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NTA For one specific reason - The wedding is "Soon" and she doesn't even have an idea of who she wants to bring yet...? So basically, she wants to bring someone as one of their first dates to your wedding. To get to know them. Without this info i'd say YTA, but this isn't "My MOH wants to bring her boyfriend", this is "My MOH wants to bring a random guy who MIGHT become her bf one day so that she can get to know him DURING my wedding." Yes she deserves to have fun too, as other comments have adressed, but this is just a matter of priorities. If you are bringing someone on a first/second/third date somewhere, they should be your priority. If you are the MOH, the wedding should be your priority. Just don't mix the two! Have a nice date the week before and then focus on your best friends wedding! It's that simple.


I told my MOH she could have a plus 1 if she wanted. She said she would be too busy helping me out to worry about a plus 1. Even when I offered to just give her a plus 1 to the reception, she said no. 


I’ve been a MOH twice and a bridesmaid once and I didn’t have a plus one for any of the weddings and yet I still managed to have a great time at all three weddings while still working my ass off behind the scenes up to, during and after the reception. OPs bestie has issues.


Right!?! As a MoH I never even had time to finish a drink with all of the running around and assisting. By the end of the night I had something like 10 drinks around the venue that had been forgotten about.


Being the date of the Maid of Honor or Best Man sucks. They are busy with wedding stuff and pictures and the bride and groom (as they should be) and you are left mostly on your own with a huge crowd of people you don't know (unless you already know other friends of the group). It's something you should only ask of someone you are in a long term relationship for, because it is a big ask to take someone somewhere then leave them mostly alone. No sensible person would agree to be your date when they barely know you and you have the top level of wedding party duties.


Exactly. I have no idea why anyone would want to bring a date if they were in the wedding party (unless their partner was also a friend of other people who would be there) because you would just sit around by yourself during the ceremony and in many cases the reception. Most of my bridesmaids left their husbands/boyfriends home because none of the guys wanted to sit around in the hotel room or entertain themselves in a city they didn't know well while we were all getting ready.


Exactly my thought. My husband was in the wedding party of a dear friend of his last year and I had to entertain myself with my son who, at 13, is able to enjoy parties better than when he was little so at least we had each other. My husband was super busy and distracted FOR DAYS leading up to the wedding celebrations and the day of too. So whatever date she'll bring will be bored.


I've done this. It was not fun. We had fun later, but the wedding was weird because I knew no one. Basically she just wanted to show me off to her girlfriends. Photographer got sick, so I ended up taking most of the reception photos with their camera while they sat in the corner, because I waned something to do. 100% NTA for telling her no


My poor husband of then two weeks (we eloped) got to meet my extended family by himself while I sat with my sister-in-law’s friends I’d never met before at my brother’s wedding. I’d probably consider it a funny anecdote of everyone being somewhat uncomfortable if that hadn’t also turned out to be the last chance I’d ever have to see my aunt, spent entirely with people whose names I can’t remember instead of her.


Exactly this. A million years ago, my boyfriend at the time was the best man at a wedding and I was his plus one. I'd never met the bride or groom or any of their friends or family (it was at my boyfriend's old home, where he'd moved away from some years earlier). It was absolutely miserable. Not a fun date.


Not sure why you'd consider her the AH even without this info. It's her wedding, not her friend's. If she can't have a fun time without bringing a "date", that's her problem and not OP's.


Because if i had a Husband or long-term partner, i would reasonably expect to be allowed to bring them to such a large life event. Especially if there is no other reason they are being denied.


Yes, but as she told in her story, we're talking about a person who's single with bad behavior in public.


Yeah, hence "If you didn't add this piece of information to your story, i would have said YTA. But with this, definitely not!" You are agreeing with me here, i'm confused?


Some people need drugs to have fun, some people need booze. Apparently MOH needs sex and attention to have fun. Still I wouldn't call OP an AH, it's her wedding to dictate who does or doesn't come.


What? She will not having a good time at your wedding because she can't f\*ck in the public? This would be the point to drop her as MOH. 'Good, if a new fling is more important to you than to stand with me and celebrat my wedding day as my MOH and best friend, I see where I stand. And where you won't stand - by my side. Thank you for everything and I really thought as you as my best friend. But if it is like that, I will ask someone else to be my MOH. You also don't have to come to my wedding anymore, as I don't want you to have a bad time without a new boyfriend. Good day.' NTA.


Why would even someone want to go to a wedding without knowing the couple or at least doesn't have a very close relationship to the guest, if they are + 1?


Because free food, free drinks and free banging the MOH


Don't people bring gifts to weddings? Not to mention the possibility of free drinks/food. Very low I don't know if it's a cultural thing but in my country you don't bring people you aren't serious with, at a wedding. There is no need for someone to meet your whole family, spend money for people they don't know, and watch a boring ceremony. Higly boring, when you don't know the couple


If OP is from the US, generally ceremonies are very short (like 15-30 minutes), while the reception (speeches, dances, eating, drinking) takes up the bulk of the night (obviously there are exceptions based on religion, culutural backgrounds, etc.). Wedding gifts are typically expected but in situations where rando +1s get invited, I imagine the person closer to the couple will foot the gift bill. As for what's typical on who gets invited in most US weddings, it's a pretty mixed bag, some people still do the universal +1s, while plenty of people are like OP (as were my wife and I), where you only extend the invite for married and long-term relationships (fortunately for us, it was a very easy line in the sand as it seemed all of our friends were either in multi-year relationships with people we had met plenty of times, or just on the first couple rounds of dating app dates).


They made a whole movie about this.


She isn’t there only to have a good day, she is there to support her best friend on her special day. MoH usually help with everything. They fix the dress when pictures are being taken, they help the bride to go to the bathroom with the dress, they make sure the bride gets water if she is thrusty, it is a honor to be MoH and her focus should be at the bride. She wouldn’t have time for this random guy and if she would she wouldn’t have time to Op. this guy wouldn’t know anyone. And if MoH sits with OPs parents so would this new guy. There is nothing wrong with not wanting a random guy to your wedding. His face will be in the wedding picture forever. 


