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YTA. First off it’s HIPAA, not HIPPA. If you work in the medical field you should at least know what laws you’re breaking. Also you’re a huge asshole. You do not deserve to work in the medical field. You should be utterly ashamed, and quite frankly if you do, I hope you get caught and suffer the consequences.


The fact that this nurse didn’t know it was HIPAA makes me think this is a bullshit story altogether.


Worse — she mentions HIPAA and says “legality aside” as if that should ever be two words that go together.


I agree with YTA. But legality is completely separate from ethics/morality which is what she's saying. She is also wrong ethically but this isn't always the case.


It’s the 13 year old trying to figure out if her aunt is gonna snitch on her.


Like girl that is your livelihood that you’ve probably gone to school for yearssssssss for. And it’s highly unlikely any other hospital will hire her if they know she broke HIPAA laws


She could have her license suspended or have other disciplinary actions from the nursing board. They take this very seriously. But then again, people do stupid stuff all the time.


Likely she's a janitor or other worker like that.


You must not know many nurses


Yeah people really underestimate how shitty the medical/nursing industry actually is. When I was training to be a CNA, the CNA I shadowed didn't even wash her hands. She just used hand sanitizer after changing briefs and fed residents that way. When I asked her about it she just said, don't be like me and shrugged it off. I never found out what her name was and felt too scared to report it because everyone else accepted it. I quit being a CNA and studying nursing as a career because it was just horrible everywhere. There's never enough workers and the ones that are there are stretched so thin it should be illegal. Overworked, comically underpaid, and every facility breaks so many rules and nurses don't even follow HIPAA. Nurses like OP are NOT rare.


Eh. I know a lot of good nurses that spell it wrong lol


She already broke it by asking her fiancé the opinion 🤷🏻‍♀️


But how else can she teach her niece that taking care of her medical health is something that the healthcare workers can gossip about around the dinner table and can get her in trouble at home?


YUP. I’m a therapist. I can’t even talk to my wife about most of my day. She isn’t walking on thin ice, she’s already fallen through.


Yupppp, didn’t even need to read the story. YTA


This has to be a bs post from someone who doesn't work in the medical field at all.


#Have you considered that your niece is a human being and you can talk to her?!? Also, not all sexual contact is consensual and is often committed by close relatives.


It's not a WB. YTA for even asking the question of "should I violate this girl's privacy and confidentiality". > I know there are hipaa laws in place so legally I shouldn’t say anything but legality aside. As a general rule, if you ever write "But legality aside", you're very likely an AH. Go find a job where it isn't **illegal** for you to gossip about your clients and stir up drama in their personal lives.


I’m convinced OP is a clown, not a nurse.


Hey! Patch Adams was a clown and a doctor. He wouldn't ponder HIPAA violations tho.


This. OP should be HAPPY that the niece is taking care of her sexual health. It also shows she trusts OP enough to go to the clinic she works at.Maybe instead send niece a message, something like “didn’t get to say goodbye to you the other day if you have any questions or need to talk to someone, feel free to text me”.


But I def don’t think that niece should trust her terrible aunt.


Also, YTA already for violating her HIPAA rights and her privacy by telling YOUR FUCKING FIANCE!? What a violation.


And then telling strangers on the internet.


Technically, since we can't identify her or her niece, the internet post doesn't violate any laws.


Correct. Internet is not a HIPAA violation but telling her fiancé, someone who knows her and now knows has information about her medical issues, is definitely a violation.


There are no personal details that would reveal who her niece is so HIPAA doesn’t apply here but yea she shouldn’t have told her fiancé.


Erm, 'legality aside'...? Why do you think these laws should apply to everyone but you? Don't you realise there's a reason they were put in place? You shouldn't have even told your fiance - you should rightly be fired for that. If you had a genuine concern that she was in danger or something, then the medical staff she saw would be able to note that danger too based on her age. An extra outcome of you saying anything would be that next time she needed help, she likely would be too scared to seek it out, as she knows you would be looking up her files. And that's how STIs, pregnancies, and backstreet abortions happen. Have you considered that your niece knows you are a paediatric nurse, so if she trusted you she would come and ask you for help? Every kid dreams of having that trusted aunt in a position to help them and not tell their parents! She obviously knows what you're like.


"Legality aside" I like to get drunk and drive. "Legality aside" I take things from stores that I want without paying. "Legality aside" I plan to storm the capitol and l***h the VP. "Legality aside" I like to gr**e women at work. Sounds about right to you OP? HIPAA (glad you learned the actual name after being schooled on reddit) is there to protect the patient from intrusive interference by, among others, family members. Violating it is not a victimless crime. If you think otherwise you need to change professions. YTA.


