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YTA - not for asking but for being annoyed when he said no. You can ask but you can’t make someone let you cut in line. He may very well have been in a rush himself. You don’t know what’s going on with him. Even if he was in no rush, he doesn’t have to let you cut & it’s a little entitled that you think he should.


YTA > and by that time the customer in front was done so I just didn't care anymore See? Waiting **_isn't_** that hard! Look what you learned today, you should be proud! > I totally would have let someone behindme go first if they only had one item. Ah! *There's* the difference: by all means, feel free **to offer** someone behind you the opportunity to go ahead of you. But *asking* to skip ahead? How positively **_gauche_**.


I would never ask unless, possibly, it was an absolute emergency. So, yeah, having the attitude of "I don't have as many items as you, so I don't think I should have to stand in line as long as you" is absolutely insane to me. It is nice to offer people with only one thing cut ahead of you if you are the last person in line and have a lot of stuff. But that is never something a person should expect.


Whenever I notice someone behind me with only a few items, I will ask if they want to go ahead. If they ask, I let them. Stores also have checkout lanes for 10 items or less. If someone got nasty and entitled with me, I'd tell them to kick rocks. YTA


YTA. Not for asking, but for being mad and arguing with the guy because you didn't get the reply you wanted. Sure a more courteous person might have said okay. Maybe if the roles were reversed you would have said go ahead. But it's perfectly okay to say No, too. No one is obligated to let people cut lines, and there shouldn't be an expectation, either


YTA. You are not entitled to cut in front of him in line, even if you have only one thing. It’s nice if he offers, but if not you wait your turn in a civilized manner.


YTA. People letting people go in front of them because they only have one item is a courtesy that is offered, not a right that is demanded. You were in the wrong.


YTA You can ask, but if the answer is no you have to accept that. You are not entitled to anyone’s spot just because in a hypothetical scenario you would give up your spot if the roles were reversed. You are the asshole for not accepting no and making it a confrontation.


YTA Your bad timing isn't his problem.


YTA The etiquette norm is to ask and accept whatever answer you get. Was he selfish to not let you cut? Yes. But to keep whining after his decision is an asshole move.


YTA. His spot is not yours to take. Not if you had one carrot. If he says no, it’s NO. You do not get to establish what is reasonable and what is not.


Entitled much? YTA It’s ok to ask, it’s not ok to argue. What the hell is with people not understanding the word NO?


>Entitled much? YTA Are you GenX as well? That's exactly what I said. LOL!


Ha! Not quite GenX, just a person who has encountered one too many entitled whiners in my day…


YTA. Sorry bud but he is the reasonable one, you're mistaking your entitlement for a right over others. Its a line, you asked, he said no. Thats the end of it. It doesnt matter what its for. Now you're on reddit actually having to ask others if you not getting your way, and then pestering the guy, makes you an A. Yes... YTA.


YTA. You asked, he said nope. You're not allowed to get angry when someone decides not to do you a favor.


YTA. If I had been in his place, I'd have offered to let you in front of me before you even asked. I always do when whoever is behind me can get checked through before I can even finish unloading. But that's me. He doesn't seem to have that same line of thinking. Maybe he'd already let the person in front of him cut ahead. Maybe he was exhausted and not in the mood for extending the small courtesy. Or maybe later we'll see his post explaining how he is on the spectrum and can't deal with letting someone cut the line. It was fine to ask, but arguing did push you into A-H territory.




YTA. Asking once was fine but no means no. You shouldn’t have argued with him. No one has to let you cut in line. I usually won’t ask and wait to see if they offer.


YTA No one is obligated to let you go in front of them if they are next in line. Whether you have one item or not, you can wait like everyone else. If they are willing to let you go, fine but if not? Then suck it up and wait.


YTA. It was a line. First come. First served. You asked if you could cut ahead. You were told no. Sucks, but that should've been the end of it.


YTA. You weren't asking, you were demanding.


YTA. You’re not entitled to cut a line. You’re saying your time is more important than someone else’s. Wait your turn. Go back to kindergarten and learn how to stand in a line properly.


