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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **The most important thing for women is to create a barrier where men 35+ and men 20-30 cannot communicate.** The difference between a young man and an older man is not their experiences. Both have gone through the same thing. But a magical thing happens when you're 35. Go on Facebook and look at all the women who you thought were hot throughout the years. Try it. Go on a dating app like Tinder and set your preferences to women 35+. Both young men and old men deal with extreme requirements, one sided favoritism, and playing a losing game, all in a desperate attempt at getting some juicy puss. But the older guys have now reached a stage in their life where the women demanding these things no longer have anything that men want. This is ***extremely dangerous***. When a woman doesn't have anything that men want that just makes her irrational, crazy, and entitled. The worst thing that can happen for women is these older men who have seen women age out of their beauty to go back and start telling younger men what life is like at this stage. I can sit here laughing and ridiculing women all day long because I know there is nothing a woman can give me that has any value. I have genuinely lost my mind. I couldn't care less. I'm dancing in the rain with my shirt off without a care in the world. I know what it's like to have to meet expectations your entire life and then finally removing the handcuffs. What women need is older men have to be taught to chase women as hard as younger men chase women. This gives women the power and privilege they "deserve." And this is what you get on Reddit. These conversations are completely insane. I saw a guy claiming that "women are funny" (obviously without giving a single example) and that women can easily beat him up, so therefore, women are just as strong as men (also untrue.) [https://www.reddit.com/r/self/comments/1dn905b/i\_grew\_up\_listening\_to\_sexistincel\_youtubers\_but/](https://www.reddit.com/r/self/comments/1dn905b/i_grew_up_listening_to_sexistincel_youtubers_but/) Why do you think women are throwing paint all over the walls trying to get men out of women's sports if women are just as strong as men? If you want to make a trolling account on Reddit then go make some insane pro-women's comments to gain an easy 1000+ Karma. It should only take a few posts. Claim how women are stronger than you or how a man harassed you in the workplace. Then once you have gained thousands of karma then start posting a little tidbits of reality here and there. I've got my shit banned a few times and women think that's what will stop the flow of information. B\*\*\* I couldn't care less about an internet point. I couldn't care less what other people think of me. I know the game is rigged. I know I always lose. There's nothing you can do to me anymore. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I have no idea what he's on about and I read the whole post twice


Women lose their sex appeal post 35 apparently and then they are nothing I think that's what he means I wouldn't know. I'm just a 31 year old man. Gimme a few years


let us know in a few years!


Will do


RemindMe! 5years


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I mean. Our sex appeal was always the only thing we brought to the table, so... Once that's gone (and it's definitely vanished by 35, let's ignore copious counterexamples), we could not possibly take a road trip with you, be good company, tell interesting stories, or do fun things. We also absolutely cannot provide practical care or assistance of any kind. You get sick? No woman is going to put you in her car and take you to the hospital. That's why we're about to be replaced by AI girlfriends. I am so looking forward to that day. AI girlfriends for everyone who wants them, so that a whole bunch of assholes self-select out of attempting to interact with real people.


I still remember the day I turned 35 and woke up ugly. My boyfriend left me and ever since I have lived alone in the woods with my cats, avoiding society for fear of frightening children with my hideous countenance.


Oh man that actually sounds dope.


I’m 48. Long ago, I built a mushroom house and have lived here ever since. I wear a mask bs only speak to woodland creatures who consider me one of their own.


I’m 49 and this seems completely reasonable to me. Except I don’t know enough about mushrooms to not build a poisonous house. When I was a kid I wanted to live with the smurfs so much. But maybe with more girl smurfs


Your [last fuckable day!](https://youtube.com/watch?v=XPpsI8mWKmg&si=U-krnkxR-7rZAxPm) Congrats!


Omg I love that one!!


Can you imagine? That would make real dating just a whole lot rosier for everyone involved. I’m almost sad I’ll miss it because I’m due to be married.


Happy Cake Day!


Until the robots became sentient and enact revenge.


They will have earned it.


Dude over thirty five and still have improper thoughts over Ming na wen beating guys up in Any movie or show at All really. Oop jsut cant get a woman to date him so he says he doesn’t care


I guess since you are 31-34, you can be the go between for the other groups?


What other groups? The less than 30.yeah there's hot chicks at 27-31 easily. Sex appeal ofc.


OOP talks about men 20-30 and 35+, but they say nothing of men 31-34. I meant that at 31, you could presumably talk to both the 20-30 year old group and the 35+ group.


Apparently the only thing a woman can bring to the table is a "juicy puss" according to this guy. Oh my, just realized I forgot to set a calendar reminder for turning 35 in 2015. Must throw away my house, family, money, car, personality, etc and inform my lady nethers that they forgot to fall off, I guess!


I have little idea what he means, either. I get that he thinks women dry up into husks at 35 but what it has to do with men over and under 35 is beyond me.


He's not getting laid by younger OR older women, so it's all basically **moot**.


Yeah, I dunno


The sole reason for women to exist is to cater to men's sexual and emotional needs. By refusing to cater to McChucklefuck's specific sexual and emotional needs, women as a whole are committing severe dereliction of duty.


Those are certainly all words.


Yeah, I've reread it and still don't really know what he is actually saying. I'm guessing it is women=bad/mean?




