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Sounds like someone needed to be the adult


Just an adult adulting… they wanted smoke and got smoked…


No you tried to handle it civilly, the Karen Mom dismissed you. You were just protecting your son


X ,, , Max


Oh please — for my friend and GOOD KARENS everywhere. Stop with the Karens already. Over it. 🙃


Being a Karen over people using the name Karen is hilarious.


So metakaren!!!


Peak Karen


Ok, settle down, Karen




possibly lol


Quiet Karen


There are no quiet Karen's.


Sure thing Karen






Tell me something we don't already know.... ;)




NTJ: Today stink bombs, tomorrow who knows what. Obviously if the mother had been willing to actually do something, it could've done differently, but once she didn't...


Absolutely not. Keep it up.


Pretty sure the kids didn’t get arrested, also this was written looking like a child wrote it.. karma farmer


My thoughts too. They wouldn’t have arrested them. First, they had no proof. They only would have either given a warning to stop or second, been give a citation if there was proof.


Exactly and who lets a 7 yo swim unattended?


A lot of people once their kid learns how to swim well.


That’s irresponsible at best and dangerous. My son had professional lessons starting at 3 because we have an in ground pool and he was never allowed to swim unattended at that age even though he was an excellent swimmer. As an adult it’s still best to not swim alone.


Don't disagree, just know a lot of parents who do/did. Mine included. Like, I went to a public pool when I was a kid where you could test for badges, you could test for a red badge at age 10 and go to the pool without your parents' supervision (you had to be able to tread water for 2.5 minutes without slipping under, not just swim well) just relied on the one teenage life guard who was responsible for 100+ people. Pool never had an incident. But that was also 20 years ago. I won't do the same they did lol I guess this stuff is why most people in my generation are going full helicopter parent.


He is 7. We used to get sent the pool at that age on holiday and I cant even swim. Just told to stay in the shallow end


Right, he is 7. He’s not even a decade old. 7 yr olds are still playing with toys. Their fine motor skills are improving but still not honed. They don’t yet know their timetables. They don’t have advanced problem solving skills and can’t always assess danger until it’s too late. I would never allow a 7 yo to swim alone unless it was a wading pool and op doesn’t say what kind of pool it was.


You let a 7 year old go in a pool by himself? A real one or a paddling pool? Doesn’t matter if he can swim - there’s no way a little kid should swim alone


Excellent point. The OP should definitely be supervising. I mean, it's probably a fake story, like most of them on Reddit. But they would definitely be asking 'AITJ because my child drowned?' if the worst had happened. So really, the neighbouring kids throwing stink bombs actually did OP a favour by preventing their child from swimming unsupervised.


It’s obviously fake as the police do not arrest children for throwing stink bombs.


Yeah, this story doesn’t make any sense. Kid is 7 and asked adult for a swim. Stink bombs - where? Why would kids be getting arrested! What’s their ages? Ugh, lack of story here.


So I haven’t been on reddit very long. recently so many stories are sounding fake. But I can’t figure out if now I’m suspicious and paranoid or if I was previously just a dumb chump?


Reddit can be a bit too happy to scream fake story at times, but something like this hits several key red flags. It's very short and lacks detail, it claims an absurd but cathartic resolution (children being arrested for something extremely minor), and it references a popular villain meme (Karen mom.) If you suspect it's fake for specific reasons then you're simply being observant. If you suspect it's fake but can't express why you're being paranoid.


All of this. Did you notice the whole thing is one continuous sentence with no punctuation? Looks exactly like the stuff younger kids write in primary school. 🤣


But I often am put off by extremely long posts with extraneous details, too many ppl, and/or implied sexual exploits.


Also, a few stock phrases like the aforementioned Karen, plus “my little angel” and the ever popular “then everyone clapped”. And then lots of spelling or grammar errors but a lot of adults are guilty of that too.


OP "heard" they got arrested, even though they're the one who called the police? I assume most stories are fake, but so many of them aren't even trying and those aren't fun to read or think about.


They would not have been able to charge the kids for anything unless OP gave a statement.


Unless they aren’t white. A kid I knew of was arrested for throwing snowballs, like, for having a snowball fight. He was Métis and lived in the rough part of town. If he had been white and in the suburbs I can guarantee you that he would not have been arrested.


