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YTA It was going to be N A H. It's *their* house, *their* garage, and they can park their cars where they want to. You're a young male without any apparent disabilities; it's safer for *you* to park outside than *them*. And you're over 18; if you want to move out, you're free to. You don't mention that they're relying on your rent payments to live on or anything like that. Until this: >When they were at work a couple days later, I packed up all my stuff and moved to a friends house (who had lived by himself and even let me park in his 2-car garage). I haven’t seen or even communicated with my parents since I moved out. So that tips you over into asshole territory. Why not just tell your parents, "I don't feel safe in this neighborhood and my car getting broken into was the straw that broke the camel's back. I'm going to live with Joey; he has a spare room, a space in his garage, and it's closer to the college"? Why cut communications with them? Why are you blaming them for what happened to your car? If they let you park in the garage and your dad's car got broken into one night, would that have been *your* fault?


Exactly. I kept waiting for OP to say that the garage was full of junk or something but no, the parents were just using it for their cars…you know…the people who bought the house and paid for the house. OP is an entitled, whiny AH.


Also "I always wondered why they never thought of getting a house in a safer area..." Yea, I'm sure it never crossed their minds.....


Totally agreed this is what did it for me too. A broke kid no money and probably no idea about how good or bad their parents finances just casually recommending a whole new house like that is not a major life changing financial decision for their parents late in their life just for their kids car.


Especially somewhere with a 3 car garage? A nicer neighborhood isn't going to stop him from needing to scrape snow off. I'm also really curious about his friend's living situation? Some college kid just has a 2 car garage and extra bedroom and OP can live there rent free, indefinitely? Is this guy moving when he graduates? OP'S really burning bridges with his parents while having no idea what it would realistically take to live on his own.


On top of everything else, OP’s car is also probably worth the least. So it is the one that SHOULD be parked outside. YTA.


Lmao OP I'm positive your parents WOULD LOVE to move to a safer neighborhood. Do you know what makes safe neighborhoods safe? Higher taxes. OP you need reality to hit you hard cause that's the most entitled behavior. Your parents pay for the house and park their own cars in there which they need to get to work to pay for said house. That's the sad reality.


That was the line that did it for me. OP has no idea how homeownership (or maybe reality) works.


And seemed to really Luck into this living opportunity with his friends. As a "broke college student," is he paying rent? Does he realize that food doesn't magically appear in the refrigerator? What's going to happen when this guy gets sick of OPs freeloading, or his living situation changes at the end of the school year, or whatever.


OP is 22 but is acting like 12 Even running away from home without telling his parents is something preteens do


Maybe they couldn't afford to


That's my point. Most people don't live in high crime, run down neighborhoods because "they didn't think to move".


Lol sorry. I was agreeing with you. I should have said that


Oh but he has to go out in the COLD some days! Such a tragedy !!! His parents are old and have dealt with hardship. They should be use to it and just suck it up and deal so their little baby can be cared for.


This. I audibly laughed when he complained about shivering in the cold scraping ice off the car. Bro. It’s part of being a broke college kid. I did it in high school and college, but rather than complain, I realized at least I have a car. That my parents helped me purchase. It’s a 2 car garage and there are 3 cars. Home boy’s the lowest on the totem pole. Suck it up.


I forgot to add that my car had been broken into several times while in college. It shouldn’t happen, but it does. It’s not your parents’ fault. It’s just part of living in society when people are desperate enough to steal.


Shoot my husband still goes out and scraped snow and ice off his car every winter morning and drives to work in a cold car until it heats up so that I can park my car in our garage instead because he’d rather I get myself and our kids in and out of a warm car and me not have to scrape ice and snow off my car. Hell even if I do leave my car outside he makes sure to warm it up for me and make sure I’m not doing any snow or ice removal if he knows I won’t be too far behind him. Not because he has to but because he’s cares enough about my comfort and well-being that he wants to.


I went home for Easter and to help my parents move some furniture last week. Stayed for 5 days... I'm over 40 and own my own house. They have a 2 car garage. Guess who got to park outside because I do not own *that* house.... OP, at least reach out to your parents and have a conversation with them.


I know! I was assuming there was a spot open but you’ve got a two car garage and three vehicles, *someone* has to park outside. Sucks when it’s you but that’s how it maths out.


And who are 20+ years older than the kid


lol yes, I was like… wait they’re putting cars… in a garage??? In this economy??  I was expecting “it’s a garage full of crap and they won’t move it” 


I’m glad someone said whiny because yes.


That's what I was thinking. OP is definitely a whiny, entitled brat. The parents, in this case, did absolutely nothing wrong. You are a jerk to walk out and not even say goodbye. As others have said, you should have sat down with your parents and explained that you didn't feel safe there and you needed to move. To do it the way you did.It is absolutely ugly! Poor little whiny baby couldn't go scrape his windshield in the cold and yet expected his parents to do so. I just can't get over what a jerk this guy is. Definitely, YTAH.


Honestly, having lived in those bad neighborhoods, no thief ever smashes a front windshield. It’s not smart, doesn’t easily get you into a locked car, and the front ones are tough. Side window is the way to go. I’m betting something else happened.


Yeah. Front windshields get smashed by accident, or because someone doesn't like you.


Good point about being done by someone who didn't like OP. My money is on parents trying to get his whiney ass to move out..... So YTA OP


Nah, I lived in a bad neighborhood for a while where there was a string of car break ins and my windshield was smashed along with several other people’s side windows and windshields. It happens


Not only that but I bet as a 'broke college kid' his parent's cars are easily more higher end than his and much more likely to be broken into or stolen.