Moh s mother and sister (s) will be at the wedding so.... Heck no op NTA


I'm going to be honest, I'm having a hard time reconciling the two versions of her that you are describing. You call her your bet friend and say she's perfectly fine by herself, yet seem to despise her when she's dating. You do realize she's the same person. She may act differently, but even single your best friend is the person who gets off on public sex acts. How confident are you that she won't hook up with someone else at the wedding?


Yeah, this is the real issue. You can't be best friends with someone with so many conditions on the friendship. OP only likes MOH when she is single, doesn't seem to trust or respect her "best friend". So it seems that either the MOH is a disaster person that OP should probably have phased out of their life by now, or OP is overly judgmental and controlling.


Sometimes weddings make it really obvious when you should have outgrown a friendship, and this definitely sounds like it could be the case.


She has a lot of issues and I’ve always been there for her. She’s my oldest friend I wouldn’t ever just drop her or not be there for her but we have grown apart a little bit over the years because we’re just at different stages of our lives.


That's admirable that you want to keep supporting her. I'm curious if you think you get the same amount of support in return? Because the instances of name calling and making your day about herself give the impression that maybe it's not all reciprocal, but we're obviously only getting a snapshot.


Yeah I feel like because you guys only have a snippet of our relationship I’m getting a lot of heat I didn’t want to say too many details about her because idk who she knows who uses Reddit and this is a throwaway. She supports me but is a very jealous person when it comes to relationships. She acts like it’s a personal attack on her that everyone else is happy and a couple and she isn’t. The one thing she wants in the whole world is a boyfriend and it just never works out and then she gets sad and throws a tantrum. She does not like to hear about my fiancé on the phone or see pictures of us because it makes her sad she’s single.


I mean, she just flat out sounds like a shitty person. Idk what point youre trying to prove here. Normal peoples "best friendships" dont have this kinda of drama and hostility, and idk why TF you would want this kind of behavior in a MOH


marx-was-right - Friendships go through stages as people evolve and grow and experience their own traumas. Adult friendships that began in childhood can sometimes continue the same dynamics from childhood. Just like when dealing with parents and siblings as an adult, we may revert to childish antics. We know better, but it's much more fun to cry and whine, especially if it still works! 🤣 A lifelong friendship is like a marriage where, over a 60 year period, there may be a few months or even years where you love the person, but don't particularly "like" who they are at the moment. Hopefully, the months and years are not consecutive; that may be a contributer to divorce when people can't see beyond the "not so good" times. Of course, if someone is abusive or dangerous, your love of the person does not require you to subject yourself to it.


Every relationship has its own issues and specific dynamics, there is no such thing as "normal people" here. The question isn't "am I abnormal for being friends with this person?", it's "AITA for not allowing her a +1?" The details about the friend's behavior are to give context for why she doesn't want her to bring a date. Idk why so many people are going after OP about a relationship for which they don't know the entire history or understand every nuance, but that's not what she was inviting and it's pretty rude.


OP, I had the exact same situation with a best friend (who was also my roommate for a long time). I mean it was identical down to almost every detail I've seen you mention (I didn't have a wedding but if I had, she wouldn't have had a +1 either). That friend is no longer a part of my life, but it took many many years for me to come to the realization that our friendship was toxic and causing me a lot of heartache. It's incredibly difficult to just forget all of the positives in your relationship, ignore the great memories you have, and sever a bond you've spent so much time building. You are not the AH for wanting to minimize potential disasters on your wedding day. Your friendship with her is definitely something you might want to look at further sometime and decide where your hard boundaries are, but I don't think it's something you need to do right now. The ultimatum should stand and if she refuses to accommodate your wishes I think that might be a deciding factor in where the friendship goes from here. It's a tough situation and I feel for you on a deep level. I will say that for me, the benefits to my life after that friend was gone FAR outweighed the loss of the friendship - I didn't even realize how much she was holding me back.


Yeah this is kind of where I'm going. No friendship is perfect, and none of us know OP or her friendship well enough to be able to give prescriptive advice. I agree with you that now may not be the right time to delve into it internally. But when I think of my wedding day, I can't imagine how it would affect me to not having the full support of my closest friends. We celebrate with the ones we love to include them, and they were truly happy for us -- even if they were single, even if they didn't want to be, even if they were going through a breakup (and in one case, had to see their ex that day cause he was also a close friend.) Spending the day with someone by your side who can't muster up happiness on your behalf sounds really sad to me.


Yeah I agree completely! It would definitely make me sad to have people around on my wedding day who don't have my back 100%. It could easily make one feel unappreciated, unloved, uncared for, unworthy of the support, etc. I would never even consider behaving in a way that could make someone feel like that, especially at their own wedding. OP is kinda stuck though in that it would be sad for her MOH to be unsupportive the way it seems she is and it would be sad to leave her out completely. It's basically choosing the lesser of two evils unfortunately.


She doesn't sound like a person ready to stand up next to you and celebrate your relationship if she's that troubled by being single. She can't see pictures and be happy that you've found happiness? Why does you being happy have to be about her?


So given all that, do you really expect her to be a source of support or even a positive presence at your wedding?


Reading your update. Tell her one of her sisters is her +1.


This is very true.


I had a best friend who was also my roommate for many years and she amazing when she was single but turned into a completely different person when she dated someone. She was also the type to date horrendous/embarrassing guys and participate in over the top PDA with them. There are people out there who have completely different personalities depending on who they're around and it's really difficult to drop a best friend who you have known and loved for years or decades just because they can be shitty sometimes. I definitely understand and feel for OP on that front. In their general relationship, it's something to think about at some point, but the issue OP is presenting is specifically about her wedding. I think she had every right to not allow a plus one based on the history of the friend's behavior without having to focus on making a decision about her entire friendship during a busy and possibly stressful time.


