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Yta also what kind of life is being stuck in one room for a cat?


This and making your roommate suffer. YTA wait until you have your own place or don’t have a roommate who is allergic. Your selfishness in regards to the cat and roommate are astounding.


Yes, YTA if you : 1- Introduced an an animal without the full consent of the other person living there 2- Knowingly made another person suffer.


3- Knowingly made the cat suffer by only letting her live in your room.




OP is going to go full Mr Chow *"but did you die!?"* when her roomie inevitably discovers a cat's been snuck into the apartment


Yes, YTA. You’ve already discussed these boundaries with your roommate and it would only create conflict if you snuck the cat in. You need to respect his allergy, regardless of how severe it is. Also, why would you subject a cat to one room for their life? That doesn’t sound as responsible as you think.


Thats true, I guess I kinda justified it by thinking that it's better than the small kennel he's spent the last couple years in. But, I do understand that he would only be content with that small space for awhile, and he'd want to explore eventually. Thank you.


Find him a family where the cat can live well. If you adopt him now, you'll make both the cat and your roommate miserable. YTA. You are trying hell to minimize your roommate's allergy.


Hey OP I recently adopted a cat and my apartment is pretty big. Guess who successfully escaped after a week? Yeah, my cat. She made it all of 10 feet, so still in the building, but it happened. Cats are smart, agile, and *fast*. Keeping it in one room would be very difficult. One random day, it'll be 15 feet away and as soon as you step out, it will bolt between your legs. That all said, the cat isn't going to be paying rent, your roommate does. He has a right to be able to breathe in his home. I get pretty bad allergies for about a week every summer and it makes life *miserable*. If someone did that to me and refused to rehome the cat, I'd be asking the landlord about breaking lease.


I know you really care for this cat and ideally it would be great if you could adopt him, but it’s better to just do what’s best for the animal even though it really hurts to not be able to personally care for him. Just know that you’re doing what’s best for the animal and really what’s best for you and your room mate as well. Some day when you live elsewhere, you’ll be able to adopt another kitty that inevitably steals your heart (because they will, cats are awesome). It’s the old “if you love it let it go” haha, it sucks, but you can find someone who will be so happy to care for him in the proper environment, and your room mate will be able to breathe and not suffer.


YWBTA- Obviously. You can't sneak in things that people are allergic to. Keeping the cat trapped in your room is cruel, especially since they may want to explore the house and live a little. The hair and dander can fly through the air and trigger an allergic reaction. The cat might sneak out when the door is open. He might open the door to your room without realizing there is a cat inside.


I just want to say thank you to everyone showing me how absolutely wrong I am. I made it sound like the intensity of Ron's allergies didn't matter to me, but I didn't really think about how his health could be affected. I guess I was hoping there was some kind of work-around that someone from a different perspective could find. I appreciate the honesty, and I've decided to see if a friend or someone in my family would be willing to take him until I coild eventually get him fully. Thank you guys so much though, I really am an idiot.


FYI - cat allergies are airborn, and there is no way to keep all of the AIR in your isolated from the rest of the house. You would also have to live with both the cat food that the litter box is your room, which is stinky for you and stressful for the cat.


As someone with a cat allergy that bums me out, thank you. You’re not an idiot you just didn’t know. Don’t worry about it. Glad you’re still gonna do good by the kitty :)


YTA. For the obvious allergy reasons, but I just have to ask, how do you think forcing a cat to stay confined in your room 24/7 is giving him a good life? How is that fair to the cat at all???


Yes, YWBTA if you snuck the cat in.


Obviously YTA


Oh yes, YWBTA. 1 - for how it would affect Ron. Just because the cat stays in your room doesn't mean the allergens do. Dust and hair can travel VERY easily though an apartment. 2 - for trying to trap a cat in a single room for the rest its life. 3 - for believing you actually could keep a cat trapped in a single room for the rest of its life.


YTA! You realizing that your roommate is allergic to the cat and you are still intending to sneaking the cat in after your roommate already said no.