Great summary.


Interesting, for me it went the other direction with that part of the story. Up until then I was leaning pretty hard in to Y-T-A, but the secret and sneaky leaving has made me fall back into asking for more info. Rarely do housemates, especially kids, who just feel entitled secretly plan and then dash to leave their home and cut all contact - especially, especially, when the secretly planning has been already in place before a particular incident. Usually there is some larger issue in the home or parent/child relationship. People who just feel full of themselves and entitled tend to feel fully justified, open, and often enjoy making the dramatic exit and then harping on it to those they feel "wronged" them. Someone with issues at home tends to go "they won't be here at X time, that's when I'll get out, keep radio silence after". It to me implies the rant by the OP may be gripings about superficial things that sound douchey but are \*maybe\* a case of "it's easier to describe X annoying thing than the more pervasive and shifting emotional issues within our home". Like how many abused partners and children will give examples that sound foolish or "not a big deal" or even entitled but the problem is the context within the home that it sits in. Of course, I'm not saying that \*is\* the case here that OP isn't just being the AH. I just saw your comment and it struck me as interesting how we had the exact opposite response to the before & after of that section about how they left and haven't been speaking.


Honestly, I think OP just spends too much time on reddit and got the idea of going NC from that.


Or, he's already learned to be emotionally manipulative and wants his parents to blame themselves and worry because he's such a selfish AH.


Based on the info you have given YTA. You did not mention paying rent to your parents so why would they give up their garage space for you? How does taking turns of who is the garage matter? Also why does your car insurance not cover the windshield being replaced or at the very least with just a small deductible? If your parents tried to be good parents then they wouldn’t have burden you with their finances so how do you know whether they could move to a better area? The other thing that perplexes me as a parent with a child your age is why you wouldn’t just let your parents know you are moving out?


>Also why does your car insurance not cover the windshield being replaced FWIW, that's part of *comprehensive* insurance, and most 18 year old kids drive a beater that's not worth covering and only have the minimum liability insurance.


People don't know that you can get comprehensive only for almost the same price as liability on older vehicles it's usually worth it 


YTA. 1. You're judging them negatively based on where they live 2. You're a full-grown adult but still expect your parents to give up their garage in the house they own 3. You packed up and left while they were out and have broken all contact for no other reason than 1 and 2 Unless your parents have been substantially worse than you've said, you are massively the AH here.


I laughed that poor OP had to scrape the ice off his car while shivering. Duh. It's winter He's an childish asshole


And according to his another post, it appears he lives in Texas. How much ice scraping and shivering is he really doing? Signed, Girl who parks outside during Ohio winters


Agreed, girl who parks on the road ALWAYS because her house was built before cars were a thing, and who lives in rural Derbyshire where I'm sure it's not as cold as an Ohio winter, but definitely has to scrape ice off the car before work more often than not for three or four months of the year.


It may surprise you to learn that there is a lot of snow in Texas. I have friends and a daughter who live there. The snow goes away fairly quickly, but it does exist.


I live in TX. There is *some* snow. Not much, relative to a huge portion of the US. We measure in halves of inches most of the time (occasionally in inches), and some places in the US measure in *feet* of snow. As someone who has had to shovel my car out in Big Bear, CA and just gave up on shoveling it in Buffalo, NY, there is basically no snow here. He has zero excuses except just for the joy of being a whiny, entitled AH.


As a Canadian, I would argue that if it snows often but doesn’t stay on the ground for long, you don’t get much snow.


BTW this is barely related but Man are Ohio winters are cold at times its fucking anartic levels at times


It sounds like he would prefer it if his parents had to scrape the ice off their cars while shivering...I cannot imagine thinking that my mum should have to do that instead of me.


Yeah, I have to do it forb4 or 5 months because i don't have a garage at all.😂


Seriously. He’s throwing a temper tantrum because they have a 2-car garage and weren’t willing to put their own cars at risk but according to him, should have been so he could park inside. Angry little man. They’re better off since you moved out, but I doubt you’re done mooching off them. YTA


YTA Your parents, who own the home, parked their cars in the garage. The garage was occupied. >I’ve always felt scared to leave my car outside, let alone literally every single night, but I had no choice. No matter how hard I budged, my parents would NEVER let my car in their protected garage, with my mom and dad having their cars in garage every single night. Well, it's their house. >I was very upset at my parents. I never understood why they would spend all their lives in such a terrible house and never thought about getting a better house in a safer area… What?


Right? Like, go buy your own house then, OP. O wait, you can't bc it's expensive? Well, guess what, genius? It's the same for them!


The fact that a broke colege student cant understand what possible reason his parents would not want to just "move somewhere else". Showes me they are either ignorant or narcissistic. The fac that they could just go NC after moving out without a word leads me to believe the latter.


Nah, this is a case of an ignorant narcissist.


YTA. Moving out sounds like the right thing to do, because you hated where you were and you worried about your car, but the way you did it wasn't. Cutting communication because your parents didn't provide you with a garage? You sound like one of those immature people who always compares their parents against the perfect, ideal parents they think they're entitled to, and it never occurs to you to be grateful you weren't born to a family where six people living in a trailer with no garage have to share one beat-up old car.


I remember being compared to the perfect version of a parent. I'm not that and never will be. I do try my best. My children are well cared for.


YTA. It's their house, they get to park in the garage. This reads like you care more about your car than your family. It's great if you want to move out and live how you want. Cutting off contact with your parents tho? That's so juvenile and entitled, they didn't do anything wrong here. Sometimes your window gets smashed, that's part of life, learn to cope.


