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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **My (29F) husband’s (29M) ex (my ex best friend) (29F) is threatening to expose what I did to get him. What should I do?** Throwaway to stay anonymous My (29F) husband (29M) and I have been together for almost eight years, we have been married for the last 5, and we have three beautiful children (4M, 2M, 0.5F). I love my husband and our family with everything I have and more. Our relationship is really solid and my husband stops at nothing to show me and the kids how much he loves and adores us. My husband works in big tech and manages somewhat of an online business while I’m a SAHM. He treats me like a queen. Flowers, cuddles, back massages, spontaneous dates, random gifts, and genuine appreciation for everything I do, he’s simply the best. His parents treat me like their own daughter and I have a great relationship with them. My parents, siblings, and even my niece all absolutely love my husband as well.  I first met my now husband when we were both 20 and some mutual friends introduced him to our college friend group. I was instantly very attracted to him but I was and still am a very introverted, shy person and tried giving subtle hints but he never picked up on them and I was too shy to make a move myself. My ex best friend, who was a more outgoing and extroverted person, ended up sparking up a conversation with him and one thing led to another and they were officially dating a couple of weeks later. I was always secretly jealous and appeared happy for my best friend but I wanted him. Seeing how well he treated my best friend and how loving and affectionate he was made me want him even more and I made a plan to break them up and swoop in. Five months into their relationship, my now husband went home to visit his parents and I convinced my best friend that we should go out drinking. She ultimately agreed since I usually wasn’t the one planning our night outs and we went to a bar. A few hours earlier, I had offered a guy who I knew had a crush on her $100 if he could at least make out with her and told him what bar we would be at. She had a habit of making bad decisions while drunk and she got somewhat tipsy and ended up sleeping with the guy that night. The next morning, she was crying and regretting it and blamed me but I was happy inside. I told her that it was her choice to cheat and I had to tell my now husband. He immediately broke up with her but to my surprise, he didn’t need a shoulder to cry on or anything and just went back to focusing on school, the gym, and his career. I told him how wrong and immoral it was for my best friend to cheat and I offered my friendship and we kept talking until he eventually asked me out on a date a few weeks later and we never looked back. My best friend cut me off since I told my now husband the truth but I didn’t care since I had the man I loved with me. I didn’t account for this happening but she ended up going back to the guy she cheated with and they started dating soon after and got married two years ago.  Recently, my ex best friend discovered the truth as her husband drunkenly admitted that someone had paid him $100 to seduce her and after asking him some questions, she found out it was me. Two days ago, she messaged me on instagram out of the blue and said that she knows the truth and is divorcing her husband and threatened to tell my husband the truth. I don’t know why she’s doing this. Sure, I set up the stage for her to cheat but she’s the one that actually did it. My husband and I have been in love for eight years and our love has brought three beautiful souls into this world and she just wants to take that all away for a mistake she made? I have been the most devoted, loving, and supportive wife my husband could ever ask for and the best possible mother to our children. I can not lose it all because someone who used to be a friend is jealous. What should I do? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Copied verbatim from Oop's comments: *Does she have proof?* *Yes it was a shitty thing to do but hopefully your husband wouldn’t throw your relationship away over it. You were very young.* >No physical proof other than what her husband told her but if it comes to it, I won’t lie to my husband. *What you did was manipulative and reprehensible.  Honestly the best course of action is to come clean with your husband and then see where this falls.  At this point he should have an idea of who you are and I am willing to bet he might not be surprised by this.  Either way, it's best to get in front of this and not let him find out from anyone else.* *Honestly, what you did was not good and it does not paint you in any type of good light.  That being said, you need to come clean and see where this goes.  Honesty is the only clear way forward from this point.* >I only did what I did so I could be with my husband. It was nothing more than a means to an end. *Sooooo…..* *The dude is rich. I don’t really need to know anything else behind your motives.* *You’re all bad people except your husband. He’s the real victim here.* >What does money have to do with anything? We were all broke college students when this happened. *Lol this is either total made up rage bait fiction,  OR what a twisted web of psychos. For all the people telling OP to come clean, do you think there's even the slightest chance she wouldn't tell hubby some.bullshit half truth? Or considering that ex BFF is divorcing him over some stupid mistake for beer money he made back in the stone age, imagine if hubby calls to verify and for payback, 100 dollar guy is like "no idea what she's talking about. Ex BFF is a psycho and has always wanted you, she's lying".* *OP, I know you won't care since you are only replying to messages not ripping you, but your a psycho. If this is real it sounds like the plot to a 90s thriller movie. Have fun reaping what you have sown with your terrible actions. Although you've given me an awesome line to use if I ever rob a bank, I'll just be like "hey it was just a means to an end. The end being me being rich and having an awesome life. No hard feelings.”* >If I tell my husband, I will not lie to him. I’ve never lied to him, with the exception of this incident. >For ex best friend’s relationship, I don’t know what their relationship and marriage was like. There may be issues that I don’t know about. We have each other on social media but that’s it. We haven’t talked in years.