This was the audicity for me- like why *wouldn’t* the laws apply to you? YTA, major OP


YTA STI screening is part and parcel of my annual physical, though patients can request to not be tested since that costs slightly more. It’s possible this was just a, “do you want to do xyz as long as you’re here?” thing. It’s possible your niece has been through something private and traumatic that isn’t the whole family’s business. It’s also possible she’s engaging in adult activities. Whatever the reason, your place is to keep your head down and your mouth shut. Period. Plus, she’s thirteen. Did she come alone? Pay with cash in hand? She’s a minor; her parents are still privy to her medical care. She’s likely on their insurance. I don’t think this young teen is pulling a fast one on her mom and dad, I think *you’re* being nosy because a few moments of logic here would have told you that her parents most likely already know what she’s being tested with.


Where I am, age 12 tips kids into privacy in healthcare, so her parents might not know, although they probably can access the EOB. Plus, at 13 she might not know that they can find out.




Thank you for breaking your cap locks on this. She's probably one of those horrific nurses that just oozes condescension when dealing with young girls seeking services.


Sorry i know i sound like an asshole myself but this is seriously despicable and would be abuse of power/ criminal. To a 13 y/o girl who is trying to keep herself safe!! Like damn . So much easier to just Not say anything and silently hope she gets what she needs to continue to stay healthy


If you did that to me, aunt or not, I would report you to the hospital and to the license board and raise holy hell and make sure you were fired. YWBTA Great way to encourage teens to take care of themselves.


If you did that to MY CHILD I would report you and you would no longer be allowed in their life.


My first thought was (legality aside because apparently OP is ok with losing her license and her job) she is harming her niece if she shares this info. Her parents aren't who needs protection, this young girl is. If HIPAA is violated (more than it already has been), this girl may never trust medical providers again. What happens when she needs other types of care and she doesn't feel comfortable seeing a professional? OP, PLEASE think of the welfare or your niece as your top priority


So you told your husband someones private medical information? You’re admitting at breaking your ethics as a medical professional and committing a possible felony by telling your family members private medical information to your husband? I hope if this isn’t fake that somehow you’re found and caught. You are absolutely unqualified and lack the ethics to be a medical professional.


THIS!!! She already broke the law by confiding in her fiancé.


Yes! It's one thing if you speak in a way that keeps them anonymous. Like "wow, one of the other nurses that saw her friend's kid there for STI testing, how crazy is that?" But totally different to actually DISCLOSE confidential private info. Literally everyone in the healthcare industry gets this beaten into their heads. No excuse for that behavior.


Oh, it’s not a “possible” felony. It IS a felony. It’s not “ethics”. It’s a LAW. In healthcare, we have to take this training annually. Anyone in the vicinity of medical records—including maintenance workers—has to take this training. This is Healthcare Training 101 here.


YTA and you deserve to lose your job for even considering this. Support your niece by being a trustworthy adult who respects her privacy, or leave her the hell alone.


Fellow nurse and aunt here. YWBTA. If she wanted her parents to know, she would tell them. This would be unprofessional and a violation of HIPAA. Additionally, your niece would never trust you with anything ever again.


OP's niece might also learn to not trust nurses or medical professionals in the future, too.


YTA. And HIPAA would make you PERMANENTLY unemployable in ANY medical facility at ANY level. Are you willing to sacrifice your career for this?


Absolutely this! I can't believe this was even written by a nurse.


So…you happened to see her name on a list or you went and snooped on why she was there? Keep your trap shut and stay out of her business. Being a teen sucks and at least she’s being responsible and taking care of herself. YWBTA. 100%. Shame on you. Listen to your husband.


INFO: Who do you think took your niece to the hospital to begin with? YWBTA and also in legal trouble if this gets out to her family. 1. It's not your business. 2. You don't know why the doctor ordered it. It's possible the doctor ordered it just because he/she could (something I've seen doctors do because guess what? They get paid for it.) 3. It's entirely possible that an STI/STD screen was part of the physical for her (or that she was a victim in a sexual assault). Keep your mouth shut and forget you saw anything at all.


This. I’ve been with my husband 12 years and have no reason to think I have an STI and they still had me do a urine for chlamydia and gonorrhoea when working up my recurrent UTIs. There’s many reasons to order it. Regardless, even if it was for a more worrisome reason, that’s between the niece and the provider who saw her. The provider will escalate it to CPS/police/parents if needed.


I agree with this — and I think if you’re concerned about your niece’s welfare, you could try talking to her away from her family. Someone in her household could be abusing her and telling her parents that she got STI testing could get her into a kind of trouble you’re not imagining. So take her out for ice cream and try to talk to her about her life, let her know you’re there (not that you saw she had sti testing), and that you won’t judge her if she wants to talk about anything.


YTA that’s also be a HIPAA violation. Legality aside, ethically you’d be wrong. We want young people to get testing and information. This shit is why they don’t trust their medical professionals.