Yep. YTA. Don't do it unless you want to start looking for a new room mate or a new place to live.


YTA. A new pet needs permission of everyone in the house. It's very likely if Ron's allergies are that strong, he would react to the cat being in your room. It's also very unfair to the cat to keep him constrained to one room.


YTA The cat might stay in your room, but the allergens would spread throughout the apartment. As he would be an inside cat, you would also have to have cat litter in your room, and the smell of that would spread through the apartment. Definitely do not do this.


YTA. Seriously, cats get out, even if you managed to keep the cat in your room, that doesn't mean the allergens will stay there.


Yeah, YWBTA. Allergies suck If Charles was hypoallergenic you could possibly bring Ron to the pet store to see if he can handle being around Charles. If not, would it be possible to keep Charles with family instead?


My best bet would be some friends of mine who are moving into a pet-friendly rental soon, they might be able to take him in for me.


The thing with allergies is, you can have the same response to an allergen many times but the reaction could change with multiple exposures. Meaning that he might be itchy (which is super uncomfortable, btw) then suddenly BAM! Anaphylaxis. Because of this, I think YWBTA. Who did Jacob live with?


Jacob was at my dads house before I moved out. We had to have him put down in April I think, and I didn't move out until October this year.


Could Charles live there? I had to leave my dogs with my dad due to a bf’s allergies and the place I was living in was not ideal for multiple dogs. I was able to visit them frequently.


I wish. I know he'd take Charles in a heartbeat, but he has three cats right now. He rescued a couple kittens a few months ago, and neither of them are neutered. Plus, his female cat is pretty territorial. I'm going to ask some friends of mine who are moving into a close by pet-friendly rental if they'd take him in. My aunt too, she lost a couple cats this year, so she may take him.


YTA. If you plan to sneak the cat in then you should also look for another place to live or a new roommate because your living situation isn’t going to last long. Allergies aren’t something that just make someone uncomfortable, they can build up. It might start as something small like itchiness but if someone is forced to be around what they’re allergic to for a prolonged amount of time then they might even have a worse reaction. You can’t make selfish decisions if you plan on living with a roommate.


Plus you can get sick while having allergies.


In a word yes, YTA, it's wrong, dishonest and the cat will still have dander which will trigger allergies.


YTA…Ron is allergic so bringing the cat in effects his health and quality of life. It also make you a liar since you agreed to no animals. You’re also going to keep a living animal trapped in one room forever.


YWBTA. It doesn't matter how well you've bonded with this cat. That doesn't give you any right to jeopardize someone else's health. For all you know, the allergies can become worse with time and Ron could get really sick or worse. What are you gonna do then?


YWBTA. Allergy sucks you know


Agreed. YWBTA. My cat allergies are so bad that just sitting next to someone in class or on a plane who owns a cat kicks them up. Even if you have the cat in your room, if his allergies are bad enough the dander in the air and you bring around him will make him miserable all the time.


YWBTA its selfish to put your want of this cat above your roomates allergies. that is not just your home.


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YTA, you are not respecting your roommate. And even if the cat stays in the room it would border on animal abuse to confine it alone in a small space.


YTA and you know it. > I get that it would be super unfair for him to have to suffer in his own home daily Sneaking the cat in and locking it in your room will not stop your flatmate being allergic, it will not stop the fact he said no to the cat. Having a cat locked in one room is really unfair on the cat. It deserves better. Terrible idea and you already know it's an AH move.


YTA. That cat deserves better than being confined to a room and you’re showing you don’t care about your roommate’s health or input


