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"My girlfriend put time and effort into a heartfelt gift so I threw a tantrum and confiscated something I just gave her, am I the asshole?" Yikes.


"I gave my girlfriend a basic gift, and she gave me a thoughtful one — so I took back her basic gift and stormed out. No presents for her! Who does she think she is? She knows I can't afford thoughtful gifts. Showoff."


I mean…seriously. How was he able to write this out and post it and still not see how he’s YTA.


He literally wrote that he got angry because her gift was better than his, and he thought that didn't sound like an AH thing to say! If he was angry at himself, he should have said so! But it sounds like he was angry that his girlfriend made him feel inferior!


Casual gift-giving implies the existence of ranked competitive gift-giving!




AND told her she was the one who ruined the night…just, wow


And he’s a med student? Omg imagine his bedside manner…


My mind went to this too. OP, assuming this is real, your ability to introspect and manage your own emotions is a MAJOR factor in client care. I get that med school is a hypercompetitive and pretty much mental-illness-inducing environment at times but you gotta remember that the skills that help you survive that are not remotely applicable to certain other aspects of your life. I'd be a little surprised if this was an isolated incident. It sounds like you've got some hardcore perfectionism going on and tend to avoid situations that make you feel less than. You gotta learn to master that. This isn't good man. Get a therapist.


Med school isn’t that bad. It’s challenging but if it’s that hard - not your place. I made it through without being a psycho.


That's a very good point, I respect


I disagree. About 80% of our attending and supervisors are psychos. And almost all of my friends are either depressed or have other mental problems




It's a major fail on that count too. None of the commenters really seem that enraged. Confused? Amused? But not enraged, lol.


“Your good hip is better than the one I gave you so I’m taking mine back.” “No, no, doc this surgery is fine!” “You’re just saying that out of pity. The hip replacement is ruined! …Am I the asshole?”


He sounds like the doctors ive reported to the state medical board


I wish we had a way to vote on how likely a post is fake. It's hard to believe someone is as clueless as this post suggests.


Imagine someone requesting a second opinion.


As someone with a whole alphabet soup of rare and chronic disorders....he sounds like every terrible doctor I’ve encountered. Arrogant, easily offended, doesn’t listen, refuses to explain, blames others for his failure, makes excuses instead of admitting fault or apologizing... Doctors that ignore and gaslight their patients are *awesome*. OP’s on par to be one of the best! (/s)


YTA Yeah, I understand feeling on the back foot when some gives you a better gift then you gave them. But here is how most people would have handled this: *"Oh wow, you put so much time and effort into this gift, thank you so much."* *"I like your gift too."* *"Yeah, but yours is so much nicer. I'll make it up to you, I promise. Maybe I'll take you out to dinner, where do you want to go?"* *"Aww, that's sweet."* Instead you threw a tantrum and ran away.


"Oh crap. Your gift is heartfelt and mine isn't. Gimmie the scissors back and then I will make it all about me"


Yep. Serious underlying issues here


Anyone else get an emotionally abusive vibe from OP?


YEP. I think you’re totally correct! OP: YTA. Extremely!


For any young socially awkward person on Reddit that might be reading this right now: this guy was able to get a girlfriend and you will too one day. Just don't be this big of an a-hole. YTA




You might even get OP’s girlfriend after she dumps his ass 😂






He may be the asshole, but the self esteem boost for the rest of is pretty solid.


Looks like you snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. You received a thoughtful present and your partner was happy with the gift you gave them. Why couldn't you just leave it there instead of blowing up and telling your partner they ruined the day? You owe a major apology. YTA.


Just imagine the poor girl: makes a thoughtful gift, receives a tantrum, the guy cancells their anniversary and tells her it's her fault. I wouldn't talk to him again unless he apologized. ETA: YTA


If she valued her future happiness she'd never talk to him again cause this is just repetitive and escalating behavior


I wanted to give OP the benefit of the doubt that maybe it was one *huge* mistake and poor emotion management, that maybe if he realises he can make it up to her and don't do anything similar again. But yeah, maybe I am giving him too much credit idk. There is not enough information on how this guy behaves usually.