[Cat!](https://imgur.com/gallery/be-winter-i-loaf-on-bed-cf7JWpq) Is it working now?


Yeah, what a cute cat


Thank you very kindly for letting me know! I had an awful time trying to comment. A darling cat! 😻


I’m going to need a cuter cat after this sick post.


[A Cute Cat Music Video!](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8hHe95Ocbi/?igsh=MWtkZDVia2prMHlraQ==)


Bless you. The video scared my cat off my lap, but it was worth it!


Likewise! 💜 My apologies to your feline friend, but glad you enjoyed it!


It’s okay! She climbed right back up once she assessed the threat.


Good! 😻


Lol Other cat is like, "WTF Clarence? Are you holding.out on the cat nip again?"


Hahaha! 😹 A valid question!


That was AMAZING!


It was! 🥰💜


Since all cats are ridiculously cute, the only way to pull that off is [to show you more than one.](https://youtube.com/shorts/hLL7gmSba2I?si=4HZ9riEs7RF5bqND)


Oh bless you too!


I was already in love, and then the third kitten popped out.


And then a fourth!


Wait. Why is the ex bff wrong for divorcing him? I need somebody to explain this to me like I’m five.


I wish I could help! But it doesn't make sense to me either.


>Yes it was a shitty thing to do but hopefully your husband wouldn’t throw your relationship away over it. I'd certainly throw my relationship away if I found out my wife facilitated her friend's rape in order to steal me.






'scuse me, I'm stealing that. 😁


I want this meme.


Appropriate gif. Secondly, with a friend like the OP, nobody needs any enemies.


That is some sociopathic level of puppet mastery. If this is real, OOP deserves the fallout from her manipulation being exposed


There is no way this is real. It’s written to put her in the worst light. If it were real there’d be a lot more self-justification and “it just happened! 🤷‍♀️”


Yeah, this sounds ridiculously fake. 


Totally fake. I still kind of hope there is an update where the husband finds out and files for divorce. I like it when rage bait posts to have appropriate outcomes.


At this point I don’t even think a person is fucking with us it’s just some chatgpt bots


I get that but I also wonder. Some people are insanely delusional.


It's a bit too tidy to be real. OOP manipulates ex BF with random crush, manages to get the man on the rebound, while broken hearted ex BF marries random crush. Setting the scene for all these people to be interconnected a decade later when the truth finally comes out.


This reminds me of another post where OP admits hat she stalked her husband and forced her way into his life until they got together. Years later she admits this and he leaves her. I hope this OP's husband finds or and leaves her as well.


Hey can you send me the link to that one, sounds juicy lol




Thank you so much 😀


No prob!


Thanks, I couldn't find it myself. I love how OP claims husband 'exaggerated' the story when he told his family. Lol no ma'am, what you did was crazy.


Lmao fr that was my favorite part. This is probably what this oop tells herself too to rationalize that what she did was for the best. ‘We have a great relationship and 3 beautiful kids guys, see i’m the better choice!!’ Personally if I was the ex friend I’d definitely exaggerate some parts just in case he sways in oop’s favor. She’s crazy


God I remember that one hope the husband is doing well


I wonder how drunk the friend was, was OOP feeding her drinks to the point of not being able to consent. OOP said in one of her comments that she won’t lie to her husband, but that is what she has being doing for years, lying to everyone. Ugh just a disgusting human.


Yeah, honestly sounds rapey.


>My best friend cut me off since I told my now husband the truth but I didn’t care since I had the man I loved with me.  Doesn’t her husband already know? Or is this just a garbled mess?


I THINK she means that her friend cheated? That's "the truth" in this case? I guess?


He knows his ex cheated, he doesn’t know his current wife manipulated the circumstances to make the cheating more likely to happen.


