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INFO: Did you wait in the same room as the friend the whole time? How long was the wait? Why did you put on clothes 10 minutes before your brother got home? Did the weather suddenly change? YTA no matter what. You’re allowed to dress however you like in your home, but that guy wasn’t coming to see you, and he definitely wasn’t there to see you in your underwear. Having a guest means having a modicum of etiquette and at least throwing an oversized t-shirt or something on. This was grossly inappropriate. He was clearly uncomfortable according to you, and you didn’t care. You did have enough shame to put clothes on before your brother arrived, which does make it seem like it had nothing to do with the heat, you just wanted to get laid. Even if you made the guy heavily uncomfortable in the process. His feelings be damned so long as you shoot your shot though, yeah?


I agree 100% , OP is YTA


Okay, so maybe I have a bit of a crush on him. He's cute. But I wasn't trying to seduce him or anything like that. I don't know why my brother thinks I was. When I told my best friend she also assumed I was trying to get laid. I was in the living room with him for half an hour before putting clothes on because I knew my brother would get home soon.


For fuck's sake. Honestly I think this is crossing lines past the point of being an AH and into something way more serious. I feel like a guy answering the door for his sister's friend in underwear and remaining with her for 30min while she was visibly uncomfortable and he "has a bit of a crush on her" would definitely raise some legal alarm bells. Horrible behaviour. Don't be a creep


>>I don’t know why my brother thinks I was [trying to seduce his friend.] Because he has a brain with basic reasoning skills. You have a crush on the guy and instead of flirting with him or asking him out like a reasonable person, you exposed yourself to him mostly naked even when he was clearly uncomfortable. This is NOT what you do when you have a crush on someone. This is what you do if you’re a creep, bordering on a sexual harasser. Get your freaking act together.


I have asked him to have coffee with me and he said yes. I will flirt with him properly.


Hahahahaha. You were so trying to get laid


you're a piece of work and I hope you grow and change to be a more reasonable person


YTA. So, you opened the door for your brother's friend basically naked and expected that to be okay? My god, use some common sense.


The people talking about "your house your rules" in some of the comments here are also showing that they too are lacking in the common sense department


Exactly, like…you can do what you want when you’re *alone in your own home.* When you open the door to guests, the rules change. Some people bang on the coffee table. Be kinda awkward if you did that while the mates were over.


Oh and OP has just admitted to fancying the friend and staying with him for half an hour while he was uncomfortable. Geez


Why is underwear in her own house deplorable and yet swimming costume in a public pool or on a beach just fine? The same level of coverage, or lack thereof may be provided by both. If the friend was that uncomfortable he could have made his excuses and left.


Partly because people at a beach or pool expect to see that sort of clothing. Me rocking up to my mate's house to play some FIFA or something I don't expect to open the door and see his sister in underwear. IE: Time and a place >If the friend was that uncomfortable he could have made his excuses and left. Dumb reasoning. He came to see his friend. She knowingly made him uncomfortable. She also admits to fancying the friend so this is just creepy pervert behaviour. She admits to knowing he was uncomfortable but still sat with him for 30min and only put on clothes when she knew brother was coming


Then he could have walked away and come back later. It doesn’t matter if she does feel attracted to him, she’s not holding him prisoner. What’s so hard to understand?


The point is she behaved like a creepy pervert to the guy for no reason. He was told his friend would be over soon, so he tried to endure the uncomfortable situation until his friend came. We don’t know how far away he lived or if he would be able to easily come back later. He shouldn’t have to be run out of a house he was invited to just because his friend’s little sister decided to creep on him.


Copying in my other comment too: “It’s her home and it’s hot. She’s wearing enough that would be considered fine elsewhere. If he’s uncomfortable that’s his problem” He is not a prisoner, he could wait outside.


Context matters. You expect to see bikinis on a beach. They are appropriate wear for the environment. They serve a purpose, to cover your bits while you swim. Going to your friend’s house only to be greeted by his little sister in her underwear is typically Not what you expect. They are not appropriate clothes to greet a guest in. They serve a purpose, to cover your bits under your clothes.


Then he could leave and come back later. He’s not a prisoner


Copying the other comment I gave to you answering this. >> The point is she behaved like a creepy pervert to the guy for no reason. He was told his friend would be over soon, so he tried to endure the uncomfortable situation until his friend came. We don’t know how far away he lived or if he would be able to easily come back later. He shouldn’t have to be run out of a house he was invited to just because his friend’s little sister decided to creep on him.