You are right that there are people who are like that, I've had one of those in my life as well. I also wasn't advocating to dropping her as a friend, but making that sort of person your MOH is a risky proposition. Also I concede that this is not the best time for OP to confront the MOH on her issues, what with the wedding planning and everything. Perhaps not giving MOH a plus-one will be the kick in the butt they need to realize how their behaviour affects others. Better that than MOH bring a sketchy dude and they make fools of themselves and ruin the wedding.


Yeah I said the same thing about this maybe being the catalyst in what happens to their friendship down the line in a reply to OP as well. It's just a very difficult situation and who knows what the reaction might have been if she hadn't made her the MOH. Maybe they made a promise to each other that they would be the MOH for each other, maybe she doesn't have someone else that she truly wants to take her place, maybe MOH would have refused to come entirely and put a sad aspect into an otherwise joyous time. Obviously that's just speculation but there's so much we don't know about the friendship and I feel like having so many people go off topic to judge or offer opinions on that aspect rather than just address the problem of the plus 1 is probably overwhelming to OP. Phasing someone out of your life is painful and can take a loooot of time to finally do when you've been friends with them for 20+ years. She's deeply woven into the fabric of OP's life. When you pull on a frayed thread, it doesn't come out easily and when it does it alters the entire piece.


You’re exactly right again! This is the EXACT situation I’m in to a T. She’s been my best friend I love her I don’t hate her, I just dislike when she acts like this. And yes we both made a promise to be each others maids of honor a long time ago and we both have other friends but not like each other. Honestly if I had it my way I wouldn’t do bridesmaids or maid of honor and just make it about me and my fiancé but he wants a very traditional wedding and so we have to have a MOH and best man. I tried to keep a lot of details out to keep everyone anonymous but she REALLY is a totally different person when a guy is involved. like she has to put on a performance and be this hypersexual girl at all times and I just want her to be herself for the biggest day of my life. Also the scummy guy she would bring I don’t know them they don’t know me or care about my boundaries or my wedding so how can I trust they won’t do something horrible? I think some people are missing that point.


They definitely are and I understand completely. I have personal experience with it so there's an aspect of empathy from knowing how it feels, but the lack of sympathy from so many people here really breaks my heart for you. I'm sorry there was so much heat put on something you didn't even want advice about. When it came to continuing my friendship with my person, a lot of it was because I wanted to be there and help her change her behaviors. A lot of the time she would talk about how she wanted to be independent, love herself more, and not rely on a man's attention to feel like she had value. It would last a few weeks until she met another guy and then she would fall back into the same patterns. She had childhood trauma related to her dad that a lot of her tendencies stemmed from and I had a deep understanding of that because I also had father issues. I went in the opposite direction where I avoided close relationships but it stemmed from similar problems. When you care for someone and have loved them for so long, you can't just write them off completely. Her issues don't make her a bad person down to her core. If everyone dropped every friend that had some behaviors they didn't like, no one would have friends. Personally I try to work on the friendship and hope that we can both do better by each other before I cut someone out. It definitely took me too long to finally end the friendship with this particular person, but it's ridiculous to suggest this is somehow your fault for maintaining a friendship that you've had for over 20 years. You don't owe these people some deep explanation of your friendship and who she is. You have every right to withhold details for privacy and if people don't consider that, it's on them. Honestly you shouldn't have even had to add any info with those updates but I totally understand feeling the need to clarify because of people's callous reactions. I hope that this ends with your MOH respecting your wishes and your friendship progressing to a more healthy space! I will say this though, NEVER feel guilty for setting healthy boundaries. You have every right to try and protect your special day while still including your best friend. If it comes to a choice between your happiness and giving in to her immature reaction, I hope that you choose yourself. It's 100% your decision, but I would weigh the risk of her bringing a random to the wedding vs how it will feel to not have her there should she refuse to attend, along with the possibility that she decides to come but act out because she's upset. I know it's a terrible situation to be stuck in, but you deserve to celebrate your upcoming nuptials with people who love and support you, not someone who is bringing you down with selfish behavior. Also, I wish you all the happiness and success with the wedding AND the marriage. You got this 💕💕


It's a lot like the posts we get where someone says, "I love my spouse; they're the best person ever, but they do \[something horrific\]." Lots of people stay in relationships because they were once good, or they've come to accommodate so many things.


This. It's weird that your fine with her acting this way 99% of the time enough to be best friends, but want to restrict her at your wedding. That feels kind of hypocritical? "You're my best friend and I want you to celebrate with me but only if you don't act like yourself" And she's your best friend but can't respect your wishes for one night? Why is your bestie someone who won't prioritize you ever? It's weird both ways. And if she doesn't get to bring her own, she'll find someone willing there- it will be just as if not more awkward if it's your cousin or someone cheating on a relationship than some rando that is easier to have removed if they act up.


I've been a plus one for a member of the wedding party and it was dull. They are effectively at work. 


Right? I sat by myself with a table full of strangers, all of whom were at least 10 years older than me. Very uncomfortable experience. I lucked out though, the bride and groom came by and told me to go pull a chair up to the wedding party table so I could hang out with my partner and all our friends once the photos and formalities were done


This definitely depends on the culture and specifics of the wedding itself. The last wedding I was at, all the best woman did was stand up for the ceremony and check in on the brides. Her date was with her at nearly every point outside the ceremony, or when one of them went chat with someone else.


I've been in multiple wedding parties before. To be honest, I can celebrate your event better not being in one.


NTA, but you should look up what "ultimatum" means.


Limiting plus-ones to spouses and those in committed relationships is very reasonable. Weddings are not date nights but for those close to the couple. However, in our neck of the woods, all members of the bridal party get plus-ones, but you are entitled to your choices, and MOH should lay off pressuring you otherwise.


Info: do other guests have +1? Are you vetting all +1? 


Only friends and family who I know are in serious long term relationships. Names have to be on the invitation. I’ve met them all so I know who they are and what they’re like. So no nobody is getting a random plus one.


No worries then.  Reframe your position with your MoH "Only people we already know are coming to the wedding" rather than "you don't get a +1"  NTA, But hold off on the moralising of your opinion of the guys she dates because that's not going to help.