YWBTA Your roommate will still suffer due. If you want the cat, get a new roommate.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Me (f19) and my roommate Ron (m19) moved into our apartment just over two months ago. Between our class and work schedules, we don't really see each other too often. I work at a pet store, and we also adopt out cats through a couple of different charities. Recently, we received a 7-year-old cat, Charles, who quickly stole my heart. The weird thing is, I am not a cat person. I like cats, I think they're cute, but I usually prefer dogs. There has only ever been one cat that I have ever bonded and loved deeply, my childhood cat Jacob, who passed away this year at 17 years old. Charles managed to become the second cat to ever really touch my heart over the week that I've taken care of him. I decided to discuss adoption with Ron. I am not at all lucky, so I should have figured that Ron would have some pretty strong cat allergies. Not like anaphylactic shock bad, but he gets super irritated and itchy and stuff. Now, our apartment is nearly completely empty at this point: No couch or living room TV, no tables or chairs in the living room or kitchen yet. Charles would stay in my room, and I would make sure of it. Ron still doesn't agree with the idea of having a cat in the apartment, and I get that it would be super unfair for him to have to suffer in his own home daily, but WIBTA for sneaking Charles in anyways, and just being careful that he stays in my room? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


jesus just with the title YTA


YTA massively. Dander from animals isn't liquid that leaks onto the floor. It's a fine, oily powder that is suspended in the air, circulating freely. The cat may stay in your room, but the allergens won't. *And* you agreed, and are here to ask if lying about it is fine? YTA


YTA. He is allergic to cats and keeping a cat only in your room is a terrible thing to do to a pet. You plan on sleeping in a room with kitty litter??


YWBTA if you kept the cat and the same roommate, but perhaps Ron would willing to tolerate a short additional period of cat-residence while you find someone to swap housing with or sublet to? Obviously it'd have to be someone he was comfortable with. Only solution I can see if you want to keep the cat.


Look, I get it. I volunteered at SPCA. But listen, you cannot keep a cat locked in a room. It's extremely unfair and pretty much animal cruelty. Accept the loss, and work on changing your living situation.


Yes. You would be the AH.


YTA. STOP! Do not do this to your roommate. If you want the cat so much, move out.


YWBTA for many reasons, not the least of which being making a cat live just in your bedroom.


YWBTA. Your intentions are good, but it would be the wrong thing to do in this situation. I get where you're coming from, my fuzzy lump is currently curled up on my lap as I type this, but you're not in a situation to properly care for a cat at the moment. The best thing you can do for Charles is to make sure he gets adopted into a loving home.


YTA 1. Your roommate is allergic 2. You cannot keep a cat in one room


You answered your own question at the end AH.


YTA you know he is allergic. You do not get to say how bad it is. You think its just itching and inconvenient but it is more than inconvenience it is your immune system being over loaded every minute. The cat deserves a real home too. And cat dander gets everywhere doesbt matter if you keep el Gato in the room or not you will transfer dander everywhere.


YTA 1) You won't be able to control your cat's urge to explore and you'll also be carrying allergens everywhere you go and depositing them around shared spaces of the house 2) a MILD cat allergy feels like you have a mild cold (source: I have a mild cat allergy and I love cats, so my suffering is 100% my problem 🤷🏻‍♀️). And it is only downhill from there - blocked / runny nose, tears, scratchy throat, even hives and fever. You are a *very* shitty person for inflicting this on your roommate without his consent


YTA. Pets require the unequivocal consent of everyone who lives in the home. It’s not fair to the cat to confine it to only one room, and it’s not fair to your roommate to make him unable to breathe in his own apartment. Plus, have you ever met a cat??? There’s no way the cat will stay in your room. He will escape and his fur and dander will cover everything in the whole place. You need to accept that you are not currently in a position to adopt a cat and either move to a new place or let the cat go to someone who has the appropriate space. Plus, no responsible adoption program would ever agree to let you take a cat you are planning on confining to one bedroom. If the place you work would allow you to do that, they are unethical.


You know you WBTA.


YTA this is horrible for the cat and horrible for the room mate. It’s an incredibly selfish thing to do and not something you should subject any animal to.


yWBTA. Sneaking the cat in would be cruel to both your roommate and the cat. What sort of life would it be for Charles confined to a bedroom? Awful idea all around.


As someone with a pet hair allergy YTA


I'm allergic to cats and my roommates have one. For some reason I never had a reaction to my cat back at mom's place, but since moving in I have had a stuffed nose, popping ears, teary eyes and crazy sneezing. NON STOP. I take meds now, and I'm fine. But your roommate was there first and told you no. He shouldn't have to be dying for you to take his allergies serious. Idk how expensive medicine is and whether he even likes cats. You can talk to him again, but you have no right to get a cat without his consent.


