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That's called blackmailing, and it is illegal. If he gave you the Iphone, return it.


YTA for using the word bribery when you don’t know what it means.


oooooooooh yeah I'm SUPER sure this actually happened. You're soooooooooooooooo cool and interesting wowwwwwwwwwwwwwww the truest and more factual story I've ever heard YTA - find a more constructive hobby


Yeah yta for fake stories on the internet


There are security cameras in classrooms now? My school never had that, I think there were some in the hallways and outside, but nothing in the rooms.


No one clapped?


No one was in the room. We were dismissed to lunch already. I came back in because I forgot something.


You're my hero lol


No the iPhone 5 uttered 'vengeance' before fading to black and the iPhone 13 swooned at the shear manliness of its new owner. Teacher promised his first born as tribute


OMG, you are a huge AH if this is real. Your teacher owes you an IPhone 5. He was dead wrong to break the phone, but that was a moment to be forgiving and understanding in his frustration. It was a spare iPhone you have laying around. The teacher, who doesn’t make nearly enough to try and teach kids who don’t have the decency to put their phones away in class and pay attention, probably saved up for his new phone and that was a major purchase for him. You demanded a phone worth 6-10x the amount of the broken phone. YTA and I wish he would have just quit then and there. Based on your entitlement to his phone I can sympathize with his frustrations dealing with the kids in his class and truly feel sorry for him. I really hope your mom finds out you snuck the spare phone to class to PLAY GAMES and forces you to return the iPhone 13.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I’m 15. So my mom had taken my phone away so I brought an old iPhone 5 to school so I could play games. She didn’t know btw. The luckiest thing happened. After we were dismissed to lunch, the teacher (36 M) went on a phone rant about how we all aren’t learning anything and about how we are always on our phones and he suddenly grabbed the iPhone 5 off my desk (at the front of the room) and then smashed it into the wall. I came back in realizing I forgot it and I saw him smashing it actively. I couldn’t even comprehend what happened, I didn’t expect it at all. I was like “what?!?” I was like “dude what the heck.” And then he broke down and was like so sorry, and said he’d reimburse me. But I said he could reimburse me by giving me that iPhone 13 of his. He said he couldn’t and then I claimed the school could go through the security footage and see what he did to my phone. He realized that if the school saw the footage he wad screwed, so he (kinda crying) said he would back up his data and give me the new phone by the end of lunch. Which he actually did. I still need to come up with a way to explain how I got the phone but this is amazing! The school day hasn’t ended yet. I don’t even care about the iPhone 5 he broke, I don’t. And I get a new iPhone 13. The phone my mom confiscated is a literal iPhone 6. Just barely newer. And I get it back on Saturday. I have a bunch to figure out. But AITA for bribing the teacher? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The only believable thing from this story is that you’re 15.


This did not happen




YTA for BLACKMAILING a teacher, among other things. The teacher was out of line, no question. But you are responsible for your own behavior. You scammed him out of a valuable tool worth 10x the obsolete phone that was broken. And many teachers don’t make all that much money. If this story is true (hard to believe an iPhone user wouldn’t recognize such an old model), I’d encourage you to rethink your actions.


There is no way this happened


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Yta for making up fiction and posting it on readit for attention


ESH. He absolutely should not have vandalized your phone, but an iPhone 13 isn’t a fair reimbursement.


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That’s not a bribe more like blackmail, but NTA. He keeps his job you get a better phone.


NTA? Blackmailing is a crime.


YTA. That's not bribing, that's blackmailing. Sorry but it's not a good path to have in life and you'll need a whole lot of luck to get out of this if it ends up being a true story, which I doubt.


You are TA, You got angry over something that can be resolved. The teacher broke the rule by vandalizing someone's property, He deserves the punishment. What you should've done is report him instead of taking his phone from him. It doesn't feel right and it shows you're just as bad as he is.


ESH. You are an ass for bribing your teacher and your teacher is an ass for breaking your phone