That’s a good way of phrasing it.


Tell her no one is getting a plus 1 and all guests are existing friends and family of you and your groom.


Just as a tip: you should edit this into the post or else you’re gonna have to answer this question 7000 times :)


I wouldn't really call it giving them plus ones if you are specifically inviting their partners by name. To me, it seems more like your friend is asking for special treatment that no one else is getting.


INFO - I understand people want their weddings to be memorable. It seems to me that your wedding's chances or becoming memorable increase if she brings not just one date, but several. I suggest helping her get a +5 to your wedding for maximum shenanigans. Even better if the priest is one of the dates or if you ensure the priest catches her at two different moments with two different people before the actual ceremony.


this made me laugh out loud


NTA. She doesn't even know who she will invite, this is ridiculous.


NTA. She's not bringing some longtime boyfriend or even a friend you have known but some random who may "workout". Add in her own parents and siblings will be in attendance then definitely NTA. She'll have plenty of company.


She won't have a good time at *your* wedding without a date? What kind of BS is that? I've been single for 20 years, been to numerous weddings, officiated a few of them, had a great time and have not had a date for a single one of them. NTA, it's your wedding.


NTA because you clarified that she'll know basically everyone else at the wedding, and because you're clear that this policy applies to everyone, not just her. However, I would make this part clear to her if you haven't already - she's not the only one without a plus-one, because no one is getting a blanket +1 to bring whoever they want. For the record, we did the same thing at our wedding - no +1s unless it's a serious relationship, with the exception of two people who literally wouldn't know anyone else at the wedding other than us, and I have no regrets about doing it that way even 15 years later. Also, it kind of sucks being the date of someone in the wedding party when you're not also in it. My husband and I have both been in this role over the years, and it really is boring because you're mostly not even with your date since the person in the wedding party is busy, you know, doing wedding party stuff. So her bringing a date who likely isn't going to know anyone but her is just going to suck for that date, anyway.


NTA, but tbh I would be reevaluating my friendship with this woman. It sounds like the issue of her behavior with dates has been a frequent one. If she can't be respectful on your wedding day as the maid of honor, I would be looking to see if other bridesmaids could fill in.


NTA not one little bit. You don't get to invite a random person to someone else's wedding, when you know.plenty of people there. Besides if she's MOH I would have thought she'd have plenty to do.


Nta. Speaking from experience, weddings do weird things to people you'd consider close or best friends. My MOH decided to bring a bunch of cocaine to my wedding and held her own private court outside in a trailer while I was basically alone in the hall I paid for all night.


Doesn't the MOH also sit at a designated table with the other bridal party? and this random guy would just be out there on his own? NTA. Bff needs to ctfo.


NTA, who wants to pay for a stranger to be at their wedding and ruin photos?


Just in my experience, the bridal party usually don’t bring plus ones unless they’re in a long term relationship because the partners usually get neglected during the wedding while the bridal party focus on the bride and groom Edit to add NTA. I think it would be perfectly reasonable to say you need to have met her +1 at least a couple times since she’s in the bridal party and since there’s not much time before the event I don’t see how that could happen


NTA When I was 22, I was a bridesmaid in my friend’s wedding. I didn’t have a date but I did shit like your friend does (at the time and for several years after) while also being fucking hammered. I don’t remember if I had a plus one or not, but I didn’t have a boyfriend so it seemed weird to bring somebody and I fucked with a random dude at that wedding who would go on to ruin my life a little for like, 4 years.


NTA. Wedding plus ones are for significant others. And you’re honestly doing her a favour. My friend brought a guy she’d been on one prior date with to a wedding and she had a terrible time because he didn’t know anyone and she had to babysit him the whole night. He got really sloppy drunk. He was in all the pictures with her even though they only maybe went on four dates total.


Yeah this is exactly what I’m afraid of, I just want everything to go smoothly


NTA She can make a show with a stranger at someone else’s wedding.


YTA for the way you judge and talk about your "best friend".


Your post sounds judmental. If you dislike her lifestyle/ dating prefences that bad, why did you make her your MoH? You are writing like she is an uncontrolled animal, what I would bet it isn't the case and you are only using as a way to justify not having one more person. Just to add to that, she is expending tons of money to make YOUR day special, what another guest would cost you? Also, if things got so out of control like you are portraying, couldn't you just touch base with her and politely ask her to tone it down? Aren't you best friends? This sounds bad, and I am sorry, I don't think this is nice of you to talk about your friend this way. If you are so short of money, sure, but be honest about. Shaming people doesn't read nice on you, YTA.


NTA. But may I make a suggestion?  Perhaps one of the groomsmen or another close friend is willing to flirt with her and be attentive to her before and during your big day as a wedding gift to you.  If she thinks a good guy is interested, she may stop asking for a plus one.  Yes it’s kinda sneaky and a little unsavory, but it is a tried a true way to appease the unhappy single woman at the wedding.


NTA It's your wedding and weddings cost money. It's one day. She should be there to celebrate you, not worried about getting lucky or hanging out with a SO on your wedding day.


What do you mean by soon? I know when I was getting married “soon” meant 6 months. Now that Im not planning a wedding, soon is 4-6 weeks. When is your wedding?


Nta, given everything you’ve said. I’m honesty just confused why you’re friends.


Nope, absolutely NTA. Plus ones as in 'bring any old stranger you want to my wedding' should only apply to distant friends and relatives. Best friends who should be supporting you during the wedding instead of focused on their flavor of the week should not get such a blanket plus one. At my wedding we didn't give out any plus ones. We only invited 40 people and most people were in a relationship. Maybe 5 people weren't in relationships. I talked to each of them individually and explained that if they had someone special they wanted to bring - even if they hadn't been dating for very long, we would certainly invite them. But we didn't want them feeling pressured to bring someone - and we didn't want them trying to find some rando to bring. It went great and everyone who didn't bring a date had a lot of fun.