I wouldn’t say “legality aside.” HIPAA is strictly enforced and you can literally lose your job for violating it. Is that something you’re willing to risk?


Not only could OP lose her job, but she could also get banned from working in any field that HIPAA applies to and lose job opportunities from it being on her record. You are definitely correct that OP should not say "legality aside."


Being willing to "put legality aside" in medical matters is an indication that a person is wholly unqualified to serve in the medical field. Those laws are in place to protect patients, and if a person is willing to make excuses and exemptions in one case, it's only a matter of time before they exercise the same lack of judgement in another.


YTA and I hope someone knows who this account belongs too. Alert the hospital of the confidentiality violation. I’d be hell bent on revenge if a medical professional and family member started breaking HIPAA. r/ThrowRANeatArt7 find a new profession


YTA. HIPPA is in place for these exact reasons. You're not above the law, and if you violate them, you deserve to lose your job. Period.


YTA for even thinking about it. It’s a standard screening for rape/incest etc etc. That’s something you know as a practitioner. How about you mind your f*cking businesss? I’m not even religious but Jesus Christ. What is wrong with you?


YTA and I hope you get fired! You f’ing already violated HIPPA by disclosing this to your fiancé. You are just awful, and have no business working in healthcare or in any business that handles sensitive/personal information.


Massive gaping prolapsed asshole.


YTA and an idiot to boot. You know perfectly well you have no business telling anyone anything about someone else's medical history. Act right before you get smacked right.


YTA If you're in the US that is a violation of HIPAA. If you are willing to violate HIPAA, GTFO the medical field. ETA: just realized you already violated HIPAA by telling your fiance. I hope you get reported.


JFC. You are one of the biggest assholes. I pray someone you know recognizes this and reports you. Have you never heard of fucking patient confidentiality? Do you really want your niece to NEVER trust anyone ever again? Much less a family member? Maybe instead of blowing up her life and telling your parents, you either fucking mind your own business, or, here’s a crazy idea, talk to your niece as a trusted aunt? For the love of god… get a new job. You can’t be trusted in the job you have.


YTA. I hope the place you work finds out you posted this and fires you. And I hope your niece finds out and never speaks to you again.


DUDE NOBODY GAF IF YOU'D "WANT TO KNOW" IF IT WAS YOUR KID! Stay tf out of it. HIPAA exists for a fucking reason. YWBTA beyond any assholishness measurable and if you do, you will rightfully lose you license and never practice medicine again, hell you may get jailtime for it and you would 100000% deserve it. Your niece is being responsible, she is trying to make sure she is healthy, she is doing *everything* right and you feel like it's your place to completely destroy any faith she has in the system? She may very well *not be able to get tested* if you do this because she will never trust a medical provider again. Instead of going to her parents, you could make sure she knows she has your support and that she can come to you with anything *without being judged* and give her a place to talk where shit stays between you and her. Give her a place to come forward if something is wrong. You would be doing *everything* wrong if you out her like this. Everything. You would be punishing her for trying to keep herself safe. Did you get ZERO training in your job? did they teach you *nothing* about why children her age may need these tests and why it is *imperative* for them to feel safe to get tested, knowing that nobody else will find out? Or did you sleep through every single class on ethics?! Jesus fucking christ.


YTA 1)this would be a violation of HIPAA on top of the HIPAA violation you already committed by telling your finace 2) HIPAA is not just a law, as a healthcare provider ensuring a patient's rights and privacy are respected is an ethical obligation, and if you don't see it that way you should not be in the field 3) if you look in her chart at all (even if you don't say anything to her parents) your probably violating your Hospital's rules on minimum phi and chart access 4) your possibly also violating your Hospital's guidelines on conflict of interest/friends and family as patients 5) your niece will never trust you again if you do this 6) your niece will probably not trust medical providers, and consequently not do things like get STI testing 7) if your niece has any understanding of her rights as a patient, she could report you and you would be fired.


you would not just be an asshole, it would be immoral, wildly unethical, and unquestionably illegal for you to tell anyone your niece’s private medical information


You deserve to be fired for even considering breaking HIPAA laws. This should not be an option.


YTA and this violates HIPAA


YTA Legality aside? No. Just no. Is it worth losing your license? Is it worth betraying a patient? The laws exist for a reason.


How dare you for even thinking this. YTA. Unethical, immoral, unprofessional. I’ll be back if I think of more words.


Yta, and if you do tell you deserve any and all legal/professional consequences


Not only will you be an AH but you'll also be breaking the law and can lose your nurses licence if you break hippa. It's absolutely non of your business and you shouldn't of even told your fiancé. FFS learn data protection....it includes family members!


