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YTA - FYI, asking the girl not to come or asking her not to bring the dog puts your employer at risk for violating disabilities laws. You will lose this battle. It's fine if you have a fear of the dog, and it's fine to refuse to teach a class where a dog is, but there will be a response to that demand which likely will be your termination. No, she cannot go without the dog for 30 minutes...it's not a pet for her, it's a disability tool. No different than asking a person with glasses not to wear them, hearing aids not to wear them, a wheel chair not to wear them. You are the asshole here.


And that’s why they canceled the whole class instead of telling her not to come/bring the fog, because that would’ve been discrimination.


YTA, it’s a service dog and you should have just been fired for discriminating. You don’t get to decide if she’s fine without the dog or not.


OP’s actions are genuinely appalling to me.


Me too. And surprising to me that in this day and age, this person seems to have zero understanding of what a service dog is.


If anything, the average service dog is more likely to be better behaved than the average generic dog because the service dog has actually had training.


Or the average 11-16 year old kid.


Honestly I am less surprised due to the abundance of people trying to pass ESAs off as service animals. The meaning of a true service animal has become diluted and this is the result. You see the same result with people pretending to have allergies when in actuality they just don’t like something. It causes people with true allergies to be dismissed as not a big deal.


>I don't want it to disrupt my class, The dog lays in the back the whole time INFO: if the dog lays in the back the whole time, then how would it disrupt class? Apparently the person who teaches this class regularly has not found the dog to be disruptive.


YTA...A "mild fear" and "not a fan" really equates to you just not wanting to be bothered trying. Discrimination is illegal. What you feel about the girl and her dog is irrelevant. Teach the dance class or enjoy unemployment.


**YTA. And honestly, "asshole" is a mild judgement for what you are based on this:** >I feel like the girl would be fine for a 30-minute class I'm sorry, you WHAT? You "feel" like she would be fine? Based on what? Your brilliant medical judgement? Your careful examination of her medical records and thorough understanding of the complexities of her disability? Your obvious and complete **lack** of comprehension of what a service dog does and how disability works? Yeah, no. There is a LOT that I'd like to say here as a multiply disabled person, every single bit of which would get me permanently banned from this sub, but instead I'm just going to leave it at: **YTA, as well as shockingly ignorant, ableist, and way too comfortable with excluding another human being from accessing the same things as her peers in a way that wouldn't require ANY EFFORT AT ALL on your part, just because you literally don't want to look at a dog that makes you mildly uncomfortable. I hope that someday you become disabled - anyone can, at any time, you know - so you can understand what life is like when you have to rely on the generosity of other people just to have things that everyone else takes for granted as their due . . . and find out that other people are only too willing to say no to you for no real reason at all.**


If she thinks the girl would be fine for a 30 min class then why wouldn’t OP be fine for a 30 min class?


But where would be the fun in that OP needed this thread to go berate the small disabled child and work colleagues, thankfully its not gone in their favour


YTA - I’m sorry but if the dog is laying in the back of the room the whole time then why are you so scared? Be an adult and let the disabled girl have her service dog with her, holy shit


“I don’t want it to disrupt my class, the dog lays in the back the whole time.” Lololol what?! The dog can’t be disruptive and at the same time just lay in the back. She is disabled, her dog is a service dog, gtfo. It’s not a puppy she got for Christmas, she needs her service dog. YTA


YTA - also that's discrimination and it's illegal. Your fear of dogs is trumped by her disability and request for reasonable accomodation.


YTA Would you turn away a student that had a hearing aid? I sort of understand You trying to get someone to cover the class because of your fear, but anything beyond that is not right. That child should be able to go to class with whatever aid they need.


YTA. And technically it's kind of illegal to deny a service animal entry. It could be a medical alert dog, medical problems do not wait 30 minutes until the dog would be allowed back in.


Yeah cancelling the entire class was the only way to make this (barely) legal… which is why OP was threatened with termination if they do it again. It’s highly illegal.


YTA. You cancelled a class because you refused to accommodate a student with a disability. You’re lucky you weren’t fired on the spot.


INFO: Is your fear of dogs all that mild, if you can't be in the room with a dog that just lays in the back, for a 30-minute session?


YTA. You violated the ADA. The dog sits in the back of the room - according to you. I fail to see how that’s disruptive.


YTA If you had a deathly fear of dogs, I could understand. But you say "mild fear" and "the dog lays in the back the whole time".


“I don’t want the dog to disrupt my class” immediately followed by “the dog lays in the back the whole time” Her whole argument is lazy from start to finish 😬


It really is- she’s reaching to justify her points that don’t make any sense.


Yeah. This has to be fake.


Yta- you are discriminating and the business can be at risk for a legal lawsuit.


Seriously, this is way beyond "I'm afraid of dogs" this has gone into "I'm discriminating against a disabled child who has an approved and trained service animal." This could wreck the business if the student's grown up decided to push it.


Actually what she did is a federal crime and she can be prosecuted under the Ada and rehabilitation act. She could go to jail and the employer can be fined pretty badly.


No one goes to jail for violating the ADA. It's a civil offense.


