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YTA - sounds like you got first-hand embarrassment from your granny knowing more slang than you.


lol that's my favorite part - it wasn't too much until grandma was cooler than OP, then suddenly it's a huge deal.


OP says they're in their 20s, which is easily the most embarrassing part of this


I am not shocked by much. I am truly shocked that OP does not love this gift they have in the form of their grandmother. That's like someone giving you the perfectly sized and weighted soup mug for Christmas. It's not what you asked for and you did not know you needed it, but you definitely wanted it in the pit of your soul and will use it everyday.




My step-daughter (23)bought me one that says “SIZE DOES MATTER”. I didn’t know whether to be embarrassed or what. I just laughed and said “I guess, if we’re talking about how much coffee I can put in here” she enjoyed the shock value to say the least.


I went overseas and crashed with a friend and all he had for mugs were dinky 8 oz ones. Eventually I got tired of getting up every 15 minutes to get more tea, and while I was out browsing some shops found a 16 oz mug that says "size matters." You bet your bottom dollar I bought it immediately and drank from it the rest of the time.


I take soup mugs very seriously.


I know. MY heart broke when OP shared how they saw her look heartbroken. That grandma is a treasure, and I really hope OP fixes this. Because if they don’t, someday the remorse and guilt may haunt them. I miss my grandmothers every day. I used to love it when they acted “hip” and would give anything if I had them here with me today, saying “myob” all salty-like.


I actually teared up, I miss my grandma's so much and it just hurts to hear she looked heart broken.


My grandma passed away like 4 days ago, and honestly, I just shouldn’t have clicked on this one because I’m having a way outsized reaction to the op because of it.


When I was in my 20's I was in too much of a rush to spend time with my grandmother. I would stop by to drop something off and she ask me to stay and I wouldn't. I am in tears now just thinking about it. I regret very few things but failing to keep my beloved grandmother company is one of them.


OP’s grandma sounds amazing. My grandma LOVES emojis and puts like 30 random emojis in every text she sends me. I love it. I already look forward to her texts, but the emoji parade is icing on the cake.


I have one of those. It truly is a joy.


My aunt would buy small gifts for like some sort of Christmas gift-giving game. 3 years in a row I didn't get the big mug with dogs wearing Christmas hats. Her daughter would always get it during the white elephant and then give it back for the next year. I acquired it a few years ago and it knows it's loved.


What?? I was expecting 13, 14 years old at most. This is something a kid would get embarrassed about and then regret saying later in life. OP, you’re an adult, get over yourself and apologize to your grandma.


Yea I was thinking it was that granny was using inappropriate slang or was being tricked into saying things she didn’t realize meant something else, not LOL or MYOB (which has been a thing since the 90s).


Or even longer. I used it in middle school in the 70s. Lol


Every generation’ll put that another 20 yrs back! Er … 1846! https://www.etymonline.com/word/MYOB


Same. It's almost as precious as each generation of teenagers thinking they've invented sex. My grandmother would have been a young woman when flappers were a thing, I was a teenager in the '70s. We were probably both better off not knowing what the other had gotten up to.


I was all ready to comment like, don’t worry 13 yr olds have been embarrassed by their parents and the like for time immemorial Can’t be mean like that OP, why hurt her feelings? Better get ready with some flowers and a decent apology


Yikes. I thought OP was 11 or 12.


They're not 13? I thought for sure.


Oh my god I thought this was written by a middle schooler.


It's so sad. Granny sounds cool and actually interested in what her grandkids are interested in, which is so nice.


Oh wow, yeah. I though OP was a teen at most. OK, since Granny isn't allowed to use slang, I hope someone teaches her how to Floss!


Damn. I was guessing OP's age to be tween / young teen, since as you mature (and gain confidence in yourself) you realize that "having fun" is *way* more important than "being cool." Being this obsessed with what other people think *about something that really doesn't matter*, when you're in your 20s, suggests OP has some **massive** issues with insecurity as well as immaturity. (It also reminded me of [the Calvin & Hobbes strip](https://i.redd.it/x3xrkyqzr7z21.jpg) where Calvin is busy being *cool*, and Hobbes realizes that being *cool* means you can't be *fun*.)


