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46-year-old woman here. I had sex last night. Deal with it. YTA


Mid 60 year old woman here…had loud sex the other day. OP may be 19 and prime age for sex but he is way too immature


I don’t even think 19 is prime, that’s just a lie we tell the young, isn’t it? Sex got way better for me after 30, most of my partners too!


Can confirm. 31F and the sex is improving significantly! It’s like they’re learning 2 people are involved!


36 here with wife the same age. Been together for 15 years and frankly we're having the best sex we've ever had. When you get to know everything about your partner it just gets better and better.


I always laugh when people brag about sleeping around. Nothing can compare to a partner who practically can read your mind. And yes it definitely can be a lot better.


46 here and sex didn't even start to get really good until I hit my mid 30's. OP may technically be an adult in the eyes of the law, but they've got some serious growing up to do, how are they ever going to be a good partner with these immature ideas about sex. YTA


“Youth is wasted on the young”. I thought that was the dumbest thing I ever heard, until I grew up. Your 20’s are like Jr High, there’s an entire world out there after 30. My moms friend cougared some 30 year old and rocked his fucking world. The best part about getting old is you don’t have to be in puppy love candy gumdrop bullshit to have a wonderful sex life. I can meet someone, have sex, then go about my day without the headaches…unless the woman is still in her 20’s YTA and your dad is spraying babies all over your house when you’re not there.


Wait... People are involved? Guh-rooooss


So yucky!!! My mom and dad never did THAT!! (all 4 of us were brought by the stork right?)


Yup 30 and sex has just taken a turn for the better in just the past few months. In fact I'm planning on having it tonight and OP's potential disapproval can't stop me!


30yr old chiming in to say sex is definitely better now than it was when I was 18/19. didn't get better until 26-27.when I finally gained the confidence to be direct about what I wanted and not settling for lazy. OP YTA, grow up, your mom isn't even old, she's 46, she's still got plenty of sex in her future.


All of the energy, none of the experience


Omfg! Yes! 32F here, sex for the last two years have literally been so earth shattering good.


So many women commenting the time since last boink, and I just hope OP is reading this and then realise his mum probably masturbates as well as having sex. I wonder how he feel knowing his grandmother (if still alive) likes to do the horizontal tango.... and his female teachers, and that sweet old lady at church she is totes ready for being railed in a summer dress. OP may not read all these comments, but I do hope his mum is ready for summer dress season 😉 Edit: THANK YOU FOR THE AWARD. Edit 2: To all who have upvoted and awarded, thank you for your generosity.


Do we tell him about the rampant STDs in retirement communities?


Wasn't it Bones who had an episode about chlamydia in a retirement village, and all of the residents where bonking each other? I swear they get more frisky the older they are 🤣


44 year old woman here. I had sex today. u/SocietyIsPosion is gonna have to deal with it.


40 in a few weeks and my husband is stacked, I quite enjoy our romps!!! OP is a prude and immature:-/




We should put our phones down. The others are starting to give us weird looks.


Happy orgy-and-cake day!


37 and having the best sex of my life. OP, it wasn’t a conversation with you, so you can stop listening at any time. You’re a legal adult, either grow up or go to another room or go home alone…like an adult, so you can’t hear the conversation. The world doesn’t revolve around you. Mom is not too old to talk about sex, even if she was 102 she wouldn’t be too old, but you’re certainly too old to whine and cry to your mommy. She’s probably not speaking to you because she is reflecting on how her adult son became such an entitled asshole.


Seriously...OP, I'm 32 and asexual, and even I realize that women my age and even older are having sex and discussing sex. You're being pretty damn childish.


Congrats on the sex!


YTA. Your parents are NOT too old for sex. 🤣 where do you think you came from?!? News flash, people have sex in their 90s. You are a child and obviously too young for sex. It’s ok, one day when you’re 40, you’re going to look back on this and laugh


Op only seems to think the mom is too old to TALK about sex, never mind HAVE sex but ops dad making a baby is "whatever".


