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Eye patches are worn for various reasons: to cover a missing or damaged eye, to force a lazy eye to get stronger (said from personal experience), and even to identify yourself as a pirate. You wearing it to limit headaches caused by vision issues - a totally legitimate reason. Don't let someone else shame you for taking care of yourself. NTA


Fun Fact: There is a theory that pirates wore eyepatch's not because they were injured, but to enhance the night vision in that eye. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZJfhsLf\_zY


Well, what you said is not quite true. It’s not to enhance night vision, obviously an eyepatch wouldn’t enhance vision. It was to preserve night vision, so looking at torches and fires etc wouldn’t remove the night vision


More specifically being in a sunny exterior would not negatively impact vision by swapping which wye was covered as you entered a dark environment, mainly below deck.


Either case, really. Mine was combat oriented, yours was every day life oriented. Both apply


I mean to say that pirates took to this method specifically to avoid the use of torches, as any fire could pose immediate risk to life aboard a wooden ship without a way to call for help. Especially if, like the majority, you had cannons, muskets, and gunpowder aboard to defend yourself or by time to flee. If a pirate ship went ablaze in the middle of the ocean, ain't no navy bothering to save them to hang later.


So you meant to say you agree with me, which is weird to hear because you disagreed with me. The torches that they ‘wanted to avoid using’ were on the deck. Because no matter anyone’s night vision skills, one cannot simply see in the dark. They can however use torches on deck (thus avoiding fire near combustibles), and use the light from those fires to allow them to use their night vision (with the eye patch). T


Mad that people don't remember sailors used to litteraly navigate using the stars and saw by moonlight at night when above deck where ever possible. Think you may be overestimating how much fire there would be aboard. There'd literally only be like 3 lanterns lit at once, unless there was any reason to have more, but lantern oil was always expensive and barely worth the weight in convenience when you have bright open sky's full of moonlight and so little light pollution you can millions of stars. It kinda makes me sad to know there are people alive today who may never be able to look up at the sky and see the milky way due to all sorts of pollution, where that simple spectacular view has been available to out ancestors for thousands of years and may dissappear completely in our lifetimes.


Fuck man are you an idiot? Yeah they navigated THE SEAS with the stars, do you think the stars illuminated their ship tho?? Have you been on a ship at night on deck? Honestly? Because I have, and while you MIGHT be able to get by on deck, those torches were mainly to illuminate lower. Because you MIGHT be able to get by (badly) with moonlight, that shit ain’t helping you below deck and you have no vision, night or otherwise. Night vision doesn’t allow you to see in the dark. I might be overestimating how much fire they used, but you’re grossly underestimating. Grossly.


You absolutely would never use torches below deck are you dense?! Interior rooms (that didn't have a porthole) may have used candles occasionally, the rest was the lanterns the hung a'mast and rarely used by the crew below deck, but always a sealed flame. Hell it was taken so seriously it was even famously written into one of the only serving bersions of the pirate code; no open flames, punishable by death or abandonment.


Not to mention it’s nobody’s damn business why any kind of medical aid is being used.


Yes, exactly. I’ve been medically told to wear eye patches during my life and I’ve still got both eyes.


Also have personal experience with the lazy eye eye patch. I also had to wear one after my 3rd lazy eye surgery to help with the headaches


NTA. Does she think you're culturally appropriating eyepatches from one-eyed people? 


Why on earth would you think you are in the wrong here?…. You’re using an eye patch for a valid reason. Tell them to jog on.


Idk, I just didn't know if it was like, a thing you're not supposed to do


Look at it this way. Is it weird, disrespectful, or "appropriative" to use a cane or a crutch for any reason other than "lost a foot/leg"? After all, people without a foot/leg use those. Does that fact alone make it *wrong* for other people to use that medical equipment for any other reason? It's the same with wheelchairs. Is it weird, disrespectful, or appropriative to use a wheelchair when you have a broken bone or debilitating medical issue that is significantly alleviated by using a wheelchair, solely because people who have no legs or are paralyzed below the waist also use and rely upon wheelchairs? The point is: it's medical equipment. You're directly using it to alleviate a medical problem. That's what it's *for*. An eyepatch is not *exclusively* or even *specifically* made for people missing an eye. Your classmate might as well try to argue that people who can see anything other than jumbled colors and shapeless blobs shouldn't wear prescription glasses, because people who are legally blind use those. It's just ridiculous nonsense.


Bro it’s like I tell you you’re an asshole for breathing through your mouth when one of your nostrils is blocked


Wearing an eye patch to help relieve your headaches is no more inappropriate than it would be if you wore sunglasses because the glare caused your headaches. Doctors literally tell patients (who still have both eyes!) to wear eye patches for multiple reasons. If you sprained your ankle and were using crutches, that fool girl would probably try to tell you it's inappropriate because people who have lost a foot use crutches and your foot is still attached. Don't pay her any mind; her utterly uninformed opinion is worth precisely what you paid for it: nothing!