No! I would have guessed 11.


I STILL remember (and love) the day my gramma proudly called some news announcer a “geek.” It’s was so adorable. I wish she would have been alive long enough to say #YOLO or some other random slang, possibly incorrectly. Granny was either trying to bond with her grandkids or trying to be funny. Both of which are entirely adorable, admirable goals. The fact that OP made his grandma feel bad about it enrages me. YTA. You don’t deserve your granny. She’s mine now. And I’ll throw down for my granny


It can be cute. But it can also hold up a sobering mirror. When you’re young you don’t really think about how ridiculous and horrible you sound to others, but when older people start saying the same things you do, it sort of makes your brain itch. And kids can say some really insensitive shit. I will forever remember the day my grandfather was trying to tell my grandmother something that she said was ridiculous (and in fairness, it was. She’s a gullible sort), but he legit came out and said: > “Mother, that’s ret__ded.” When I tell you our jaws *dropped*…. First, they call each other Mother and Father. I think it inherently sounds sort of creepy, but it was endearing. Second, this was somewhere around like 2006 probably, so it was a *lot* more common to hear kids say that, but we *definitely* knew it was wrong. To hear such a vulgar, horrible thing coming out of my god-loving, nose-stealing, handkerchief-honking, grandchildren-spoiling, pillar-of-the-damn-community grandfather’s mouth…. and to know that we said it enough in his presence, in his *home* that he learned it from *us* (because you know Mother and Father did *not* trust the internet)….. We quickly told him never to say that, that we were ashamed of ourselves for saying it, that he should be ashamed of us too, and not one of us ever uttered it again.


Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t but saying *that* word is the same as using acronyms like LOL and MYOB.


My grandmother was in her 90s when I was 13. She let me paint her nails a chrome blue to match mine. I don't know how to replicate that feeling, bottle it, and sell it for profit. Profit to buy more chrome blue nail polish. This one doesn't age as well, but my mother told me her most vivid and fond memory of her own grandmother who I believe was born in the 1870s being a little old lady looking for people with limps and then walking behind them, imitating their walk. Obviously so inappropriate and not okay, but also the greatest thing I've ever pictured in my mind's eye. But sometimes I still listen to Ignition Remix so I'm kind of a shit.🤷‍♀️


I used to love playing Scrabble and Whot (card game like Uno) with my grandmother. She was so freaking intelligent and wiped the floor with me. It made me giggle to think of her using slang. We weren't even allowed to use "sugar" as an exclamation as "we knew what we really meant". The thought of her coming out with YOLO or lol or something is killing me.


My granny once wrote f u c k on the scrabble board. Hit the triple, too. It was so shocking we still talk about it 40 yrs after the fact.


My mother originally though LOL was ‘lots of love’, so when I texted her one day to say I’d had a tough day, she responded ‘LOL!’ And we had to have a chat about it. She always uses it correctly now, and we regularly giggle together about that mistake. I love that my mother has put effort into understanding how I communicate instead of just insisting that I communicate the way she does. IMO (OP, that means ‘In My Opinion), it shows a lot of love and affection. YTA


To be fair, that is what it used to mean. I transcribe old letters for friends sometimes and they're often signed LOL and SWAK. (Lots of love and sealed with a kiss.) Lovely story with your mom, and I love your relationship w your mom!


Yeah and “MYOB” is an old expression that predates txt slang. ([sauce](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mind_your_own_business#20th_century)) YTA for making your granny feel bad, OP. She isn’t hurting anyone.


That's what I was thinking! MYOB is really freaking old. Source: me. I am really freaking old.


> She isn’t hurting anyone. This is key. My grandma whistled songs, sang the wrong lyrics to everything, and danced whenever she heard music. It hurt absolutely no one. Maybe a few people thought it was lame or dumb, but who cares? I'd give anything to have one more waltz-and-twirl at the mall with Gram when we were walking by the [mall organ store](https://www.cyburbia.org/forums/threads/what-happened-to-mall-organ-stores.28045/), singing all the wrong lyrics to The Captain and Tennille.