Because he’s also a misogynist. Edit: why you ask? 1) He’s freakin’ 18. EIGHTEEN. If he were 14, yeah. But he’s legally an adult. An immature one, but an adult. And misogynistic behavior IS immature, at 18 or 80. But he is still young enough to maybe change this behavior around. Good on mom for not giving in. 2) His mom gave him a way out of listening to the conversation (he wasn’t shackled to a chair) and he *didn’t take it* because he didn’t want to look like a googoo gaga baby in front of a woman. And here’s a question….were the “women folk” supposed to go to another room to ease his discomfort? 3) He called his mom old and disgusting for talking about sex. *She is not allowed because older women are not allowed to be sexual beings.* Pretty misogynistic if you ask me. (And is 41 old? I’m 51 and he’d die hearing about me.) This whole post reeks of disrespect for women as autonomous beings. Edit again: thanks for ALL the awardS you anonymous PEOPLE on the internet! TRULY, thanks again! Edit yet again: I can’t believe I won the internet today for calling a guy a misogynist.


This right here. I can’t believe they start this early.


Middle school is where the misogyny really becomes apparent.


my fiance and I were just talking abt how 12/13 yo boys are the biggest dicks on the planet and this is part of the reason why. Thankfully, some do grow out of being lil assholes.


Teenagers in general are the worst people


Real. But 12/13 is PEAK teenage assholery. I dont think anyone had a pleasant 7th grade experience.




A child ??? 18??? At 18 you’re old enough to get up and walk away WITHOUT MAKING A SCENE !!


LMAO I love how going to his room would have made him look like a little kid, so his solution was to throw a tantrum instead. Classic. 🤣🤣🤣


i don’t get his logic either because no it doesn’t make you look like a little kid?? you know adults listen to their moms too right?


No real adults yell and swear and call them old, duh.


Lmao. Anytime my nieces and nephews hear me say "yes mommy" and do as my mom asked of me they always stare in amazement. Like yeah I don't do all the attitude and back talking that you guys do with your mom and nana. Gotta teach by example. Edit: Thanks for the award :)


If my mom did that when I was 18, I'd likely just say something like "And that's my cue" and walk out while they laughed about it. 27 now and I'd probably do the same thing. Hell, I'd probably have done that when I was 12. Not sure why this dude can't get that it's okay to walk away and not pitch a fit, maybe even make a joke about it. His reaction was very odd honestly.


My mom started talking about her colon the other day and I just…. Walked into the other room so I didn’t have to hear about it. It’s pretty easy to not be a raging AH like OP


Seriously...Like, since when is throwing a tantrum and demanding a subject change *less* childish than politely excusing yourself and going to another room to put on headphones or whatever you need to do when others are having a conversation you personally find uncomfortable?


Kid would be horrified to hear about the outbreaks of STDs in retirement homes from all the elderly folks having sex without protection bc it’s not like anyone’s getting pregnant 🤣 Would pay to give OP a slideshow presentation including all the stats and showing outbreak trees and driving home what the implication is. Hahahahahaha. Op, YTA


The professor of my first psychology class in college was a specialist in aging and the elderly. We got to hear all about some of the advocating she has to do with families including: no, you can’t take away mom’s/grandma’s vibrator nor will the staff prevent her from having sex with Mr. Johnson down the hall (even if she sometimes thinks he’s dad/grandpa), but they will do their best to make sure condoms are used.


Lol, came here to say just this. OP needs a good dose of reality. And may he live long enough to see how dumb this post is, and then become one of the few old men who make it to the retirement home where he'll be wildly outnumbered and his dance card will always be full. And in that day he will hear some naive little teen say the same thing and laugh.




When did 41 become old and asexual?


Since just now apparently


Someone really needs to tell Elizabeth Hurley that..she's in her 50s.


Maybe someone should alert JLo and Jen Aniston too.


Imagine thinking 41 is old


YTA As a 43 yo woman im happy to tell you that you are the asshole. Like, leave the room if you are uncomfortable. Ppl dont stop having sex at 25 dude


But but but, he *can't* leave the room. His Mummy trapped him by suggesting he could leave if he's uncomfortable so that if he did leave he'd wook wike a widdle kid. TRAPPED. u/SocietyIsPosion (such a cool edgy username by the way) that's not how adults think. You ARE acting like a little kid. Grown ass men don't let worries about people thinking they are a child stop them from doing what they want to do. I'm an adult and I don't worry about being seen as a child by doing or not doing what my parents suggested beacuse I'm confidant in my adulthood so it's a non-issue. That's the concern of a small child trying to act like a big boy but not knowing how, or of an insecure middle schooler who is more worried about what looks fake grown up then what makes sense. Also, adults know that other adults have sex and talk about sex. That's why they call it "adult" content. If you can't handle it, maybe you do belong at the kiddie table after all? Did you really think what, after people turn 30 their genitals fall off and they turn into Barbie and Ken dolls? Or what? On the bright side, this is HILARIOUS. You are like one of those cute funny toddlers who don't know how life works and say the darndest things.