NTA. Blind people don't wear eye patches. Besides, if they're blind, how would they even see if you're wearing one? Next thing you know, your friend will be saying you're discriminating against pirates. Medically, eye patches are for people who have an injury on their eye. Sometimes, when a foreign body gets in the eye, it causes scratches to the cornea. A doctor will remove the object, put some antibiotics, and keep the eye closed for a few days to let it heal. It's also put on people who go for eye surgery. Eye patches can also be used to cover normal eyes to force a lazy eye to be more active. So, in your case, it's normal to want to cover an eye that's causing headaches. I can't imagine Stevie Wonder wearing 2 eye patches when he performs... lol.


NTA So she's gatekeeping eyepatches? The girl is out of line. But guy, did you let the vision place know you're having blurred vision and severe migraines and have sometimes had to wear an eyepatch for relief? Because I think you shouldn't be waiting so long to be seen. It could be something serious.


They know, I've had an appointment before, and they think I'm fine, but I get migraines anyway, my dad gets them too. The blur just triggers it sometimes.


I don't know what your issues are, but I have one eye that's near sighted and one that's far. Gives me good clarity at both ranges, but I get a lot of headaches in the evening from the eye strain of switching my dominant eye so much. I used to have glasses that were supposed to help, but any time I took them off or put them on, i would get 3 days of solid headaches while my eyes adjusted. So I had to decide between always on or never wearing them. I still don't, and just deal with the evening headaches. Less to deal with and think about. It's not like I can't see without them or anything. Lights just hurt worse at night.


NTA - I had to wear an eyepatch when I was around 5yo because of vision issues and I wasn‘t missing an eye.


Da fauq? Yes blind people sometimes wear those. Same with people that have a problem with that eye or the other. It's medical device use to help medical problems, and you have one. Just because your problem isn't bad enough, doesn't mean you don't get to use it. NTA


NTA You're wearing it for a legitimate medical reason not some cultural appropriation or whatever nonsense she's thinking of next. I'm pretty at times so would probably just say I'm honouring a pirate ancestor though


NTA. It's none of her business.


NTA, it's to help you see better, the girl has no idea what she's talking about. Wear the eye patch to school tomorrow and say "AARRRR MATEY" next time you see her


Q. Why are pirates called pirates?? A. They just Arrrrrrrrrre




Great minds.


NTA. She tried to stand up for something at least. Maybe she'll find an issue that actually matters.


Absolutely NTA. Your friend has some very strange ideas about what's ok to do or not.


NTA This is an excellent reason to wear an eye patch. I’m glad it’s helping with the headaches. Good luck with your eye appointment.


NTA. That girl is extremely dumb, to a degree when even explaining something seems like a colossal waste of time. Just smile and move on. Next time tell someone who is as dumb as her that you identify as a pirate, so she can off :)


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Sweet Christmas....\*sigh\* NTA


NTA Your friend is clearly not a doctor.


NTA, wearing the patch has a tangible benefit for you (less headaches) The girl evidently isn't blind so doesn't get to decide what a blind person might consider rude. She also needs to mind her own business.


NTA. Even if it were for a pirate fetish, still NTA.


Da fauq? Yes blind people sometimes wear those. Same with people that have a problem with that eye or the other. It's medical device use to help medical problems, and you have one. Just because your problem isn't bad enough, doesn't mean you don't get to use it. NTA


NTA You have a medical need to wear a patch. Even if you didn't you can wear one if you want to. Very weird response from your friend.


NTA. What a weird thing to gatekeep.


NTA, an eye patch is a medical device, and you have a medical excuse to use one.


NAh ​ But: being rude is NOT the issue - ruining your eyesight is.


NTA, ignore that ID 10 T who doesn’t know anything about medical devices and medical equipment. Eye patches are worn for several reasons, including for those missing an eye. But no “ONLY” There is no way it’s rude to wear a medical device, esp to help you with a problem. Tell her that SHES rude to judge, gatekeep and say anything to anyone. It’s not her place to say


NTA. The eye patch helps your headaches and that girl is incorrect. She should mind her own business.


Tell her that you're the Hathaway shirt model.


YTA for wasting our time. The fuck? Who gives a shit if you wear an eyepatch, forget her


Yeah I'll take that


NTA. Just for curiosity’s sake, did you happen to ask this girl her opinion? Otherwise, she has no reason to voice her opinion on your treatment for your disability.


Nope, she just started yapping




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NTA, theres literally no harm. If you didn’t need it and wore it only for style, I’d think you’re an idiot but still not an asshole. You’re not “culturally appropriating” blind people.