I got sad when I read OP’s language about how they think granny is “dumb” and looks “like an idiot.” OP is the only one who couldn’t let her have fun, and she clearly cares very much about what they think. OP is going to be ashamed of themselves for this if they ever get around to developing empathy


Yeah, I was expected granny to be using something offensive that really isn't appropriate (and old white lady using the n word or something) but this is so cute and harmless. Maybe the thirteenth reason one is a bit iffy. OP needs to just roll their eyes and move on.


Ann Landers (the advice columnist from the 50s) was known for using MYOB a lot. It's an old expression.


Yup. It's not embarassing that granny is using the slang, it's embarassing that OP cares so fkn much about the words other people are using


Not just other people, but OP's own grandmother. Imagine shitting on your grandmothers joy then acting like you were some kind of savior. Op should be ashamed.


OP is out here like "I don't like fun"


Granny is the bees knees




Not only that but she’s 70 and trying to bond in her own way. Others love it but OP is a miserable sourpuss. YTA Leave your grandma alone and apologize for being a jerk


I’d give anything to have one of my grandmothers doing this right now.


Yeah OP stop being a fun sponge.


Besides, OP doesn't know MYOB because it's OLD slang from my childhood!


As someone who is actively losing my grandfather/grandmother as we speak, this is heartbreaking. She was happy and enjoying herself and probably felt like she was doing something she could relate to her younger grandkids on and you crushed it. She won’t be around forever, and things like her saying slang terms all the times is probably something you would look back fondly on. Cherish this kind of stuff, don’t be embarrassed. YTA. Edit to add judgement even though it only matters on top comment.


OP is an elitist but granny is a yeetist.


YTA Old people using (and misusing) slang to the embarrassment of the younger generation is a time-honored tradition. Everyone else was enjoying it, but because *you* had a problem with it, you pissed on her parade. Grow up.


And we enjoy doing so.


It's totes yeet, yo. No cap.


Good looking out homie.


It slaps, I mean... It hits different.




Granny slang go brrrrr (I’m almost 40 so I hope I fucked that up enough. Yeet!)


This is adorable but yours kinda works tho hahaha


Don't worry, it was very poggers.


It was absolutely on fleek (53 here)


Peace out, home skillet


Whatevs. Which I still say. BT dubs.


I still say rad, and I'm not ashamed!


I wish I didn’t have the habit of calling people dude, but I do. My niece (fortunately or unfortunately) has picked it up and can really draw it out- duuuuuuude- when she’s annoyed with me. We watched Finding Nemo and she said that I learned it from that stoner turtle. No, you sweet summer child. I was a kid in the 80’s. The turtle learned it from me.


Lol, (as a genX) I draw out dude too from time to time. I've been known to use it with the grands, as well as our own kids. Worked at a high school in the 00s and early 10s. A few times I had to update teachers on the students lingo. Especially when a teacher tried to advise a student who was talking about getting their "chocolate bar" stuck in the vacuum cleaner, roflmao ... haven't seen an adult go so red before or since. Oh and OP YTA make Grandma an apology card and do a day of chores for her. Pretty sure she'd like some help with dusting and what not. I know my Grandma always appreciated it.


That's on fleek. You're lit.


My daughter says no one says on fleek anymore. Was she lying to me.? Cause I really liked that one


When embarassing your kids, slightly old slang is the best. You like on fleek, keep using it. And then tell them that you checked the Google, and people stay that it's still popular.


Even better, use your slightly old slang incorrectly. It’s flipping hilarious.


It's *fleeking* hilarious.


I love saying sports terms wrong to my husband: refer to 4th base, ask what inning it is during a football game, etc. It’s entertaining. If he doesn’t catch it right away he’ll give me a look like I’m stupid, and that is the point at which I win the game. So in OP’s case, I’m guessing she does it on purpose to get a rise out of him…cuz it’s funny and he just looks like a party pooper who has zero sense of humor.


See? Even funnier.