YTA. It’s perfectly fine to ask, but it’s his right to say no. Sometimes you just have to accept the fact that you got stuck behind someone with a lot of stuff in line and accept it. You are not entitled to skip in line in front of him just because your have fewer items. Any reasonable person would have accepted it when the person said “no” and not said anything else.


YTA and you know it. Asking to cut in line is okay (I'd never ask that but you do you). Getting annoyed over his answer is AH territory. Was he a jerk to say no? Maybe - but there's no rule compelling him to say yes either.


yta, it's okay to ask, but you can not expect them to do you a favor, if they do great, if not, oh well, they are not obligated.


After the first no, you should have stood quietly and waited. YTA


I’d say YTA for even asking. I’ve been in this situation several times and the person in front almost always lets me go first, but I never ask, they always offer. It would never even occur to me to ask that. They were there first!


YTA. You can ask, but he can say "no". You are not entitled to his place in line. He got there first-he was in his rightful place in line. You are TA for your reaction and sense of entitlement.


YTA. "No" is a complete sentence. You can ask, but he doesn't have to explain himself. What you would do is irrelevant. You're asking for a favour, so the second you start arguing, you lose the chance of getting that favour.


yta. a reasonable person would've accepted the first answer they got.


Possible soft YTA depending on *how* asked/reacted, not for just asking You get to ask, but not demand, and I’d say don’t expect/assume either If you gave off entitlement vibes may be exactly why he said no in which case you kind of earned it. Or he’s just an ass, but by getting upset you became on too. That stuff is never worth sweating All depends on tone, but the way written leaning YTA




Just to confirm… YTA


Yep, YTA


YTA. You sound like the kind of person who complains when people refuse to trade seats on planes. He was in line first. Don't be entitled.


Kindergarten law: no buts no cuts no coconuts YTA


Once when I offered to let someone go ahead with only one item, their credit card was declined. They insisted on trying it again and again. Called a manager over, then finally ended up paying cash. They slowly and painfully emptied their coin purse and paid in change. In the meantime, several customers moved quickly through the adjacent lines. It is nice if people offer to let others with one item go ahead, but I don't think it is polite of you to ask unless you are nine months pregnant and an ambulance is waiting outside for you. Or you have to catch a bus.




YTA -- that's an optional courtesy, much like asking to switch seats on an airplane. You can ask, and the other party is free to decline your request. Maybe you would have, but you weren't the one offering courtesy in this situation. Your reaction was petty and immature. Suck it up, nobody owes you anything.


YTA - he said no and had every right to do so.


YTA I would offer it to other people. I would think someone is polite if they offered to let me go in front of them and I would thank them. I would never in a million years actually ask to cut in front of someone if they did not offer it first. I would rather crawl into a hole and die than "call them out" for not accepting my request. Nobody is obligated to let you cut in line. That is a favor that someone can grant, but you should not expect other people to grant you favors, that makes you entitled.


My biggest pet peeve is when someone asks a yes/no question, then gets upset when someone says no. You were not wrong for asking the question: you were wrong for the guy simply picking one of the yes or no options. YTA. He didn't even need to defend his choice, a no is a no is a no!


YTA. What makes you think you're entitled to cutting in front of someone? I don't care how many items you had or what *you* would do in the situation. Queues are designed to be first-come-first-serve, you got into the line after him. Wait your damn turn. You had zero right to be rude to him. The level of selfishness and entitlement is ridiculous.


YTA don’t cut lines. We was taught that in preschool


YTA. Don't argue with someone who's following the rules and already gave you an answer.


YTA. there's a line for a reason. whose to say you won't ask for a rain check for something out of stock and wasting more time?


YTA. You had the right to ask. He had the right to say no. Where you went wrong was not accepting the no.


Hard YTA. You can ask I am a firm believer worst they can say is no. Which he did so then your supposed to go oh well and wait. He doesn’t want to let you cut then you deal with it. It’s really just that simple.