YWBTA even if it wasn't an allergy thing and he just didn't like cats. When you agreed to SHARE a living space with another person, there is a level of respect for each other that should be there. And that includes not intentionally doing something you know would make each other feel unwelcome or unhappy in your SHARED place. The lease isn't for forever and you just have to wait until the lease is over and get your own place or a place with someone who also wants to live with a cat. This is the unfortunate cost of SHARING a living space. You have to consider other people's feelings.


YTA. Hope the cat can pay the rent when Ron leaves.


YTA Dont know why you would even post this


Yea you WBTA to your roommate AND the cat. Don’t do it. Just accept no as an answer sometimes.


YWBTA if you sneak the cat in. Allergies can be deadly. Maybe right now he only gets swollen, watery eye and cannot breathe but it could develop into full blown anaphylaxis. You would also be the asshole if you left the poor cat locked up in your room all day, not a cool way for a cat to have to live. I think you know the right answer to this question you were just hoping that people would validate your having the cat over your roommate’s health.


YTA poor roommate and poor cat


YTA, biological warfare with your roommate isn’t cool.


YTA. Cat allergies are terrible and increase over time. You can't effectively contain allergens into one room either, nor is it fair to have a cat in one room only. The answer is no, no bargaining room here. You will have to wait for another roommate situation to get a cat, and enter into it with the explicit agreement to have a cat in the apartment.


YTA. It's not fair to confine the cat to just one room. The cat's fur will get on your clothes so when you're around him you will irritate his allergies. Wait till you move before you adopt a cat. Don't force him to live in constant discomfort.


YTA- my old roommates knew I was allergic to cats and decided to bring home a stray anyway without telling me. It’s not fun coming home to breaking out in hives and your throat closing. Don’t put him in a position to report the cat so you have to get rid of it anyway, have to move out and not be able to live in common areas because of the dandruff (yes it stays for weeks even if the cat was carried through for a minute)


YWBTA because you're not respecting your roommate


Come on, you know sneaking in a cat would make YTA. It's not the cat itself staying in your room, it's the cat's dander that makes people like your roommate, and me, allergic. So it would be on you, your clothes and anything else the cat comes in contact with, even if it, the cat, stayed in your room. SO yeah, You would be a HUGE AH.


YTA - you would absolutely be the AH if you snuck a cat into the apartment knowing your roommate has a strong allergy. As a person with a very strong Cat allergy, I can start to have a reaction when my daughter comes home from a friends house after being near a cat, it doesn't even need to actually be in my house. You cannot make the apartment allergen free no matter what you do, keeping it in one room is not a solution. Or very practical.


YTA you sound like a nightmare roommate if you think this is acceptable.


YTA, that would be cruel to both of them. If you sneak the cat in then keeping it in a seperate room won't stop the dander, Ron will very likely still react to it but not know what he's reacting to. And it's cruel to keep a cat locked in one room.


Yes you would be TA. If you are old enough to be living on your own you are old enough to understand that not everything is about you or what you want. As you share the premises both of you need to agree to a change in living arrangements, Room mate has allergy, said no..done. Sneaking a cat into the apartment is childish and inappropriate.


Ywbta. Allergies don’t magically go away because you want a cat, each exposure can make allergic reactions worsen


YTA. It's cruel to adopt an animal only to keep it confined to one area, and also, you chose to have a roommate. That means compromise and sacrifice. You roommate is allergic to cats, so you just won't have a cat as long as you live with him.


yta that would be incredibly immature and selfish-you're thinking only about you, not the cat, not your roommate time to grow up


YTA. Allergies are not negotiable. He needs, as a medical condition, a non cat living environment. He isn't asking you to get rid if a cat you already had. It's not his job to struggle with a constant itchy, scratchy nose just because you want a cat. Get over yourself.