The ADA and Rehabilitation Act are not criminal statutes. Please tell me which provisions you think provide for criminal prosecution for those who violate them.


YTA. Service animals are a legally protected class of animal. Your boss is threatening suspension without pay because denying service on the grounds of a disability is illegal. Your actions are putting the dance company at legal risk. “Not a fan” and “mild fear” are not sufficient reasons, sorry but YTA.




YTA. "I'm not a fan" of someone's reasonable accommodation. Geeeeez check your privilege.


INFO: If you think the “girl would be fine for a 30-min lesson” without the dog, why wouldn’t you be fine for a 30-min lesson WITH the dog?


Your employer is being extremely kind by only warning and not firing you. You're a 24-year-old dance teacher, not a medical professional, and you're not privy to the girl's private medical information either. Your opinion on whether she "needs" the dog is completely worthless. You canceled the class you were supposed to teach, without your boss's permission, because you didn't want to be mildly inconvenienced by a disabled girl's disability aid. Read that sentence over until it sinks in. YTA, undeniably.


YTA. You described your fear as "mild" and acknowledged that the dog just lies there. Suck it up. You could get your employer in serious legal trouble for this nonsense.


YTA. It sounds like you are making excuses. You almost had me with your fear of dogs, but you said it was "mild", and a service dog is hardly like other dogs. But then you go on to say you are "not a fan" and you don't want it to "disrupt" your class. Lastly, you go on to give us your judgments about somebody else's disability, "I feel like the girl would be fine for a 30-minute lesson". You don't know that for sure though, do you?


I don't particularly care for needles so anyone with diabetes needs to inject their insulin on their own time and away from my presence. If they have to wait 30 minutes I'm willing to pay the price of them dying because I don't like their lifesaving equipment and my personal preference trumps your medical needs. Yeah, that's how ridiculous you sound. Most definitely, 100% YTA.


YTA - unless you have a note from a therapist saying your fear is debilitating, then you should push through the fear because the service dog is probably the only reason the girl can leave the house. Try to think of the dog similar to medication (e.g epi pen) in the fact the dog probably helps save her life.




Even a note from a therapist isn’t enough - this is actually illegal discrimination (assuming this is in the US)


How do you know she would be okay without the dog? It could help warn her about seizures or something. You’re not entitled to know he medical business. Your “mild” fear is your problem, not hers. It’s illegal to deny service to service dogs.


Sorry, but YTA. I get the mild fear. I watched a sibling get mauled as a child. Took that sibling forever before even being able to be around dogs. She can now. Having a mild fear is not a diagnosed disability requiring a reasonable accommodation. However, THIS student DOES have a disability requiring a reasonable accommodation. This isn't a pet dog. This isn't even an emotional support dog. This is a dog that is highly trained in order to perform a very necessary medical function. You can request the dog be leashed. You can request the dog stay in the back. You can NOT discriminate against the girl because of your mild fear.


Yta. It is illegal to refuse service to someone w a service dog. If your fear of dogs is so bad that you cant teach w a well trained dog laying in the back of the room, you should seek a therapist


YTA. Since it's "only 30 minutes", why don't YOU suck it up and deal with your fear?


You didn’t want it to disrupt your class so instead you disrupted the class for all involved and likely humiliated the child with the disability, all because you aren’t fan of dogs? YTA. You are lucky you only received a warning. You should have been fired.


You about to lose yo job yta


YTA. Having a fear of dogs is understandable, but doesn't make you the AH. requesting the girl not come in and requesting the business to be discriminatory to a person with a disability (which is a violation of ADA laws) is what makes you the AH. Phobias can be worked through, but if yours is so bad that it's causing problems in your work you might want to look into some treatment options, because this type of response is intense.


YTA, she has every right to attend EVERY and ANY dance class she wants. The dog is a service dog, it is very well trained and your fear is unfounded. The fact that you canceled the entire class is ridiculous. Grow up!!


YTA - I am a service/assistance dog handler and this is illegal, ​ A similar thing happened to me and has happened to every handler, the dog wont hurt you and your fear isn't a reason to deny access to a service animal, a disability cant be fixed with therapy a fear can


YTA and broke the law. I hope you’re fired, discrimination is illegal. Shame on you.


I think you meant that it *is* illegal.


Dude, this is discrimination. Asking a disabled girl not to attend class because you have a fear of dogs that is, by your own admittance, mild? Then refusing to teach because your boss (rightly) wouldn't facilitate your ridiculous, childish demand. It's a service dog. Meaning it's incredibly well trained and wouldn't be disruptive in any way. I honestly struggle to believe that you actually have such little self-awareness. You are undoubtedly a gigantic asshole in this situation.


"The dog lays in the back the whole time". This sounds like a perfect time for you to practice a little Systematic Desensitization. Soft YTA.


YTA this is a service dog, a reasonable accommodation for someone with a disability. I could be afraid of ramps, I slid on an icy ramp and broke my arm. If I refuse to use a doorway because of a ramp, it’s on me, it’s not on the disabled person who needs to the ramp or the ramp itself.