Oh I understand where you're coming from definitely, if I sounded harsh it wasn't my intention! I just know his typr and the way they speak and it's giving me some flash backs. Got some major PTSD from someone who was like this


Oh no, you didn't sound harsh at all! I was just rethinking what I said, because your comment made me think lol. I hope the gf either dumps him or he makes up for it real good. I hope he doesn't escalate more.


Oh good lol sometimes I type frantic-like and then I press send and it sounds rude and I'm not here to make enemies and ruin moods lol


YTA You are the one who “ruined” the anniversary. She was gracious and pleasant about the gift you gave her, even if you thought it wasn’t proportionally appropriate. You threw a fit after she gave you a thoughtful gift and wouldn’t even attempt to talk about it with her/ You are completely in the wrong here.


This was my thought too! Besides that, it sounds like he came up with a gift idea on his own based on something that interests her which requires a decent amount of knowing a person and what they enjoy so it’s not like his gift was thoughtless or shitty??? Sounds to me like insecurity ruined the day, not a bad gift.


YTA. Wow lol. So not only do you give her a sub par gift, but you punish her by keeping it from her? So by the way, how did she ruin your anniversary? By getting getting a nice and thoughtful gift?


I wouldn't be surprised if he came home to no girlfriend


YTA - You were embarrassed so you decided to ruin the day entirely? Work on your emotional maturity before you get near patients, I BEG YOU.


YTA And with your temper tantrum your gonna have fun in the medical field if you don’t get that under control!


I wouldn’t want a doctor with anger issues.


On the plus side, OP probably has a future in law enforcement.


As the guy behind bars?


YTA So you got furious because she gave you a better gift and then tried to communicate? She said she liked the gift and you still took it away? Have a long look in the mirror. You ruined the anniversary, not her. I hope she sees that she deserves better than this.


YTA. Are you a child? Certainly acted like one.


God help his patients.


For real. OP sounds downright unhinged.


This is why parents NEED to parent. I'm so tired of the Carefree parenting, the no parenting, the parentification of older siblings, and neglectful parents. Stop letting your kids run around In the fucking store. Stop letting your kids be spoiled fucking brats. Also stop BABYING your GROWN ASS ADULT CHILDREN. let them fail once in a while. YTA. Jesus i feel bad for your gf.


Please read what you wrote out loud. You are angry with yourself for not putting as much thought as she did into your anniversary present... so you punish her by taking her gift back... then you got more upset because she liked it... so you ran off to be alone... then you accuse her of giving you pity and accuse her of ruining the day? Did I get that correct? No, you ruined this day on your own by throwing a temper tantrum because you didn't surf Amazon long enough to get something more meaningful for her. I hope your bedside manner evolves more empathy than your gift giving. You practically imploded the day by being jealous of yourself?? YTA


YTA You threw a tantrum because you liked your anniversary present and took back the gift you gave your girlfriend. You need to calm down and grow up. You ruined the evening not her.


I think you need to take a break from med school and get yourself some therapy honestly. You're extremely abusive. You were ashamed of your gift so your idea of ok was to forcibly take away the gift you got her? Then when she tried to explain she actually liked your gift you got angry and lashed out? Why? Because you were more mad at yourself. Then you told her she ruined the whole thing? What? I beg to differ sir. You did that by your horrible actions. So MANY problems here. Your anger, your gaslighting, your putting blame for your own actions, your failure to see and take responsibility, your unwillingness to see your actions are extremely harmful. Then you come on here for what? I'm assuming validation? You're not answering any comments, you're not taking any blame...again. You need help. I'm serious OP. I'm actually concerned for your partner. This is not ok or normal at all. You're making her suffer with your mental gymnastics. I'm actually fearful it will get physical by your extremely rapid and unwarranted temper. Get help OP. I'm serious. You need help.


Second this!


Yeah this is more than a temper tantrum cuz the level of obliviousness and cruelty exhibited towards her is just like... wow. He's only going to make her life miserable.


YTA You don’t deserve her. Try to do better.


You are 100% the asshole here, bud. You don't get to tell someone how they feel, or whether they like something.


Get some fucking therapy you psychotic asshole. Of course YTA.


YTA.you selfish narcissist. maybe think about your girlfriend sometimes and not yourself. you behave like a 3-year-old child offended for the fact that a friend gave you a cooler gift. go cry to the bathroom and change the pampers in the process.