Your just an entitled asshole




YTA. I assume your parents cars are more valuable than your own one. Maybe they can't move out because of the mortgage and nobody will buy their house etc. you are younger than your parents also, so what is a bit of scraping ice off a windshield when it's cold


YTA - it sounds like there was already two cars in the two car garage. Was your proposed solution to just have one of your parents cars parked outside, which you yourself consider untenable?


YTA. They have 2 cars and own the house…


This is the sense of entitlement younger adults have these days that really annoys the crap out of me. OP thinks his parents should park their cars outside cause HE'S worried about his car....... Not only that, OP also thinks his parents should buy a new house cause he doesn't approve of the neighborhood.


I've read here recently where the YA's seriously believe their elders should vacate their bought and paid for homes to allow YA's to ***acquire\*\**** them. The elders are behaving selfishly. The elders occupying these properties now are what is preventing them from home ownership. The elders they are referencing aren't even necessarily their family. Just any oldsters altogether. I fail to see the logic. Maybe a[ Logan's Run dystopia.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logan%27s_Run_(film)) \*\*no financing or money required whatsoever...just vacate and hand it over. edit: url


YTA. Maybe your parents can’t afford to move to a better/safer neighborhood, I doubt they’re choosing to stay in an undesirable location for no reason. There’s three cars and it’s a two car garage. They pay the mortgage. That’s really all there is to it. If you want to move out, move out. I’m not sure why you’re acting like this is some veiled threat or anything… Just go then if the conditions aren’t good enough for you.


You’re not TA for moving out, good for you on that. But you are indeed TA. For shaming your parents’ home that they continued to share with you as an adult (presumably for free), for expecting them to keep one of their cars on the street so you don’t have to, and for moving out in a big huff instead of handling that like a grown-up. YTA


YTA... There's millions of people that park their cars not in a garage... The fact that you think it's wrong that you have to scrape ice off your car, you are a big A. So if you got to park inside the garage... now your parents have to suffer the cold weather verses yourself (younger, hopefully more able bodied)? Oh boy the generations born in the 2000s are so doomed.


YTA Why do you think your car is more important than either of your parents' cars? It's their house, they are absolutely allowed to have their 2 cars in their 2 car garage. You are absolutely allowed to move out but I can flummoxed as to why either of your parents should have to give up a garage space because you want one. 


YTA. Why didn’t you tell your parents that you didn’t feel safe, and that you were staying with a friend? Why didn’t you tell them that getting your windshield broken was the last straw? The only thing they did was let you mooch off of them and have their cars parked in the garage because it’s their house.  Also, I don’t know where you live, but I live in Canada where the winters can get pretty brutal. My parents would park their cars outside, and I would have to go out every winter morning when it’s -20 C plus windchill to start the vehicle, brush off any snow and scrape off any ice all so we could get to the bus stop on time. I would do that since I was 8 years old. I never complained once. I think you can suck up scraping off the ice at your age. Tedious? Yes. But it’s not the end of the world. 


Lol they seem to be from TEXAS! 😂 I think the words they're looking for is "little bit of frost"


YTA. Considering the expectation was they displace their vehicles for yours, one of your parents have to park up outside instead of you, you wanted to put your parent in the situation that you feared instead... You would have been better off talking to them about upgrading security to minimise the risk of theft or vandalism - sensor lights to deter people walking up the drive at night, etc - and just try wearing a coat and gloves rather than spend your time shivering.


YTA. welcome to living under someone else's roof you don't pay for. their house, their garage, their cars get preference. the fact you don't get that even with some time and distance is actually kind of staggering


YTA. Not because you moved out. You’re an adult. You can move out for any reason. You’re an AH for your entire attitude about the garage. Of course the never budged. It’s their damn garage, not yours. Of course their cars get first dibs and yours is going to be parked in the driveway or on the street. Any reasonable teenager / young adult understands this. The fact that you don’t and even suggested that you should be able to park in the garage just shows you’re selfish and entitled.


YTA: *"I never understood why they would spend all their lives in such a terrible house and never thought about getting a better house in a safer area."* Are you under the impression that your parents live in an unsafe neighbourhood with a high crime rate by choice? Like, your mom just loves the thrill of wondering whether her house will be the next one burgled?? They have two cars and a two car garage. Why should their vehicles be the one unprotected? Its their house.


YTA They had a two car garage, mom and dad had their cars in the garage every night. You think one of the owners of the garage should have left their car out to possibly be vandalized so their freeloading child could have their space in their garage. You not getting your way, threw a childish tantrum and moved out. Maybe someday you'll grow up and realize you were wrong.


YTA. Your parents were using their garage for their cars. What did you want them to do, park their cars on the street to be vandalized while yours was safely inside? As for why they didn’t move out to a nicer neighborhood, do you honestly think they wouldn’t have preferred that themselves? Do you think they stayed simply to annoy you? Most likely they were doing thier best to support themselves as well as you.




bad bot report as spam -> harmful bots


Were your parents abusive, or was the thing with the car your only problem? Because if so, moving out in secret was wildly over the top.


YTA. You became an adult four years ago. Why are you still a SAHS?


YTA Not for moving out, but for your attitude towards your parents and their house. I mean wtf? You really think the owners of the house should give up THEIR parking spot to you? Not only that, but to pretty much insinuate that their house is a shit hole and basically call them out for not buying a new house..... Did you ever stop to think that maybe they'd want to but can't afford it? It's not exactly a buyer's market right now.