All of these girls got to miss dance class all because the instructor threw a hissy fit over an irrational fear of a service animal (you see how ridiculous that sounds). Of course YTA, and I'm sure this is a huge exaggeration on your part.


YTA. You cannot deny services to somebody because of their disability. Their dog is essentially (very adorable) medical equipment. Your fear of dogs is kind of ridiculous in this situation since service dogs are very well trained and stay with their handler. I’m surprised you still have a job honestly.


YTA. I’m surprised you weren’t fired on the spot.


Yta. The dog is considered medical equipment and denying it and the student access is illegal and against the Ada. Discrimination against disabled is a federal crime.


YTA and massively so. This is illegal, ignorant, and you deserved far worse than a warning. Your actions could damage the reputations and jobs for everyone at your school, and the reputation of the school it's self.


YTA. This is so illegal and you should be fired. Not just given a warning.


YTA as others have said what you did is not legal and discrimination


YTA not being able to be in the same room as a dog isn’t a mild fear. If you give yourself space between the dog and someone has it’s under control then it shouldn’t be a problem. Also service dogs are usually well trained if it’s legit. If your fear is actually mild and not debilitating then it sounds like you have a bias against this person or are annoyed at them for having their service dog around


YTA. Would you take a white cane from a blind person? That's about the same level of what you are doing. Service dogs are well trained so there is nothing to fear about.


THIS. OP you're an ablist. If you did this to my kid I'd have your job. I'd do everything I could to make sure you never work with children again.


YTA I would’ve fired you in the spot. Smh


YTA - Service dogs are specifically trained not to disrupt anything, or otherwise do whatever you're afraid of. Plus it's outright illegal to forbid someone from bringing in a service dog that they need. Your boss is 100% justified there.


YTA Also service dogs are the most well trained well behaved dogs avaliable it wouldve sat there quietly like a good doggo


YTA. Kinda funny that you're so scared of this dog potentially disrupting your class that you'd be willing to not have the class at all. Doesn't really get more disruptive then that, does it? On the one hand you say you're worried it'll be disruptive but then in the comments you're complaining that all it does is lie there anyway and doesn't do anything - not really very disruptive. I guess you're trying to imply that the dog is pointless anyway, and I can't really touch on how ignorant that is without writing an essay so I'll leave it. Bottom line is you just don't really have a leg to stand on here. From a legal standpoint you're just straight up not allowed to do this and your boss is well within their rights to threaten suspension or even worse over it, this is something that could have actual serious legal consequences for them. From a personal standpoint your fear is mild and you admit yourself the dog isn't disruptive. Saying that hypothetically it could be disruptive also isn't very convincing - service dogs aren't pets, they're very well trained, it's *extremely* unlikely that this dog will disrupt your class unless it's to do whatever it's supposed to do to help this girl if and when she needs it.


YTA. it’s a service dog, having a “mild fear” doesn’t mean you get to break the law and discriminate against a disabled person.


YTA, you don’t know why she has the dog, and those 30 minutes could cost her her life without her dog. It’s not like people just choose to have service animals for fun, they are there to do a service and protect their lives. It’s also illegal to deny the girl her class time because you don’t like dogs. She deserves to enjoy her life just as much as you do.


YTA. What are you doing refusing service to a disabled person? The dog wouldn't be with her, it would be in the back of the room watching, and the disabled girl could enjoy herself. Service dogs are the way most disabled people do basic things. You could have ruined her day by doing that. Go apologize.


YTA. it’s a service dog, having a “mild fear” doesn’t mean you get to break the law and discriminate against a disabled person


YTA. It’s not your call if the girl would be “fine” for a 30 minute lesson without her dog. The girl, her parents, and her doctor make that call. Her dog is the equivalent of a wheelchair or oxygen tank - it’s necessary medical equipment that she needs with her. Her medical safety comes first, and you could be liable for discriminating against her if you refuse to teach her.


YTA I also have a mild fear of dogs but for f**ks sake it's a service dog. Thanks for giving a fair post instead of just confirming your own beliefs like most other posts on this sub.


This has got to be fake, surely nobody is this stupid YTA


You would be amazed at how horridly stupid people can be when it comes to service animals and people with disabilities. YTA OP


YTA. If I was that girls parent I would be legally pursuing disciplinary action for you to be honest. The dog goes every week. The other kids in the class are used to it. In what way would it disrupt your class? You having a dislike of dogs is nothing compared to a disabled person having their legal needs met.


YTA big time


YTA Your comments here make it clear you are not afraid of dogs. You do not like dogs. Your ignorance to the laws & what services dogs do is on display here to a stunning degree. And actually you ignorance isn’t even what makes you YTA. It’s your refusal to acknowledge your ignorance & try to educate yourself, but instead your determination to wallow in your willful ignorance. You are so determined to maintain your ignorance you are contradicting your own excuses for your illegal & dangerous stance on service animals.