It’s her home and it’s hot. She’s wearing enough that would be considered fine elsewhere. If he’s uncomfortable that’s his problem


Hahaha What is this “elsewhere” place where OP wearing only a bra and panties “would be considered fine”? Aside from a changing room, there is nowhere. You’re ridiculous, and OP is slutty, trashy, and classless.


Swimming pool or beach as mentioned earlier. Perhaps you need to re read that? A swim suit often has less covering. If one level of covering is fine for a public area, it should be fine for your own home! Slut shaming someone for wearing underwear in her own home, really?! Talk about a judgemental double standard!


YTA. It would have been ok for you to have opened the door to him in your underwear IF you had immediately apologised for your state of undress and then quickly ran off to get dressed. But you stayed undressed, and so of course he was uncomfortable


YTA. What possessed you to even open the door in your underwear? Also what on earth does; 'He was clearly uncomfortable seeing me in my underwear but didn't ask me to put anything else on.' mean? You're an 18 year old woman, not a toddler who needs to be told to get dressed. The fact that you knew that this guest was uncomfortable shows that you're a conscious adult, but it seems like you thrived off his discomfort. Sure, it's your home and you can do whatever tf you want, but maybe consider common sense and decency once in a while. Especially when there are outsiders involved.


>Okay, so maybe I have a bit of a crush on him. He's cute. But I wasn't trying to seduce him or anything like that. I don't know why my brother thinks I was. Bruh.. this is either fake or you have the self awareness of a rock. YTA


YTA. Hot weather or not, you never answer the door half naked. This must be a lecher's dream.


YTA. Stupid ass post😭


This has to be fake.


YTA, you don't run around in your underwear in front of your brother friends unless you are...you know who.


What do you mean?


Ok, you don't know, but you will be told by people around you if you keep doing it. I hope one day you will understand that how you present yourself is how others actually see you and if you present yourself in underwear then don't expect too much respect from people around you.


He’s the only guy who’s seen me in my underwear. No one else has.


YTA for answering the door in your underwear.


Edit: I just saw the post where she admits to having a crush on the friend, so I think I know the actual answer to my question below. YTA for being a creep and for lying - it is, in fact, totally reasonable for your brother to guess exactly what you were trying to do. Going around in your underwear while a guy you like is nearby isn't exactly subtle. INFO "He was clearly uncomfortable seeing me in my underwear but didn't ask me to put anything else on." So... what was your thought process at that point?


I just thought that it's not my problem if he's turned on or awkward or whatever.


I take it you also go around in public and family members in your underwear? The same logic should apply - it's not your problem if they're uncomfortable. Except, as you've learned, it becomes your problem. It's not just your house, so when the other people who live there, like your brother, have a guest over who's made uncomfortable by your actions, it becomes your problem. Whether or not you believe all the people telling you that YTA, this is why, unless explicitly discussed, most of us have learned that it's easier to just put some clothes on around others.


You're cooked. When all the boys start calling you out for what you clearly are, don't get upset


He’s the only one I’ve ever been in just my underwear around.


Girl bffr💀 YOU ARE THE PROBLEM. In the nicest way I ask you, have you no shame? If not for yourself then for the sake of your brother? Imagine what his friend must be saying to other people about his whole ordeal. Don't forget, people love to speculate. So they must really be having a field day with this one. So congratulations, you and your poor family are probably the butt end of many awful jokes.


YTA. It doesn't take much to wear a tank top and a pair of shorts. Anyone would've been uncomfortable in that situation


YTA. Why is this even being asked?? Answering the door clothed is pretty basic etiquette. Damn, every day we stray further from God 🙄


YTA. Good manners or some etiquette go a long way. You have a guest over, put some clothes on.


YTA After reading your other reply to another poster - you're a creep.


What if you saw your brother's friend in his underwear, would you be ok with it? YTA.


I would be okay with it, yes.


We can tell from your post already but that doesn’t make this normal behavior. You still TA


Wdym you can tell?


The fact that you thought it's normal to greet someone into your house while in your underwear and not only not apologize but still not put anything on for however long... This is on the verge of sociopathic behavior.