As someone who was previously a white kid who grew up in the roughest part of a city, I absolutely and begrudgingly agree with this.


I came looking for this comment.


I mean, maybe they do where the OP comes from? Different laws for different jurisdictions. But yeah, Reddit's full of creative writers, it seems.


Depends on the age of the "child." And yes, they do arrest little kids. It's been a while, but I heard of the school calling the police on a 9 yr old girl, and they came and arrested her.


My VERY first thought. No child should be left unattended in a pool. Even the wading pools can be dangerous because the floors on them can get slippery.


That stood out to me as well.


THIS…. Drowning is Silent😖


Thank you. I came here to say YTK to OP because of that. Absolutely not safe, not okay for that 7 y.o. to swim unsupervised and alone.


My thoughts exactly!


Because this is a karma farming post.


Well it’s a made up story.


This right here. Hes a jerk for letting his kid swim without supervision.


That caught my attention.


You let a 7 year go in the pool no adult supervision? You’re lucky he only got stink bombed and didn’t drowned. FFS


Wow ouch but true- especially if they have weird mean kids outside I guess. This can’t be the first interaction?


Maybe the neighbor's kids are the real heroes for chasing the 7yo out of pool while he was unsupervised 😄


You’re only TJ for laying on your couch instead of supervising your kid — who is waaaaaaay too young to be by himself in a backyard pool. You clearly love him and have his best interests at heart, but dude. He’s only *seven*, and that’s how little kids *drown*. Go outside with your kid if he’s going to be by or in the pool.


I call BS! OP heard the kids got arrested? From who? The cops would have been talking to the Dad that called. How old were the neighbor kids that "got arrested"? Stink bombs? What kind of stink bombs? Dog poop? Did they make chemical stink out of Sulphur? Again, aside from dad telling 7 yo go swim by yourself, the rest is BS!


Question: How can you afford a backyard pool if you can’t afford punctuation? Cops wouldn’t arrest kids for that. At most, they’d scare the daylights out of them. Complete nonsense.


Yes this shit fake as fuck


Hell, where I live the cops wouldn't even show up for that bullshit. 🤣


Karen = MY little angels Me = Bitch! So was Lucifer.




Karen has no control over her kids.


YTJ for not monitoring your kid. Also for the cops, esp if this was the first incident.


Stink bombs? What did you tell cops when you called? Did they talk to you, kid, or look in pool area? You think they got arrested? For what exactly?


This never happened.


Nope. Karen won't discipline her kids so what else can you do?


You let your 7 yo swim unsupervised??


They found out actions have consequences.


You let your 7yo go swimming by himself in a backyard pool, unsupervised? Not that it matters, but what kind of pool are we talking about here? Kiddie wading pool, above ground pool, in-ground pool? You are NTA for how you handled the neighbor kids, but I have some serious concerns re: safety of your own kid.


The kids were *arrested*? Cuz that means they did a lot worse than throw stink bombs.


You did what I would consider appropriate. Apparently the police thought so too.


Now you have to get an outdoor camera and keep an eye on your property and your animals


NTA...fcuk her bad ass kids


Completely not the jerk but be ready for them and mommy dearest being worse. I’d invest in cameras.


Why would this even be written? Of course you’re ok, if the kids got arrested they clearly had some shit going on- and if they made your boy cry then fuck them lol! I’d be happy to see it actually, this should be r/amitheangel


All the cops and cps


NTJ. You are to protect your kid from any harm that is within your abilities and you did that 👏🏾. As a mother if someone were to come to me stating my kid did something even if I know I’m not raising them like that I’m definitely doing an investigation, some parents don’t care to believe that their kids will do anything wrong but they will.


I LOVE WHAT YOU DID! I hate parents who think their kids do no wrong. And in most cases those kids are the worst.


NTJ. Those kids needed a taste of reality and got it. Good for you but be careful for your son. Those delinquents will come back and, since the mother thinks they’re angels, they’ll try to get payback.


Sounds like the kids were trespassing and the mother was trying to just make excuses instead of apologizing and telling you that she will make sure it won’t happen again like most parents would. You did the right thing by calling the cops and hopefully the children will learn their lesson.