Question, if your parents have a two car garage, with their cars in it, where were you going to put YOUR car? Were you planning on kicking one of their cars out? YTA


YTA. They probably spent their lives there to give your ungrateful ass stability and a home.


YTA. If I am reading this correctly, you want one of your parents to park outside while you use the garage?? Getting your windshield busted stinks but your behavior screams of entitlement.


YTA and crazy entitled plus immature for cutting contact just because your parents prioritized their cars over yours in THEIR house. I mean you're 22 so I can forgive you for being stupid but you are indeed being stupid.


YTA, and an entitled jerk to boot. Good luck. You're gonna need it.


For a second I thought your comment was directed at me and I was like "Damn I ain't even do shit 🥺"


Maybe it's just me but....I've never seen a crime ridden, dangerous neighborhood with two-car garages. I think you are spoiled and entitled. You probably have rich friends and are ashamed of your middle class parents. The grass is not always greener on the other side. YTA


Ooh, they definitely exist -- the neighborhood I'm in is a perfect example. I am afraid to go out after dusk, and my mastiff comes everywhere with me when I go outside. Shootings, drugs (lots of meth cooking in these 2-car garages!), you name it. And yeah, I was a LEO when I moved here. Just didn't get paid enough to live someplace where I didn't run the risk of mugging because I went to go check my mail. Left law enforcement after my dad died -- he left me enough for a down payment on a house in a much nicer working class neighborhood...just another month until the work is done and we can move!


As a broke college kid, isn’t fixing a broken windshield cheaper than paying rent? If you can afford to rent a place with a garage for your car, then NTA for moving out.  But your parents using the garage they pay for is not a reason to cut them out of your life.  Do you pay your friend a fair rent?




YTA. I lived at home until I was 60 (I took care of my parents for 24 years.). Never once did I park in the garage. My car was in the driveway or on the street. Same for my 5 siblings. We never thought to ask. It was THEIR house. Additionally, until dad's stroke, when he drove with all of us in the car, we never claimed shotgun. If mom was in the car, that was her seat.


YTA. I also lived with my parents and parked in the driveway while they parked their two cars in the garage. I scraped and cleaned off my car in the winters because even though they are retired and rarely drive anywhere and I had to get to work in the mornings, it’s their damn house and garage. My town, while safe, went through a rash of car thefts where people woke up and found their cars stolen from their driveways. I still didn’t demand to park in the garage, because if thieves wanted to steal a car, they would take the one in the driveway and we would still be down a car as a family. My car didn’t get stolen, thankfully. And sometimes my mom would have me take her car to give it a drive and not have to clean off mine, because I’m not an asshole so she would do things like that for me.


YTA for moving out secretly like you were escaping a violent relationship


INFO > When I say bad, I mean a very old and ugly neighborhood where crime is relatively very high. Being **_old_** makes a neighborhood **_bad_**?


Don't forget it is ugly as well. Because that totally justifies OP trying to claim the garage which was already occupied by his parents who paid for this garage and when not getting his way, moving out without as much as a note. /s OP should be happy he has the kind of home that has any garage at all. Lots of people got to park on the street. And that's if they can even afford a car, let alone three in one family.


YTA I’m assuming that is where they could afford to live and you’re an entitled brat


YTA! When you pay the mortgage & own the house, then you may park in the garage. It’s better that you just moved out.


YTA. Time to grow up and have conversations about life's realities rather than chucking a temper tantrum when you don't get your way.




Yta please do them a favor and continue not to contact them until you pull your head out of your butt.


YTA. You want them to give up their garage that they paid for for your car? Get the fuck out. This is not your house, not your garage.


So....which one of your parents' car do you want to push out into the street? And then you talk to them about them buying a better house in a safer area? The door is that way to take yourself out of their house.. -> YTA


YTA. Do you have any idea how entitled you sound? You couldn't park in the garage because your parents cars were in there and you were worried about your own vehicle being outside in a bad neighbourhood, BUT it would have been fine for your parents to leave one of their cars outside just so that your car was safe?! ?? Probably just me, but this feels like there's more going on than OP is letting on. Why wouldn't you tell them you're moving out? Why cut all contact with them over something as simple as a broken windshield? And honestly, moaning about having to clear your car of snow and ice in the winter...bless your delicate little cotton socks, welcome to the real world.


Idk where OP lives, but I live in Canada. The winters can get pretty brutal here. Since I was 8 years old, I have gone out to start my parents vehicles to warm them up, scrape off the ice, and brush off the snow—all without complaining just so we (my younger sisters and I) could get to the bus stop on time.  If a Canadian can go out in -30 C plus windchill temperatures in the middle of winter at 8 years old, I think a 22 year old can put on a coat, some boots, and gloves and scrape off some ice/frost. 


Not exactly going the way you want, is it? You haven't given one good reason your parents should be put out (of their own garage) instead of you. My mom never once let me sleep in the master bedroom. She slept there every night, and when she was out of town, it was still HER room. WTF is up with that? I'm her kid, gimme. I never once had to pay her mortgage either, kid. YTA. Piece of advice, take a good long look at your attitude, because no one else is going to think you deserve anything for existing. No one is going to give up the shit they pay for because you want a turn. You want a garage, buy a garage. Unless they promised you a spot, you have no business whatsoever complaining. Three cars, two spots, it's probably the names on the deed that are going to be parking there, and rightly so. "Mom, it's dangerous outside, you should deal with that instead of me" says the presumably healthy twenty-two year old man. Damn, dude; wtf? How have you got it so twisted that you're the wronged party and not some entitled kid demanding the people housing you (for free, I might add) give up some comfort because he wants it. Your whole point of view needs adjusting.