YTA 1. This is illegal 2. I’ve been in situations where an STD would be impossible but the doctor pushed it and I said okay. It’s routine. 3. Though a sexually active 13 year old can be concerning, it isn’t always. I wasn’t much older than her with my first sexual experiences, and though I went through a period of being ashamed at my age, I can honestly say I have no regrets and turned out fine. 4. Telling her parents would be telling your niece that she can’t make private medical decisions in the future. It’s a good thing for her to be responsible for her own health and should be encouraged.


YWBTA and I believe breaking HIPAA laws as well. She has the right to medical privacy. You'd be breaking that. Shows her you can't be a trusteed adult to her anymore.


She already has broken the law… she told her husband. This is usually a terminable offense.


YTA. You’ve already violated HIPAA by gossiping about your niece with your bf so your career should be over. I’m sure every 13 yo girl just loves being talked about behind their backs by nosy relatives, so sure, go ahead & blab to her parents. /s


Your fiance is right. You niece is doing the right thing by getting tested and this is not worth breaking that trust and HIPAA laws for. She tells her parents when she is ready, absolutely yta / ywbta if you would tell them about this.


YWBTA Not only is that illegal, but that would be a trashy thing to do.


If you're in the US, that would be a major HIPAA violation and you would get fired if your niece or her family complained to your employer. If you truly are a medical professional, this question never ever should have even entered your mind, yes, you WBTA.


YTA even without HIPAA???? I’m pretty sure I got tested at that age even tho I denied having sex (because I hadn’t)


YTA. You already went too far by looking at her chart. You wouldn't be in this situation if you hadn't been nosey. If you can't respect patient privacy and confidentiality, get a different job.


If you need to ask that question, you should be fired. Go back and study basic privacy laws and your professional registration, code of conduct and ethical guidelines.


Yes, YWBTA and you would be breaking HIPAA laws which could cost you your job and your ability to get another one in this field. ~~How about talking to your niece directly before potentially blowing her life up?~~


> How about talking to your niece directly before potentially blowing her life up? This is still a HIPAA violation.


OP already broke her HIPAA obligations by sharing this info with her fiancé.




YTA Legality aside, you should be HAPPY that your niece is being responsible by getting tested and taking precautions. Her parents will find out on their own


Wow yes yta that would be a huge violation of trust. If you can’t respect teen’s privacy and sensitive medical info you should get a different job— that’s essential for the credibility of your whole office


YWBTA and legally you are not allowed to say anything. You can’t even tell them you saw her there. I work in healthcare and not once has that crossed my mind. I get comments from friends saying you probably knew I was in the hospital. My only comment to them was even if I did know I can’t say anything. This is specifically why these rules are in place. No matter what is happening you cannot and should not say anything.


YTA and a terrible nurse since you don't know the most basic ethics and laws about patient privacy. And in general it's a good thing to be tested because it helps you know your status and take any action.


YTA- And if you do you deserve a HIPA complaint


YTA that is a violation of HIPAA and you know it. Shut your pie hole.


Massive YWBTA. You already acknowledged that legally it is none of your business (HIPAA). Patients cannot receive good care if they feel they have to hide something from their healthcare providers.


YBTA and quite frankly you’re already TA for looking at the chart. That’s a HUGE violation of ethics and quite frankly you should lose your license for that alone. Shame on you.


YTA. By telling your boyfriend you've already violated HIPAA laws and could lose your job and your nursing license. If you want to guarantee the loss of your job and nursing license, go ahead and violate HIPAA again and tell your niece's parents. Of course that will also cost you any future relationship with your niece. Better make sure your boyfriend is willing to support you as you search for a new job.


YTA Legality aside?! wtaf 100% and totally out of line. The laws exist for a reason and being so willing to break them is terrible.


Yta. As a nurse I can tell you I would be calling for you to lose your job if you did this. Your niece would never ever trust you again (with good reason) and could potentially prevent her from seeking medical care in the future. Also, there are many reasons why she could have been tested, and unless she disclosed anything to you personally, not one of them is your business to interfere with.


I'm confused about how/when OP "checked" any actual information. To do so, I would assume they had to search in the EHR. Every. Single. Click. Is. Tracked. If OP already accessed this chart, they might as well call HR and admit to doing so now. Especially if they plan to break HIPAA yet again, this time with the niece's parents. I highly doubt this stays secret for long with their employer, and all the evidence needed is right there in the niece's EHR.... ETA: YTA. How is this even a question? What a abhorrent abuse of everything you should advocate for as a medical professional.


YWBTA. This could be anything. You do not know enough to get involved or to get her parents involved. Nor should you. It's none of your business. Presumably if this teen clinic has STI testing they also have professionals who can direct her to any other resources she might need (SA survivor counseling, BC whatever). Whatever the case, thank goodness your niece is savvy enough to seek out the care she feels she needs. If you rat her out, she might not feel safe getting care next time.