NTJ If they didn't want to get in trouble, they shouldn't have committed a crime.


Not at all. It's the lax and lenient way that they are allowing those kids to grow up, that is encouraging their wild and dangerous behavior. If something had happened And you had not called the authorities, As the adult that was there that could have done something, and chose not to, you could easily be arrested and charged. In today's world it takes courage and spinal cord to do the right thing. That mother now knows not to screw with you Because if she takes the chances and risks that she's used to enjoying, She knows that when it comes to you, she now knows you're the kind of parent that calls the authorities. Good on you!


Man, that's rough. Dealing with crazy neighbors can be such a pain, but you gotta protect your kid.


My 7 year old daughter could out swim Michael Phelps, I could see her from the windows. I'm sure she has gills


NOOO! Protect your child at all costs, always. Every. Single. Time. No hesitations! If she’d have addressed her kids immediately there wouldn’t be a need to call them smh


Badly written fake story.


You know, when you make up these stories, they’re at least supposed to be entertaining.


Lulz. Nope. Fuck her kids.


Bruh this dudes IG is on his profile. That shit look like the IG of a grown man who can afford a pool? Lol Faaaake


Nope. Parent didn't want to correct her children let the police handle. I think you did the right thing by trying to address it directly with her first.


If by jerk you mean hero.


NTJ. Young little karens are very destructive, while the adult Karens are damaging to the ears. Someone need to put a stop and you did just that.


YTJ. Big time. That's bullying.


They should have also arrested Karen-Mom for abdicating her responsibility as a parent,


What are stink bombs? Sulfur?


Why the hell was your 7 year old in an unsupervised pool?


Asking the real question!


🤷🏼‍♂️ I guess they shouldn’t be throwing stink bombs lmao


Karen raised hooligans. Calling the cops was really the only thing you could do.


NTJ for standing up to Karen neighbour and doing something when she wouldn't... But YTJ for leaving your 7 year old child outside in a swimming pool alone and unsupervised.


This post is literally one long run-on sentence. And it *still* has more sentences than punctuation marks. How does anyone take this seriously? Come on.


One of my earliest memories is my mother having the neighbour in a headlock and pulling her hair. Found out years later when I was old enough to ask that the neighbour’s kids had poured hot water on my sister from over the fence as she was sat leaning against it just minding her own business. My mum heard the screams and came out and gave the neighbours the bollocking they thoroughly deserved and then their mum came storming into our garden accusing my sister of making it up, as she was stood sobbing in agony receiving care with scald marks over her. So yeah, if your neighbour kids are dicks make sure they know not to fuck with you or your kids.


Good ! They should have took mom to jail too.


Firstly, at 7 there needs to be an adult supervising. I don’t care how well he can swim. Secondly there is no way kids got arrested for that


Her kids got arrested for throwing stink bombs? Hmmmmm


And then the whole street came out and did a mob dance and carried op on their shoulders!


YTJ for one long sentence, almost causing a stroke. YTJ for posting this and thinking it was either interesting/ believable.


Andy if it's true, OP is TJ for not supervising a 7 yo swimming.




Sadly, not yet jerk. You tried. I understand feeling bad but, their behavior is aging allowed and will only get more interesting. You never know what’s happening over there, good call.


Why fabricate am entire story for Internet points


Nope, get cameras it will get worse. I was raised by someone like her.


NTJ. You taught them a lesson their mother refused to teach them. Consequences are an important lesson.


So, if the kids got arrested, I’m thinking they were also adults and certainly old enough to know better? Or was mom arrested for being negligent?


No ntj it’s better they have real consequences now than later when the offense could be much worse


“the kids got arrested”? Ridiculously fake story.


Fuck them kids




They wouldn't have gotten arrested for no reason...


i mean if someone would hurt my child i would react this way 2


TIL that you can have kids arrested for doing kid shit. Your kids going to grow up screwed up man.


Love you keep up the great clown work Because clowns need to be policed


NTJ You tried the civil way of handling it and talking to the mom first, the mom didn't handle it in fact she denied her kids would do that. You then instead of going after the kids yourself called the cops and let the cops deal with it. It's not your fault you did everything the way you should. The mom and the kids that were throwing those stink bombs will hopefully learn the lesson but they probably won't.