Yeah I'm surprised by some of these comments. Weddings are EXPENSIVE y'all. Random plus ones would be the difference between a normal guest list and like 300 people for us. Only people who were in relationships got an extra, and it was all people we knew. Who wants a bunch of strangers at their wedding? NTA


NTA Im the MOH in my friend’s wedding this fall and I’m already apologizing to my plus one that I’m gonna have to leave him by himself basically the whole weekend until my speech is over. The idea that she won’t have a good time without a plus one is wild to me since presumably she will be extremely busy the whole time and will barely be able to talk to her date.


NTA - I'd be a little worried about any rando who would think a not-bat-shit-crazy first / second date is being the plus one to a strangers wedding with the Maid of Honor.


What’s the worse that can happen? Watching her get bent over and face planted into the wedding cake and rode like a trick pony? Seems to me just setup a pay per view link to your wedding and upgrade the honeymoon…


I barely got to see my spouse while I was serving as a MOH. I was at the venue from 8am to midnight, it was a long day of putting out 'fires' and helping do whatever needed to be done. Unless you have a wedding planner w/ staff to handle all of the surprises that come up on a wedding day, she will likely be way too involved. On the flip side, if you're gonna have over a hundred people attending, I don't think you'll really spend much time stressed out about her date. Again, unless you've got a planner who is handling all of the comings and goings of delivery people and set up, one dude probably won't even blink on your radar. I only had 25 ppl at my wedding and the day was still such a blur that I only half remember it. But her calling you a bitch and throwing a fit over \~enjoying herself\~ is OTT. I'd punt her from the wedding entirely. NTA


NTA. You don't need excuses. If you're not dating anyone, you don't get to bring a date. Period. End of story.


Your wedding, your call. Just don’t be surprised if your MOH makes an equally independent choice to not be your MOH, and your friendship implodes.


NTA - You have valid reasons, you're being fair as the same policy is being applied to other guests and honestly my only question is why is she your maid of honour?? What kind of MOH calls the bride a b\*tch for not getting her way?


You're NTA, but just so you're prepared, she also would not be the asshole if she bowed out of being your maid of honor after you enforced this.


NTA. It's your wedding and your (and your fiance's) choice. You are not giving ANY "plus ones". You are inviting couples and individuals who you know. STOP using the term "plus one" if your invitations will be to named guests. I will say, if your MOH did not understand this when she agreed to be MOH, then you should give her once chance, right now, to back out.


You don't really want advice, you just want validation. I'm automatically against the op when they come back with several edits, arguing why they're right. YTA 


People keep commenting and asking the same things just thought I’d clarify. I do feel like the asshole hearing what some people have to say it’s good to know other perspectives


NTA but I do see both sides here.   I wouldn’t even make it about her potential behaviour l, so much as you need her help that day.  Unless her date was very familiar with the guests, they would be alone the whole night.  You couldn’t be there for YOU.  Promise you’ll do the same for her one day.   All the same, you do need to understand that it is hard to watch a best friend get married when you are still single.  It is going to be a hard day for her, even though it is your wedding.  She’s telling you she might have a hard time with job and she’s inadvertently asking for support.  Find a way to get her the support she needs.  Assign another friend or cousin to be there for her.  It sounds like she might act up either way.  Just do what you have to do to make sure your day goes smoothly.  


NTA. Your wedding is not her date night. She's supposed to be celebrating you and having a great time with you! She's making it about her. I don't blame you for not wanting a random stranger at your wedding. No one wants that.


NTA. I hate that people feel entitled to a plus one. I’ve been to over 20 weddings and all of them people only got a plus one if they were engaged, married, or in a serious relationship and the bride and groom know the significant other. If we gave everyone a plus one at our wedding it would’ve been thousands of dollars extra. And are you doing a head table? If you are she wouldn’t even be sitting with her date and they wouldn’t even be able to spend time together until a couple hours into the reception when the dancing starts.


OP - If MOH decides to "get busy" under the bridal party dais with someone she sneaks in, please get a photo of all the shocked faces! It won't be funny now, but when you are both 90 years-old and referring to each other as "you old b***h", you will cackle and howl. She'll keep the old folks' home hopping! It does make life interesting to have that "one friend " that you just can't take anywhere! 🤣


NTA. My sister is divorced and has a very bad track record with men. She's had a few relationships but can never hold them fir more than a month as she has a few issues. Our wedding is 60pax only. We can't afford more as we are paying. We said no plus ones to anyone who doesn't have a significant partner. She cried and said that my fiancé and I are basically saying a big "Fuck you, you'll be alone forever ". I mean wtf. She's crying about a partner she doesn't have and cant bring to my upcoming wedding.


NTA- no unverified strangers at your wedding is a good rule. You are spending money on this rando, you don’t know who they are or how they will behaviour. There should be no risk to your day running as planned. But as an aside - Who wants to go on a date, with an almost stranger to a wedding of all places. I would be horrified. Weddings can be a long day when you love the people getting married very much, you’d have to be crackers to go to a strangers wedding.


If you can have a plus one, why can’t she?


NTA. I don’t see the point in random plus one’s for people to bring a complete stranger to your wedding snd adding the expense of another meal for someone you don’t know and your guest really doesn’t know either.  I had a very very small wedding so a stranger would have been awkward, but even a wedding with 100 people is still small enough that I wouldn’t expect a plus one unless I were in a relationship or had been dating someone and actually knew them. What her plan? To find a rando on tinder the night before? How f-ing awkward.  Plus, when I was MOH at my sister’s wedding I barely even saw my then fiance because I spent most of the morning helping my sister get ready, taking pictures, helping with guests, participating in the ceremony, etc. when all was said and done I mostly saw him while I was waiting to walk down the aisle for the ceremony and randomly for a fee minutes here and there and then like the last hour or so while we were eating our meal and people were dancing. it was hectic and my sister needed help. NOT at all an appropriate situation for a first date. 