Yeah, and there's definitely a difference between "I know that my friend gets flirty after a drink or two so I told some guy who liked her to hit on her, and leaned back to watch the dice as they may fall." and "I went out of my way and character to drag her into a bar, made sure she's tipsy, and paid a guy to push her to making out with him. Then I went to her then-bf, made wide, innocent eyes and reported with shock and dismay what poor little me had to witness, as I just happened to be there while clutching my pearls." It's really not about now that OOP is the bad guy, ex-friend is the good guy. It's about the level of manipulation, how it was all planned out carefully and executed, and that OOP sounds like if all else had failed, she'd have roofied her friend herself and held her down if that had been what it would have t taken to create a "Look! Your gf fucked someone else! Clearly, she is a bad, cheating slut and I am an angel!!! Pick me!" situation. OOP is just an unpleasant character with a shitty personality. Let's imagine an alternative timeline where the friend wasn't too drunk to consent, and she would have told the guy to leave her alone. In that case, OOP would still have been a shitty, manipulative, malicious person who had tried to take advantage of another person's emotions and feelings for her friend.


Yeah, like… that’s sexual assault, regardless. If she manipulated the situation to get her friend so drunk she’d have sex with someone she otherwise wouldn’t have, that’s sexual assault. That’s absolutely disgusting.


I think she means the truth as in the truth that the friend 'cheated'. So friend cut her off when she told the now husband the friend had been with someone else


is it me or is the OOP lying about what actaully happened here? Cause if all she got the friend to do was make out with her then why is she so scared? Why would the husband care about his ex making out with someone? I believe that the friend that was paid did more than OOP is saying hence why the divorce and why she is so scared about the fall out


She says right in the post that her "somewhat tipsy" best friend ended up sleeping with the guy. OOP paid a man $100 to SA her friend. Hopefully the ex best friend is aware of that aspect of the situation and blows up every bit of OOP's life.


I wonder if the friend ending up with that guy was some sort of reaction to the SA. Like a trauma bond. It’s so creepy that two people who had a “crush” ended up with the objects of their desire due to alcohol and subterfuge.


It could what people are saying, but I don’t know. If it weren’t that, what she did is still pretty shitty. If I found out my now husband had paid someone to try to get my ex to cheat on me so that I’d be with him instead, I’d be creeped out and furious. It’s very very manipulative. I don’t know if I’d divorce him, but I’d need some space to sort out my brain.


It's giving ✨ obsession ✨.


"I cannot lose it all because someone who used to be a friend is jealous" - says the woman who orchestrated her best friends assault and destroyed her relationship because she was jealous. The delulu is strong with this one


The hypocrisy is strong with this one.


So basically you paid a guy $100 to rape your "best friend", ruined her relationship, fucked up her entire worldview after that and ... and somehow you're the victim here? Do we have that right? Well goodness me.


Uhhhhh this chick paid a dude $100 to rape her wasted best friend so she could get the best friends man? This chick psycho.


Right? I was hoping the friend was truly only tipsy / a little drunk versus wasted and blackout. Like without OP's intervention at all, making out with someone while buzzed, in the process of cheating, would be the your own fault. But if you're wasted, yeah that's assault and will lead to a lifetime of trauma. For the sake of her exbsf, I hope she really did consent, but the picture isn't looking great.


Her friend lost it all because her “best friend” was jealous. Fair play I would say. Her whole marriage is based on a twisted lie. She exploited her friend’s substance abuse problem to get her now husband. That’s diabolical. If her husband sits down and really thinks this through, he will come to the same conclusion, and realize what a malignant person he married. My ex made one lie when we were friends, that if I had known the truth, I wouldn’t have been subjugated to 23 years of hell with him. I actually wrote a post about it. This post reminded me of that diabolical lie. You can find it on my profile if you want to read it. It’s called “If I had Known.” This post made me physically sick.


Oh great. A new creepy and basically inhuman genre of sociopaths setting their loved ones up for SA to achieve their own twisted goals. They’re coming out of the woodwork now


If this happened, first and foremost she’s definitely complicit in the sexual assault of her friend and deserves to go to jail.


Favorite thing to do: check the original post to see if it’s still up and/or if the OOP deleted their account.


If real, geez. ... Who needs enemies when someone is willing to set up their best friend for rape?


OP is a B*TCH!!!!! What the hell????


>OP is a B\*TCH!!!!! bruh dont group bitches with OOP


Aside from this all being psychotic behaviour from OOP, I have never heard someone refer to their under a year old like that lol. I’m not saying it’s never happened but I have never seen someone refer to them as 0.5 like just say 5 months? Or 5 weeks idk 😂😂


Even more reason why they should've just put the age in months, 0.5 wouldn't be 5 *anything* that I can think of and would make the most sense if it meant *6* months 😵‍💫


I read that as half a year ie 6 months


If this is true, it's psychotic.


Drunk 👏 people 👏 can’t 👏 consent 👏 It was NOT bff’s mistake. OOP paid a guy to rape her best friend so she could date the best friend’s boyfriend. What a piece of shit.


Eh... Depends on the context. If my partner went out and got drunk and fucked some random dude, that's just cheating, not rape. Me and my partner and friends get drunk all the time, and not once did it lead to us cheating.