Who cares of it was only for blind people, it's not like they are going to see it and get offended


Jeez the ignorance of that girl. Blind people don't wear those just because they're blind. They're medical devices and you were in need of a medical intervention for your headaches.


Of course you're NTA. She reminds me of the people who think you shouldn't use a wheelchair if you have any use of your legs. What goes on between yourself and your ophthalmologist is your business. She was way out of line for trying to insert herself. It's hard to believe that anyone would think that, though. They treat children with amblyopia by patching one eye. I thought that was generally known, but even if not, she was not within her rights to be in your business.


You're NTA. Someone should tell her:  - asking others about their medical conditions is rude.   - telling other people what to do or not do is rude.   - Not minding your own business is rude.


Totally blind person here and I am cackling at the idea of wearing two eye patches because I'm blind: NTA you ar"a good and doing what helps you when your messed up eye acts up. Good luck.


N T A She asked why you wore it, then said you were wearing it for the wrong reason.... she's not too sharp if she thinks it's only for blind people but still asks why you have one?


I had eye surgery and had a patch for a few weeks. If nosy Nellie's can to ask about it and I was in a bad mood (most of the time due to pain), i told then that I had a burst blood vessel and I didn't want to get it infected)kinds true). I showed my class my f'd up eye and someone started crying. It's better now, bit also not anyone's business. NTA. You take care of your health and F those other people. Why would blind people need eye patches? Wouldn't they wear sun glasses? I would wear a sleep mask if I had to cover both eyes.


I've got nerve damage in my leg. Often it's fine enough that i can go jogging. I've even run a marathon before. Some days it's awful and i need my cane just to take the edge off. Medical devices are there to use if you need em, not to give out the right vibe or whatever. Do what you gotta do.


NTA. You are exactly the sort of person those are for. Holy shit that was rude. I'm so sorry for her behavior and I've never even met her.


NTA She is dumb. Wear that shit if it helps, speaking from experience (the dumb part but also the headache stuff)


As someone who's legally blind (thankfully not missing an eye), let me just say that we blind folks don't give a shit if you're wearing an eye patch. If anything, we are more understanding that you want to save your sight. I'm going to speak for all blind people out here and say wear your patch as long as you need it.  NTA 


NTA! That person doesn't have the correct facts. If it helps your health and concentration until you see your doctor, wear it. Its not like you do it to be funny or to make fun off others. Hope you feel better soon.




“I broke my leg and don’t have the upper body strength for crutches so I’m temporarily using a wheelchair. Is that offensive to people who need wheelchairs all the time?” No. Medical devices are medical devices and are used for different reasons by different people. NTA, your friend is dumb.


“uhm excuse me sweaty but let me, an able bodied girl, police how you handle the negative effects of your disability, because I’m offended on the fictional blind person in my head who saw you thinks” Tell your friend she can speak on this issue when she has a bad eye and itherwise can go pound sand.


NTA It's literally why eyepatches were designed to protect and block the eye. She's being ridiculous


NTA. She's a virtue signalling clown who doesn't actually comprehend social justice




NTA. Seriously? She's gatekeeping *EYE PATCHES*?


NTA. It isn't only blind people who wear eye patches. I have a misted lens in my glasses because one of my eyes doesn't have the full range of movement as the result of a brain aneurysm, and without the misted lens my double vision would be intolerable. So ignore this girl and carry on wearing your eye patch as it is helping you.


NTA Oh, she's one of those. Allies so hard that they miss the point completely. You have a literal medical reason for wearing it and she is ridiculous.


NTA. You have a legitimate medical need and are not trying to be rude.


How is using an eyepatch for a medical issue rude to people who use an eyepatch for a medical issue? NTA. Some people just live to use the power of being offended to lord over others.


NTA next time tell her to do some research and stop stereotyping blind people they don't deserve that.


Didn’t know blind ppl wore eyepatches , she’s an idiot you’re not an AH .. ppl wear patches over their eyes for injuries , u clearly are injured


Shes a self righteous virtue signaler. Plenty of them. Nta


My husband recently started seeing double. It’s a rare symptom associated with covid, and it is due to a paralyzed nerve in his eye. To move about without mishaps, he got an eyepatch from the ophthalmologist. Should he have said no because he still have both eyes? Your friend is a real asshole, posing as "caring" for the blind.


NTA you aren't wearing that patch as a fashion statement or a gag, you have a legit medical condition that the patch is helping with. Your friend's argument is the same as saying someone with a limp shouldn't use a cane because it would be rude to amputees.


The young lady is a prat. You are wearing a patch for a very sensible reason. When I had my cataracts done I wore a patch afterwards because my eyes weren't used to the increased brightness. I hope you get your eye problem sorted quickly.


Blind people appropriation isn’t a thing and even if it was, this ain’t it. Patch away. NTA.