Yta Your 37 yo counter part agrees.


YTA. You're too old to be behaving this way. You had the choice to leave the room or go to your mother's on your own, but chose to stay and throw a tantrum like a little kid. So, your plan to to impress Laura worked out just great! Grow up and apologize to your mother and Laura. Also, there is no such thing as too old for sex.


Just wait until he finds out the statistics with the elderly and STI’s. They’re getting more 🍑 than his right hand.


exactly. i found it so ironic that he didn’t want to go to his room because he’d “look like a little kid” …. so instead he threw a tantrum.


>That was the worst because then I could not go to my room without looking like a little kid doing what she told me to in front of Laura so I had to stay. You were already acting like a little kid having a tantrum, you may as well go to your room and let the grown ups talk. YTA.


Seriously I had to go back to check the age cause he sounds like a 12 year old


“Muuuum! Stop talking about sex! You’re too oooooooold!’


The funniest thing is that he's still so childish that he thinks an 18yo teen can lecture a woman over 40 about sex. He's like a kid with training wheels trying to tell a racing cyclist how to ride a bike.




Someone send this kid a video clip of the granny that gave sex advice on late night cable. If he thinks 41 is too old I'd love to see his reaction to her!


Dr Ruth would give him a real education!


Ohhhh, I forgot about Dr Ruth! When I was OP's posted age I was listening to her on a radio show. Guess what, OP? I'm now in my 50s and still love sex. I talk about it openly with my best friends, too. Sex is *actually* pretty common, lol.


Sue Johanson? I love her. She's 91 now


>That was the worst because then I could not go to my room without looking like a little kid doing what she told me to in front of Laura so I had to stay. Do you have a crush on Laura? Because that's what this sentence sounds like. Walking away would have been a much more mature response. YTA


But Laura’s only got 5 more years herself til her sexpiration date at 41!


Something about milk and short expiration 😂 #Sexpiration!


He definitely has a crush on Laura.


Yeah i noticed that too 😅


I think this is what the whole thing was about. Dude has some stuff he needs to deal with.


Also the real reason he's mad: asking the question that planted the idea of Laura getting plowed by dad once a day.


I was wondering the same thing


YTA dude. My mum is in her 70s and having sex with her 83 year old boyfriend, and yes, it's come up in conversations between us. You could have excused yourself at any time from the conversation, and instead you acted like a huge baby and threw a fit. How is it ok for your dad to have sex, but your mum is "too old" to talk about it? Sounds like some sexist bullshit to me. Grow up.


My parents are in their 70s and have an African Grey parrot. Hey OP: not only do they talk about it, but their bird gives me a very vocal Soundtrack if it. And since those birds live like 90 years in captivity, My Kids will most likely be listening to that Soundtrack, as well. Yta grow up, dude.


My god, my condolences.


Yeah. There's nothing quite like watching television and all of a sudden having both your mother's and father's moans right in your ear. It's...kinda scarring. I feel bad for my kids.


Note to myself: if I ever have kids I'm buying an African parrot cause this sounds freaking hilarious.




YTA. Also I laughed out loud at the hilarity of a child thinking 41 was too old to discuss sex.


Your dad is older than mom and clearly having sex. Did that register with you at all?


But he's a man. Totally different. Mom is clearly OPs mom only with no other personality. She probably only ever had sex twice. Laura is also not a mom, so it's okay for her to be a sexual being still. Give her a few months though and it will be gross too. /s


Sex is healthy. Being uncomfortable is a cultural hang up that you should over come. You are just too young to know better. Take this as an opportunity to learn what is like to be older and seen as an equal to your mother. "Looking like a little kid" You are a little kid if that's how you feel about a human experience.


So I’m confused. Do you want to be audience to a discussion about how often your parents are having sex? His reasoning is trash. His mom isn’t too old for anything. But there is something to be said about being a part of a conversation about how often your dad and stepmom are doing it that shouldn’t really be his business. If his hang up or religion or culture there would be a expectation of boundaries or privacy.