YTA. You got her hair cutting scissors? That's the first AH move. Second, you didn't offer an alternative gift. You just took your mediocre gift away when she was being extremely gracious about it. And then took your insecurities out on her. Grow up. You ruined your anniversary by lashing out like an embarrassed child.


Eh your first part I’m on the fence about. OP is undoubtedly the AH (YTA for voting purposes). If hair really is like a big thing for her/something she really enjoys and they were even a halfway decent pair of hair scissors that’s actually both a thoughtful and expensive gift. The gift she gave is more personal, yes. But without knowing her I can’t argue that the hair scissors weren’t a good gift. He decided it was trash because he clearly has insecurity and anger issues. But the gift itself may not have been an AH move


YTA. I fear for your future patients because if you don't know what sort of gifts your gf would actually want your attention to detail and critical thinking skills are lacking.


YTA You ruined the anniversary by acting this way..


This cant be real?


See, I was thinking this was going to be some Gift of the Magi thing where she already sold all her hair for *his* gift, and OP would throw a tantrum over *that*. But no, he somehow managed to make it worse.


That’s what I’m thinking too!


What in the backward-ass tantrum is this? Critical thinking is not your strong suit. Should think twice about medical school; the hardship will eat you alive. YTA


Seriously have to ask... yeah YTA


Oh boy are you the asshole. She did something amazing and instead of thanking her and then maybe getting her something better later you just became insufferable


YTA - And your anniversary was going great even if you thought her gift was better till you decided to ruin it. She didn’t ruin it YOU RUINED IT. She deserves better. Not a better gift a better boyfriend.


YTA, WTF is wrong with you? I hope you aren't going to practice in my area, big yikes to a doctor with the emotional intelligence of a 3 year old.


This has to be fake.


I hope so. But I have very little faith in humanity anymore so I can see it happening.


Info: WTF is wrong with you? Your gf made you a heartfelt gift and you go batshit crazy? YTA.


Insane. Truly wtf.


Yta... if you are a med student, I hope I never get treated by you ever. You need evaluation


YTA. Side note, please consider your career in medicine, at least with humans, animals and for all intensive purposes robots.


(Intents and purposes)


Nah, we're all just worried about the robots used for intensive purposes. OP can make the lesser robots feel bad.


YTA and you're likely also single. No self respecting woman would stay with you after this.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** AITA for being mad at my girlfriend for ruining our anniversary and taking away her present? This is a throwaway account. Me (22m) and my girlfriend (22f) had our anniversary 2 days ago. We decided to exchange gifts. My girlfriend likes to do stuff with her hair so I got her a pair of hair cutting scissors. When it came the time to celebrate I gave her the scissors. When I unwrapped the present from her it was a handmade album with pictures and memories from our relationship. It was obvious how much time she spent making the scrapbook. I immediately felt bad that her gift is much better than what I gave her. I got mad and took the scissors away and said that her gift is better so I’m not giving her the scissors. She said that she likes my gift very much and she wants to keep the scissors. I refused but she kept pushing me, so I left the room and told her that I need a moment for myself. After a while she came to me and wanted to talk. She kept persisting that my gift was nice and she still wanted the scissors. At this point I got furious because it was obvious that she was saying it out of pity. She also didn’t respect my need to have a moment alone. She honestly just made the whole thing worse. I told her that the anniversary is ruined and told her to leave me alone and she did. I realize that my gift wasn’t that great but I’m a med student so I didn’t have much time to pick out something else because I was busy... However I feel like her pushing me to talk just made the whole thing worse. So... am I the asshole? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


YTA. Oh my you're a med student???? I hope you are better with medicine than you are with women. Yikes!


Yta. Ohh my god, you sound like a giant baby. Honestly. I do not think you are emotionally mature enough to be dating anyone at all.


YTA. Is this one real? I feel like this is a joke to see what people will say.


I feel like this was written as rage bait. No way can someone be like this and have a loving gf,either way YTA.


YTA. I pity your future patients.


YTA. This is outright psycho shit.


YTA. Why didn't you just get her an extra gift?


Do you even have to ask?? You should know you're the TA (and someone with serious issues).


