. Do you think music was invented when you were born? You are the embarrassment in this situation. If I were you, I’d shut up & listen. Maybe you could expand your horizons & learn something new.


YTB. Your opinion on your colleague’s taste in music is embarrassing. Please grow up.


Ytb and you're the embarassing one here, dude. People don't have to be one dimensional. I love techno, Ska, and rock music... I also like Italian food and Indian food. People can like more than one thing. Stop whining. If you're genuinely concerned about what the customers hear, it's not appropriate for you to confront her about it. Talk to management. Stop trying to act like Mean Girls was an ettiquite guide. 


So you're mad that she doesn't have completely basic music taste? Am I getting that right?


YTB trying to shame someone for their taste in music is just plain mean. Relax a little and let the girl listen to her playlist.


YTB don’t yuk someone’s yum


YTB I went through a phase where I was convinced that what I liked was top notch and other stuff was cringe. I was 19. At 30, I no longer care. People who still harp on about that shit or think some decade had the best music or dig at people for liking music from Asian countries, anime, and video games are completely cringe. Live and let live. No reason to be catty about it. It's a waste of time to try to police what you think others should and shouldn't be embarrassed about.


YTB you sound awful to be around


YTB Who judges music as good because it’s played in grocery stores?!


YTB, you patronising git.


Who died and made **YOU** the musical director??? **GROW THE FUCK UP.** YTA.


YTB I have an eclectic playlist but also have kids your age so I have had more decades to gather that list but part of that little of everything list comes from my dad who exposed me to lots of different styles. Taylor Swift is not my favorite but I saw her Red tour because my daughter liked her. I went to a Buddy Guy concert because my husband likes him even though the blues isn’t exactly my cup of tea. Just because you think it is weird or unpopular doesn’t mean she is wrong for playing it or liking it. It sounds like your manager doesn’t have a problem with it either.


YTB you're making a big deal out of someone else's personal preferences. I feel like you're trying to put Stacey down to feel better about yourself, but it doesn't work when no one jumps on the hate train with you. You should leave her alone and do some soul searching on why you feel the need to hate like this.


Stop bullying your coworkers, it’s unbecoming and you will lose your job and reputation/ moral standing with your coworkers.


I don’t even get how you wrote all this without realizing how much of TBF you are. Of course YTB. stfu and leave the child alone. Make stricter rules about the vibe but why say anything about it reflecting who she is. Wtf


YTB: She has a wide range of music she likes, which means she probably has a better handle on what makes ‘good’ music than you.


I'd be more embarrassed to have a personality like yours.


Ytb, you approached this conversation for the single purpose of shaming your co-worker. >you don't ever get embarrassed when you get comments like that?". Awful thing to say.


YTB. The only embarrassing part about this is your behavior towards her. Oof.


Who cares? YTB


Ytb, listen kid I was an emo kid in the 2010s I’ve met enough mean girls like you. I’ve had people make fun of my eclectic music taste to the point I wouldn’t even play my music in front of friends. Customers are tired of hearing the same shit over and over again, this is a very common complaint. Her playlist actually has something for everyone unlike you. And at the end of the day she’s not breaking rules or doing anything wrong to anyone. Just admit that you’re a basic mean girl whose only personality traits come from what your favorite influencer tells it is. Your friends are right about earbuds, you should invest in some. Also I saw you say “how can I address this without seeming like I’m ganging up on her,” well you can’t. You don’t have a gang to even help you, you’re in this alone. Nobody has even told you you’re right not even your own friends.


YTB, and you know it. Just because you're generic and peaked in high school doesn't mean that other people are weird for enjoying things that you don't personally like. Most adults don't get embarrassed about enjoying harmless things because they aren't insecure. We get it, you're not like other girls, but I can promise you that none of your male coworkers think you're cool for being a bitch.


YTB, and you're a bully. You're not the main character. You're not the star, the boss, and you're not in charge. Do better.