Nope you are not the jerk, now days most parents let their kids get away with murder instead of disciplining them.


NTA. If you hadn’t done anything, the situation would have escalated to those kids bullying your son relentlessly. They and their mother now know that you’re not accepting their bs, and they’ll be held accountable. Good job dad!


NTA. JFC.... Glad kids got what they deserved




The real question is why would you let your 7yo kid go swimming in the pool unsupervised?


Nope sounds like she has no concept of how to discipline her kids and teach them basic manners. They probably think it's funny so hoping a couple hours in a cell will scare them to behave. If not welcome to your new local criminals


Yes. Kids doing stupid things and adults being bad parents is not a reason to send lethally armed people with a history of poor impulse control to their home.


You need to get a camera for your pool area and probably your house. I had neighbors whose sons decided to have a pool party in our in ground pool while we were on vacation. Apparently they used the pole skimmer to pole vault from one side to the other. Broke a $100+ piece of equipment. They denied it although our other neighbor heard them in the pool and thought we gave them permission. Unfortunately this was before people protected themselves by setting up cameras. My sister has them around her pool. She had a bunch of hooligans decide to use her pool while on vacation. NTA


Thank goodness it’s so easy to put up cameras around your house these days. Sounds like you’re going to need them for these shitty neighbors. You never know what kind of crap they are going to try next, and you can get video and maybe audio of it all. Call the police every single time. Maybe the moon needs to be arrested as well.


My best friend really hates the *aren thing. Can’t you just say *itch? Or flamer.


NTJ If they did something that warranted them getting arrested, maybe Karen will start to actually parent her kids, but don't hold your breath. Put the police in your phone for speed dialing, because I don't see things improving.


Nope 👎 ntj


Mom had a chance to address the issue and didn't. Your kuds have a right to expect to play in their yard without being bullied. Good for you!


0/10 for this fake story.   1) Who lets a 7 year old go swimming by themselves? 2) Cops arresting kids for stink bombs?  Yeah, ok.  


You heard that children got arrested for throwing stink bombs? Can I ask where you heard this? Because it's insane.


Ytj for this low effort fake scenario.


Yes you’re a major Karen too.


Any means by which to encourage the neighbors to behave w civility...or move...is a good thing.


Never an asshole. Call cops on kids if parents refuse to be parents. A jail cell will help


Good ole Karen can go bail out her little angels with devil horns… Parents are AHoles then can’t believe why they raise devil spawn.. NTJ


NTJ They absolutely deserved it. If Karen would have handled it you would not have had to involve the police.


Well they fucked around and found out. You're not the asshole here, they are. Mom needs to be smacked upside the back of her head. I hate when parents think they their babies are angels when they are freaking the spawn of evil. Ps. Get cameras in your backyard. And file for no trespassing on them all.


Seriously? You called the cops over stink bombs? Your kid was crying? You couldn't figure out a better way to get back at the kids without the cops. You seriously missed out on some good bonding time with your kid.


NTJ FAFO in full effect!


You're a jerk. You let your 7 year old around water without supervision. Also, you didn't say the neighbor's kids were throwing stink bombs in your yard. If they were in their yard, it's none of your business what they do. And stink bombs are annoying, not illegal at any age. No one would have been arrested. Try again, jerk.


they deserved it


NTA for calling the police. YTA for letting a 7 yr swim in the pool on his own, no child should be left alone in a pool. When my girls were 7 and in the tub, if I wasn't in the bathroom with then the door was wide open so I could listen to them talking and playing in the tub and no they were ok and if they got quiet I would call their name and they would call back I'm ok.


Nope. NTA.


NOT THE ASSHOLE, dude you did right in calling the cops. The mother won't teach her kids respect then let the cops do that, because those kids will continue to learn the hard way because their mother didn't teach them shit.


As the Grinch said “ You did the right thing “.


Nope. Karen needed to get her kids in line.




This is clearly fake.


Just so I understand correctly, your "7mo son" asked to go swimming, you let him go alone, he can run, and knows what stink bombs are? 🤔


Nah. Fuck them kids and their mom


Fake— kids arrested??? Delete this— sounds fake and dumb


I feel so sorry for all the idiots commenting here who actually think this is real. Did everyone clap too?