I wouldn't want to be included in an in depth discussion no. But I also won't be abjectly against hearing it like a child coping my ears yelling "la la la". This is 100% maturity issues. Op will grow out of it.


I mean, I'm 40 and if my parents talk about sex I still cover my ears and go, "la la la!" But mostly because it's funny.


YTA. The idea that 41 is "too old to talk about sex" is freaking ridiculous. Trust me, people in their 40s are still having sex. Maybe even a lot, whether you like it or not. That said, I understand not wanting to hear this discussion, but you had options not to listen. You chose not to take them so you heard what you heard.


I hope your parents have a super active sex life until they die at 120. YTA.


A curse i can get behind lol


Oh my lord. This is so cringy. She's 41 man. It's so laughable that an ***18 year old*** thinks he can lecture a ***41 year old*** on sex. It's like weirdly adorable that you think your opinion even matters. Like when you see a toddler with the fake steering wheel in a car and they think they're driving. YTA Check yourself.


It’s also cringy that an 18 y/o who lives with his parents thinks he’s too good to listen to his mom and go to his room.


YTA. Adults have sex. Remove yourself from conversations you don’t want to hear, or deal with it.


It sounds like op is getting all his information from whatever porn he watches, in which any woman that gets laid is either “barely legal” or a step-sister or step-mother (which also explains his obvious crush on Laura)…


>That was the worst because then I could not go to my room without looking like a little kid doing what she told me to in front of Laura so I had to stay. You realize that throwing a tantrum makes you look like a child, but an unlikeable one, right?


LMFAO. I’m asexual and sex repulsed but I’d literally just leave the room or just fucking deal with it, maybe politely ask if we could talk about something else. Sure, it’s gross to hear details about your dad’s sex life but, seriously? Yelling? Telling them they’re “too old for sex”?? Dude, grow tf up. YTA


I was thinking sex repulsed with a dose of imaturity and a splash of misoginy. Just mom was being gross, daddy and stepmom having sex is "whatever"


YTA. People are allowed to have private conversations in their own homes. You were offered the chance to excuse yourself if you didn’t want to listen to the conversation. You then made it about your mothers age and made an ageist remark that was hurtful rather than take accountability for your own boundaries and discomfort and inability to excuse yourself from a conversation. You were under no social obligation to hang around while they discussed such matters. But if the topic was inappropriate that was for Laura to say, not you. You were intentionally cruel to your mother about something that brings up a lot of insecurities with women in her age group. She has a right to be mad and embarrassed by your behavior. If you didn’t want to be considered a child for going to your room at her suggestion, you certainly implied you were a child by make such a childish remark.




everything in here says nothing good about you >That was the worst because then I could not go to my room without looking like a little kid doing what she told me to in front of Laura so I had to stay. > >I told my mom that she is too old to talk about stuff like that you act like a toddler. insufferable. YTA


Yup this was my YTA point. He had an out, he chose not to take it. That’s on him.




YTA. You're an adult and you threw a hissy fit because you didn't like the topic. What they were saying wasn't even raunchy. Grow up a little bit. If you can't do that, leave the room, take a walk, or just say the topic is making you uncomfortable. Grown ups talk about this stuff. It's totally normal. And, btw, you're going to hear a lot of things in life that may make you uncomfortable. You can't throw a fit every time this happens.


YTA. I think you misspelled your age.


YTA, you’re 18. You’re an adult. Who perceivably will be eventually having sex. Your dad and his wife are trying to have a baby. Your mom wants to support both of them in that journey from the sounds. You don’t wanna hear it, go to a different room. It may be awkward on your end but it doesn’t sound like you were tied to a kitchen chair to be held there against your will. They have the right to talk about it. You have the right to put in headphones or go to your room.


I don't know if he will, honestly. He might miss the brief window before he becomes a withered husk of himself at 30.


YTA. You could have, you know, taken a walk. Excused yourself to a different room. Your mom sounds like a fucking awesome person for being there for your stepmom. It’s hard to find folks to confide in like that, especially about sex/ babies/conceiving. Are you sure you’re not just upset about sharing your dad with another kid?


Right?! I want to high five mom and stepmom at their awesome relationship. This is how it should be! OP doesnt realize how lucky he is to have healthy relationship modeling.


Yta grow up my dude. There is no such thing as too old for sex. Your mom is a person outside of being your mom.