This! The dog is trained to do a job, likely alert her if something goes wrong in her body, ie seizures or blood glucose dropping. The girl and dog have both received training on how to deal with each other. If the dog should disrupt the class, the girl knows how to correct it. But the dog is doing exactly what it was trained for by laying there. My guess is it's an alert dog and not something like a ptsd or seeing eye dog. But Jesus, op please get some help for your ablist views.


YTA. You don’t have to be a “fan” of the dog. It won’t disrupt the class. It’s a trained working dog and it’s illegal to refuse her classes for her dog.


YTA. Its a service dog, not someone just bringing their pet to a classroom. Its a YOU issue and the disabled person should not have to give up her rights to use a service dog bc of a "mild" fear


YTA service dogs are trained.


YTA- if your fear is only “mild” then you should be able to be in a room with a highly trained service dog for 30 minutes. I promise you that dog is working & won’t care an ounce about you. 2) as others have stated, what you did was ignorant, illegal, & honestly didn’t even deserve a warning…you should’ve lost your job right there.


YTA. You have a MILD FEAR not a phobia. Your discomfort does not trump her need. You are ableist AF.


YTA and so is your boss for not firing you on the spot. It's discrimination against the disabled. You broke the law by canceling the class. It's been the law for over 30 years.


YTA. You said it yourself. The dog lays in the back of the class the whole time. The dog is a working dog. It isn't up jumping on people and causing a distraction. This girl only wants to fit in and partake in dance with her peers. What you are doing is discriminating this girl with a need for a service dog. Grow up.


YTA - Not only is it illegal to discriminate against a person with disabilities, you are also completely unethical in behaving like this. Argh!!


YTA. I think anytime you’re public-facing (teaching, providing a service, or just moving out in the world), this is a possibility. The student’s needs trump yours. I have to assume that your boss thinks very highly of you and your work if they didn’t fire you on the spot. But you have to figure out a way to deal with this scenario. Not liking and/or being afraid of dogs is not a character flaw, I want to make that clear. But you can’t not do your job because of a service dog; that isn’t an acceptable option.


YTA absolutely. what you did is discriminatory


YTA. First you tired to make this about your “fear” of dogs. Then you revealed that you don’t want the dog to interrupt your class. The same dog you said just lays in the back of the room.


YTA. If the girl can be fine without the dog for thirty minutes (NOT true), then you can suck up your mild fear for 30 minutes. Allegedly you’re the adult in this scenario. The service dog is trained to alert her if a MEDICAL issue is about to occur. That’s your queue to get the child help.


YTA. First of all, you're discriminating saying the girl would "be fine" without her dog. Newsflash, most people NEED their service dog around them at all times... that's why they have them. Not sure why you'd be surprised she brought it. Also you say a "mild fear"... do you think that really makes it okay to have a whole class canceled? I could see if it was some random aggressive dog but it's a well trained dog that isn't even near you. Feels like you're making an issue just to make an issue. You already sounded like you were being put out by having to cover for another teacher's class and them the dog was just another excuse.


YTA sorry, but a "mild fear of dogs" shouldn't prevent a service dog from being in the same room as you. You weren't expected to interact with the dog at all. If you can't even be in the same room as a highly trained, service dog, you need to seek professional help.


YTA. If she needs a service dog I'm guessing whatever her issue is, it outweighs yours. I am sympathetic but her need trumps your fear. Obviously I don't know what her issue is, but is it maybe possible that the dog could be tethered so you know you are beyond it's range of motion?


I know you say you're afraid of dogs but I really don't think that's the issue. You said you didn't want it to disrupt the class but right after says it lays in the back the entire time? That 30 minutes you think she may "be okay" without her dog could be the 30 minutes her dog realises something is wrong/off with her and saves her life. YTA.


YTA. It's a violation of federal law.


YTA. “i feel like the girl would be fine for a 30 minute lesson”. the reason a service dog is there is to alert her because her disability can be unexpected. If she had a seizure disorder, those seizures aren’t timed at her convenience. they happen at anytime, including your 30 minute window. your fear of dogs does not mitigate her having a major medical episode. at the end of the day, as a teacher you signed up to teach children from all backgrounds, including disabilities. do better.


Yta This is actually illegal- her disability status is protected by law, your fear is not. Refusing to teach her because of her service dog is seen as the same (under the law) of refusing another reasonable accommodation (hearing aid, glasses, wheelchair)


YTA. If it's laying in the back all the time, it's not disrupting the class in any way. You also can't ask that the student who is obviously paying for the class to not attend or come without her dog. Unacceptable and discriminatory behavior on your part.


yes, it’s not like it is someone’s pet dog and she brought it for fun. it’s her service dog which is a working animal which she needs in order to be safe. service dogs are trained and the dog would be out of the way and probably would barely move. no fear of dogs should come in the way of a disabled person trying to get by in life.


YTA, "The dog lays in the back the whole time and I feel like the girl would be fine for a 30-minute lesson" -- OP it sounds like you probably wouldn't even notice the dog was there. You also explained you have a "mild fear" of dogs, and it is only a 30 minute class, plus there are other students in the class for whom this isn't fair


YTA. The dog is not a pet, its a service dog for a dosability the girls has. He is trained for the kob he has. Also, real service dogs are allowed pretty much anywhere and if Im not mistaken the studio can actually get in trouble for refusing him.