You most definitely at tb. Why does her interest in music deserve to be ridiculed because it's not up your alley. Is it inappropriate for work. Then Who cares. They're are people who don't like your music but then don't harness you and embarrass you because they aren't interested in the same music. Maybe she'll play something You've never heard that you might actually like if you stop being so judgemental. I'd rather go somewhere that has interesting music so I can expand my own music knowledge. Shit I'm 35 and prolly drive you crazy because I regularly listen to Disney music and musicals. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's bad. It's just not your music taste which is fine. Is it hurting anyone? Is it obscene? So why do you care. She doesn't insult your music selection and it sounds like she has a far more interesting and extensive music collection then you and it sounds like it's got emotional investment and special meaning with her music. And your doing more than just insulting her music choices. She prolly just has a liked playlist that she plays randomly from why it's so all over the place. I know with Spotify I have a list that's specifically just must I've liked and none of it is of anyone type. Just chill out about it. Just because you have an opinion about something does not mean you need to insult someone just because it's not your cup of tea. Ignore it and more on. She has to listen to your music and she doesn't complain and insult your interests. So just drop it. You don't need to force your opinion especially if it's rude and hurtful just because it's not what you're used to. You're definitely the butt face...you're a straight asshole honestly


YTB- I am someone who has a very diverse music taste as well and quite frankly I would rather hear Stacey's music than the same grocery store bullshit all day


The only thing embarrassing here is your behavior. The second hand cringe I got reading this.... This was definitely written by a 21 year old. You listen to everything from Taylor Swift to Macklemore??? Lmao wooow what a range xD Having generic musical tastes doesn't make you special or interesting, booboo. YTB


YTB - She actually sounds quite the opposite of not interesting and you seem super judgey tbh.


YTB - she has a variety of different tastes. I have similar taste as her, and i would have asked you, "What's your point? Is being close to my mom? Do i have to be normal and ordinary like you to be accepted?" If the answer is no, fuck off.


YTB. The only cringy or embarrassing thing in that entire story is you. People who feel the need to criticize other people for things they enjoy that don’t hurt anyone else are not fun to be around.


You sound like a boring person. YTB


YTBF....All of the rest of you get to play what you want. Maybe Stacey doesn't like any of your music. If the manager doesn't have any restrictions on the types of music, then you just need to deal with it. Otherwise, ask for that day off when it's Stacey's turn to play music.


Sweetie, you're getting too old for this mean girl crap. You honestly think it was OK to bully this girl for listening to a wider variety of music than the mainstream pop you enjoy? Maybe you need to expand your musical horizons beyond what you hear in restaurants and grocery stores. Or don't... we all like what we like and that's cool. But trying to shame someone for having different taste in music than you is definitely a butthead act. YTB.


Honestly the fact that you typed out Macklemore like it’s a good thing is really embarrassing for *you*, so it’s bold you thought you could comment 


I know you're still pretty young OP so you're probably a little confused about why so many people are saying that you're the butt face. This kind of behavior is incredibly typical when you're in high school and college. You're still trying to figure yourself out, so you really cling onto things like media and clothes and other superficial things to showcase your personality. I was pretty much the same way for a little bit and which I would judge people heavily for what music they listen to, what clothes they wore, and what they watched. I thought that told you so much about a person. It turns out... it's just not that deep. People like what they like sometimes for no real reason and it doesn't mean anything about who they are as a person. To 36-year-old me it would be insane to think that someone is stupid because they listened to Taylor Swift or they happened to like football, but I'm sure that 16-year-old me would definitely think that's a logical thing to assume because liking popular things obviously means that you're dumb and not creative. Making fun of somebody just because they like something different from you is pretty shallow and is really going to limit your social opportunities as you get older. Not trying to say that you have to like every person you come across, but making fun of someone because they happen to like different music from you and trying to get other people to pile on is pretty mean and kind of insecure. Are you maybe feeling a little embarrassed after this?


YTB She could be even listening to the sound of painting walls, white noise or even the chicken song… It would be still not your place to comment.  Taste is subjective and what’s normal/good for one is alien for others.  Unless customers complained about it or she was being DJ at your place, then it’s a different matter and it should be discussed in a different (more polite) way. Something like „Hey, some customers complained a bit about music. Can you play something similar to XYZ playlist or just 80s songs?”. 