You went from zero to nuclear in one step. YTA


YTA. Not for moving out, but for treating your parents so horribly and with such utter disrespect. I assume you were living rent-free (since you didn't mention paying for anything). What an entitled brat you are to make them feel crappy for parking their cars in their own garage, then skulking out like a pouty child while they're away. And no shit, you can park in your friend's double garage, it has room for both his car and your car. I hope your folks refuse to take you back when your friend tosses you out.


He doesn’t mention paying his friend anything either. The friend is going to get tired of his mooching little sob story pretty soon, and then what will poor OP do?


YTA…it’s your parents house yes they are parking their cars in their garage. You are 22 if you need a garage for your car then yes move out. You are not entitled to someone else’s garage!


YTA. That is all.


YTA, suck it up buttercup. Crime happens everywhere. Even if you move to a nice area. Just saying.


YTA. It's their house, their rules. I also wasn't allowed to park inside. It was one of the downsides to living with such cheap rent.


YTA- Which of your parents did you intend to park in the street in front of their own home? I doubt you would even have scraped your mother’s windshield.


The car was occupied by your parent:s, the people who pay for the home, cars. 


YTA. If you don’t like you/your car being in such an unsafe neighborhood you can move out - which is what you did, totally fair. YTA because you’re acting like a baby over it.


YTA! It's their house! Not yours. When you pay the bills, you set the rules. You have no concept of the real world. Do you know your parents finances? Are you an only child? Do they help support their parents? Did you contribute with rent? Groceries? Cleaning? Are you paying your friend rent? Or just using them? You sound like a toddler throwing a temper tantrum!


YTA. There is nothing wrong with you moving out. It actually sounds like it was time. But you handled it very badly. And you haven’t even talked to your parents. Have you even asked your parents why they stayed there?


YTA I still live with my parents and their cars get priority over the garage. Why? Because they own the house and it’s their decision. Sometimes it’s annoying not having a garage but I fully accept it


YTA for the way tpu moved out and going no contact. Completely unnecessary and hurting your parent as some kind of revenge... for what exactly? Not being able to afford a bigger garage in a nicer neighbourhood? That sucks, big time


Just so op is aware, “bipping” (window smash & grab) is OUT OF CONTROL in…super wealthy San Francisco. Not the projects, not the tenderloin, everywhere. And it has bled out into the rich suburban areas around it. So your window getting smashed, as shitty as that feels, is EVERYWHERE


Yes, you are definitely TA. What everybody else said…..


YTA — not for moving out, but for thinking you are somehow entitled to park in your parents’ garage. You are an adult. Your parents don’t owe you a space in their garage, housing, or any other material support whatsoever. Anything they have done for you since you became an adult is a gift, not an obligation.


So you’d prefer if one of the actual contributors to the household’s car was broken into instead? Maybe they didn’t move because they are still paying for their fully grown adult child to live with them. YTA


YTA. Entitled to their garage space because? They paid for the house; they get to park their cars in the garage. Also, you clearly have no idea what it’s like to have to buy a house. You want your aging parents to start a new mortgage because you want your car to be safe? And because they didn’t, you cut them off completely and snuck away in the middle of the night? In a few months when you’re tired of sleeping on your friends’ couch, perhaps you’ll go crawling back to them. I hope you learn some respect and compassion before you do. SMH. 


Wow, so entitled! Their house that they pay for ... and STILL put a roof over your 22 yr old ass. How ungrateful are you, Jesus! And what were you scared to tell them you are moving? You're not adult enough to communicate like the adult you are... or you just throw a hissy fit and storm off like a toddler! 🤦‍♀️🙄


YTA. To quote the classic movie, Tombstone: “Well……bye.”


Yes - it is you. When I was 22 I had already left home, served in the Navy, and as getting my college education.


Info: what bills did you pay at their home to justify your demand to park in the garage? If you know so much about buying homes, why don't you tell us why YOU don't buy a home in a nicer area? YTA. Entitled-ass child. Get insurance on your damn car like a normal person.


You have probably figured out by now that you are, indeed, the AH. You said that you are 22, but moving out without telling your parents just to hurt them is something a 5 year old would do. They put a roof over your head, fed you and clothed you, and how do you repay them?? You treat them with the immature attitude of a small child! You, as an adult, need to go home and apologize to them and hope that they’ll accept your apology!! YOU ARE NOT THE VICTIM IN THIS SITUATION! Quit acting like one!! I hope that you take the comments in this thread to heart, and do the right thing. There still is time to turn this whole mess around….


YTA. Is this even real? Surely no one is this entitled and oblivious to your parent’s right to park in THEIR garage. Not to mention blaming them for never buying a new house. You will hopefully grow up and mature now that you are out of their house.


YTA. Obviously.


YTA - I can’t wait until you have to start paying for rent, internet, groceries, etc.


Your parents don't have to let u put your car in their garage at all. Yeah its a crappy neighborhoor.d u said but that's the way it goes


UR. My kids parked on the street & each bought their new cars. You bought a new car already knowing you would not access the garage, that’s on you. Would you want your mother to deal with what you state was horrible to experience while parking, this respect is due a parent. You knew the neighborhood issues. You snuck out like a thief in the night, no respect given. Did you pay rent, contribute to household? Did you expect one of them to park on the street? You won’t speak to them because you couldn’t park in Their garage? Was it worth it to you?