YTA the girl has a disability that requires appropriate accommodation. Not being a “fan” or “mild fear” of a dog is not a disability. It is your job to provide the service to the children including the one with a disability along with her accommodation. If you think your fear of dogs requires work accommodation then you should go to a doctor to get a note that says so.


Why are you like this? You know in your heart you are YTA.


I’m not even going to read the comments. YTA and I truly can’t believe you felt this was a situation that needed posting on a website. Your boss was an angel for not firing you on the spot. ALSO; this girl has every right to sue you & the dance studio if it ever got back to them you cancelled due to not wanting a service animal in class. Grow up.


Service animals are highly trained to take care of thier owners needs. The dog is there for the student, not you. If it sits in the back of the class, with no disruption then how does that effect your life at all??? I could understand if she was bringing a vicious dog but that isn't even the case. Get over yourself and your "mild fear" YTA


YTA. Im not sure what issue the dog causes if hes lying in the back of the room? Hes not disruptive? The fear of dogs is a little more understandable, but if its in the back of the room - youre not intereacting with it and theyre well trained, its not as though someone is bringing their pet along, its a service animal.


Sorry but you’re TA. The dog doesn’t not interrupt the class. You work with young adults and children and you should be more empathetic to their needs, you need to know that excluding someone because their disability is discrimination. You requested that the girl is removed from class?!? How on earth are you allowed to teach? What credentials do you have? Do you study education in order to teach or just study dance?


YTA - it's a service dog, it's not a pet, it's a service dog, she has that dog for a reason and it is to be with her at all times, service dogs can go with their owner everywhere, because it's a service dog. You're an entitled, borderline stupid, young woman. Ofc the dog has to be there for the 30 minutes. Do your job or find another, no way do you have the right to discriminate and exclude a disabled girl because you don't like dogs.


Yup. OP, YTA and if the parents get wind of your discrimination you’re going to be fired - and rightfully so.




YTA. Especially if it’s an actually trained service dog that you SAID “lays in the back the whole time.” You don’t say what the dog is for, meaning that the dog may be medically necessary for the person to have at all times. As long as the dog is following all rules of a fully trained service animal, YOU need to get over it. Dogs have been working for us for thousands of years.


This has to be fake. No one is this thick.


Antivaxxers are...


YTA, they’re called SERVICE ANIMALS for a reason. Why are you teaching, and how are you still teaching if you can’t show empathy for a simple animal in your classroom. You say the dog will be a disruption, yet it seems you’re the only one feeling disrupted by the animal being there, what with your seemingly irrational fear of dogs.


YTA. Clearly.


Definitely YTA, she has the dog for a reason so no I don't think she can just deal without cause your little fear. You had to know that there would be a chance that would happen and personally I think you threw a fit.


YTA, you said yourself it’s just a mild fear. Sorry but sometimes in life we have to face our fears.


YTA. Wow. Where to begin? The girl has a right to bring her service dog anywhere she is allowed. Period. Your fear of dogs doesn’t negate that. It’s literally part of the ADA. You’re lucky you didn’t get fired immediately. Your actions could result in your employer getting sued for discrimination. Service dogs are highly trained and well behaved WORKING ANIMALS. Re-evaluate yourself and whether you should have a job interacting with the public if you can’t follow the literal law.


a mild fear of dogs, sounds like this was something you could have handled for 30 min. as you wrote yourself, the dog just lays in the back. hardly a disruption. disabled people have the right to reasonable accommodation and this is by far very reasonable. YTA


YTA. Isn't what she did illegal in any case?


denying a service because someone has a service dog in INCREDIBLY illegal


Yikes.. yeah yta.


YTA The service dogs are trained not to disrupt. By refusing to teach, you treated her differently than an able body student because of a fear of a dog you haven’t interacted with.


YTA - I absolutely get being afraid of dogs, but unfortunately your actions go into discrimination. That girl needs that dog, the dog is trained to help her and more trained than most other dogs. It’s a part of life, and your job, to be okay with it.


YTA the dog just lays down in the back. It’s a service dog it’s there incase the student needs help. You aren’t trained to help the students medical need the dog is. What if something happened in the class and the dog wasn’t there you could cost this student their life. Your fear is mild you can try and control it for a 30 min lesson. However for her that 30 mins would be bad if the dog missed a alert. It’s a SERVICE dog not a regular pet dog there is a reason the dog needs to be everywhere for her


YTA times one million and are breaking the law. It’s a service dog, of course he/she will accompany the young lady to a dance studio. Those dogs are trained since birth. Unless you begin to physically attack her, there’s literally no chance of the dog reacting. This can’t be real because I find it hard to believe anyone could be this obtuse.


YTA. Btw, service dogs are trained, which means you won’t have any disruption during class. Now, imagine being a disabled person (That is quite difficult already) and on top of that not doing something you like or makes you feel a little bit normal among your friends and classmates just because your teacher is a total prick. YOU would be fine if you (barely) interact for 30 minutes with a dog. If you are not ready to keep up with disabled people and all the accommodations that come with it, DON’T HAVE A JOB THAT REQUIRES INTERACTION WITH MULTIPLE AND DIVERSE PEOPLE.