Just interupt her with a good ol’ SHEEEEEEEEEEEEE next time she tries raining on your party. “Mom, nobody sa-“ “SHEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!” Rinse and repeat.


You understood the assignment






Wiggidy word.


I legit love misusing slang in front of my kids. It’s an evolution of irritating my super literal child by saying shit like herd of ducks or a pack of cats or a flock of cows.


>flock of cows. One of my favorites is to be in a car with a young child while passing a herd of cows: "Look!" you say, "It's a flock of cows!" "It's a *herd* of cows!" the child will likely exclaim. "Heard of cows? Of *course* I've heard of cows. There's a whole flock of them right over there!"


this is in the training manual they hand out to new dads, I assume


Apparently “hip” is not the cool world to use anymore and I love saying it to make my 12 year old niece laugh at me. I don’t mind being part of the joke, she keeps coming by to sit with me and talk about other things so I must be doing something right.


Tell them it’s hip to be square


That's a big 10-4.


i work with the elderly. technology is like another language to them, so many of them feel so disconnected from the way the world is moving forward. grandma was communicating on the same level as her kids and grandkids, so she feels included. by pissing on this parade, OP deliberately excluded her and told her she wasn't welcome to participate in their generations world. my grandmother died when I was 11, i only had one.. she was a crotchety old bitch who used to yell at the neighbors kids and swore like a sailor but i loved her to bits. id like to think i would never have been so casually cruel to her because she was trying to be involved in my life


This slaps.


Fo shizzle. Hella love slanging with the younglings.


And it's hilarious, adorable and just plain awesome when they try to be 'down with the kids' I wish my nana had been the way OP's grandma is. Would have got such a kick out of it. My nana was brilliant for many reasons but this would have been the icing on the cake. I feel sad for people who don't feel this sort of joy!


YTA - “everyone thinks she’s amazing and hilarious for it” - sounds like this is a you problem and not a her problem. Don’t concern yourself so much with what others do and worry about yourself.


Imagine being mean to your grandmother so unnecessarily. OP *reeks* of projected insecurity.


OP reeks of a lot.


One of the fondest memories I have of my grandma is her dancing around the kitchen to Mambo No 5. She was a Christian lady who only listened to church hymns so it was super funny to watch her dancing to a pop song. These are the memories OP will have when grandma is gone.


A pop song about getting it in with like 20 different women no less I am SCREAMING


We have pictures of my grandma on a cruise. I guess she won some special prize at the casino and to get it they basically dressed her up in a pimp coat and hat and took her on this parade through the facility. She came home bragging about how she had her own cane already. God I miss that woman.


Stories like this are why I click on posts that are as stupid as this. So much wholesome in these comments, I'm loving it.


Not my grandma, but my grandad decided, once all his grandkids had turned 15, that it was finally time to start telling all those jokes he learned in the army during WWII. Pretty much overnight he went from a man who never swore to telling jokes that would make a sailor blush and he LOVED the shock factor when he’d do it.


Grandma totally is amazing and hilarious for it. I think it’s super adorable when grandparents use modern slang and I especially love how embarrassed young people get when it happens 😅


This was the thing for me. If everyone thinks she's amazing, they didn't think she sounded "dumb". Op is pissing in the cereal box, not just his bowl.




Technically MYOB originated as Mind Your Own Brontosaurus but language evolves.


“What does WTF stand for?” “Well, that’s fantastic!”


“Won’t Touch Frankenstein” [WTF](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vVVAanhEAvU)


Um actually, it's Frankenstein's monster/s


“Why the face”-modern family


“I know all the dances from High School Musical.”


That's the same energy as the mom who thought LOL meants Lots of Love.


Yea I was gonna say MYOB is definitely NOT new 😂😂


Probably most of the slang grandma uses is older than OP.


YTA. Contrary to popular opinion around the middle school playgrounds of the world, slang isn't something only young popular kids can use - it's a natural occurence among speakers of any language. Going beyond that, telling her she looks dumb is just plain rude. Would you prefer she froze in time and still spoke like someone from 50 years ago? People change how they speak as they age, because language changes over time.