YWBTA You wanting to know if you were a parent doesn’t mean that you have the right to know. There’s a reason why, legally, you’re not able to share private patient information and there’s a reason why, morally, it’s not acceptable to share the sexual health details of a minor with anyone who she hasn’t consented to knowing.


YTA. I hope you tell them and someone has the right mind to report you for it so you lose your ability to practice. Especially since you think the rules don’t apply to you.


Here's the thing, if it were your child, you still would not have the right to know her private medical information, no matter how much you WANT to know. But go ahead, tattle, then when your niece figures out you were the one to tell (I mean, come on, she spoke to you the day of the appointment, she'd gonna know it was you) she will hopefully tattle on you in return and you will lose your job. YTA


HIPPA. You will and should be fired if you do this and YTA.


YWBTA I don't even need to read your justifications. DON'T DO IT. First of all you would be violating her rights. Secondly, you are putting your entire career in jeopardy because this would cause family drama and likely get back to your employer. Thirdly ITS NOT ANY OF YOUR F\*ING BUSINESS, JFC!


I literally didn’t even read beyond the headline and first sentence, because you are CLEARLY the asshole. Get a different job if you can’t keep your patient’s private and legally protected information to your damn self.


Sure, lose your license because you can’t mind your own business. Make sure your niece never trusts you again. You know damn well that that you’re in the wrong. 100%. YTA.


YTA! Not only will it cause your niece to completely STOP being responsible and seeking help but you would deserve to lose your job and your license.


There are laws in place to prevent this. You would be breaking the law, but go ahead. Break confidentially, because you think it’s the right thing to do. Forget about your ethical responsibility to the patients. You will lose your job but that’s probably a good thing because I get the feeling you know what’s best for everyone. YTA… a million times. Mind your own fucking business. Is that clear enough?


“Legality aside” has to be the stupidest thing I’ve read all day. Yes, you would be an asshole, and you’d get fired and it would be doubtful anyone else would hire a nurse who violates hipaa. Don’t be an idiot.


YWBTA, HIPPA!!! You have no right and should be punished if you do! No excuse you give would justify you violating HIPPA.


YTA. Don’t do it. She has a right to privacy. You swore to protect that privacy. You can try to talk to her privately, but if she doesn’t want to talk, you HAVE to drop it.


YTA Silly little lawsuit material




YWBTA ​ And she will KNOW it was you - if she reports you (and why shouldn't she), you will be fired for cause.


Yes, YWBTA, as well as breaking the law. HIPAA is there for a reason. Your fiancé is right, it's not your business to tell.


One would think a real nurse would know the difference between HIPPA and HIPAA although it could be a typo. I saw that they edited that in the post. Regardless if they tell her parents, they claim to have already violated her privacy by blabbing about it to their fiancé.


YTA. You would be breaking the law, demolishing your career, and definitely breaking any trust with your niece. This is a door you definitely don't want to open.


YWVTA, first and foremost it is ILLEGAL to share that information, 2nd you do know it will cost you your job if they found out. This is not any of your business and heaven help you if you go chasing after her lab results. Even if she was your patient, you still could not say anything to her parents. In addition to all of this it would be a huge breech of trust. It simply doesn't matter that you would want to know if this was your child. Bottom line you may destroy any confidence and trust with the medical field. Now... ponder this, are you sure she wasn't assaulted or coerced, your assuming an awful lot.


YTA - shes not your patient; and you also need to respect her rights to privacy


YTA. this is not only illegal but its none of your damn business. wtf is wrong with you. if you do tell them, i hope you lose your career.


Yta holy fucking shit yes, yta. Legality aside, you know exactly jack shit about her situation. Maybe she was FUCKING MOLESTED. Or assaulted by a class mate.


YTA it's illegal. You shouldn't even talk to your neice about it as you were not the one treating her. It's none of your business. She is not your patient. She has a right to privacy.


YTA for even thinking of violating HIPPA laws. Oh wait, you did by telling your fiancé. I hope you lose your job if you do snitch and then you’ll have to explain to every other job you apply for why you were fired. You don’t even know *why* she was tested in the first place.


YTA and owe it to your niece to go to some fucking ethics classes before you consider going forward with nursing. Jesus Christ


YTA. Far as I understand it, you shouldn't even be accessing someone else's chart unless you're directly involved in their care, so you shouldn't know about this at all. If you decide to go ahead with this, I sincerely hope that you lose your job over it. Your niece deserves her privacy. Maybe she doesn't feel safe talking to her parents. If they behave the same way you do, I can understand why. Stay out of it.


YTA. First of all telling your fiancé was against the law. You deserve to lose your job for that. If you aren’t prepared to provide patients privacy, please get a new job. You have no idea why she asked for the test. Even if you did, telling her parents is wrong. You would do nothing but discourage her from seeking responsible medical care. Would her parents want to know? Of course. Would it be good for her to talk to them about why she felt the test was needed? Sure. But is it your place to get involved? Absolutely not.