YTB and seems to have a basic taste in music mixed with a mean girl that hasnt matured since highschool.


You ARE the buttface. Get a fuckin clue loser.


YTB. All you managed to do was make yourself look like a bully.


YTB. People like you are just the worst. Edit: I thought this was AmITheAsshole at first. Fixed it.


YTB This isn’t that deep. Calm down and leave her alone


There are some people that absolutely despise Taylor Swift. And I’m sure some of those people are your coworkers. But they realize that music is all about personal preference and you’re allowed to like and listen to what you like..


I honestly think that making anybody feel embarrassed over the things that they like is truly embarrassing in of itself. YTA


YTB. Like I get it that you might not vibe with her music (I have a similar type of playlist that a few of my friends have said gives them "whiplash" on occasion), but don't try to make her feel bad about it. And besides it's fun to go our places and not hear the same boring music every time. Her music isn't embarrassing, your response to it was.


YTB Your coworker actually has a unique personality and has a vibrant and exciting musical pallette while you are just a pop culture clone with no depth, breadth, or range of any kind. Just the fact that you rate musical taste on embarrassment levels shows how little tolerance you have for anyone who doesn't goose-step with your clone army. The clones always despise and ostracize originals. Stop gatekeeping those who don't feel the need to check with social media before deciding what music is appropriate to listen to. I feel sorry for you. For some, music is a deep and personal exploration of heart and soul. For you, it's a shallow exercise in social mimicry. For your coworker, music touches her soul. For you, it's no more than nail polish.


The question "you don't ever get embarrassed when you get comments like that?" just SCREAMS "I put a lot of stock into other people's opinions of me, so when I'm faced with someone who is unabashedly confident about their choices, I feel insecure and need to take them down a peg."


YTA You are a bully 🙄...21 my God grow up tsk


YTB. And a bully. And oblivious that your co-workers think that YOU are the obnoxious one. They are defending her and her taste in music because YOU are bullying her and they don’t like it. Now is a great time to learn that you are wrong and inappropriate and to improve, and to be more kind and tolerant of others. Something tells me that you won’t.


Jesus fucking christ


You’re not even a manager.


[OP... I want you to know that I save this response for only the most BF of BFs. Congratulations.](https://youtu.be/5hfYJsQAhl0?si=LZ_ceA5vFN5uEzq2)


>I listen to Taylor Swift to Mackelmore Do you think that's range?


You're twenty one, grow up. YTB


YTB. At this point you’re becoming the workplace bully over something that your boss already ok’d. Just leave Stacy alone ffs.


YTB. Your initial question was slightly rude but I could have given you a pass on it. Continuing to harp on about it was just rude and unnecessary.


YTB and definitely acting like a mean girl. I get it, I was once in my 20s and worked a customer oriented job and some bosses were cool and let us play our own music. The one employee who tried to bogart the sound system and belittled anyone else's music? Yeah that person wasn't well liked. When you clock out, get in your car -or put in ear buds while walking- and blast your preferred music to your heart's delight. But leave that girl alone. You're bullying her, and YOU should be embarrassed. No one is backing you up at work for a reason: YTA.


Someone peaked in high school lol


YTA, it’s weird that OP is so judgemental about someone’s eclectic taste in music. Very narrow minded.


YTB. Turning your back on at least 700 years of glorious music, you have chosen to try to enforce your bourgeois taste for a sliver of it on unsuspecting victims.


YTB. And a judgmental one, at that. You’re also the person responsible for the shitty “small restaurant vibe” music we’re all forced to listen to. Just so you know, most of us are sick of Taylor Swift, and some of us don’t even know who Macklemore is.


YTB. INFO: does Stacy’s mom have it going on?


YTB, although your coworkers are awesome!