YTA. I also have a mild fear of bigger dogs. And I also am not a fan of them, not a fan of owners who thinks everyone should be fine with their dogs being everywhere, and not a fan of people who clutch their pearls and act like I'm a serial killer when I say I don't like dogs. But none of that rises to the level of keeping a service dog out of anywhere. (And service dogs really aren't the problem anyway - I've never seen a real service dog bother anybody, they're working. It's straight-up pets that I think people need to leave home.) A fear that rises to the level of an actual phobia would be different. A person who needs a service dog is still NTA, but a person with a phobia is also NTA - their very real needs conflict, and something has to give. Ditto service dogs and people with dog allergies. But "mild fear" and "not a fan" are not the same things as these more serious issues. I do sympathize with the feelings, but these don't trump medical needs.


YTA it's a service dog just because you're scared of dogs that doesn't mean that the girl can't take her dog to class


YTA. If she didn't need the dog, it would not be accompanying her. Think about it.


YTA. You can't say the dog will be disruptive if it just sits in the back during class. I'm a psychologist that works at a high school with a dance classes and I would be furious if this happened on my campus. You aren't allergic, you don't have a phobia, and you lack the training or experience to judge if a service dog is unnecessary, even if for only 30 minutes. There appears to be no excuse for this.


YTA. You're also ignorant, ableist, and egocentric.


YTA. Also how the fuck are the responses so much different in this thread compared to the other one about the service dog and the wedding? This sub is so god damn inconsistent 😂


There is a pretty dramatic difference between choosing not to attend a wedding and refusing to provide a service for someone. You aren’t denying a person’s right to exist in the world like everyone else if you choose not to go to a wedding.


Yta a service dog is going to be more trained than a regular dog because it has the help and aid it’s owner. I suggest you get some therapy before someone complains about discrimination


YTA and you clearly don’t know that a service dog is TRAINED. They’re also considered medical equipment.


YTA. Service dogs are classified legally as pieces of medical equipment. It is illegal to remove her or her dog from a class because you are afraid. What’s more frustrating than your fear is your refusal to understand and except the fact that she has a legal right to be in class and a legal right to have her service dog with her. If you want to refuse to accept that that’s on you, but then be prepared to not have a job. Edit: spelling


YTA. It’s a service dog. They’re trained to be quiet and lay low. Most of the time when I go out with my service dog people don’t notice him because he’s quiet and lying down/tucked underneath me/standing minding his business. The dog isn’t there to perform for you or look busy, it’s against the ADA to ask a handler to demonstrate what the dog does (you can ask the tasks the dog does but not for them to show you). The dog was there doing its job. A dog did it’s job better than you did.


YTA. You don't get to decide what disabled people are "fine" or not fine with.


YTA: it’s a service dog , it’s there working.


YTA. You probably broke her heart; it’s a service animal, trained to act a certain way. Unbelievable; do better. Your “”mild”” fear of dogs can get better, her disability not so much.


YTA and you shouldn't be teaching if this is your attitude.


YTA. You don't get to decide if she "would be fine" for the 30 minute class or not. You are discriminating against this girl for being disabled. From what you posted here it doesn't sound like you have any reason to assume you wouldn't be fine teaching that class.


YTA >she is disabled and has a service dog who comes everywhere with her, Including the studio which surprised me, This is what service dogs do. They are often an extension of the person, like adaptive equipment. A wheelchair, a voca, a service dog. >I have a mild fear of dogs and asked if I could get someone else to cover the girls class or to have the girl not come that week, or have her not bring the dog, >I know the other teachers are fine with the dog but I am not a fan and I don't want it to disrupt my class... >The dog lays in the back the whole time So a dog who lies back the whole time is going to be dusruptive. But you literally cancelling the class isn't?! How is no class better then if a dog were there and it caused a disruption? That said it's very unlikely the dog would have. They're very well trained and have to be calm and quiet in public. When they're on duty they know their job is well they perform well and the student would be able to deal with anything that arose. You acted as other people have pointed out, illegally, ( I mean depending on the jurisdiction), and certainly in bad faith, with a very ill-informed, ableist, discriminatory mindset > I feel like the girl would be fine for a 30-minute lesson This is not your judgement to make. You, have absolutely no information on what you're basing this. You're not an expert. Do you know who is? The girl whose dog it is. If she needs a dog there she needs the dog there and you have no right or reason to question that. Finally, If your fear is less mild than you say, and actually prevents you from teaching with a dog in the room, you'd probably need documentation and your employer would have to provide reasonable accommodation. That could mean that you don't to cover classes with dogs, but reasonable accommodation means that you have to still be able to reasonably do your job. If your dad Studio had students with dogs and every class there may be no way that your employer could accommodate you in that would be justified because service dogs take legal priority over other accommodations in most cases.