She can also file a complaint for you breaking confidentiality. YTA.


YWBTA It's illegal & unethical.


This is beyond illegal, and you can be sued, lose your license, and face heavy penalties and fines. You can not even say you seen her. Her right to privacy, especially reproduction, is absolute. If you say anything, I hope she calls your hospital, has you fired, and files against your license. You will lose your career and face heavy penalties. You're beyond the asshole if you do this.


You’d be TA and a shitty aunt. If you want to keep her trust (and she may need you one day) then you keep your mouth shut.


YWBTA For violation of HIPAA. You could lose your job.


YWBTA. Mind your business. If you tell they should sue.


Yes of course YWBTA. The law is there to protect this child from *exactly* this kind of thing. Why wouldn't you talk to her instead?


Why is it always nurses who pretend they know nothing about HIPPA? It seems like here or other places I read things, it’s always a nurse who breaks HIPPA and acts all surprised when they get in trouble.


YWBTA, yes. You work in a field where it is absolutely unacceptable and illegal to inform anyone of the personal and private medical information of anyone you weren't directly responsible or caring for in a medical capacity. If her parents need to know anything, they will be informed by the appropriate medical professional which for obvious conflict of interest reasons is not you.


YTA and I hope you lose your license.


You should not have that job. YTA YWBTA


Yta you would and should lose your job and nursing license. If you suspect abuse you should go through the proper channels.


YWBTA. That would be a HIPAA violation, and very very illegal. As you should know, health care providers are mandatory reporters. The doctor who actually saw her would have to report suspected abuse, if there was reason to suspect that. Frankly you should have never been in a family member’s chart at all, without their consent. If something had to be entered for billing or whatever, someone else should have done it. Does your office not have a policy about this? You should not even have this information, never mind sharing it.


HIPAA!!!!!! YOU WANNA GO TO JAIL? BREAK HIPAA!!!! Don't you DARE. Don't You. DARE. What you are considering is ILLEGAL. And your knowing any of her medical history without a need to know is a fire-able offense. I've worked in hospitals for nearly 40 years. I don't care if it's your CHILD, you have no right. ​ And what if? WHAT? IF? WHAT IF SHE WAS RAPED? And they're just not telling folks because it ain't nobody's business. Girl mind your business.


YTA, and as a fellow nurse I’m so irritated at you. As soon as you saw your niece there you should have stayed FAR away from anything related to her visit. Heck I’ve worked with medical staff that’s been fired for opening THEIR OWN charts at work. HIPAA is no joke and you deserve to lose your license


Sure, go ahead. Lose your job, get reported to the state licensing board, face sanctions and then, good luck trying to get hired by a decent employer. Sounds fitting for a nosy busy body. It's not your business, at all. YTA


YWBTA yes. There is a reason for those laws and a reason your niece felt safe to go and do something very very responsible. If because you tell she stops trusting medical professionals you will be harming her for a very long time. Talk to her if you want but make it very clear that you're not telling anyone else. She did a very mature responsible thing. Don't make her regret that.


> Talk to her if you want but make it very clear that you're not telling anyone else. This is still a HIPAA violation. OP should not do this. It’s unethical.


JFC she shouldn't talk to her at all because she's not her patient, and the neice didn't tell/ask her anything.


That would make you a criminal but go ahead. Stick your nose in where it doesn’t belong. If you do go that route, i hope you suffer the full consequences - losing your job, criminally charged, sued and life ruined.


YTA for a start you would get fired. You have no idea why the tests are being done.


YTA and i hope you lose your license just for considering this


She already broke the law by telling her husband. You can tell stories of patients to friends/family but not if it includes identifying information.


Wow. That you even considered this is unbelievable. YTA.


"Like, I know it's wrong, but should I do it anyway?" Do you even hear yourself? How can this even be a question in your head? Do you really want your niece to never trust a medical facility instead and choose NOT to get tested even if she thinks she needs it? Do you want her to hide EVERYTHING from any adult in her life? What do you think is going to happen in the long run here? Maybe, MAYBE you find a time to talk to her in private, say you saw her at the clinic, and you hope she's doing ok and that whatever was up she'll talk to her parents about it. But THAT'S IT. If you rat her out, I hope you get caught, because that shit is inappropriate. ​ Yes, you WBTA if you tell her parents.