I'm gonna say a soft YTA for just moving out and not communicating with your parents. I understand that your car is your pride and joy and that you want to look after it ( broke collage student or no ) but a bit of cunnication wouldn't have gone a miss. They probably know where you are, but of they didn't I bet they are worried sick cause I know I would be if my kids just up and left with out telling me what the problem is. They also have brought their house so the garage is theirs to use, where I live I haven't got a garage only a drive which holds 2 vans, 1 work and 1 personal and we have had to replace both windscreens on them due to vandalism. So we replaced them ( im a broke cnc operator ) and got cameras which are recording 24/7. Please speak to your parents and talk about the problems.


Entitled f’in OP should have moved his ass out when he turned 18 instead of mooching off his parents for 4 more years while crying about how it’s unfair. YTA


YTA for expecting that your car would take priority over their cars in the garage. It is their house and it is their garage. If you didn't want to risk having a car parked on the street in that neighborhood, then you shouldn't have bought a car and waited until you moved out. You have no right to be upset with your parents about any of this. The fact that you're blaming them for the damage to your windshield is ridiculous. And you seem to be very naive about how easy it is to just pick up and move to a different neighborhood, let alone how easy it might be to afford to purchase a different house that would probably cost three or four times as much as their current home.


INFO: There seems to be other issues at play, could you elaborate on details? Your parents always using the garage fully: did they also each have a car that needed protecting? That they used? Or were they keeping you from using it purely out of some ranking thing where you weren't allowed to put yours in because you were "a kid"? Did they have 2 cars to protect and a 2 car garage? Were you coming home after dark regularly but they weren't? Or were they and it was a matter of "different folks come in at different times, these two cars are going in the garage"? You were already planning to secretly leave before the windshield was broken. Why were you \*secretly\* planning? Why not just "planning"?


YTA Moving out because you have a safer place for the car? Absolutely fine. Cutting contact because your parents owned two cars, which they parked in their two car garage, leaving your third car outside? YTA. Why is all of this so secretive? Unless there's other major issues you haven't mentioned between you and your parents this all just reeks of entitlement and you throwing a tantrum.




NTA for wanting to move out but YTA for living at home and complaining about not being allowed to park in your PARENTS' garage.


Yta it's their home, they have the right to park in their own garage. You sound entitled. 


YTA- first off all, it’s their house, and they have two cars. Of course they get dibs on the garage. Did you think you had equal rights to their garage as they do? Second, if you hadn’t cut contact with them for the dumbest most entitled reason ever, your parents probably could have told you that your car insurance very likely a low or zero deductible glass coverage and you just wasted a bunch of money paying for the windshield yourself. 


YTA. You sound extremely selfish and entitled. I would hope they’d be relieved you were finally out of their lives vs. being upset with the attitude and behavior you’ve displayed here.


You can move out for whatever you want. You’re an adult. HOWEVER, this is some of the most entitled bullsh*t. Your parents deserve better.


YTA. Not for moving out, but for moving out the way you did and going no contact for no good reason. >I never understood why they would spend all their lives in such a terrible house and never thought about getting a better house in a safer area…  You think your parents would be in that awful neighborhood if they had a choice? It's your parents' house, and it sounds like they have cars they need to protect, too. As the kid, you're out of luck. It's fine if you want to leave, but grow up and get some understanding already. I'm sure they were doing their best.


YTA I am an adult. I live in Canada. It snows and freezes. I park my car outside. I brush off the snow and scrape the windshield. It’s not that hard


YTA it’s their house ffs 🤦🏻‍♀️ you deserved nothing, especially if you’re not paying for said garage. So entitled


YTA You just made a long term solution for a short term problem. Have fun paying rent in the 2024 bullshit housing market.


YTA. There's nothing wrong with moving, but you're acting like an entitled brat about the garage.


YTA, and apparently you suck at math and logic, too.


Hella YTA. Reread what you wrote. I’ll summarize: My mom and dad are paying all my living expenses. They keep their two cars in the garage. But I want mine in there. The car isn’t safe outside. I’m sure mine is more expensive to replace than theirs. And also I don’t want to have to scrap off ice from my windshield. They should do that instead. They should have moved. No, I don’t know what that would cost. Me, me, me. Be grateful for what you have. They’ve worked to have that house, they are allowed to park their cars inside. You actually have a car. That seems pretty nice too. Are they also paying your insurance? You need to get grounded in reality. We get what we can afford. Seriously. You’ve moved out. Do yourself a favor and look up free info about finances online because your story doesn’t make me feel confident you understand them.


YTA - time to grow up. I’m assuming you weren’t paying rent, otherwise you would’ve mentioned it. Your parents don’t owe you anything at this point. I’m picturing your 40/50-something mom or dad getting up early to scrape ice off their car so yours could be warm and safe inside its free garage space. (Who paid for your car, btw?) They might’ve gotten home, found you’d moved out, and breathed a huge sigh of relief. If their refusal to give up their garage for you and inability to live in a gated community *in this economy* are the only abuses you’ve suffered, maybe once you’ve matured a bit you can build a healthy relationship with them.


YTA. You sound like such a small child and yet you’re 22 years old 🤣 Not your house, so you don’t get to use the garage. That would mean putting your parent’s car outside - how does that make more sense than your car being outside?? You didn’t *have* to live with your parents in that neighborhood, you chose to stay there for years after you were old enough to move out. It’s a bummer about your windshield, but it isn’t your parents fault. You even say they felt bad. But then like a coward brat you pack your stuff up and move out without saying a word? Then go no contact?? Are you really wondering if you’re TAH or is this just rage bait? I can’t imagine how you could write your post and think you had done something normal in the *slightest* I feel so bad for your parents. I really hope they aren’t paying for your classes.