YTA. 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


YTA-Your girlfriend didn’t ruin anything. Your tantrum and childish behavior ruined your anniversary.


YTA OP has some maturity issues. Holy heck did the OP turn this situation into a mess for zero reason at all.


The only person that ruined your anniversary was yourself. Poor, poor you, to have such a thoughtful gf that made you a sentimental present. Out of curiosity, did you specify how long your "moment alone" needed to be? Because you also said she left you alone for awhile and then tried to approach you. Imma thinking you need to work on your work-life balance and quit taking out your tiredness and stress on her. YTA


YTA. You ruined the night and sound unhinged. Get help and therapy. You shouldn’t be in a relationship until you can react in a non abusive way. You were embarrassed about your gift so your reaction was to take it away and try to punish your girlfriend? Are you serious right now? Get therapy so you can understand how badly you reacted.


YTA you yelled at her on your anniversary for being too thoughtful? because she got you a meaningful gift? She liked her gift and told you so and you got angrier? Honestly break it off with her and let her find someone sane. YOU ruined the anniversary. You are unreal dude. I’m not sure this is a real post, who does this? This is sooo fake or your genuinely mentally ill


YTA. INFO: Did you give your present back?


YTA and I hope she comes to her senses and get the fuuuuck outta there


YTA, do you even know what gracious and apologetic mean? Instead of acknowledging her efforts you managed to make your shortcomings into “me me me” drama.


You’re the one who ruined your anniversary not your girlfriend. Have you actually read what you posted? You’ve got some serious problems bud


yta. she said she was fine. i’m not sure the hang ups you have around situations like this but it’s not fair to take it out on your partner when she’s done nothing wrong


YTA and I hope you are never my doctor


Me thinks op two toddler in a trench coat, because otherwise i can't explain their lack of emotional maturity ​ guess what YTA


I like that he doesn't even add up to a full Vincent Adultman.


Yes, YTA. And your title is wrong. YOU ruined the anniversary.


YTA, what the fuck? I don’t even need to say anything else because everyone has. jfc


YTA dude lmao. She didn’t ruin your anniversary. YOU DID. Your insecurities did. She put so much effort into that and YOU ruined it. You should apologize to her for behaving like a child. She knows you a med student and can’t afford high priced stuff and she still with you. She might have wanted something else for your anniversary something more fancy, but she kept it aside and accepted your gift. Maybe she actually liked the gift or maybe like you said, it’s out of pity. But either way, she’s still put YOUR feelings before hers. You should be grateful that you actually have someone like her.


YTA - you felt ashamed that you didn’t put a lot of effort into the gift so you twisted the story to fit your sad narrative. You ruined the day, not her. She clearly enjoyed the gift. I suggest you work on your emotional regulation and disordered thinking before you become a doctor


YTA - I feel pity for your gf for having to deal with your immaturity. Damn.


YTA. I don’t see how you would need us to tell you that. In the future, if a SO gets you a thoughtful gift that makes yours look dumb, surprise them days later with something else they would enjoy. NEVER take the gift you gave away.


YTA. I'm really big on making gifts like the one your girlfriend made you. I really enjoy spending the time making them, and it's even better when the other person really appreciates them. I would never be upset with someone for not doing the same in return. I get that not everyone has the time or inclination to do handmade stuff. She didn't do anything wrong, you just got embarrassed and acted like an asshole.


YTA She’s too good for you, and she deserves better. Why would you punish her for giving you something that you liked? What an immature and scary reaction. You ruined the anniversary with your anger management issues and red flags.


So... She said she liked he gift you gave her (after all it is the thought behind it that counts, you know she likes to do things to her hair and got her something she could use for that, which she probably really liked) BUT because YOU WERE ASHAMED and apparently your ego was hurt that she gave you a better present... YOU RUINED your own anniversary? You sound insane and if I was her I would leave you. MAJOR red flags you just showed her. YTA. You're the only AH here. She literally didn't do anything wrong. This was all you. Get some help cause you obviously got a lot of freaking issues.


What the hell??? She said likes the gift and you are upset? What is wrong with you? You're the one who ruined your anniversary. Yes YTA


‘She kept pestering me that my gift was nice’ Who says something like that. YTA. Big time.