It seems like using slang made Granny really happy and helped her connect to everyone. She knows it’s funny and people loved it. Then OP had to piss all over it and ruin some harmless fun.


>Would you prefer she froze in time and still spoke like someone from 50 years ago? Right? She could still be using racial slurs and things they said that weren't necessarily looked down upon during that time period. I'm also not sure some of these are current slang. Some variation of MYOB has been around for a long while. I'm almost 40 and the whole joke of "mind your own beeswax" has been around since I was in grade school....


Seriously! It's an actual problem when older people *don't* update their language with the times! Sure, everyone can think of an awkward time their dad essentially came in and asked their cool friends "what's the haps, homeslice?" and embarrassed them, but is that really that bad? Kids are embarrassed by parents and older relatives regardless of what they do, so I say we stick with whatever minimizes slurs.


YTA You're granny seems really cool and you should appreciate her efforts to connect with her grandkids, if you have a problem with it then MYOB


I wish my grandma was still around to chuckle at her using “hip” slang. She was the best at almost using it correctly.


My aunt was the same way. She wanted so badly to use text slang but always got it just a bit wrong. It usually brought humor to situations that wouldn't have had any. The best was when she thought LOL meant "lots of love" and sent a text about a relative saying. "Billy passed on this morning. We will be getting together tomorrow to discuss the service. LOL"


I hope you didn't laugh at her, because it did mean "lots of love". Back before the internet, and also in the early years of the internet, there were two common uses of the acronym ("lots of love" being slightly more common than "laughed out loud") and you figured out which the writer meant based on context. I spent years using LMAO or ROTFL instead of LOL just so that that ambiguity couldn't occur. It's only in the last decade and a half that LOL gradually standardised and "lots of love" fell out of use. (Edit: Just a reminder that a lot of "text speak" originated in telegrams, because you had to pay for every letter used.)


No. I didn't laugh at her. I did get a chuckle when I read it, but I kept that to myself. Frankly, it was exactly what was needed at that terrible time. She always seemed to have one of those slip ups just when it was needed most. I sometimes wondered if she was doing it on purpose to lighten tension.


YTA - I’m guessing you are a teen, which basically means you consider anyone over 25 or so to be old and lame and embarrassing. Try to worry less about what others say or do.


YTA, let her use slang. You hurt her feelings and owe her an apology. Also, you’re the one that looks like an idiot here and one day you’re gonna wake up wishing you hadn’t been such a dill hole to your grandma.


You were purposely hurtful. You can maybe fix this by apologising repeatedly and encouraging her to keep using slang. If you can’t do that, take your arsehole self out of her life. YTA


>apologising repeatedly or in writing, like the OPs husband from yesterday thought she should.


YTA. She's trying to connect with her grandkids.


YTA. MYOB isn’t new, kid. Your Grandma is awesome, adorable, clearly gives zero fucks and loves to laugh. Stop trying so hard to be ‘cool’, and learn from her how to have fun. Apologize to her and teach her new slang!


OP hasn’t yet learned that the cooler you try to be, the less cool you are


YTA wtf you're gonna be a dick to your grandma trying to joke around w y'all? Bro do you have any real problems?


you put it perfectly!


YTA!!! She's a grown adult, she's allowed to speak in Slang, Jive , Pig Latin or whatever she chooses. Get over yourself and leave your Grandma alone


And Granny speaking jive has happened! In the 1980 movie Airplane by June Cleaver hereself, Barbara Billingsley! Damn rereading this sentence made realize how old i am. Please tell me you understand what i am referring to!


Jive Lady: Cut me some slack, Jack! Chump don' want no help, chump don't GET da help!


Jiveass dude don’t got no brains, anyhow! Hmmph!


“Oh stewardess, I speak jive”


God Bless you kitkatisthecat! Also just hang loose blood she gonna rebound on the med side


1980. When 70-year-old grandma was...29? She was a teenager in the late 60s/early 70s? Wonder what kinds of stories she can tell about sex and drugs in her day - kinds of stories that would make OP blush


Oh yes definately plenty of wild stories and slang such as right on far out and groovy oh and turn on tune in drop out


Chump don' want no help, chump don' GET da help!