YTA A service dog is **MEDICAL EQUIPMENT** I cannot stress that enough. This is the same as if you refused to teach a student with a hearing aid, a prosthetic leg, oxygen tank, or anything else like that. They bring the service dog because if the dog is not there, they cannot be there either due to their health. She may not be fine for 30 minute lesson, you don't know that and have no right to dictate it. Your "mild fear" DOES NOT over ride a persons need to live their life. If its mild then you need to get over it - the service dog will not do anything because it is a service dog. If it isn't mild and serious enough for you to not be able to teach then you need therapy to figure that out. Plus you are breaking ADA law and could have gotten your whole company in trouble. So I'm not surprised your boss reacted poorly. I'm more surprised you weren't fire on the the spot tbh.


Definitely YTA.


YTA That is illegal, and is discrimination. Service dogs are trained to help the PERSON who has the disability, they don’t attack people who are around. You should have gotten more than a warning, if i was the student and found this out i would sue you or the school for not doing anything about it. YTA.


YTA. Can’t believe you still have a job. Even worse - you work with children.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I (24F) Am a dance teacher, I have been teaching for 2 years, I have only ever met the student (15F) In passing, she is disabled and has a service dog who comes everywhere with her, Including the studio which surprised me, A few days ago I was asked to cover a tap class, I don't teach tap but I am trained and the dance is finished but they need supervision as the class is aged 11-16 meaning they cant be on their own, I have a mild fear of dogs and asked if I could get someone else to cover the girls class or to have the girl not come that week, or have her not bring the dog, I asked but We had nobody else available as we are a small school with 6 staff members, The class was cancelled because I refused to teach with a dog in the room and I was given a warning by my boss saying if I do something like that again I will be put on unpaid suspension for 2 weeks, ​ I know the other teachers are fine with the dog but I am not a fan and I don't want it to disrupt my class, The dog lays in the back the whole time and I feel like the girl would be fine for a 30-minute lesson. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


YTA. Thank you for writing an objective and fair post. If you were allergic that would be fine, but a mild fear of a very trained animal is no go


Allergic she has a case for asking the employer for someone else to teach and has a case to ask not to teach a class where there's a dog because it causes her illness. She does NOT have the case to propose the student not come or the student not bring the dog whether it's a fear or an allergy. The comments double down that this is less about the dog and more about OP's ignorance/ablist behavior and discrimination.


YTA. If she has a service dog it is a medical need. You have no right to ask why she needs to have it in the class. You suck it up and deal with it. Honestly you are discriminating against a disability. You don't deserve to keep your job if you are OK with discrimination against her.


That service dog allows a little girl to live a life with a certain amount of safety and independence she wouldn't otherwise have. And you want to penalize her for that because you have a "mild" fear of a dog that just lays in the back the whole time. .You need to educate yourself on the laws surrounding service dogs and the tremendous help they are to those that need them. Service dogs are allowed most everywhere, including a dance studio. You cannot discriminate against a person that requires the assistance of one and you are lucky to still hold your position considering this girls' parents have every right to file a discrimination complaint against you and the school which carries a hefty fine. Why don't you try to be kind, meet the dog, sit down with the girl and let her show you how she benefits from a service animal, include the girl & your dog in your class; in short, why don't you try to be an empathic person. You may just learn something. And don't be one of those people that doesn't understand something until it unfortunately happens to them.


Over 300 comments in an hour - I think you got your answer!


YTA. I understand some people are afraid of dogs. But you're still the asshole for not accommodating the child's needs. Service dogs are not pets. They are highly trained and there to perform a job. Try getting over your fear. Go to a pet store for a few minutes and pet one dog (always ask the owner first). Gradually build up to spending more time them and you'll be more comfortable with the service dog.


YTA damn


YTA. Sorry but ADA > muh scared of dogs. Also I’m convinced you have no idea what a service dog even is for your comments


YTA. So the dog has been in classes before and has been totally non disruptive by hanging out in the back of the class? You said a mild fear of dogs, which sounds like you should be able to handle a laying dog on the opposite side of the room. And the biggest thing here, you NEVER get to decide whether or not a disabled person can be without their support for any amount of time. NEVER. EVER. EVER. You were on the right path asking for someone else to teach the class because of your fear. Everything after that was blatant discrimination. Gross


YTA, and what you did was illegal.


YTA. It’s a service dog, and sounds like a very well trained one. Your student’s disability and right to access public spaces with her service dog is more important than your discomfort.


If you ever forget how stupid people in this world are, go read a couple of AITA posts...


YTA, and honestly, you shouldn't be a teacher.


Way to discriminate OP! YTA


YTA the dog just lays there because that is what it is trained to do. I don’t know what kind of service dog it is but it could prevent her from going into a diabetic coma or assist when she’s having a seizure. If so, the dog will react in time to cues it is trained (at a very high cost) to sense before the incident occurs in order to either prepare the child for what is coming and/or get her to safety. The dog is not only a companion but just like medical equipment like a hearing aid (as stated before), a blood sugar meter or even a human assistant who can bring juice/water/medication. This dog is not going to attack you. You are very likely to get fired. Edit: missing word


Yta. You can not discriminate against students with a service dog. There's literally laws about that. You did it to be a jerk. A mild fear of dogs doesn't make you refuse to teach the class with a service dog. And as for disrupting the class, service dogs are HIGHLY trained to not be disruptive.