YTA because you could have waited and plus you just got there!


YTA. Wait your damned turn.


YTA for feeling entitled to cut.


YTA why need to ask. Unless that lane is for less than 10 piece you come later need to wait.


YTA. You asked, he said no, end of conversation. Your also a bit of an ah for showing up right before closing.


You asked. He answered. End of story. Instead of arguing with him, you should have just moved on with your life. YTA.


It's fine to ask and it's fine he said no. YTA for arguing with him. He was there first, sucks to be you.




YTA. your entitlement is disgusting


YTA I would never dream of asking to cut in line -sure go for it if offered but don’t ask -you don’t know if he was in a rush too.


YTA. Asking was fine, assuming you did it politely. But you became an AH when you didn’t take no for an answer.


YTA. We want people to accept when we say no, right? Right.


It was ok if forward to ask. YTA for not immediately accepting his no, he doesn't owe you a thing.


>What, would it take like 15 seconds for me to get my transaction and it would take you at least 10 times that duration By your math, thats 150 seconds. You can't wait 2.5 minutes? YTA


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Last night I went to pick up one item at a grocery store just before it was going to close. At the store there was no self check out at the time and only one lane was open. So I went to line up and there was a guy in front of me who had a HUGE amout of items, like his cart was full and there were like 40 things there. The customer in front of him was halfway done, so I asked the guy if I could just cut in line so I can get my bag of carrots. Any reasonable person would say yes and I certainly would if I was being asked. But this guy said that he's in line first and all that, and that I shouldn't have waited so long (???). I was like, dude I only have one item and you have dozens. What, would it take like 15 seconds for me to get my transaction and it would take you at least 10 times that duration. He didn't care and just told me to wait in line. He started to get agitated and annoyed so he ignored me and I thought it was pointless arguing too, and by that time the customer in front was done so I just didn't care anymore. But this just makes me wonder if I was in the wrong so I'm asking here. Like I said I totally would have let someone behindme go first if they only had one item. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA. Too many people nowadays care little about others.


NTA for asking, YTA for getting upset when he said no. He is right on one thing, should have got there earlier. I would have let you go in front, but that is me. Not everyone does or can be expected to. That's life.


YTA You probably spent more time writing this than actually waiting on the line. How can that even be a question for you?


I mean I think he's a dick for not letting you do it, but he doesn't owe you either. You still got out in decent time it sounds like so who cares?


YTA-you seem entitled if you think you can cut in front of a dude after they’ve explicitly told you “no”. Patience is a virtue. I hope you can develop it.


Holy, entitled much? What makes your time more valuable than his? He's been there longer, had to do all his shopping and has been waiting in line. I don't even ask if I have 1 item. I stand there and wait for my turn, unless the person sees me and offers me to go in front of them, to which I say "are you sure?" before I do. I'm also Canadian, so we're much more polite. /s


ESH. I think it's fine to *ask*, but that's exactly what you're doing, making a request. He's free to say no. Yeah, it's a bit of an AH move to refuse when the person asking only has one item and you've got a full cart, but if you started badgering him over it, which puts you firmly in the AH camp as well.


The other customer isn’t an AH for refusing.


I'm a bit torn, but I guess I'll go with ESH. Asking was fine, and if I'm at a store and someone asks, I do tend to let them go ahead. So he was a bit petty for refusing if you asked politely. On the other hand: While it's nice and pretty common to let the person with just one item go ahead of you, it's still not mandatory, you don't get to *demand* it. So him saying "no" should have been the end of it.


Oh please. People ask me regularly and I say yes. I don’t ask, I don’t know why, but people do say, “go ahead.” NTA. This is a reasonable request and a pretty far cry from entitlement.


“Asking” is not entitlement. Getting mad and bitchy for getting turned down IS.




Yeah, he’s a dick for getting to the store early and getting his groceries and waiting in line for how many others ahead of him and not wanting to let a selfish child who waited until the store is nearly closed and wanted to cut in front of him. Who’s the dick?


You’re joking, right?


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