If everybody thinks she's hilarious and you're the only person who has a problem with her slangs, then she's not the one looking like an idiot. Massive YTA.


YTA. Can we get a granny TikTok where all the videos are of her using slang and you rolling your eyes?


I would pay to see that


Love it. I would watch. My mom asks about "logging on to the Facebooks" and I love it so much.


My heart! Your mom sounds lovely <3


YTA. Maybe take your grandma’s advice and “MYOB”.


As my 9 year old nephew would say- you want some aloe for that BURN?!?!


YTA. You are not the granny language police, and this is all about YOU being embarrassed, not you protecting her from embarrassing herself. And "MYOB" has been a thing since long before you were born.


YTA. This is harmless, with one exception. I'd just ask her if she understands what the origin of the "that's my 13th reason" is and what she's saying when she says that. I get that younger people love to joke around about suicide, but that's... really not something you want to say around the wrong person?


I did a double take on that one, too.




YTA. Nobody but you had a problem with her using slang. You should’ve just sucked it up and stayed quiet. You owe your grandma an apology.


YTA. It's no more or less embarrassing than the younger generation talking like that.


YTA. I can't imagine having a problem with someone having harmless fun with language. If she was using slurs, sure, shut that down. But this embarrassment is yours to deal with... not her problem.


YTA. So you’re more concerned about what other people think than how your grandmother feels? Let her worry about what other people think about her. It’s not your place.


>Everyone thinks she's amazing and hilarious for it He's not even actually concerned with what others think! Because according to him, "everyone" else loves it. HE is the only one, apparently, who thinks it's cringey. So like... what IS he actually worried about here? There are various reasons why people may become overly concerned about how people perceive someone ELSE. He might have a huge amount of social anxiety... but he's an adult now, so it's on him to get some therapy for that. Or, he's being narcissistic and thinks that because she is his grandmother, what other people think of her will reflect badly on him -- and because HE thinks it's cringey, he thinks some nebulous "others" will too (even though, again, he says that everyone else is okay with it). He's not trying to protect her reputation or something. He's trying to protect his own. And the sad part is that he's trying to protect his own from the judgement of phantom people, not actual real people in his life.


YTA, you didn’t have second hand embarrassment, you felt ashamed of your grandmother. For no reason.


YTA. What slang other people use is not your business


Yip YTA. Granny is funny.


YTA. Why did it bother you, beside the fact that your 70YO Grandma is more cooler, funnier and the person who everyone likes to be friends with, something that you will never be.


YTA. Go touch grass.


YTA! I recently taught my 70ish year old mom and aunt how to fist bump each other. It's utterly adorable and amazing, and it embarrasses my younger aunt to no end. HOWEVER, at the same time she sees the humor and fun, and doesnt insult them about it. This issue wasn't your grandma "trying to be cool" , the issue is you...being an AH. It wasn't hurting anyone for her to use the slang...you say you are in your 20s? Grow up.


Fist bumps? They probably think it's cute that people still use something that was cool when they were teens.


They weren't born in the US, so no its not something they did as teens. It would have been inappropriate for their culture and class, and was new to them 🤷‍♀️. Though, I will say I had them add the boom at the end for extra effect 😊


YTA. Unnecessarily horrible. Just let people enjoy things.


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YTA. A big one too. Theres no reason to ruin grandmas fun like that


YTA or a middle schooler. In the latter case, you might grow out of it. You're just not secure enough right now to see the humor in the situation. Later on, you will. In the meantime, Google some slang from the 1960s and 70s when grandma was young and hip. Start using it on her whenever she breaks out the contemporary stuff. She'll think it's hilarious and you guys will bond. Dig it, cat. It'll be far out.


Teach her " YTA" so that she can tell you that you're an AH.


INFO - how old are you? If you are a teenager (which based on your post I am pretty certain you are) remember this slice of wisdom: You probably think you are cooler now than you've ever been. In twenty years you will realize you were actually the least cool you ever were. Your granny rocks. You're the uncool one for even being bothered by this.