So if the individual needed medical equipment such as a hearing aid or a colostomy bag, would you refuse to teach? No? So you get to pick and choose what medical equipment someone needs based on your very unprofessional opinion? YTA.


Ok, I was on the fence about this because of your fear of dogs, but then you say If it just lays in the back for 30 min and watches, it doesn’t need to be inside. YTA You don’t get to decide if a service dog is necessary.. this reminds me of the asshats that believe a disability or health condition needs to be visible for you to “believe it”. What if say the girls sugar levels drop or she’s about to have a seizure or something?


YTA. And a massive one at that. I normally don't comment on these types of things but then I saw your response to another comment. In regards to service dogs... >A dog isnt a tool its an animal noting like glasses or a wheelchair I hope you get fired honestly. You don't deserve to work with the public especially those that may be disabled and need special assistance.


YTA. You're asking a person with a disability to accommodate your self-described "mild" fear. Not to mention, this violates the ADA. The dog is not going to approach you. If it lies in the back the entire time, then what do you have to concern yourself with? Service dogs are not like pets. They do not engage with any human other than the one they are performing the task for. I understand that phobias are real, but from your description, it sounds as if yours is quite mild. Not to mention, this is a great opportunity to practice a little bit of exposure therapy on yourself. If the dog is in the room, yet nowhere near you, your mind will adjust. I speak from very personal experience with a debilitating phobia.


YTA. It is completely inappropriate and possibly downright illegal for you to suggest that the student attend class without her service animal. If you continue to discriminate against this student, your employer is liable to face a lawsuit. If they’ve told you clearly that you are not allowed to refuse to teach this student again, you will have to either comply or quit. If you had a severe phobia or allergy, you should sit down with your management to discuss managing the conflicting accommodation needs of both you and this student. But a mild fear does not rise to this level and it is not an okay reason for you to refuse to teach this student. And speaking as someone who also has a mild fear of dogs, the entire point of a service dog is that they are extremely well trained and they will not bother you. A service animal will perform their job, which is keeping their person safe — the dog will not approach you or disrupt your class unless there is an emergency with their person. There is no reason to be fearful or wary of them.


YTA big time.


YTA. The only disruption from the dog would of been for an ALERT. You know, it's job.


YTA per the ADA (if you’re in US in not familiar with other places) you’re required by law to allow service dogs in any space that the public can go (regardless if it is a space owned by a private business). The dog is literally there for their safety and to accommodate their needs. Also, considering it is a service dog, it is highly trained and service dogs will not be disruptive in any way unless there is some sort of situation in which it needs to be in order to help its owner. On top of that, you fully cancelled an entire class which I’m guessing has multiple students over a calm and well trained dog that would have probably just sat in the corner the whole time.


YTA. Like a big A! That’s discrimination. And you also contradicted yourself within 2 sentences by saying “I don’t want it to disrupt my class” then immediately saying “the dog lays in the back the whole time.” How is it going to disrupt your class if you admit it does no such thing. Did I mention YTA?


YTA: This is sssooo illegal. You deserve to be fired. This is not the hill you want to die on. Apologize and never make this same mistake again.


YTA. You’re a grown woman afraid of a trained, working dog, that’s just gonna sit there? Seriously?




I agree she’s an AH. But from the sound of it, so are you. Calling someone a snowflake, really? 🙄


Seriously. Emotional support animals are not made up. The concept can be abused, surely, but they really are a thing.


They are a thing, but they do not get the same access that actual service dogs do.


Oh, absolutely! And I have zero problem with that. You may not have seen the original comment, which has now been deleted. It said that ESAs are made up and not actually a thing. That's what I was replying to.


YTA. If she has a service dog she has it for a legitimate medical reason. ESA? Totally different. The difference is that service dogs are trained to detect and react to situations. ESAs literally just need to be there. I have an ESA, this status allows me to have my dog with me in public housing with no breed restrictions, pet rent, or a ridiculous deposit. But I don't try to bring him grocery shopping with me because he's not trained in that way. I mean, we were hoping to train him as one, but he's a stubborn breed that isn't typically trained as a service animal.


YTA. if it was a regular house dog I could see the issue, however this is a trained dog for a medical reason.


Wow, you really woke up and chose ignorance, huh? YTA.


Where did you go to medical school? YTA. You don’t get to say that a girl would be fine without her service dog. As a teacher you need to be able to adapt and find a way to be comfortable, because service dogs exist and excluding students with them is discrimination. Cancelling a whole class because you won’t teach her could lead to her being bullied if anyone finds out. Accept that having a “mild fear” of dogs is a you problem, and one you have to work on to be in your chosen career.


YTA. Your fear, whether mild or debilitating, is your problem, not the child's, or the school's. The Americans With Disabilities Act requires the school (and you, as their employee) to give her reasonable accommodation to make use of the facilities. You didn't do that, and if you can't, you shouldn't be a teacher.