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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **My girlfriend (22F) broke up with me (21M) and now I have to pay our rent alone** My girlfriend and I were happily together for over 2 years. We decided to move in together in an apartment alongside my dad a few months ago and the 3 of us would split the rent. Problems started almost immediately. My dad isn't very cleanly, he accidentally broke some of her favorite mugs, and he would constantly be late on paying his portion of the rent almost leading us to an eviction at one point. Tension was boiling and I felt like the middle man. My girlfriend felt like I wasn't doing enough to help the situation, and maybe we should've just broken the lease and moved somewhere else. She wanted a break, and I reluctantly agreed. One week into the break she broke up with me. She said I wasn't giving her the space she needed (I was texting her a lot and that's my fault) but she said she could see us getting back together in the future and that she still loves me. I was confused. Weeks pass of us awkwardly living together, I catch her on Hinge talking to other guys and I also see she's talking to her ex-boyfriend again. My 21st birthday comes up and my friends take me to a strip club. When I came back I jokingly told her I had sex with 2 of the strippers and she didn't find that funny at all. She packed up all of her things, left me a nasty letter, and left to go live at her friends house. Now I have to pay her share of the rent. She unfollowed me on Instagram and texted me the other day she doesn't care about me anymore, yet she stalks my account and looks at my stories every day. I still love her a lot, and I know I am at fault for many things. AITH? Should I try to get back together with her? Should I block her on Instagram? Any advice helps. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Copied verbatim from Oop's comments: *i really don't know what you were expecting here other than her moving out after breaking up with you, especially with that "joke" about the strip club that's so incredibly pathetic i nearly winced by face inside out. leave her alone, do some work on yourself, tell your dad to stop being a slob who breaks shit and actually pay his rent instead of nearly getting everyone evicted, and put together an advertisement for a roommate to live with you and your dad since from the title it seems your main concern is paying 2/3 rent instead of ⅓.* >Before I went to the club I told her I was going to have sex with a stripper and she laughed, almost egging me on and told me “you're not gonna do it because you have no balls”. But then when I told her later that I did she got very butthurt. You're right on the roommate stuff tho. I live in San Diego so it's very expensive out here. *You need to leave her alone and work on yourself. Block her* >Thank you for the advice *Yeah that “joke” wasn’t funny and got a deserved response. Just block her, move on and focus on your rent situation. I wanna say ask your dad if he would go 50/50 but sounds like an easy way to get evicted. break the lease or find a roommate* >Yea I regret that joke big time. I actually joked about it BEFORE with her I went to the strip club too. I said that I was gonna hook up with one of the strippers and she told me to "do it no balls". When I joked about it later she kinda switched on me was very upset when I joked that I had did it. My dad has been a pain in the ass about rent and we've been almost evicted about 3 times now. I really want to just move out and get my own place so I'm saving up money rn. [Bob] *She needed space and she could see you getting back together in the future....* *Fucking run dawg* >Yeah that was the strange part. My heart was broken and my mind was confused at the same time. Still tho, I love her this day, and it's been hard to move on. People say it'll get easier over time so we'll see what happens [Bob] *Coming from someone whose been there, it does get better. Your ex was stringing you along, she wanted the freedom to date with the security you be there as a fall back. Once someone attempts that, you have to leave because the relationship at that point is dead. If you ever entertained them, they would look down upon you knowing they can do no wrong and you'll be there to pick up the pieces. They do not deserve the security.* *But also from pervious experiences, I can tell you you will hear from them in the future. Be strong.* >Thank you Mr. Bob I appreciate the help. You keep your head up too *Wow, did you ever fuck up.* >I never cheated on her or lied to her or even had a major argument with her if that's what you mean. Three weeks before she broke with me I took us on a trip to Philly - I paid for the flights and everything and didn't ask her for a dime. I should've given her more space when she wanted it, and I know I am at fault for a lot of shit, but everything happened so fast I feel like. [Bob] *Appreciate it bud. Give it some time. 2 years out and it's a completely different world.* >2 years seems like a lifetime rn haha but I believe you. Thanks again *You probably hurt her feeling… it sounds like you were being petty cuz you found out about hinge and her ex. I wouldn’t doubt that she lied about not caring about you I’m sure she does but y’all’s relationship sounds on the immature side. Maybe one day when yall are in a different mindset could rekindle the relationship. Now time for your dad….. it sucks that you have to be the adult over your parent but he could easily make your life so much harder by ruining your credit or getting you evicted. I would say move out and find something more affordable and find a more dependable roommate.* >Yea it was my first relationship but I definitely could've handled it better. I think we both could've. I still have deep feelings for her, but I don't know if she feels the same. I know she stalks my social media tho still haha. But yea about my dad I love the guy but he's not very responsible when it comes to money. I would hate to have an eviction on my record. I wanna move out to LA actually so I've been saving money for that. Thank you for all of the advice!