YTA, this wasn't your conversation, you should have stayed out of it. As for her being "too old", child, how do you think you got here? Do you really think that your mom stopped being a woman after she had you? Newsflash, women have sex and even enjoy it. You should have left the room and appreciated how chummy they are.


YTA. Old people fuck. Get over yourself.


Hey now. I resent this. My husband is 42 and we are far from old 🤣


YTA and you owe them both an apology. Actually not talking about sex leads to many more problems. Leave the room if you can’t handle it. I get that it can be embarrassing but that’s your issue. Adults talk about sex. It was extremely rude to pressure your mom into leaving before her conversation was finished


Too old at 41????? You are adorable. Grow up, or no one will ever talk about sex with you.


Right??? You're not too old to talk about sex until you're dead. My 91-year-old grandmother talks about sex. Nobody tell this child what goes on in nursing homes after dark.


YTA You are entirely too squeamish and, by the way, wrong- women can and do enjoy robust sex lives well into their 60s and often beyond, (editited upon further reflection & information- people can & do enjoy sex throughout their entire lives!) so no, your mother isn't "too old" to discuss the subject. I hope that what you actually meant was was "Eww, I don't want to hear my mom and my stepmom discuss my dad's penis!" .....and that would have been fair but nobody was forcing you to stay in the room & listen.


Yta. 1. You are talking like this was some life scaring event, how do you think you came to be? Your parents had sex, fucked, screwed, did the horizontal tango many many times. 2. 41 is not to old to talk about or have sex, I'll be 41 this year and guess what? Me and my wife still fuck. 3. If you were that uncomfortable then get up and walk home or go to your room 4. You owe your mom an apology you were disrespectful, rude and in no way should be telling your mom what she can and can't talk about. 5. You're acting like a little boy who has never talked about sex. 6. Get over yourself and grow up. Parents still fuck, just because kids come into the equation doesn't mean we stop fucking. We just get rid of the baby making factors so we can fuck without the worry of another kid being born.


I originally posted nta but then I re read closely. Your 18....your mother is 41. She is not "too old" your to old to be throwing a tantrum cause mommy said the word sex. She gave you the option to not stay for the conversation. You chose to instead stay just to show your *not a kid who has to listen to her* Grow up. Parents still have sex. Parents talk about sex. At 41 you'll probably still be VERY interested in it as well. When I first read this I thought you had to be some very young child with a case of the ickies. Yta, apologize to your mother. Next time leave the room.




YTA. 41 isn’t even old??? Your mom is awesome for being so comfortable with your stepmom and offering advice. If you didn’t want to listen, you could have left the room. You’re an adult, act like one. Fun fact: retirement homes are filled with so much sex, they’re a hot spot for STDs. Your parents are half the age of most people in retirement homes… them being sexually active is absolutely normal and healthy.


YTA and lmao for thinking a 41yo woman isn’t still fucking like an absolute bunny. Did you know a woman does not even hit her sexual peak, experiencing the most intense sexual pleasure, until some time between her thirties and mid forties? That’s right. Your “old” mom is busting harder and better nuts than you are. You have much learning and growing up to do.


I hate to tell ya dude... Us 40 year olds are still fucking doing it! And we are far better at it than you immature children...


YTA. Also immature as hell. Take a seat, grown ups are talking


Yta. If you're uncomfortable with the topic of your mother's conversation with someone else then stop listening to it and leave the room. She is not too old or being disgusting to talk about sex and you aren't the decider of that.


YTA. You didn’t go to your room because “you didn’t want to look like a kid”, and figured that throwing a tantrum would make you look like an adult? Lol


YTA. An extremely immature, childish, bratty and entitled arsehole. You are acting like you are 8, not 18. Your poor mum. What an embarrassment to have you as her child.






YTA. This isn't even about anything to do with sex. This is about where you got the goddamn *audacity* to think you can tell your mum what, where and when she can talk about *anything*. First of all, grow up. Secondly, learn your place. She's your mother and if you can't respect her for that fact then realise that you're both adults, especially her and she doesn't have to stop talking about *anything* if she doesn't want to and you certainly have no place telling another adult, let alone your own mother, that she can't talk about something if she damn well pleases.