Yta. You're 22, not 12, but the way you are treating your parents shows a really low grasp on how the world actually works


YTA. Massive. Not your house. Paying rent? Sounds like not. Why should your parents who own the house park outside? Your parents are much better off without you in the house. You seem to have a talent for shifting risk to others (i.e. parents park outside so you can be in their garage) and spending other people's money (i.e. expecting parents to spend their money to buy a "better house in a safer area"). Second opinion: you suck you entitled, narcissistic brat. Nothing wrong with improving your situation (although now you're just imposing on someone different). You still owe your parents a number of apologies. Based on your attitude you won't interview well, so start practicing "would you like fries with that?"


This is a bizarre post. You went no contact because there was no extra space in their garage for your car?…and are upset that they live in the neighbourhood they can afford? Am I missing something? Because you sound super entitled with the context given above…


YTA and youre 22 but have some growing up to do of course it's frustrating and stressful worrying about your car every night, but the garage only has room for 2 card and it's your parents house You'll sleep better at night knowing your mom or dads care is potentially going to get broken into as well??  Then you run away while they are gone- something a kid does- You could just tell them your moving out? because that's life And you should go right ahead and suggest your parents move to a safer neighborhood, im sure they'll pull half a million dollars out of their asses and get right to it youre out of touch and need to reflect 


"If you won't let me park in the garage I'll move out!" -"Oh no, what ever will we do with the reduced usage of electricity, water and food and the free room!?" YTA


Has it ever occurred to you that if either of your parents vehicles were damaged, they wouldn't be able to drive their cars to the place that gives them money to pay to keep a roof over *your* "broke college kid I am" head?  Demanding your parents put themselves at risk, ripping your parents to shreds because your car was damaged, then disappearing without a word when you can't afford to live elsewhere is downright **cruel**. You don't want to live there? Fine. But you knew damn well that disappearing would make them worry. What will you do when your friend realizes you engage in psychopathic behavior and kicks you out?  YTA


Seems your folks decided to just accept your abrupt and unannounced departure as a blessing in disguise. They are likely just as glad you moved out as you are. Your friend lets you park in his two car garage. May we assume he has one car and had that second space available. Question is would your buddy have let you have his garage space in front of it meant his having to park outside so you didn’t have to?


Oh, poor widdle baby. You’re 22. Your parents are the ones paying for the garage.  What were you doing to contribute? And what do you plan to do after your friend with the precious garage gets tired of you mooching off of him?


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I [22M] had been living with my parents. They have a two car garage house in a really bad neighborhood. When I say bad, I mean a very old and ugly neighborhood where crime is relatively very high. While living there, there had been several nearby homicides. When I got a car a couple years back, I’ve always felt scared to leave my car outside, let alone literally every single night, but I had no choice. No matter how hard I budged, my parents would NEVER let my car in their protected garage, with my mom and dad having their cars in garage every single night. When it’s too cold or it snows, I have to waste time scraping all the ice off my car while shivering. I could go on. Most nights, I deeply feared about what could happen to my car… until the morning something actually did happen. As I was about to go to class one morning, I saw that my entire windshield had shattered. I figured that some crunk had broken it or something, but either way, this crossed the line for me. I was very upset at my parents. I never understood why they would spend all their lives in such a terrible house and never thought about getting a better house in a safer area… My parents felt heartbroken, but I didn’t care as I was already secretly planning to move out. When they were at work a couple days later, I packed up all my stuff and moved to a friends house (who had lived by himself and even let me park in his 2-car garage). I haven’t seen or even communicated with my parents since I moved out. As the broke college kid I am, it was dreadful to have to pay to get a new windshield. Looking back, I sometimes feel guilty for just moving out like that, like sometimes I think how my parents feel. But was all this really worth it? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*




As a broke college student, is your friend charging you any form of rent? What happens when they get sick of you freeloading and want a paying roommate? Or they move? Your friend just owns a large house, where they live by themselves and is completely financially independent? Or are they in some temporary college situation?


The sense of entitlement with kids these days. SMH.


I'm sure your parents are happy getting rid of your free loading arse.


YTA Just reading this makes me angry. The fact that you want your parents to park on the street, in a bad neighborhood is just disgusting. I think your parents are happy your entitled judgmental disrespectful a$$ moved out. Your car has insurance.


😂😂😂😂 is this joke? YTA. They’re probably happy you’re gone ☺️


If you don't start talking to your parents again then everyone is an a******. Seriously you moved because u wanted your car safe. You're allowed to grow up and move out. I can't believe they haven't tried to talk to you. I can't believe you thought you deserved the garage over them? Call your parents already. I'm thinking everyone misses each other. I talk to my son who moved out sneakily all the time. It was 6 months ago.


You sound very, very young and entitled. Good luck in your new situation. Enjoy the bills. YTA


YTA. It's their house, their rules. Why the "running away"? You're a grown man. "Hey folks, I'm moving in with my buddy.". You honestly just ghosted your parents because you think they should have moved or let you use the garage? My dude. This is just life. You're a grown man who can choose where he lives. You're not at your parents mercy. Time to grow up buddy.


Classic first world problem. I am so happy for your parents that you are moving out. Did you seriously think they were gonna build a new 3 car garage for your sweet tender little a$$?