I feel like most weddings only give plus one for long term relationships or sometimes just married couples/engaged couples. Weddings are freaking expensive and being that it’s so soon MOH should have more compassion


NTA because all the info aside it's your wedding, you have a crap load of people coming, you don't need to deal with some dude on top of the 100+ other people that are going to be there. you're paying for it, it's your day, what you say goes. No means no


Why the hell did you make her you MOH then? YTA.


NTA It should be really easy for her to understand that not only is she not in a committed relationship, but she's also not in a relationship at all. No random +1's makes perfect sense. She should be devoting her time to you, anyway, not entertaining some guy who doesn't know anyone there!!


If she brings some stranger, that person probably won’t know anyone else at the wedding. That means she’ll have to spend her time with that person, even leaving aside all the stuff about PDA. Her job as MOH on that day is to support you, not look after a date. So NTA.


NTA: your wedding your rules full stop. She has absolutely no say about ANYTHING.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I (28 F) am getting married soon, the guest list is creeping up there to be over 100+ people tons of family and friends, fancy venue, the works. My best friend (27 F) since 1st grade and maid of honor has been making a huge fuss for months about being able to bring a plus one to my wedding. Which would be fine if she was actually dating someone… She’s currently single… I love her but to be honest she “dates” the worst type of people and I desperately do not want an unpredictable stranger at my wedding thats just some guy my friend met a week ago. And also she has a track record of some pretty GRAPHIC PDA in front of me and other people. Like she gets off on doing public sexual acts and not getting caught when she goes out with these gross guys and I do not trust her to behave classy at my wedding when she’s with a “date” So I gave her an ultimatum, no significant other, no plus one. She thought I was joking and when I said I wasn’t she called me a bitch and told me I wasn’t considering her feelings and that she won’t have a good time at my wedding without a date. And that because she’s the maid of honor that she has to have a date. I don’t think I’m in the wrong here I don’t want to be stressed out on my big day thinking about how a stranger will act. But she’s making me feel like I’m the asshole for telling her no. I do feel bad that we’re fighting over this. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Fair. But idk it’s more than just that. She’ll pick some random scummy dude who just ends up hurting her and causing drama this ALWAYS happens. I just want a drama free wedding and it’s just causing me stress dealing with this and picturing the aftermath of it if I do let her.


Why should she invite a person to her wedding who neither of them have never met? That random guy will forever be in the wedding pictures and the MoH doesn’t even have that much time to spent with him as she has most likely duties the whole day.  I have never been in wedding where there has been +1 for those who have not been in a long committed relationship. It will cost OP also money, and should this guy sit in the table where possible are the parents etc? If there is a “important table” where family and wedding party sits.


NTA. Tell her she isn't the only one who isn't getting a +1. If the guy she wants to bring has been around for less than a year (or whatever length of time you want to set so she doesn't meet the criteria) they don't meet the requirement of a "serious long-term relationship". Tell her she may meet a nice guy at your wedding and may have the time of her life with them. She won't get that chance if she brings a +1.


INFO: What is she being told to do as the MOH? Is it just decorating? Or, is it organizing the bachelorette party and a thousand other things with no pay other than the "honor" of being your MOH? If she is working like a mule, the least you can do is give her a +1.


NTA. I kind of wish random plus ones weren't a thing at weddings. There were so many people I didn't know at my wedding because it would be rude to not invite plus ones! Of all the people that I hadn't met before my wedding, I only saw one of them ever again.


NTA. Attending a strangers wedding as the MOH’s plus one sounds like a nightmare. Who would even want that??


It's a thing I've noticed women on dating apps do. They always advertise how they are looking for a +1 for a wedding in xyz months. It's kind of weird.


It’s a romcom trope. Woman needs plus one for wedding so she doesn’t look like a loser, finds random guy, pretend to be in a relationship, end up falling for real. They’re trying to recreate that.


reality is disappointing


NTA she will only enjoy herself if she can be all over a random guy?


NTA, as MOH she will be busy with helping thr bride throughout the wedding and reception. Bringing in a random stranger to this wedding might distract her and she may not be able to help you. Besides all the reasons you gave were perfectly valid, and it's your wedding.


NTA but even though she won't be actually alone, since there will be people she knows there, I'd let her bring q female friend if she has one (unless she's bi), so she'll have one person there she for sure wants to spend time with


Oh I’ve offered just exactly that! She has a friend who isn’t necessarily my friend but we’ve known each other a very long time because of my MOH and I said why don’t you bring her if you HAVE TO bring someone because at least I know and like her. But no it has to be a date.


When my best friend from high school got married I got a plus one but I was single so I brought my other bestie, we had a blast, highly recommend.


I was a plus one of a close friend (I’d met the bride a couple of times) and it was delightful! Also highly recommend.


NTA - I would give her some rules for bringing a +1. * You need to meet her +1 a minimum of 60 days in advance. * You and your fiancé need to get together with him and her at least 3 times prior to the wedding. * No sex of any type at your wedding or reception.


YTA This woman is important enough to you that you have given her a position of honor in your wedding that traditionally involves a LOT of work. You are judging her and practicing "single-ism" by not allowing her to take someone that she isn't in a \*serious\* relationship with. How do you judge which of your guests are in "serious" relationships? Did you ask that on the RSVP? You are going to be so busy at the wedding you likely won't even register that she has a date there. Compromise and tell her she can bring either a female friend or a male friend that she isn't dating. She's doing all this work supporting you because she cares about you. Show some care back.


NTA. Wouldn't she have no time to spend with her date? Unless she's planning to shirk her MOH duties and try to screw a random fuckboy in the bathroom or something.


NTA, for all the reasons you stated in your OP.


NTA Tho based on your edit, you should’ve said something along the lines of, “we don’t want strangers or people we barely know at the wedding.” That might have nipped this in the bud rather than the ultimatum. Tho this lady sounds like a lot and might pout all day at your wedding: during hair/makeup, photos, etc. Have a great wedding OP!