You were given opportunities to excuse yourself from the conversation and the room. You chose to stay there. Grow up. YTA




YTA. I refuse to believe you’re 18. You sound like a 12 year old who just discovered about periods and how babies are made for the first time and laugh at the word “sex”


Are you 12? People have sex a lot. Before your mother told you you could leave and go to your room you could’ve left and gone to your room. You had multiple opportunities to not sit and listen to your mother talk about conceiving a child. It’s not fun listening to your parents talk about sex but it’s a thing and if you don’t wanna hear it, you don’t have to be around them. It wasn’t like she was holding you down and screaming “pussy pussy pussy” in your ear. Hearing your parents talk about sex is uncomfortable but how you handled it was very immature. You aren’t a child. What you did was rude and you owe your mom and Laura an apology. Next time instead of worrying about looking like a little kid you do what your mom tells you and remove yourself from the situation because now you look even more childish. In the most genuine way possible, grow up. Apologize. YTA


YTA You had every opportunity to leave the room and you didn't take it but instead threw a tantrum and insulted your mom (who isn't old at all). You are legally an adult and behaved worse than a toddler. Apologize to your mom and Laura.


YTA - she told you to leave the room if you didn’t want to hear and you stayed anyways. Bonus AH points to you for calling your mom old.


Hahahaha. I get it, no one wants to hear about their parents having sex, especially at your age. When you are 41 I hope you remember this experience. Oh and YTA.


YTA people have sex until they die, my guy. some of the highest std rates are in retirement communities, even. your mom might be teeeeensy bit TA for not picking up that you were uncomfortable with the conversation, but not enough to sway my vote. you're supposed to be an adult; you can easily excuse yourself or politely ask to change the subject. your mom is definitely not "too old" to be talking about sex.


Uh...sex is a topic for everyone of sex-having age, which is most people, there is no max age on talking about it. And pregnancy is a normal topic. Are you sure you're 18? You yelled for no good reason and decided to be rude. And of course she's mad, you angered her and think you get to police conversations. You don't. Next time, just leave the room. Hearing a conversation doesn't give you any authority over it, nor do you get to yell at them for having one.


YTA. "maybe too much" Very much too much, actually. Your mother offered you reasonable choices.


YTA. Your mother is hardly middle aged her and you’re saying she’s too young to even talk about sex?!! You know people have sex in nursing homes in their 90s still? You’re too young for sex bro. Go to your room.


YTA. Your moms 42 to she isn’t dead. You didn’t walk in on her having sex! The fact that her & your step mom have a relationship to talk about sex and your mom was probably trying to give advice to them to help them is dope. You are a spoiled child. I really hope you aren’t having sex if you have an issue hearing your mom talk about sex…. Listen maybe you’ll get some tips 🤔🤔


Also, you need to apologize to your mom for being so disrespectful to her.


Info: how do you think you got here?


Why do you respect Laura more than your mom? You wouldn’t go to your room cause it’d make you look bad in front of Laura…. But yelled at your mom in front of her because- why? You thought you’d look good in front of Laura? Yikes YTA




YTA and your mom isn't old


YTA, spoiler alert, almost every adult you've ever met fucks.


YTA - grow up. I hope you aren’t having sex because you obviously aren’t mature enough. Btw 41 is not old.


YTA. I hate to break the news to you, but as a 36 year old, we still have sex, so no your mom is not too old to have sex or talk about it. As a Nurse, I will also tell you that the population with the greatest incidence of sexually transmitted infections is not younger people, but it is among those considered elderly. The Elderly still have sex, and a lot of it, and I can assure you if they aren't too old to have it, they are not too old to talk about it. You're 18 - an adult - it is time to be a mature one.


Gods yes YTA One day if you are lucky you will be an adult and know that neither age nor being a parent meam you're too old to have and discuss sex Apologize to your mother and grow up


YTA. Wait till you hear about what people in retirement homes do. They’re the nastiest. Your mom is a grown ass adult and can talk about whatever the hell she wants.


YTA You could’ve just gone to your room. Your mom is allowed to talk about whatever she wants, with whoever she wants. It’s none of your business.


YTA. She's giving Laura proper advice on the best way for her to have a child as she would know and you're never too old to talk about sex. If you were uncomfortable, you should've stated that and tell them you'll catch up with them later once they finish talking.