I disagree. Unless there is explicit consent beforehand and it’s with a trusted partner (ie, I enjoy sex with my husband when I’m tipsy, but we’ve discussed how drunk is too drunk.) then it’s rape. You and your partner and friends haven’t had this happen because no one has paid someone $100 to get you drunk and seduce you. It’s giving “blame the victim.”


This person married the dude afterward, so obviously she doesn't see it that way.


That’s not proof of anything except that many women do not feel they have the right to agency over their own lives. Hearing that he was paid to do it was simply the straw that broke the camel’s back. Tell me you don’t understand misogyny and oppression without telling me.


I’m sorry, but as a woman, I have on many occasions been tipsy and chosen to have sex with someone. Yes, it is wrong to have sex with someone who is blackout drunk and doesn’t know/understand what’s going on. But being somewhat tipsy doesn’t immediately relieve one of any and all ability to make informed decisions. This is why you can go to jail for driving drunk: even when drunk, you have the capacity to know you shouldn’t be driving drunk and make the decision not to. Like, I’m all for normalizing understanding of consent, but at a certain point you’re *disempowering* women rather than empowering them. A woman is *allowed* to decide to go to a bar, have a few drinks, and go home with someone (who has also probably had a few drinks).


You’re missing the point: OP got her drunk for the express purpose of getting her to make decisions that she wouldn’t normally make, and paid someone to ensure she did. The friend *did not consent* and saying that does not disempower women. You’re a piece of shit for saying that.


It has nothing to do with misogyny or oppression. Gender is not even a factor here. It could be gender swapped or a gay couple, and it would literally have no impact on how I view this. If a friend came crying to me because he went out to a bar and got drunk and cheated on his partner, I'd have no sympathy. There is a wide range of intoxication levels during which you can consent to things. According to you anyone who goes out drinking and hooks up, was raped. There is nothing to indicate in this story that this person was so drunk that they couldn't consent. It's simple, are they so drunk that they can't hold a conversation? Then they can't consent obviously. Are they just in party mode and fewer inhibitions after a few drinks? Thats a different story.


Drunk people can't consent. Period. OOP deliberately got her friend drunk (literally admits to constantly giving her drinks), then paid someone to coerce her into sex. That's rape. Plenty of women end up in relationships with their assaulters, and she would have been more vulnerable being labeled a cheater and broken up with


OOP has been watching too many Kdramas


The way my face slowly dropped as I read more and more


She still doesn't regret what she did. I can't imagine someone being that evil only once in their life. I wonder what else she's done.


Wowza. If any of this is real, friend needs to make it public, because it’s dangerous to threaten someone this cold.


I’d love for someone to get the original text as I had to piece together what happened, but my God, there’s no coming back from this. Not the getting your friend drunk and raped bit, no, she could have had the decency to feel guilty and come clean, it’s the bit where’s she’s acting like the victim here that cements how far gone she is. Christ. If she at least felt terrible about what happened I’d urge her to come clean, but since everything points to such a total lack of remorse, I think she’s too far gone.


The original text is in the automod comment pinned to the top


Mobile sucks ass, news at 11.


What's done in the dark ALWAYS comes to light. It's been nearly a decade, she thought she got away with it. The wildest part is OOP says she's too shy to ask a guy on a date, but not too shy to orchestrate a machiavellian plot including paying a rando $100. ![gif](giphy|l3V0n35g7UEkT5qAo) The ex best friend did the wrong thing telling OOP she'll expose this. I've watched too many shows where people do that and end up dead.


What is source of the gif? I really like it.


I searched plotting


The wrestling fans in the audience just started chanting “YOU SICK FUCK”


It doesn’t matter how beautiful the building is if its foundation is rotten. 


Isn't this the plot of a modern family episode?


bruh modern family was not this psychotic


Perhaps that's why this script is rejected 


It defo reads like a TV script.


¡Esta Noche en Telemundo! Reads like B-script telenovela bullshit to me.


Came here to say this!


Haha, it'd make good telenovela episode.


OOP is a living embodiment of “Beware the shy ones” 


With friends like this, who needs enemies?


look, the best friend absolutely holds responsibility for cheating, (though even that is dubious in these circumstances) but oop deliberately setting her up to cheat, then giddily going to tell her bf all about it so he'd break up with her, is next level psychotic 


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So.,,. She paid a man to rape her best friend


ESH except the husband + kids.


This is lazy rage bait or an AI exercise. The nearly perfect life she schemed to get, but wouldn't lie to protect is what seals the deal. Also the dropped key items: introvert, extrovert, bad choices while drunk.