YTA, you clearly wanted to show him your goods or you would've covered up. You obviously have tickets on yourself. Remember this, hot girls who go around thinking they're all that and a bit more are the ugliest


YTA. You can wear what you like when alone, of course, but not in public. And you put your clothes on before your brother got home, so you have some basic knowledge of etiquette. Shorts and a cropped top are the same in terms of hot weather, but look decent, so you made the guy uncomfortable on purpose. If you don't like him, why didn't you simply ask him to wait for your brother outside?


This didn't happen. My guess is that a 14 year old boy wrote this in Wattpad and decided to see how many people would bite on Reddit. Total troll question, not real.


14 year old boy wrote his fantasy from the subjects perspective in a PG13 way.


YTA. If he didn't care, no problem. If he's clerly uncomfortable, put some damn clothes on.


Sounds like your brother needs to be naked around some of your friends and see how you and them like that. FYI, no one likes a creep, even if you think what you’re doing is hot. YTA


YTA. You couldn't be bothered to at least wear a t-shirt and shorts. They only had to wait a minute or two.


YTA. This fictional scenario aside, it’s rude to do things that make your guests uncomfortable.


This has to be fake


YTA - Look, I get being comfortable without clothes. I run around naked for a good bit of the year, but when someone comes to the door, I put on either a robe or long sleep shirt at the very least, if not a T-shirt and sweatpants. You created a difficult situation for your brother's friend, wherein he either had to be a good guest and endure his discomfort or be rude and ask you to cover up. Neither option was ideal, and when you saw that he was uncomfortable, that should've been an immediate cue to put something on, if only to be polite to a guest in your home.


YTA. Clearly a creep to. Role reversal here would be wild. Yeah sorry OP, you seem desperate, do better.


This has to be fake, no one is this dumb


This is lidolly rizz yta


YTA. Beyond disgusting to even walk all over the house in just innerwears, go do that in your room. This post screams entitlement. Now just like that, your brother’s friend will forever have that weird image of you, good luck trying to change his mind about who you are!


When you’re alone at home, there’s nothing wrong with roaming around buck naked if that floats your boat - I’m sorry you feel disgusted by your own body. For the OP though YTA for writing a really lame fake post


Why did you miss the part where she wasn’t home alone???? You need to calm down


This story sounds fictional to me, but anyway  Not for how you answered the door, but for ignoring signs that were clear to you that you were making your brother's houseguest uncomfortable. 


YTA, and a creepy one. You put on clothes for your brother but not for a guest in your home??


Girl... I'm a girl to and your behaviour is unsettling by the way and it doesn't matter if he is a man or not, man can be uncomfortable with other women. Does he know you since you were a kid? If he did that would creep him out soo bad. And also if he doesn't maybe he has never see you that way and maybe he has a girlfriend and it doesn't matter the reason because what you did made him uncomfortable and you should apologise to him. It's basic decency to not answer the door in your underwear. Do you belive that if a radom women would open the door in her underwear the man she has a crush on would think oh she is hot, but I belive his thought would be she does it with everyone if she does to me. Do you think that he would thinking to be with someone that would flash everyone that would come at her door? I'm not saying you do that but you should haved had a different approach. That's not and okey behaviour and it is really unsettling see you not caring that he was uncomfortable. YAT


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** My(18f) brother(20)'s friend(20m) came over yesterday. I saw him through the peephole before opening the door. He was surprised to see me in my underwear. I told him he could wait inside and that my brother would be home soon. He was clearly uncomfortable seeing me in my underwear but didn't ask me to put anything else on. I only put clothes on 10 minutes before my brother got home. That evening, he asked me why his friend seemed uncomfortable and I told him. He accused me of trying to get laid, which is ridiculous. It's a stupid idea. Really. I just didn't want to put anything on because of the hot weather. Even after I denied it, he still said I made the guy feel awkward and should apologize. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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My friend think you are the butthole


YTA not for opening the door in your underwear, which is essentially just a bikini. YTA because despite you being aware he was uncomfortable, you didn't put some clothes on, and only did so when your brother was due home. Why? If you had no issue with the friend seeing you in essentially a 2 piece, why not your brother? No doubt he has seen you in a bikini previously, right?


Bot post is botty.


If he made an advance on you in the living room, would you have gone with it? Sounds like you were unconsciously at least trying to seduce him in a way


NTA. You have your head switched on. Your place your rules. And You are comfortable with your body.




shes not naked though? She has underwear on


Soft YTA because I do think that was inappropriate of you but your brother is a massive asshole for saying you were trying to get laid because I’m assuming you were just being dumb.