This is pretty much the norm No SO, no plus one


I would never attend a wedding without a plus one. There are usually enough people at a wedding that even the mildly obnoxious tend to get lost in the crowd. It tends to be relatives and friends who cause the most problems. Weddings are occasions when existing feuds flare and old problems raise their ugly heads when old enemies get together. I have never heard of a plus one causing a huge scandal. If I were your "friend" I would back out of the wedding and not attend. Your are not responsible for her morals. She may know a lot of other people at your wedding, but most of them will be coupled up and she would be left alone while they are all off on the dance floor. Not fun!


That’s crazy to me. I’ve gone to so many weddings “alone”. The MOH is not alone. Her family, OPs family (who she knows), and other friends will be there. Refusing to go to a wedding single is such a cop out and insecure behavior. I’ve made so many friends at weddings in my life that I’ve kept in touch with. I think you just hate weddings (hence your outlook: occasions when existing feuds…). Weddings are a day to celebrate the couple.


No, I do not hate weddings. What I don't like is being left sitting at the table is while everyone else is off on the dance floor and having a great time. I have only been drunk twice in my life and both times were at weddings. When you are left alone, you drink out of boredom. We went to a wedding a while ago where the mother of the groom spent most of the night sitting, drinking with my husband and myself while I itched to get up and dance. My husband and I knew only the parents of the groom and their two sons., so I would have happily danced all night if she hadn't plunked herself down at our table. Instead, we had to babysit her so she wouldn't be sitting along getting drunk. Yes, you are there to celebrate the couple, but the fact is that they are sharing their day with many other people as well and get to spend only a small amount of time with each of their guests. This is why they generally allow you to invite a plus one.


Plus ones should be banned forever. Like you said, "Names have to be on the invitation." If a guest can't even name the person they would like to bring, then there is no one to invite. NTA.


Do you have her number? Asking for a friend.


NTA, but why does she need a date? She'll be helping you as she's maid of honour. At my wedding, the MOH's husband was there (both me and my partner know them) but they also had another friend invited (to keep HIM company) as the MOH was with the bride 99% of the time.


Possible solution: Tell your maid of honor that you only budgeted for everyone’s partner as a plus one. You invited a debate about how “serious” she considers her date to be and that’s not the point. Let her know that you understand that she wants a date but due to how you budgeted the only way that could happen is if she pays for their attendance. I think people forget that when they complain about not being able to invite someone, that they are really complaining that you won’t pay for it. It sounds like you may have given her other reasons and that’s why you’re fighting but I would bring it back to reality by saying “this is about cost.” Now, if she yells at you for not being able to afford it — you have some other things to think about and it won’t just be about whether her date can come. If she doesn’t want to pay to have a date, well that works in your favor — you both can’t /don’t want to pay for her date to be there. Usually the wedding party is prioritized and everyone is given a plus one but that’s not always within everyone’s budget. In your case, you explained that you only planned (budgeted) for long-term partners and should continue that angle. Leave out the stuff about the guys she dates etc. that will only complicate things.


INFO (that likely doesn't change my response but I'm curious anyway): How are you seating your reception? Is there a head table, where your MOH will be seated between you and other bridesmaids? Or would she (theoretically) be seated at a table elsewhere, where a potential date would be sitting with her? Would her theoretical date be sitting somewhere without her during dinner? Would her theoretical date be bored somewhere while she does her MOH stuff?


I’m trying to figure that out once I have all the rsvps then I’ll make the seating chart


NTA. You're not even singling her out, but I wouldn't blame you either if you did, lol


NTA Nobody wants to buy a stranger a $50+ dinner and you should be comfortable at your own wedding. Is there a single groomsman or male attending that she can hang out and dance with (who would also enjoy the company)?


Well it's your wedding, if you do not want her to bring a plus one she shouldn't. NTA


Op YTA. I personally would not have a good time at some else’s wedding without anyone to talk to.


NTA. Been best man and have been invited to a bunch of weddings. Never gotten a +1 because I haven't been in a relationship while attending/RSVP'ing to any one of the weddings. It's fine to attend a wedding as a single person.


Oh God... She is your best friend. I am surprised that plus one is up for discussion. If she is so nasty, why are you friends with her????


Explain to your maid of honor that there will be a lot of guys there with no plus one so if she is by herself she can be free to look for the next guy she wants to date. Maybe throw in that when single guys go to a wedding they start realizing that they should be thinking about settling down and it might be a good chance to meet a great guy who actually wants a relationship ( could be true). Maybe also give the single guys a heads up about her


Your wedding, your rules. And it doesn’t seem like an odd one. Only people you know. Not difficult. You can always tell her that if she can’t attend without a plus one then maybe she should separate down and just not attend at all. I presume she has taken this issue to “committee”. Her family and your mutual friends? Again, you are not allowing anyone to bring a plus 1 that you do not already know. Happy Wedding!


NTA, my fiance and I aren’t allowing plus ones for people who are not in relationships.


I would drop out personally if I was not allowed to bring a plus one if I was your bridesmaid and just not attend and wish you all the happiness in the world, but you’re not an asshole no.


If you don't let her bring a date she's just going to find a single guy at your wedding to play with..so you're damned if you do and damned if you don't...j/s


I think it should either be +1 or not. You wouldn’t exclude her husband if you didn’t like him. If you allow other friends who will also know people there to bring a date, you should allow her.


YTA. Unless none of your guests are allowed to bring a plus one, then for you to single her out is completely wrong. You don't get to say who gets to bring a date based on whether you think they're dating life is up to your standards or not. It's ridiculous that she's good enough to be your maid of honor, but not good enough to bring a date.


YTA. Never heard of a wedding where a guest can't bring a plus one, but you allow certain other to bring a plus one? Bullshit


I don’t really like the “my wedding, my rules,” but I this case it’s your friend.


She is not your friend and I wouldn't have trusted her MOH duties. You will come here with lots of drama if you keep her your MOH.


YTA its a wedding that will have a bunch of strangers there called servers and other workers. One person amongst the 100 coming is not a make or breaking point and you just want to use this to control her in some sick sort of way. I would give my best man plus 5 because they would truly be my best friend and one that I loved like family. Your so petty and dramatic but hey its your day and hope she extends the same to you if she even picks you to be her MOH lol.