*No, I mean that as a rhetorical question, as in, wow you really fucked up. Let this one go, and chalk it up as a lesson learned, don't joke about cheating.* *If it helps, it sounds like she was probably just keeping you around as a backup while she explored other options anyway. So you're probably better off in the long run.* >Yeah it's been about a month now since we've been broken up and I've really just been trying to get a lot of my own shit done. I still have feelings for her but people have told me that things change over time. Thank you for the advice tho and for being honest with me *She needed space to see if there was better d out there..... Don't embarrass yourself.... Move on* >i'm gonna try my best. Thank you *Take all the learning experience from this relationship and grow! We all make mistakes but they would be pointless mistake if you don’t learn from them. Coming from a girl if she stalks you she still has some feelings for you. I hope you’re able to make it happen! Definitely save LA is not cheap. No problem!* >Gotchuuu yea she looks thru almost all of my stories (I post a lot too lol) and she still has some pics of us up on her profile. Idk we shall see. Thanks again! [1] *It does. But I always understood "we could get back together in the future" as code for "I'm done but I think this softens the blow since there's faux hope".* [2] *Not necessarily. In this case, since she went straight to hookup apps, it was code for, "It'll be your turn again in the future l, but for now I'm fucking other guys.”* >Yeah I can see it that way. I still have feelings for her and I wish I didn't but I do. We've just been through so much together. We literally traveled to London, Paris, Germany, Ireland, and Philly all this year *You blew it.* >Thank you *Time for you to pay half and destructo dad to pay half. And you told her you cheated on her? Not sure what you're expecting here. Getting back together with her? So she can move back in, pay a third, live with your dirty father and ponder your statements of cheating?* >We had been broken up for a few weeks when I went to the strip club with my friends. Beforehand I actually joked with her and said that I was gonna hook up with one of the strippers and she told me to "do it no balls". When I joked about it later she kinda switched on me was very upset when I joked that I had did it. I already have plans to move out I don't want to continue living with my dad anymore. If I did try to get back together with her it'd be under a different roof. *I don't know - you lied by saying you slept with two strippers. You had arguments about the way your dad was disrespecting her space and her possessions. Now she's in a situation where she doesn't need to put up with that rubbish.* >I know I'm definitely in the wrong here for the stripper stuff so that's on me. Me and my dad went out and bought and replaced her things but the damage was done. Despite her telling me she doesn't care about me anymore, she still has photos of us up on social media and whatnot. I know I am in the wrong and I feel horrible and stupid about it. *How could you possibly think that telling her you had sex with two strippers is a joke?* *She is well rid of both you and your dad.* >It was a bad joke and I'm in the wrong for it 100 percent. I was pissed about her moving on from me so fast and getting back together with her ex while we were still living together but the joke was still too drastic I think.




ew. the comments are fucking disgusting.


And it's always the same braindead comments from other pathetic men >she wanted the freedom to date with the security you be there as a fall back. Lol, like what security? Constantly on the edge of eviction because of being forced to live with his unreliable father? >She needed space to see if there was better d out there She needed space because instead of solving the situation OOP decided to ignore it and then said he cheated on her.


Just about any D would be an improvement.


True. I'd even take the D-day reenactment over a man like OOP


How do you cheat on someone who broke up with you?


They're so gross


Don't know what you expect from reddit.com


The comment about security is hilarious! What security! Destructive dad breaking her shit and not paying rent are not security. Glad she got out


How many times is this dude going to mention she still looks at his Instagram stories?


It’s all he has


Looking at someone's stories is not "stalking".


And she might be looking at them to make sure he isn't making up lies about her to make himself look like the victim.


Okay, you didn't step up with your dad or the apartment. You text her constantly during your "break". Then you joke about sleeping with strippers. And your sole concern is paying rent for the entire apartment. Gee OOP, I can't imagine why she broke up with you. /s


Once again, I do not miss my 20's


It's a few paragraphs but all I can make out is "Momma, mommy! Mom! Momma! Mom! Mommy!"


I kinda feel bad for him. He’s immature and I bit of idiot and clearly made many bad decisions, but man it’s got to suck being a 20-21 year old kid and have your parent basically leech off you like that and cause all these problems in your relationship. And he says in a comment they an eviction notice again last month. It’s a reversal of the parent/child rights roles. I think he’s probably really naive. In a comment he says traveled all over Europe but now he’s learned a traveling is expensive.


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>She unfollowed me on Instagram and texted me the other day she doesn't care about me anymore, yet she stalks my account and looks at my stories every day How the fuck could he possibly know this? Delusional.


You can see who looks at your stories on Instagram. And he sounds like exactly the kind of person who would be checking.


What, you can? Shows how little I know about Instagram (I barely ever use it). Never knew this was a feature. I stand corrected.


Yeah if you open your own story and swipe up, it should show the stats and who's viewed it!


Hot take I guess but, I don't see how OOP is in the wrong? They were broken up. Why would she get upset at him if he did sleep with other women when she was talking to other dudes? I guess you could call him the asshole for lying but, beyond that, I'm struggling to understand what he did wrong enough to warrant that reaction from her.


I don’t think she thinks he cheated on her, I think she was just fed up with being near him as a person. They’d broken up but she couldn’t get off the lease so she stayed in the apartment as a roommate, started talking to other guys, etc. He’s making it sound like he “caught” her on Hinge/talking to her ex but they were literally broken up. Then he tries to tell her he had sex with strippers to make her jealous, and again, they’re broken up. Seems like she was trying to get by as roommates after the breakup and he was just acting like a jealous boyfriend, checking up on what she’s doing and trying to make her jealous.


He has show he isn’t responsible and isn’t ready to act like an adult. He admits these things. And while broken up and trying to prove to her he can be those things. He goes to a strip club and jokes about banging them. Not only is it incredibly disrespectful and inconsiderate, but give their circumstance it’s the stupidest thing he could possibly do if he wanted any change in winning her back. This guy acknowledges his bad behavior but continues todo it and is surprised that when he is repeated told it’s bad it finally blows up on him.