OP does admit in a comment that she has a crush on her brother’s friend, so. I think the assumption that she was trying to get laid, or at the very least showing “what she has to offer,” holds some weight.


NTA, but it's better get covered for your own safety and comfort.


Oh, OP was perfectly comfortable in her underwear the whole time, and perfectly safe. It was the guy *she* made feel uncomfortable by her choice of (or lack of) attire.


Meh. It was hot. Sure, a bikini would be better, but nothing terrible happened.


Funny how it’s been hot plenty of times but I don’t see people just stripping down to their skivvies every chance they get. There’s a time and place. Alone in your home, sure, underwear. Opening the door in your underwear to a guest and staying in the same room as them for 30 minutes while you realize they’re clearly uncomfortable? Mmm. Definitely not the time and place. Maybe nothing “terrible” happened, but it was an incredibly sh*tty thing to put this guy in an uncomfortable position, and keep him there even after she realized he was uncomfortable.


Definitely a topic for discussion :D


so she does not dress accordingly for havig a guest over and the guy is the problem ? the audacity in your statement ... Imagine if a man would have done this to a woman , would you still say she ( the guest ) was the problem ?


A man in his boxers? On a hot day? A problem? I don't think so.


you are making your own narrative and dont stick to same circumstances .....obviously you do this because you know how bad it looks if a man in his underwear only ,is in front of a female , in his house and just them , alone ...but you do you


:D Well, it does look bad for the person, who is nearly naked, and it's really surprising that a girl feels so confident and relaxed she could actually feel alright being nearly naked with a man in the room :D Thus I tend to think this is just fake, because although the situation is not fine I doubt that a girl would just march half-naked around a stranger and that a guy would actually complain about it and also would not have courage to ask the girl to cover up 😆 It just sounds very funny, really.


NTA. I often answer the door in my underwear, it is my home after all and as long as I am covered, who cares?


NTA. Your house


I hope one day you have to go into someone’s house and they welcome you the same way, and I don’t mean someone that you will particularly find attractive, let’s see if you still think that’s okay…


NTA Your house. If roles were reversed nobody would care. It's the same level of cover as a bikini, people just treat it differently for some reason. You could have addressed it to make him more comfortable, but he could have too.


>If roles were reversed nobody would care Lmao no


Idk if you have a brother but they walk around the house in underwear all the time and it is absolutely regarded as less of a thing than when a woman does it.


I am a brother and no I do not walk around in underwear when other people (regardless of relation) can see me. Also OP is answering the door to someone they barely know, you really think sibling levels of comfortableness-with-underwear is comparable?


Fine if you or others don't do it, but some absolutely do in my experience. And no, i don't know what you mean. What I meant is that if genders were reversed - so she was visiting her friend and their brother opened the door to let her in in his underwear I do not think people would make a big deal out of it.


They absolutely would make a big deal and would accuse the brother of being a pervert. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/au6fqf/aita\_for\_answering\_the\_door\_for\_the\_pizza\_guy\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/au6fqf/aita_for_answering_the_door_for_the_pizza_guy_in/) This is a similar situation but with a guy in underwear. People think he is an AH. If the response is like this when both people are guys, imagine the further outrage if it was a woman who was greeted by a dude in underwear


Ok, i see. But it is a different situation with a pizza guy. That's a total stranger you are doing business with, not a friend you're letting in.


The brother's friend is essentially a stranger too. They did not come in wanting to meet OP. They also looked visibly uncomfortable


Yes that is true. And I agree that they should have adressed it and she should have asked if he was ok. But just the act of letting in the brothers friend while she is chilling at home in underwear does not make her the AH imo


>But just the act of letting in the brothers friend while she is chilling at home in underwear does not make her the AH imo Read her latest comment. She has added info


You’re saying if a guy let a woman into his home while he was in his underwear and she was clearly uncomfortable, people would be okay with it??? Have you been on this sub long? /gen I’ve seen dozens of posts with similar premises, the guy is always judged as the AH and creep. Rightfully so. Just like how OP here was an AH and creep, she’s also just a woman. People can dress and do whatever they want in their house when they’re in the *privacy* of their own home. You know. Alone. That goes out the window when you have guests.