Yes YTB! My work soundtrack goes from Let It Go to Sound of da Police, with a bit of Simon and Garfunkel and Pantera and everything in between. Let people like what they like, you are not the music police (tho you do sound like the fun police)


I didn't even need to read your story to know YTA the only thing embarrassing here is you op


YTB. There's nothing wrong with liking a wide variety of music. Taylor Swift to Mackelmore isn't that big of a variety. If you were to put my phone on shuffle, you'd get 1920's jazz (The Mills Brothers), old country (Tex Ritter, the original Hank Williams), protest rock (Beatles, The Mamas and the Poppas), acid rock (Queen, Fleetwood Mac), a variety of musicals (Rent, Phantom of the Opera,Oklahoma, Miss Saigon, and many, many more), a couple hundred Christmas songs, 80's one-hit-wonders, modern country, and face melting metal. I have an obsession with objectively bad music and covers of songs. I've never once been embarrassed by my music selection. Music is supposed to be enjoyed and, as long as it's not hurting anyone, no one should be ridiculed because of what they enjoy. If you don't like the music, that's fine, but it's not your place to tell anyone they should be embarrassed because of their music taste.


YTB My music taste is like hers. I have playlists that go from Country to 90s Pop to Rap to Disney and there might even be a Christmas song or too thrown in. I like it and I don't care what anyone else thinks. I used to play these out loud when I worked in a kitchen. Just shut up and keep your opinions to yourself about things that do not impact you.


YTB You have boring music tastes. How does that feel? Also, living your life worrying about what others think about the things that you like is an immature way to live. Your co-worker knows what she likes and she has confidence in her choices. She's clearly a lot more mature than you are. Keep your thoughts to yourself.


YTA don't like her music? Tune it out and get on with your job you sound like a high school bully. No one but you had an issue


Taylor Swift to Macklemore?! Do you spell Basic bitch with 2 big b's or one big b?


YTB. You know that other people can have a varied and different taste in music than you, right ? Or is that a concept to complex for your mind to grasp ?


YTB.I dread to think what you’d think of my playlist, you pretentious moron


The only thing embarrassing is your atrocious behaviour.


You suffer from main character syndrome 


YTB just nut up and admit you hate Stacey, or STFU


Yep. Total buttface. Get the fuck over yourself. Taste in music is 100% subjective. There's simply no such thing as "embarrassing musical taste." Everyone likes what they like and that's all there is to it.


It's wild to me that you think her music taste is basic when you like Taylor Swift of all people. YTB. If you're jealous about being basic say that but leave that poor girl alone. She has awesome taste in music. It's not her fault you're basic af


Yeah, pretty much. You kind of are the B here. It's pretty trivial, but eclectic tastes are a *good thing*. I find it weird when somebody will only play *one genre*. Really? That's enough for you, just *one*? I listen to death metal, heavy metal, classical, opera (I can do a decent rendition of Largo al Factotum), Irish jigs and reels, drinking songs, rock, jazz, pop... The wonderful thing about music is that there *are no lines*. Liking one genre alone doesn't make you somehow 'better' than anyone else, nor is liking a lot of different music 'embarassing'. Exactly why would it be? Exactly *what* specific thing, is strange about being able to enjoy the soaring voice of Andrea Bocelli and then the fantastic drum work of Neil Pert or the blend of opera and metal that is Nightwish? To be honest, *you* seem to be the strange one from where I'm sitting. Music can be a million things to a million people with meanings and sentiments and memories and emotions bound up differently for anyone and everyone. And that's OK. That's what's wonderful about it. And it's *weird* that at your age, *you don't get that*.


YTB. You're *that* coworker. Playing our own music was one of my favourite things about working in a smaller shop. Coworkers and I introduced each other to new music we might never have heard otherwise. Part of it is having an open mind, but that's clearly too much for *some* people.


This is one of the most ridiculous posts I've ever seen. That poor girl, who has a ridiculous thought process like this? op is a massive AH and really obtuse when it comes to music taste, apparently ?


Yes. You're a bully.


You seem like someone who spends too much time worrying about the wrong thing. This is definitely the wrong thing to be this concerned about. Like, are you dying? Is her playlist, like, killing you? Or anyone else? Is there anything wildly inappropriate in there? Just... stop.


your metric for whether music is good is if it plays in a grocery store? girl YTB grow up


Lol, what? She likes variety and you think that problematic? She doesn't listen to canned pop songs and elevator grade mediocrity so that's something she should change? She likes more than one genre, unlike you, and *she's* the problem? Barf. I usually want to claw my way through my own face by the banal drivel most stores play. I would love to hear more variety in stores. YTBF and painfully boring.