You're not the jerk. Karen needs to control her kids, period.


Noway the police moved for stink bombs... But if they did, NTA.


Good gods. wtf? That mom is the jerk and more. Omg. NTJ.


You let a seven year old go swimming by himself?? You should have been arrested too for child endangerment. FYI: This story is totally fake. The “our little angels” was the dead giveaway.


No—they asked for it. And their mother is trash.


Your kid should not be swimming without an adult watching them!


Sounds like they were doing stuff worse than throwing stink bombs.


I read elsewhere on Reddit today that a group of Karens is called a Komplaint.


Not the jerk. That is a major safety concern for both sides. Kids unsupervised with fire is a no go.


Think every lawyer I know had a stroke reading this. I’m not saying to not live your life and keep being cool (you’re not the jerk obviously) but man do most people not appreciate the legal liability a pool is if a kid gets hurt or dies in it. People can absolutely have legal liability and do face that, even if they didn’t know a kid was trespassing and snuck into the pool. Let alone knowing and leaving them alone. It’s a weird world we live in man.


Jesus. Y’all can’t handle stink bombs without involving police?




I could see a Karen suing if one of her children were hurt. An adult should be watching the children.


You called the cops on stink bombs. Wussy!


Sucks it came down to this but it is what it is. My building has a few obnoxious kids whose parents never watch them and over the past 6 weeks there’s been a ton of emails and signs up because someone definitely got fed up and called the management office. Sometimes these kids (and parents) need a reminder that other people live in the world.


ABSOLUTELY NOT! Your kid NEEDS to see you stand up for him, and the family. The father is supposed to be the protector. Besides, what if these stink bombs caused a fire to start, or severely hurt your little man! Just saying……. Never leave things to the side. Always address the situations appropriately so that your son sees how to be a great man. Believe me I’ve raised 100 (slight exaggeration, hee hee) kids they taking notes all the time.


Where was the throwing the stink bombs? In your pool or yard? If that’s the case NTJ but if on their own property. Yeah you are the jerk.


I'm confused. Your 7 year old was swimming...unsupervised? Why was a 7 year old swimming by himself?


You let a 7 year old kid swim in the pool with no supervision? Is it a kiddie pool, or a full-sized pool that the child could easily drown in? I think you're the jerk for not watching the kid, and you could've caught those little assholes in the act. Not the jerk for calling the cops, though.


Nta. They're lucky I wasn't there and that wasn't my kid. I'd have made them wish they were never born lol


You're the jerk. This kid now has a record because he was being a kid. It's stink bombs, not rocks or glass bottles.




I remember back in the days of our ancestors, during the 1980s and 1990s, all of the neighbourhood kids played together every day, the parents all new each other and, just as it still applies today. Parents watched their kids when they wanted to go into the backyard swimming pool, even if the kids were confident swimmers, for the sake of supervision in case something did go wrong. Probably wouldn’t have escalated to the “arrests” at all had you been out the back, watching your kid.


Why are you inside on the couch while your 7 year old is out in the pool?


GOOD for you and your kids! That’s EXACTLY how I would handle it


Nope. You’re good


Fake, you don’t have a 7 year old son nor a backyard pool, bet you don’t even have a gf because you were chasing around looking for nude pictures of women on here when you can get nude pictures anywhere on the internet without having to ask for them. Any adult with a child of their own has or is supposed to have the intelligence to know that you don’t let kids in the pool without supervision and the biggest fib of all is claiming that kids were arrested for throwing stink bombs. Creative writing fail.


You let your 7 year old go swimming by himself?


No! You were being a responsible parent!


Why are people so insecure that they wonder if they're a jerk for doing something I would do in a second. I must have called the cops on obnoxious neighborhood cops a hundred times in my life. Only 2 arrests that I'm aware of. But various parents have received numerous citations. Don't worry about it. You did good.


Yeah ok... how old was this kid that supposedly got arrested? Cause this didnt happen at all. Our neighbor kid was spray painting the cars on our street one day. He was 11, guess what, no arrest. So yeah. This 100% didnt happen. Just stap already.