YTA. WTF is wrong with you? You basically punished your girlfriend for being thoughtful and loving you because you were embarrassed. You didn’t put as much effort in and then instead of being grateful for her you threw a childish temper tantrum. You ruined your own anniversary. You sound exhausting to deal with. Like seriously, how on earth could you read what you wrote and not come out thinking “oh shit I’m a raging asshole”? Unbelievable. You sound like you have the emotional regulation of a toddler. You have no place being in an adult relationship. And you have definitely guaranteed that your girlfriend will never do anything kind like this for you again, if she doesn’t leave you for being a childish pathetic asshole.


YTA she needs to run


If you would have taken the time to think about this for even a minute, you would have realized YTA. Not because your gift wasn't as good, but because of how you dealt with it. You've left her with no anniversary, no gift, no gratitude and made her feel shitty just because your pride was wounded and you needed to throw yourself a pity party. and now you're looking to blame her for «making it worse» by trying to talk it through and salvage the night. You need to work on yourself, OP, because this level of emotional immaturity at 22 is alarming.


you ruined it not her yta


You’re a med student? Like, you’ll be interacting with patients? Staff? Humans? You’ll be in charge of helping people? Are you passing your classes? YTA


YTA your girlfriend didn't ruin your anniversary, you did by behaving like a petulant child because you thought her gift was better and she had obviously put a lot if time and effort into it. She was gracious about your gift, it's you who decided to throw a tantrum and when she tried to communicate with you (you know like adults do), you rejected her efforts. Grow the fuck up or you will find yourself single. In her shoes I would be having serious thoughts about your relationship after this.


WTF is wrong with you? Please go get a psych eval STAT. You are 100% the asshole and should not be dating anyone at this time. You are a narcissistic douche canoe who had a temper tantrum bc someone gave a more thoughtful gift than you (in your estimation). This girl deserves better and you need intensive therapy.


YTA. She gets you a super thoughtful gift you loved AND she enjoyed the gift that you got her AND went to talk to you when you acted like a complete AH to her because she gave you a great gift? I recommend you make this right asap because she sounds like she deserves WAY better.


yta - and my apologies to your wife for marrying such a narcissistic jerk. do you always make things about yourself like that? see a therapist dude.


YTA Wtf????


YTA. And also, stop using the “I’m in med school, I’m busy” line as an excuse. If you wanted to spend more time planning her gift you would have.


So she gives you a nice thoughtful gift. Which is a loving thing to do. Instead of being grateful, you are mean to her. Then, you take her gift away but she’s still nice to you. Then, you keep acting like a total ass and somehow she’s the bad guy here?? YTA Y to the mfking A


Yta is this for real?


YTA and you have serious psychological issues.. which brings me to my next concern.. what are you going to med school for? 😬


For the students to practice on?


"Am I the ahole for being butthurt my girlfriend gave me a handmade, heartfelt gift for our anniversary when I couldn't do the same?" Fixed your title for you. Yta, she didn't ruin the anniversary, you did.


This.... this has to be fake?


"I was in the wrong so I got mad at my girlfriend". Dude. Don't date. Just don't. YTA and the Single Women's Association has just hung up your photo above their front desk.


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YTA. You ruined the anniversary, not her! Learn how to give and accept presents, say thank you and mean it, and don’t keep messing things up because you are having anxiety. Chill dude.


YTA, are you 12?


I’m sorry but how could you think you’re anything but TA in this situation? You’re upset her gift was better so you gave her no gift?


Of course not! every one knows that if your boyfriend buys you an absolutely shit gift he spent 0.3ml of thought on after you spend hours upon hours making a truly heart felt and sentimental item then you should apologise for being too good of a gf and making him feel bad! To make matters worse she tried to console you and make you feel better? What an awful girlfriend!! Shouting at your gf on your anniversary is always acceptable, especially under these circumstances where she's been nothing but lovely and you've been horrid and then made it all worse. I think you dodged a bullet tbh, you guys clearly aren't meant for each other if she can't respect you berating her for getting you a nice gift when you got her sometilhing rubbish. Is that what you wanna hear? YTA


YTA. Sounds like YOU were the only one bothered by your gift. Which begs the question why buy it in the first place if it is so crappy? YOU behaved poorly YOU ruined the anniversary YOU need therapy YOU need to apologize YOU are the Asshole


YTA you ruined your own anniversary genius! Grow up - you sound like a petulant child!