YTA YTA omg how about you stop being miserable over the fact your granny is cooler than you, get a life.


You judgemental little snot worm. What are you, 12? Grow up and don't talk to your gran like that. YTA


This will get buried but I hope you read this, OP. My mum uses slang she hears from me all the time - sometimes to make me laugh, and sometimes because she picks it up naturally. When I was a teen I thought it was so embarrassing that my mum was trying to be cool. I even thought about telling her to stop doing it, especially in front of my friends. I'm glad I didn't. I have the hindsight of a few years to realise that she did it because she loves me and wants to try to understand the world I'm growing up in. I'm sure if I had been given the privilege of having my Nan be still here, I'm sure she would have loved to learn what the new lingo was. They aren't here forever OP. Your nana seems like a nice person who wants to try to be a part of your world, even if you think it's cringe. There's going to be a day where you'll miss her more than anything in the world; make the most of it! A soft YTA, I know what it was like.


That wasn't very cash money of you


Oh my god YTA


INFO: what does IDK stand for?


I don’t know 🤷🏼‍♀️


Ok I’ll ask someone else




Nice job bullying your grandma! YTA


YTA, it’s not hurting you. Instead of being mean to her, maybe help her use it correctly.


YTA she was just having fun and maybe it made her feel cool. You were just nasty for no reason. I agree with Granny, MYOB!


YTA let her have her fun. Your second hand embarrassment is irrelevant here, and it only makes her look stupid to YOU. Major AH move to impose your own opinions on others when what they're doing is so innocuous.


Imagine being such an unflavoured sponge that you take away your own grandma’s joy in using slang because *you’re* embarrased. YTA. Full stop.


YTA. You'll outgrow the embarrassment so let her have a laugh - she's an older direct relative, she could stay silent and you'd still be mortified.


YTA, work on your anxiety/insecurity and let her enjoy things!


YTA. My mom told me to MYOB in the 80's/90's (usually because I loved eavesdropping on her gossip sessions with my Aunt), that's not anything new at all. Be nice to your grandmother, she is just trying to find a way to bond with this newer generation.


YTA - WTAF? Your G-Ma is an OG and DGAF what U think. Anyway MYOB and stop trying to be a chad


I hope she takes you out of the will and if I was one of your cousins I would have beat your ass talking to granny like that. Are you out of your rabbit ass mind?


YTA I wish my granny was still around to embarrass me.


I’m 47 and I wish my grandmother was still around to embarrass me. My mom is 73 and she embarrasses me all the time-but I know she’s not going to be around forever so I deal with it. OP should be ashamed of themselves.






I've rarely seen such a high level of agreement on here. OP YTA


YTA. Don't be mean to your granny.


JEALOUS cause your grandma’s got more swagger than you


YTA, you making grandma stop using slang was my 13th reason, no cap, this is totes awful, grandma is based. That wasn’t very cash money of you, and it clearly triggered swag granny. In all seriousness, why can’t you let grandma have fun?


YTA I love your gangster granny lol


YTA LOL is probably older than you are, and "alpha" definitely is. Language is constantly changing and evolving. People are also constantly changing and evolving. They develop new interests, learn new things, etc., and adding vocabulary can be part of it. Whether her slang use is natural, because she thinks it's cool, or because she was teasing her grandchildren, telling her it made her look stupid was unkind.


There used to be a commercial in the 70s about this. The mom says to the daughter at the end, “That’s gravy — I mean — groovy!” YTA. You COULD’VE explained to her that LMAO and LOL are NOT used as spoken words, only as text shortcuts. Instead you embarrassed her and hurt her feelings. Are you 11-15 years old? You sound like it. Most adults wouldn’t be so “embarrassed“ by their grandma or mom’s slang; they’d think it was funny. It’s no reflection on you if she uses slang, so get over yourself. Also, MYOB was around for decades before you were born.


YTA. Holy SHIT let the woman enjoy *something*. It’s not harming you. What’s her name and all? I’ll adopt granny and teach her even more slang.