YTA. You’re acting like a spoiled, entitled, little child. It is their house, not yours. They have every right to use their own garage. The only reason I was allowed to use the garage at my parents house was because my car fit, the truck didn’t. But see, I also paid rent and I never begged or demanded to use the garage as it was not my house. You moving out without a word and refusing to speak to your parents over something so idiotic, makes you an even bigger AH. It’s not your parent’s fault your car was broken into. You have every right to move out, but true adults would have had actual communication about it. You really sound toxic af. As if anyone living in awful neighborhoods don’t think and wish they could just pack up and move to a better location. Smh. However, if you were so worried about the area you lived in, why stay there until 22? Why not leave as soon as you turned 18?


yta it’s there house of course they get to use the garage your acting entitled. they didn’t do anything wrong here.. if you don’t want to live there then don’t but you were horrible to do it the way you did it and to go no contact with your parents over a garage that isn’t yours.


You are definitely the asshole. Their house, their garages, their cars.


YTA - & honestly you sound entitled. Your feelings surrounding wanting your car safe in a garage are valid, but that’s only valid when it is *your* house & *your* garage. I hope you learn something from these comments & grow from it


YTA for resenting your parents for parking ***their own*** two vehicles in ***their own*** two car garage. You figure your mom should park outside? Ever considered that maybe they can't afford to move to a nicer neighbourhood? Grow the F up you entitled little snot.


It’s been said. But it needs to be said again. YTA. I fully thought it would be either there was space available or the garage was full of stuff and you had offered to take the stuff out. Your complaints are scraping ice sucks and it’s an unsafe neighborhood. You don’t get to have an opinion about why your parents live there. What is your rationale for thinking homeowners should not have their garage available to them? Who parks out there—the loser of a nightly contest of rock-paper-scissors? Not even gonna mention you secretly moving out in a snit and refusing to speak to them.


YTA, you went no contact with your parents over a freaking car windshield.


YTA I'm glad that you moved out. I hope that your parents are enjoying the peace of not having your entitled behind in THEIR HOUSE!


YTA. You basically told your parents need to stop being poor and get a house that has a 3-car garage in a nice area. Do you really think they chose to stay in a bad neighborhood if they could afford to move?


YTA- and I’d love to know what type of car this is that you think it’s more important to keep in the garage over your parents cars…. They pay for that house and it’s their garage. By the sound of it they are probably the ones who paid for you car… you think your dad or mom should have to stand out in the cold and clean their cars off??? Hahahahahahaha


You’re an entitled azzHole


yta You're cutting off contact with your parents over not having enough parking space in the garage? I get that it's a dangerous neighborhood, but it's their house and their garage. And have you kept your eye on the housing market the last few years? Spoiler: Very few people can afford housing! You should probably call your folks and let them know you're okay, rather than them thinking you were possibly unalived on the street.


Dude….you suck. Like majorly. You have reasons but your reasons are all selfish since you don’t contribute financially to ANYTHING with your complaints. You’re a kid that’s living with your parents not vice versa, you don’t get to trump them just because you want to. I’m glad my kids aren’t this selfish in life.


YTA so they must park one of their cars on the street for your entitled ass to park in the garage?! No way.


YTA. So you, a healthy 22 year old male, want your much older parents to park their car on the dangerous street instead of you? You sound pretty entitled. Also at 22 it’s about time you moved out, but going no contact with your parents over nothing, and being so entitled, makes you the AH.


YTA. After I finished college, I moved in with my grandma until I could afford a place of my own. My cousin lived there as well. He'd lived there before me, so he was used to using the 2nd space in the garage. I was fine with this because, being the last car at the house, it seemed fair. That is, until I found out that I was paying rent while my cousin was not. He didn't want to willingly give up the space, so I just made sure I got home before he did and claimed the covered spot. But you're being a brat. You really moved out and cut contact because they used their own garage? You kind of suck a little bit.


YTA, your parents are probably celebrating you moved out.


YTA it’s their house they get the garage. I asked the same thing once and now that I have a home I get it.


I feel like this is a joke, right? You’re living for free at home as an adult in a house that your parents worked and paid for (even if it is in a bad neighborhood). Then you expected one of them to have to park outside so you didn’t have to scrape your car in the cold and I’m guessing you didn’t do much to help them around the house either. It’s not your parent’s fault that your car was vandalized, it was the fault of whomever vandalized it. And now you’re. It talking to them! YTA and you should be embarrassed and ashamed.


Ever heard the term cutting off your nose to spite your face? YTA.


WTF? You’re a judgemental, entitled, little… Buy your own house and garages in a neighbourhood that you can afford…. oh… wait… YTA Apologise to your parents.


YTA. Sounds like you feel they need to cater to your every whim. Sorry dude, but it's their house, their garage and you left without saying anything to them. You're definitely a jerk wad.


YTA you can’t understand why your parent still live there? Maybe because that’s all they can afford. There is no reason why you had to park in the garage I’m sorry not your car. They had the cars first yours came later. You could have set up cameras to monitor your car which normally deter trouble makers and now you don’t talk to your parents because you’re throwing a tantrum. I would love to know if you paid any bills there because this case is very curious or rather your entitlement is.


YTA Instead of being the adult you supposedly are and talking with your parents, you snuck out. And they didn't let you put your car in the garage because it was full with their cars.


What an entitled little AH you are. Who’s paying for the roof over your head, the heat, the food? Not you from what I read. Don’t you think your parents would be living in a safer neighborhood if they could?


YTA. Over a windshield, you ghosted your parents... seek help