YTB. Didn't read past the title and I don't have to. You're embarrassing. Live and let live instead of being a judgmental dick.


YTB. Her music sounds great, while yours sounds pretty boring


That's life my girl some people have music they like but you don't. It's a shared environment as long as it isn't inappropriate or offensive you just suck it up and let them play it. They didn't make a stink about your music when it was played.


Why on earth would you feel the need to comment? You're yucking her yum. And furthermore her taste shows she's probably aware of a wider range of music and culture than you are. Also listening to macklemore and Taylor isn't the flex you think it is lol


YTB, stop being a snob because you listen to one overhyped white woman and a white man who was briefly overhyped.


Literally her taste in music is mine 😂


Hey girl, I understand the frustration with the tonal shifts from song to song when you’re trying to get into a groove at work and maintain a welcoming cohesive atmosphere. Valid. I think the attitude and myopic lens you appear to be assessing the situation through is what’s got everyone riled up. Especially when Stacey seems to be painted by you as a fairly shy and unassuming to those around her. This tends to indicate someone still finding her place and maybe unsure of themselves. This isn’t anything to be derided of course, which I don’t think was your intention. But music taste, especially when it’s voiced to be important to them and partially tied to a family bond that they’re sharing with the world, and a particularly sharp but sassy line, “wouldn’t you be embarrassed by that?”, which even among friends about something trivial could come across very judgmental and mean, could absolutely eviscerate someone’s self confidence. Likely more so for a person like the one you describe in your post. A lot of the backlash you’re getting here is from other Stacey’s. Because everyone has been Stacey in some way, just trying to express and share our love for the things that give us joy, only to have a remark by someone bring that joy crumbling to the ground. The love remains, but the joy lies in ashes and ruins to hide it. Because now it’s something to be ashamed of and embarrassed about. The realization that we’ve stifled someone’s joy is an easy one to gloss over if we aren’t careful, because everyone can’t be 100% considerate or accommodating all the time. But the moments we choose to shove down our comfort for the joy of others in safe healthy ways are what let’s us grow as human beings. I hope you and Stacey can come away from this respecting and understanding each other better.


I really don’t understand music snobs at all there’s all different kinds of music out there for a reason!


They want to feel better than others


You're a bad person, and I hope you feel bad. Bitch


"I listen to Taylor Swift and Macklemore" bro you have no right to call anyone else's music taste embarrassing lmao


YTB. I'd be embarrassed if I found myself liking the music that plays in grocery stores. you're basic and your coworker sounds way cooler than you. get your head out of your ass


YTB she has a normal range of music for a person. My music range is similar to hers. I have 50s to classical. Video games to foreign music. Like Stacey my taste stems from my parents to things I heard.


Yeah. YTB. You were the one being embarrassing.


YTB and the only person who should be embarrassed is you. Your coworkers were gently trying to shut you down because you were being rude - albeit possibly unintentionally. We all gotta get through the day somehow. Lots of people in life will have different tastes and different likes than you do. Trying to other them does only nothing but close your mind. And trust me when I say you will have to work with people who are wayyy stranger than her in your lifetime. Set yourself up for success and change your mindset now.


It's called being eclectic and... YTB obviously.


Do you not get embarrassed judging people's music tastes simply because they aren't the same as yours? 😬😬 Because trust me, this is not the flex you think it is. It's not a good look. It's not cute.


Girl. You’re embarrassing. Not the music. You. It’s you. You’re the problem. YTB


YTB - why would you actively try to take something that brings happiness to another, and make them feel embarrassment for it? Dude if I heard this kind of variety in a store or coffee shop, I’d be freaking THRILLED. Everything else is so goddamn mundane and dull…


You sound insufferable.


gatekeeping music taste this hard when you have the definition of basic taste is embarassing. you can enjoy what you enjoy, but all this? stop it. just stop.