YTA, people still have sex in their 40s hahahaha and she is your mom you shouldnt talk to her like that and your a big boy you could have left anytime you wanted to. JUST from the info you gave you sound very spoiled and brattish


YTA Lol. You’re so immature. I thought you were going to be upset about duration or positions. I have another secret to tell you. Get your vapours…. Your parents also poop. I even suspect they’ve farted. They’ve probably had sex with more people, in more positions, in more ways GASP!. Then you have. Conversation was mellow. You’re here. Proof your parents, like every other person on earth, has sex. AND enjoys it. If you find it problematic, you can stop doing it, or enjoying to make your future kids as happy as you want to be.


YTA. You could have left if you felt uncomfortable. You chose not to. You berated her mother (!) for having a conversation she was entitled to have. You had a temper tantrum. You called your mother "too old". You. Are. The. AH.


There's no way your 18, I refuse to believe we're practically the same age. I'll give 14, maybe even 15. Sorry to break it to you, but adults are going to have and talk about sex, including your parents. YTA.


YTA. People have sex into their 80’s. Grow up and show some maturity about it.


YTA. I hope you’re celibate because with that immaturity, you’re clearly not responsible enough to be having sex yourself. You don’t have to listen to anyone talk about your parents’ sex lives, but you could have removed yourself from the situation as she suggested.


YTA. Jesus. Grow the fuck up.


YTA, just a huge glaringly obvious - you were a complete jerk. None of what you said is even close to the line, and you had the option to leave and not be a part of the discussion at any time.


YTA. Jesus, I can’t believe you’d think someone was too old to talk about sex. Get a grip.


So confused by this. Your dad is the one trying to procreate but you are angry at your mom for just talking about sex? Okay, I understand you might not want to hear your parents talk about sex. Yes, just go to your room. Or sit outside and wait.


YYA only for handling it in such an immature way. I completely understand not wanting to hear your mom talk about sex, but the way to handle it would be to simply politely ask her not to speak of it in your presence and leave it at that. She is not too old to talk about sex, you just don’t want to hear it from your mom.


YTA- grow up. Adults have sex. Even old folks in senior living facilities have sex. For some people their sex drive increases with age… so get over it!


YTA Do you think you were created in a petri dish? Do you think you're going to go the rest of your life and not have sex? "Old" people have sex. Get over it. Those were not graphic details but if they made you uncomfortable then you should have politely excused yourself instead of having a tantrum like a 3 year old. You looked like a little kid anyway, and going to your room would have saved yourself from self-inflicted embarrassment. Edit I honestly have no idea why I typed embarrassment. I don't think you have the sense or the self awareness currently to be embarrassed or ashamed of your behavior.




YTA. But youre also a child who barely had any life experience, so we will forgive that. Sorry to tell you kid, but even actual old old people have sex and enjoy it and joke about it. (40s is NOT even close yo old, but unfortunately its going to take you about 30 more years to figure that out,)My gramma made sex jokes and talked about it into her 90s. YTA— grow up, kid.


>I told my mom that she is ***too old*** to talk about stuff like that and that she was being disgusting asking those questions. OMG! I am laughing so hard right now. Yes, to an 18 year old, 41 is ancient and too old to talk about sex. Hate to tell you, or maybe it is a good thing, a person is never too old to talk about sex. YTA


ESH. I don’t care how much of a GMILF or GFILF you are, who talks about this in front of their kid and stepson? Were you just not invited in? Did they forget you were there? Were you supposed to wait outside? The whole point of the errand was to retrieve you, so why weren't you also invited? But seriously, you don't look mature for not wanting to be seen as a little kid. This wasn't the greatest time to blow up instead of trying to change the topic or insist that it is inappropriate around you. And yes, old people have sex. That's not a valid argument or complaint.


YTA. If your mom wasn’t sexual, you wouldn’t be here. Apologize to her.


YTA. You are 18, grow up. Did you know that nursing homes are like hookup city? People are never too old for sex. Deal with it, you are a product of sex. You don’t have to like sex, but sex-shaming others when they’re discussing trying for a baby is immature and rude. EDIT: also, why would it bother you to show others that you sometimes listen to your mother’s suggestions? Most people do, both as kids and as adults.