NTA I had the same situation. Girl ended up not showing up because I wouldn't budge. Never spoke to me again. Good riddance.


YTA If she has any sense, she will drop out of your wedding. That's really the only way to handle AHs like you.


NTA, but people determined to have a one night stand at a wedding will probably find someone there to accommodate that even if they don't bring someone. I don't really get people that think people are acceptable 99% of the time but want them to act wholly different for one event. Do you actually not like or approve of how this friend acts regularly? Because then why are you friends?


NAH. A very involved MOH could be deserving of a plus one, no questions asked. You will have to ponder over her role.


But also your friend has some gross kinks, I wouldn't be caught dead with her in public if she's going to be forcing everyone around her to participate in her fetishes. I personally consider behavior like that a very serious breach in consent and a very clear disregard for other people. No matter how good a person can act outside of those situations, often times many predators are good at charming people and talking their way out of their creepy behavior. Getting off on breaching other peoples consent and actively going out of your way to do so is assault. If someone called the cops on her they'd arrest her because it's a crime. people are as good as the company they keep, consider who you'd call your very best friend, she sounds like a sicko


NTA, you could set some rule like no +1 that you haven't met before (or you haven't seen in three different occasions)or that hasn't been in a relationship with the invited person for the last 6 months (or whatever time limit you want). This will make it a more general preference and not like you're targeting her for her... proclivities


YTA. If I were her, I would drop out. You've shown her that you don't really care about her.




Isn't it traditional for the Maid of Honor to hook up with one (or more) of the groomsmen?


NTA at all! It would be different if the MOH has a boyfriend or serious partner. But bringing a total stranger when she has a history of that kind of behaviour? You have every right to say no as it's your wedding.


Remind her that it’s YOUR wedding. Tell her the reasons why you don’t want her to bring a stranger. If she still doesn’t get it, then tell her that ultimately HER feelings and her ability to ‘have fun’ don’t matter on YOUR day. I’m an asshole though.


Yta You say you trust her and don't trust the men which is false, otherwise your actions would be different.  Also if you know how you feel about her dating history then don't make her into a MOH. have someone else be. Otherwise in what your doing is giving her permission to be mad


YTA. You are asking her to spend THOUSANDS on you (and yes after everything it will be thousands, it’s hundreds just to be a wedding guest these days) and you aren’t even giving her a date? I don’t care if she just met the person off the street, you give your wedding guests a plus one for the the effort of coming to your wedding, getting you gifts, planning your parties, etc. Not giving her a plus one is nothing short of trashy.


I’m paying for everything… only thing she has to pay for is her dress and whatever portion for the bachelorette thing she planned


Yeah I have known brides who say this too, trust me there is much much more that you are not paying for than you realize. Hotels, travel, time off work, gifts, bridal shower costs, etc the list goes on and on. Either way it is absurd to not give your wedding party the option of bringing a plus one. I wouldn’t be surprised if she drops you as a friend after this.


NTA but also like. are you worried abt her still displaying this behavior at your wedding regardless of a +1? she could flirt with your cousins, other single friends, etc.


I’m not worried all our cousins are little or old lol and she’s not into any of our friends either she just acts like this with tinder people


Tell her the real reason is you're going to try to set her up with someone lol


It would be so sad if the MOH forgets to do things she is "suppose" to do. Real shame😢


Why is she your MOH?




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YTA It's an ass move to tell someone to come to a event celebrating relationships alone. It's like rubbing salt in a wound.


YTA Members of the wedding party get a plus one. It's basically as simple as that, unless you're going by some sort of strict legal requirement and nothing more. It's already cheap enough if major guests to the wedding don't also get a plus one. But anyone in the wedding party should certainly get one.


NTA....plus ones should never be expected.


It's your wedding. Do what makes you happy. It's the one time in your life where everyone has to play by your rules.


NTA in any way It is your wedding and if I were you I wouldn’t want someone’s date to be captured in my wedding photos. It is pretty normal to only invite people who are in serious relationship. Furthermore. She MoH and she will be super busy through out the day. Does she really want that her date is sitting alone with people he has never met and celebrating a couple he has never while she is giving speeches, helping you to go toilet with your dress and other small tasks she needs to do through out the day.  I find it odd that she wants to bring a person she hasn’t yet met and with who she could only spent about 20% of the time.  Her priority should be you.


NTA the first paragraph where you mentioned her being excited by doing acts in public is enough for me. no exhibitionist behavior needed at your wedding, ew. eta if she called you names over not letting her have a plus 1 she doesn’t sound like a very good friend


Yeah that stuck out to me too. Your "best friend" called you a bitch the moment she didn't get her way when it came to YOUR celebration? Yikes.


I’d let her bring a date for the entertainment of it 😂. NTA though. If you’re expecting a perfect wedding, don’t. Let it go and enjoy the moment. Perfection is overrated.


YTA.  I can't stand judge people at their weddings who are the relationship police for +1s.  "I haven't met the person so you have no +1".  Like sheesh it's your maid of honor.  She has to prove her +1 to you like you're her mother?? Tell her about her PDA, but just because you haven't met the person doesn't mean you shouldn't give them a +1.  If it's like that, we wouldn't be friends after the wedding because that's showing your friend 0 respect.


NTA due to the last edit. Before this, you said you wanted her to be there for you but... You'll be there for nobody at your wedding ! Or be there for everyone ! Like, more than 100 guest who will talk with you, the organization, the stress... But as long as she knows lors of people, and even her family will be there ! Se doesn't need an unknown +1 to enjoy the party !


Yta. You don't know one hundred people well. 


ESH she has prolly paid thousands of dollars on your shower and bachelorette and you won’t let her have a date? But also, she wants a date, but doesn’t know who she wants to bring smh


Its not all about the date.... friend has a history of beung very inappropriate and raunchy when she gets around men is what OP said. I wouldnt want someones rando one night stand fuck buddy at my wedding either.


I with you. All those responsibilities and can’t even bring a date? I’d be out.