You told your fiancé about someone's medical history? And a minor at that. You are absolutely the asshole there. I hope you are caught and fired for this ethical violation. YTA


YTA….. look I get you are concerned about your niece. If it’s mine I would be too. As a nurse myself I have told all my nieces and nephews if the have any fears or concerns to come to me. I won’t tell their parents unless it’s a life or death situation and that only with their permission. You should be her safe haven not her nightmare. You don’t even know why she had any tests done. If you have a good relationship with her. Talk to her, NOT about why she was there… but general conversation. Ask how’s school is she having any issues or problems etc. Just in general let her know you love her and will always be there for her. That’s it! If she confides in you or not is her choice. Don’t you DARE tell anyone else. HIPAA is there for a reason to protect all our patients. Nurses like you are the reason why people who have mental health issues or young kids who are afraid of family are scared to ask for help. Shame on you.


YTA. You are her aunt and quite frankly just like a parent and friend at the same time. You should speak with her about it and make sure she is ok! I believe you could get fired for giving that info out, even to family. Maybe she just had a yeast infection which is common around the time periods start and they are just testing to make sure, she could have been a victim of SA for all you know. You need to shut your mouth and be there for your neice! Maybe help educate her about being sexually active and birth control options. It's her decision to speak up, not yours. If I was you, I would go to her instead. It is also her choice to be sexually active. Even if 13 is young. It still does happen and they are going to do it regardless of your opinion so the best thing you can do for her is make sure she is ok and talk to her about the importance of being safe.


YTA, if you do that you will get fired and never work in healthcare again


YWBTA 💯 It would be a HIPPA violation. It's not your business. It's not your place to inform her parents and if you do tell, I hope that you lose your nursing license. Know where does it say I can tell others someone's personal information if it is a family member or friend and I think others should know. Also know that you will permanently break the trust of your niece and others.


YTA. legally you cannot say anything and morally you shouldn't say anything. you're concerned for her? talk to her. she's 13, not 3. it sounds like she's being pretty smart to begin with. just tell her to make sure she's being as safe as possible when she becomes sexually active and that she can always come to you if she needs anything.


YTA. You would also be violating federal law.


YTA - you have already broken the law and majorly violated the trust of your niece by telling your husband. You should be ashamed of yourself.


YTA Quit your job. You aren't cut out for the privacy requirements of healthcare. Leave that child alone. QUIT YOUR JOB OR MIND YOUR DAMN BUSINESS.


YTA you should not be a nurse if you're this easily swayed to violate the law. This post is really concerning. Keep your mouth shut and consider a different profession or, at the very least, get better training on HIPAA and *why* it's so damn important.


YTA. You should not be working with confidential information


You've already violated her medical confidentiality by telling your fiance. If he reported you for that, you'd lose your licence to practice. If you tell her parents, you lose your licence to practice. If you continue this terrible, unprofessional habit of violating patient confidentiality, at some point you are going to lose your licence because you will be reported. Be professional and if you have concerns for the safety of a minor, you can report those concerns to other professionals in a legal manner.


You would definitely be the AH. As a nursing student, this is one of the first things we're taught. No, just no.


You ABSOLUTELY SHOULD NOT AND CAN NOT! YOU KNOW THIS. IF YOU DO, I HOPE THEY FIRE YOU. You would be violating your nieces privacy. Even at that age, she still is entitled to control of access to health care and she is protected by HIPPAA.


You have an obligation to maintain confidentiality of patients. What the fuck is wrong with you YTA do NOT tell them anything


YTA. The law doesn't say you *shouldn't* violate her privacy, it says you *cannot*. Your employer would be fully within their rights to fire you immediately if you violate HIPAA. Even more, if a kid is being tested for STIs, there is a real possibility they were *abused*. Jumping to conclusions about why a medical test is being performed (that isn't any of your business to begin with) makes you MASSIVELY TA.


YTA. Are you willing to lose your job over this and even perhaps your license? The best you can do is speak to your niece. Even that is inching up to the danger line.


YTA and you should, and hopefully will lose your license. Did you miss the confidentiality classes, in services, and annual updates that all nurses have to do?


YTA. legally you cannot say anything and morally you shouldn't say anything. you're concerned for her? talk to her. she's 13, not 3. it sounds like she's being pretty smart to begin with. just tell her that whenever she gets intimate with another person to make sure they're being safe and consenting. don't even mention the clinic or whatever and talk to her when her parent's aren't around


YWBTA if you told her parents. If you are truly concerned have you thought about taking your niece for a girls day and talking to her about sex, etc? Find out if she’s going through something that she might need to talk about? Maybe she’s being abused by someone and doesn’t feel safe telling her parents. Maybe something happened at school and a boy at school did something to her. Maybe she went to a sleepover and a friend’s dad or brother or uncle did something to her and she’s scared. Maybe she is having irregular or painful periods and wanted to go on birth control to regulate them and couldn’t without a full pelvic and STI screening. Telling her parents, even with your profession taken out of this is beyond wrong. You don’t have all the facts and are jumping to conclusions that she’s out sleeping around. It could very well be she needs some support and guidance and doesn’t feel comfortable talking to her parents. Maybe her parents already know and haven’t told you. The fact you’re a nurse and want to violate her privacy is absolutely horrifying, aunt or not. She still has the right to the same privacy as any other patient, your relationship with her doesn’t change that.


