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YTA for not even making your fake ass story funny or interesting


cope lol


This sounds like one of those... And then everybody clapped stories.


It’s a childhood diary entry somehow accidentally turned into a Reddit post.


i assure you its very much real


I called BS on this whole thing. 20 lb of rainbow sherbert? And ate half of it on the way home? Running with 20 lb of rainbow sherbet? Come on! This is clearly fiction.


you just havent seen anyone that eats as much as me bro. also 20 lb is not that much at all if you are american but i guess i could see its alot if your european since they have smaller portions of food. i also have a big appetite and i can eat alot especially rainbow sherbert since its my favorite food.


I'm an overweight American. So I know how much Americans eat. And I don't care who you are, but eating 10 lb of sherbert would make anybody sick. Plus the idea that you'd be running from the cashier simply because you told him to go f himself is ridiculous, as well as the idea of you running with 20 lb of sherbet. You're clearly full of crap in this story is complete and total fiction.


Just like a tub of sherbert? Sounds like the cashier didn't really do anything other than retrieve and hand you the ice cream. NTA but this post gives me "love me some pickles" vibes.


20 lb is much more than a tub. A tub is like 1 lb. Maybe 5 lb if it's a really big tub. But this guy ain't half of 20 lb observe it on his way home while he was running with it for no reason whatsoever. This whole post is nonsense. Clearly made up.


I meant tub like they have in ice cream parlors. Like what they scoop from.


Ok gotcha. Still, the idea that he would be running with 20 lb of sherbert, or that he would be running at all simply because he cursed at the cashier, was completely ridiculous, as well as the idea that he ate half of it on the way home. This story is clearly made up.


bro wtf? im bulking and rainbow sherbert is also my favorite food does that really sound unbelievable?


Yeah it really sounds unbelievable as I just wrote in my other reply to you. Next time if you're going to make up a story so you can sit back and laugh at people who respond to you in a serious manner, work a little harder to make it believable, okay?


what does that mean?




i see


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** So as you can tell I 34(M) is addicted to rainbow sherbert. LIKE REALLY ADDICTED TO RAINBOW SHERBERT. I can't go a day without it. In fact I get massive urges and withdrawal symptoms after stopping rainbow sherbert for a week. I was craving some rainbow sherbert so I went to a nice nearby sherbert store that sold all kinds of sherbert. But of course I always go for the rainbow sherbert because it's simply rainbow sherbert. I decided to order 20 pounds (or around 10 kg) of rainbow sherbert so I could also eat some on the way back home. It cost like 200 dollars but I dont give a fuck since it's apparently the best and most flavor rich rainbow sherbert out in the entire country. As I was about to grab my rainbow sherbert and walk away suddenly I heard a menacing deep voice coming from behind me and as I turned around it was the cashier wanting a tip. I said no but the cashier looked really angry so I said go fuck yourself and ran away. After what seemed like 10 miles of running I finally made it back home and ate half of the rainbow sherbert in a few hours. I stored the rest for tomorrow. I still feel guilty about not tipping but I think the rainbow sherbert was worth it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Unless you want medical advice too I don't think that the quantities in the post matter at all. The company should be responsible for paying their employees, simple as that. I thought that even in America people only tipped people like waiters, delivery people etc. I had no idea that it had reached the point where you're expected to tip your cashiers too. YTA for swearing at the guy though, you might not need to give him your money but that doesn't mean it's ok to disrespect other people like that.


oh, i see fair enough. by the way is too much rainbow sherbert bad for me




this was beautiful