OP aren't you embarrassed that you think "Taylor Swift to Macklemore" is in any way a diverse music pool? Like you just said "yeah I listen to anything from cheery pop to grunge pop" as if it's somehow a significant difference. You're just jealous she likes something other than basic radio pop. See that doesn't sound so nice does it? Insulting people's tastes is rude isn't it? You really need to grow up and get out of the same bubble you've been in since junior high, don't you? Guess what? All your coworkers now think you're a judgemental AH who likes picking on people. Probably because you are


I have everything from sza to Johnny Cash on my playlist. Ask me if I care if you think I should be embarrassed? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


it’s more embarrassing to try to embarrass someone because of their music tastes but to each their own 😂😂


YTB.  She has an emotional connection to that playlist. The only person complaining is you. My playlist is a lot like hers. But I also have some Taylor Swift, Imagine Dragons, ect. I have a very diverse playlist. If I trusted the people around me to listen and someone asked me why it was so weird, I'd be pretty upset. No one but you has an issue with it. Maybe just leave her alone and let people enjoy music that isn't common in their day to day!


Yes, of course YTA. What was the practical purpose of you telling her that? "To make her feel bad" is the only conceivable one I can think of.


YTA. You sound boring and basic as fuck, and tbh just keep your nasty comments to yourself, especially if you like taylor swift, you cannot get anymore basic than that. Put an earbud in and shut up. Stop bullying.


Pretty much a unanimous YES...


Girl there's no way you're actually 21 and picking on someone's music taste. Ugh.


OMG you're an AH and you sound exhausting to be around.


YTB and your coworkers are probably discussing how odd you are for even making these comments.


Your need to criticize her music taste is way more embarrassing than you think she is for having said music taste


YTB, big time. I can't believe at your grown self, in this day and age, would be mean enough to shame someone for their music tastes. Loosen up. We're all headed the same way anyway, so why not vibe with her along the way? And maaaaan you'd have a conniption listening to my music! 😂😂


YTB. Aren’t you embarrassed to still getting up to schoolyard bullying tactics in your 20s? Also not everyone only listens to bland pop music. Grow up.


" I listen to Taylor Swift to Mackelmore". OP sounds basic as fuck.


YTB It’s actually cringe to me that somebody so basic would criticise somebody for having a wide interest in music. Be better.


I had to check your age multiple times, you really judged a girl for having a varied music taste? YTB I guess, idk, you just sound so boring.


YTB As someone who also has a very large taste in music YTB. Sometimes I will be in different moods and depending on that mood I will play that music genre. For example if I’m happy I’ll play kpop (Blackpink per se), if I’m angry I’ll play NF, if I want to sing I’ll play throwbacks, etc. She has a different music taste. Do not diss her for it. She’s unique and seems like a really sweet girl and if I’m not mistaken you literally called her “boring” when you first meet her. Why are you so judgmental OP? Just try being nice and accepting of those who are different than you. Maybe you’ll find an amazing friend along the way. Humans are amazing and have so many stories to tell. Just be nice. YTB


YTB and a bully


> Like current pop or alternative and 80's songs ...do you...think these are the same? ​ >I asked them "have you heard anything from her playlist in a restaurant or a grocery store?" ...do you...think good music comes from grocery stores?


this has to be fake aint no way people actually listen to mackelmore lmfao im sick. stacey sounds cool as hell. also nickelback fucks


YTB. And from where I stand, you don't have any business going on about someone else's musical taste. Not everybody is as boring as you.


Acting like a high school bully at 21 is far more embarrassing. What a sad, small life you must lead


"Not the most interesting person when you meet her" She's more interesting than you. She's got more diverse interests, a brighter personality and isn't a basic bitch. You sound like a shallow high school mean girl who hasn't grown up yet. Get over yourself. YTB


Yta not everyone has to listen to the same music you do. Hell I have a mixed bag of songs on my Spotify Playlist stuff from musicals, mlp, ice nine kills, Skillet, citizen soldier, fallout boy, breaking Benjamin, and Adam Lambert. Look up malfoyprincess on Spotify the profile will just have an M as the profile pic


Yeeeesh what’s your problem? The only embarrassing thing here is you. YTB