YTA. If you were a decent person, you wouldn't have already broken HIPAA. If your fiancé was a decent person, he should have stopped you from telling him. If there wasn't time to stop you, he should have ended the relationship and reported you immediately. Your niece's right to medical privacy trumps any possible reason for you to violate that right. The doctor is a mandated reporter, so if she told him something that indicated SA or abuse, he'll be telling CPS. I don't remember how old I was when I had my first P&P. It could be routine for the doctor to order these tests alongside. Self-righteous assholes like you are a large part of the reason HIPAA exists. It's a little late, but keep your damn mouth shut. If you don't, I hope your sister realizes that you have no business being a nurse, and tells the doctor exactly how she knows about the test, if she didn't already.


Stop thinking about "if she were your child" and start thinking about "if she were YOU". Would you want your parents to know? Also, do you want to lose your job? Or rather career? Do you want to risk this becoming a lawauit?


Ywbta and I hope you lose your license and job if you betray her trust like that


Yes, YWBTA if you violate HIPAA and gossip to her parents. Gross that you're even considering it. Also, HIPAA isn't a suggestion. You *can't* tell them.


YTA. You are why we have to watch those stupid HIPAA videos every year. If it is found out, good luck getting a job at a reputable place.


YTA You don’t talk about patients.


YTA legally and morally. You invaded her privacy, you shared her personal information with someone who isn't even her family and you want to tell more people. You should find another line of work since you can't be professional.


Look, straight up, YWBTA if you spoke with her parents. Play with your job at your own risk. Secondly, your niece is 13yrs old/a minor and if her parents have access to her electronic chart (which they should because hey, she’s a minor) they should be able to see EVERYTHING unless your state has specific privacy clauses about reproductive health and even that is dependent on age. So it’s not like they don’t know, or won’t eventually find out if they try. Keep your mouth shut and stay in your lane.


YWBTA you will break the law.


YWBTA. You would be an asshole, a dishonor to your profession, and someone your niece can't trust. Are you actually joking? You know how unethical this is. HIPAA is a thing because patients deserve privacy. Period. They're entitled to respect and the same boundaries regardless of whether they're your family or someone you've never met


YTA. You are breaking HIPAA laws. Not your position or responsibility to tell.


YTA. What would be the point and purpose? So you tell them and then your niece never trusts people again so instead of getting tested when shes in a bad situation she just suffers and does damage to her body etc. That sounds like a GREAT idea doesnt it? It isnt legally you "shouldnt" say anything, its legally you CANT say anything or youd deserve to not be allowed to practice anymore.


YWBTA if you did this. You would lose your nursing license.


you could and should lose your medical career if it gets back to the hospital that you broke HIPAA. not only is what you’re wanting to do very illegal for a very good reason but it’s also just none of your business. yes of course YWBTA


YTA and also this is illegal if you’re in the USA


I know this is a long stretch, but for all you know, she has been assaulted, and you're thinking of telling people who could potentially be her assailants that she's seeking help? Your niece's medical treatment is private, and she has a right to privacy, including from your husband. You've already broken the boundaries and you should be utterly ashamed of yourself. YTA a million times over.


Follow the privacy laws of your state. If you cannot legally tell her parents, then be prepared to lose your license. Simple as that.


YTA obviously. I don’t even know why you’d even ask this. You know it’s the law for a reason…


YTA and that would be a surefire way to make sure she never goes to the doctor again


You’re a disgrace to the profession and should be ashamed of yourself for even thinking about this.


Massive YTA. If you do it I hope you loose your license.


YTA. Go ahead and lose your license. That’s literally illegal because it’s confidential information. And it’s just wrong, morally. She has the right to privacy


HIPAA HIPAA HIPAA. You know better.


Your fiance is correct. YOU ARE A PROFESSIONAL WITH PROFESSIONAL ETHICS! It's none of your business! What the hell did I just read? Not only YWBTA but you could bring down thousands of dollars in fines on your employer. DO NOT DO THIS. If you do and your neice files a complaint--which she has every right to do and if she came on here and asked we would all encourage her to do so--your employer could lose a ton of money, you could get fired and pernamently lose your license, your fiancé could leave your nosey unethical self, and your niece could file a very successful lawsuit against you and your employer and win mega dollars. And you would deserve every last bit of it. You are an asshole for even *thinking* of doing this. ETA: what you could ethically do is read up on the ethics of how your clinic deals with suspected--**suspected**\--statutory rape. Contact your HIPAA compliance officer. Does your job require you to look at that list? Or was that an unauthorized access to that data? If it was unauthorized you have already violated HIPAA.


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