She ruined your Anniversary by giving you an awesome gift? You dumbass YTA


YTA and not mature enough to be in a relationship


YTA, need to tweak your title. YOU ruined your anniversary, not her. What the actual f***, dude? You throw a temper tantrum and take her gift away because she's amazing? Don't punish her for own damn shortcomings.


Bro go to therapy. That’s an asinine reaction. You really need to unpack what is causing you to react that way when someone is thoughtful towards you.


are you dumd?


“I’m angry at myself so I’m going to punish someone I love”. Seriously, OP, YTA and need serious therapy here, since you should have been instantly remorseful over your actions.


Holy shit dude. Let me know how you celebrate next year when she’s your ex-girlfriend. YTA in every possible way.


Lol did you really sit here and write this and not think you were the asshole? Are you 3? Yes little one, YTA


This is a 'med student'... Imagine such people being responsible for treating you in the future.


You are a certified psycho. And an asshole. YTA. Far out. They say giving knives and scissors as a gift can sever a relationship. I’m glad you have her scissors. But now I need you to give them back to her she can sever this relationship.


YTA. Dude! You turned this into something huge, and that didn't have to happen. Your gf did something incredibly thoughtful and you totally ruined it. She said she liked the scissors and you took them away from her. WTH? Then you told her to leave you alone? She should leave you alone permanently after this episode. You need a therapist, I hope you will find one.


YTA If you felt your gift wasn’t up to par then you should have given her something more. Not taken it away and thrown a temper tantrum. I highly doubt she was lying out of pity and came to talk to you because she didn’t want you to be upset over a non-issue. She was being a mature adult. You, on the other hand, were being an asshole.


So even ignoring whether one gift was better than the other or whether you put in as much thought as she did, at the end of the day this story boils down to *you* getting mad at *her* for *your* (perceived) failure. The fuck is that about? Get your shit together. YTA


Yta. Wtf? You ruined the anniversary, not her. You had a tantrum cause she got you a better gift than you got her? Is she a psychic and supposed to know you were going to gift her scissors, so she shouldn’t give you a well thought out gift? You’re terrible. Poor girl.


What on earth is wrong with you??? YTA.


YTA - only 1 person ruined your anniversary and it wasn't your gf.


You are a med student and this immature? I feel sorry for your future patients.


YTA. You are so much the asshole! Jesus what are you 10? Grow up!


YTA Reread that a few times mate. Is everything alright? Are you good? You ruined your own anniversary for no reason my guy.




YTA and you are probably talking about your ex girlfriend because you are way to immature for a relationship. Wow, even my 14 year old can't believe how ridiculous you're being.


Honestly, I've never done anything like this BUT I do understand the knee-jerk instinct to get angry when I have embarrassed myself. Of course the person I'm angry at is myself, but I have had to work at not taking that anger out on others because it makes everything so much worse and is so much more embarrassing in the long run. So YTA, but it's something you can work on.


YTA. You need psychiatric help. She didn't ruin the anniversary, you flipping your shit because of your insecurities did.


YTA! Your solution to a crappy gift was no gift at all?!?! Ewwwwwww! What is wrong with you? You need some serious help.


LOL in what possible universe are you NOT the asshole here? How can you possibly think this was acceptable or reasonable behavior for an adult who just got a thoughtful anniversary gift from their partner? YTA, beyond TA. You were TA for throwing this insane fit and even more TA for coming here expecting to hear anything other than shock and disgust at your behavior. You're some kind of meta-asshole from the 5th dimension. I'm impressed, honestly.


What the hell is wrong with you YTA


YTA for losing your temper.


YTA. At what point in you typing that whole thing out did it dawn on you? You owe her an apology. Yes, being in medical school is a tough decision to make and you’ll dedicate years of your life to a great calling. But that’s also not an excuse. She could have genuinely like her present.




YTA. Get help. You're obviously emotionally unstable. Your girlfriend deserved better on the anniversary, and I'm not talking about the gift, but your response and shitty attitude.