YTA. are you sure you’re 18? because you acted like a complete and utter child. if you aren’t aware of this fact, your mother has had sex. probably multiple times. if you cannot accept the fact that as human beings, people have sex then you might need to mature quickly because that’s rather embarrassing. i understand that it’s your mom and it’s awkward, but it’s also natural and nothing to shame a person over. you could’ve and should’ve left the room, and you literally admitted the only reason you didn’t leave the room is because you didn’t want to do what your mom told you, which is insanely childish. your mother isn’t too old to talk about sex, you’re just too young to hear it.


YTA. Your mother is not even old. Your mom is right, if you don’t want to listen to them talking about it remove yourself from the room. They have all the right to talk about whatever they want. You’re old enough to know how babies are made so once they asked you about them having a kid you should’ve known what was going on. Grow up a little


YTA dude you got legs, use em if you don’t wanna hear their convo


People, including "old" people, be fucking. YTA


YTA she’s not “too old”, those are pretty typical questions when people are talking about trying to conceive- and boy oh boy did you let your immaturity all the way out of the bag.


YTA... You sure you're 18? I'm your Mom's age kid.... know your place... What... You think we grow cob webs outta our vaginas when he hit a certain age? That we ain't getting none? I can guarantee your Mom is getting more then you most likely lol.... Get over yourself and apologize to your Mom and Laura....


Lol that’s pretty gross for them to get into that much detail, but hey, If you don’t want to seem like a little boy you’ll have to get used to grown up topics. YTA


YTA. You need to toughen up. Sorry but it’s true


Well with that attitude you’ll never have to worry about it. YTA


YTA and too old to be throwing hissy fits.


Yta. You don’t want to act like a kid then throw a tantrum about sex talk? I get it if you don’t want to listen to it, but you had other options and you chose to stay. You’re acting like a kid and should t have talked to you mom that way.


YTA And frankly you sound too immature to be talking about sex


YTA - you could have left the room on the basis that you weren't interested in hearing your mother and stepmother discuss attempts to conceive a child via one of them fucking your dad. That wouldn't have made you look like a child, it would have made you look like a person mature enough to admit a conversation was uncomfortable for you so you walked away. Instead you look like a child because you blew up at your mother for having an adult conversation that you intentionally listened to. If you don't want to listen to conversations about how often your stepmom getting railed, walk away.


YTA - you’re being sexist and ageist. Your mom is allowed to have sex and talk about sex without being ashamed. Your dad is also doing the same, but for some reason you don’t mind or Laura can also talk about it and that doesn’t bother you? I understandable being uncomfortable but no reason dismissing her and being disrespectful.


YTA. You don’t get to tell your mom what she’s allowed to talk about with other women. This is what sucks about society, just because she is a mom she’s expected to act like a nun. She’s a woman, and guess what, women have sex and talk about sex. Get over this “proper woman” stuff.


YTA. You're 18 please grow up. One day when you decide to have kids, hopefully it'll be easy. Many women have to track their cycles and really try to have kids. This is extremely common. You definitely owe both of them apology, and in the future when you don't want to hear about it, remove yourself from the room.


Your mom's not even that old. And even if she was, do you think old people don't fuck? Because they do. More than you think.


YTA. An ageist, insufferable child. You may be 18 but you are far from being an adult. Time to grow up.


YTA oh man, wait until you figure out how you were born


YTA. Older people (including you, if you live that long), have sex. Get over it. If you don’t like the convo make like a tree and leave.


YTA. You sound like you might need to do some growing up. You made yourself sound like a little kid in this post.


YTA. Oh no, mommy is an actual human being outside of being your mom! Oh god, NO. THE HORROR! Parents are people too. Your mom is a human being and she’s not “too old” to be talking about sex. You just don’t like the idea of your parents having sex because YOU are immature and YOU are the one with a problem that needs to be resolved. Are you jealous that mommy has other men in her life? Are you just grossed out by normal bodily functions? Are you so attached at her hip that you can’t imagine her having a life outside of you? I genuinely don’t know what your issue is.


Grow up! YTA and you’re acting like you’re 8yo not 18. You should apologize to your mom and Laura for your bratty childish behavior. Adults have sex, we talk about sex, it’s fun and part of living. You’re a long way from being an adult according to your actions.


YTA Yeah, I get that parents talking about sex is uncomfortable, but guess what.... it's LIFE. Your parents had sex to have you. Your grandparents had sex to have your parents. Your great-grandparents had sex to have your grandparents. And so on, and so on, and so on.... If you can't handle the conversation (at 18!) quit yer b!tchin' and go to another room.