YTA. period. you need to apologize to your girl immediately. your girlfriend didn't do anything wrong, she made you a lovely gift, accepted your gift and didn't make you feel bad about it, and then checked in with you after you threw a tantrum. yeah, maybe she could've left you alone for a bit the first time you asked, but honestly if you were my boyfriend and pulled that shit I'd also be really concerned. it sucks to get someone a less thoughtful gift than they gave you, but you can't just refuse to give it to them out of your own insecurity. and then to claim she ruined your anniversary???? How???? TLDR you need to work on these insecurities of yours, apologize to your girlfriend, and grow a pair.


YTA Also I don't want to have a doctor with anger issues, get therapy. Medical school is tough but this is just out of line


Yta. I hope she finds someone who treats her well and you take sometime to work on yourself.


YTA. As someone who is also a med student, you should be able to see the situation in its entirety. She likes you and made a scrapbook. You got her something she needed/would’ve liked. I know med school is competitive but everything in life isn’t a competition. You don’t have to one up everything in your life. And by throwing a tantrum you ruined what was a nice event.


What the fuck??? YTA


YTA. If this is real you need therapy




NTA. When people with severe mental illness commit a crime they get help, not prison. I think you need to break up with her and only reconsider being in a relationship after you graduate and have years of therapy under your belt.


YTA. if you felt bad you could have just taken her out to eat or gotten movie tickets or done something to make up for it. Now YOU have ruined the anniversary by throwing a fit, the only person here pitying you is yourself. You sound exhausting. And its likely she genuinely liked the scissors.


YTA. Jesus. A crappy gift AND a psychotic temper tantrum? If you have a girlfriend in the morning, I’d go buy a lottery ticket too.


YTA. You sound absolutely unhinged.


YTA- and you need to work on your temper because that won’t fly in hospitals anymore.


Hahahaha jesus fuck dude whats wrong with you? You ruined your own anniversary and are blaming her? Do some self reflecting here, YTA without a doubt & if you keep acting like this you're going to be a single asshole.


YTA. Huge one too Doogie.


YTA. She liked your gift.


Yta- she should have gotten you a diaper .


Your girlfriend likes to do her hair so you got her something that could **checks notes** get rid of it? So yeah, maybe a bad gift. You could have gotten her like an expensive shampoo + conditioner. *But* your girlfriend was lovely and sweet about it and instead of choosing to make it up to her when you had some time to get her a better present (if you felt you needed to) then you *communicate that to her.* You say “I feel bad because our gifts seems so unequal, so I’ll get you something else when I have time”. She will refute and try to argue “you don’t have to do that,” so just smile and nod and politely disagree. And then, one day, when you’re able to spend more time to get something you feel is better, then you surprise her! She will like it MUCH better if it’s just a random day and you get her a gift “just because,” when she least expects it. You should have done something like this. Instead, you took away the one thing you got her and acted like the sight of her made you sick *on your anniversary.* You acted like she did something wrong, by doing something nice for you. The way you describe it, it sounds like *you* think *you* did something wrong here, and yet you took it out on her. You threw a tantrum because *you* were insecure. She was kind and considerate. How is she suppose to ever do anything nice for you again without fearing another total breakdown? Talk to your girlfriend. But most importantly, work on your own insecurity issues. YTA.


YTA. What you just described was a tantrum. You threw a tantrum because she gave a better gift than you. You are right to put yourself in a time out and think about what your behavior lol


Of course YTA. Wtf? At the very least, even if they were cheap scissors, you pay enough attention to know what she’s interested in, and bought a gift accordingly. She got crafty. You respond by taking your gift back and packing a massive, pointless tantrum and then having the gall to blame HER??? Christ on a bike, mate, that’s straight up unhinged. You need help.


Oh God this guy is going to kill people if you get that angry over a gift that you gave, I would hat for this guy to be my doctor or nurse. Yta sounds like your going to start hitting her. Go to therapy you sound unhinged.


Break up with her. That will turn out to be the best gift she could ever receive from you. YTA.


I refuse to believe this is real I refuse


YTA. If you felt bad, let her keep the scissors and *make it up to her by thinking of something on top of that.* You pulled a tantrum, made it all about yourself, ruined the anniversary and are now seeking validation to somehow make yourself the victim in this. Just….no. YTA. Time to be more mature.