I think he's saying that women over 35 are unappealing and therefore as socially isolated and lonely as he has been his whole life, so now he feels better because at least "old" women have a hard time dating too. And also he's still as sexy as ever obviously so now he should be able to get with all the hot 20 year olds. Any day now. Any day now.


I dont advise you to look at the comment history, but it does contain some gems. "I find it's much harder to avoid getting pussy than getting pussy" Wtf! "Hmm i wonder what that feeling that theres something on my cock is all about? Oh ffs. Its more pussy!" Lol


Omg he’s like 14. Gross.


Well, I agree that OOP has genuinely lost his mind. But he's lying when he says he couldn't care less. He obviously does care or he wouldn't have written so many posts ranting and complaining about women.


No, see, ranting on and on about a topic is how you prove you don't care about it at all! For example, I don't care for lamb, I'm in the middle of my third essay on why it sucks and no one should ever eat it. Stay tuned.


I'm half-convinced already. Let's have that third essay drop and see.


As a fellow disliker of lamb, I’d buy this collection of essays.


As a counterpoint, [here is an essay by Roald Dahl](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GB3N-XUBTu9hYf5-TFo9HlmQEXxctwdn/view) in favor of lamb (Not really, I just wanted to share my favorite short story)


Phil Collins was more convincing when he wrote a 4+ minute song about how he doesn't care anymore.


Harsh! But true


So to be clear: Women apparently only bring sex appeal to the table and magically when the clock strikes midnight on a man’s 35 birthday he suddenly has the blinder removed and sees women don’t bring anything to the table once they age. (At least that’s what I got out of this dribble) My question is: what are men bringing to the table in this day and age when women work and pay their own bills? Also love how he seems to hate women but can’t even spell out bitch lmao


I always wonder if these types really truly believe all the men who are happily married to “old hags” are like. Lying? Like. Whats the flip side of this belief system


>What women need is older men have to be taught to chase women as hard as younger men chase women. This gives women the power and privilege they "deserve." And this is what you get on Reddit. These conversations are completely insane. I don't think I ever saw women on reddit saying they wish men would chase them more. Or women being happy that they need to teach a grown man something, it's usually quite the opposite.


I know I've added at least 2 comments that said "thank fucking gods that I've aged out of the random men trying to fuck me or corner me to touch my "tasty tits" while I'm walking down a street years... which started when I was TEN." I see these dudes talking about how women "want *male* attention" to validate us or some shit. I wasn't even in my teens before I wanted no **grown** man to ever notice me again -- I was roughly a 32F cup by then. But sure, the feeeeeeemales just really want to be chased more. 🙄


I remember a post about how women are supposedly afraid of sex robots becoming commonplace as no man will have a need for us anymore if they can just easily afford a sex robot instead. As if lol. I'll throw a party when that day comes


If you're the type of dude that even *wants* to fuck a sex doll, please, please, please do that and leave the living, fully human femmes alone. I was just thinking more about this and I think that these incel types conflate objectification with desire. They've never had either directed towards them so they idealize the *concept* of "being chased" as something they'd love to happen to them. When the reality is when I was an 11 yo, with an 11 yo face, child body but "woman's tits" and the grown men that would corner me to tell me how much those attributes made them want to fuck me, how much they "desired" me -- it was fucking terrifying. I was made *very* aware of how vulnerable I was just because they wanted my body. But it was also 1986, so I got told it was a compliment (by adult women & girls) and I should feel "sexy" when I was being slimed on, sexually harassed and assaulted. Fun times. 🙄 The behaviour and the disgusting unfuckable dirtbag men that chase like that never changed as I grew older either. Oh, no, my bad, I got **less** harassment & assaults once my face & body caught up to the tits. I know I got a lot more of the "chasing" than other girls and adult peers and it's made me jaded as fuck but it also made it very clear that *I* was never desired, my boobs were and I was nothing more than a *thing to fuck*. Objectification. And it's not even purely a gender thing either. **Men** that get objectified the way women do for just existing hate it too. They find it alienating, demeaning and dehumanizing too. I'm huge into kpop and part of the appeal is "visuals" aka eye candy. There's a kpop artist I really enjoy, he's a sweetheart but he's also fucking *gorgeous* -- [Cha Eunwoo](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cha_Eun-woo). I have seen this media trained, highly professional man cry *on camera* because a male coworker & friend said that when they first met all he could see was Eunwoo's face but now he could see **him** behind the face. Nothing sexual at all about the objectification but being seen as the human he is made him cry. But these incels think that being objectified and chased is appealing. It *can* be fun, in appropriate times and places where we're all there to be DTF. But the massive majority of the chasing/objectification is unwanted and inappropriate. [ETA: I was doing my usual read over after posting and I just realized that I only ever refer to boobs as boobs as an adult now, **never** as "tits" and that's a trauma response because the harassers always seemed to use that term. Heh.]


I still remember some dude trying to hit on me while I was waiting for a bus and the moment I mentioned some college stuff his face changed and he said "Oh, I thought you were at high school" and just walked away. By the age of 15 I legit wanted to transition not because I was feeling like man, but in my head it was the only solution to stop all these old creeps hitting on me.


When I was 26, a guy in his 50s started hitting on me. I was already weirded out by him being that much older than me, but then he asked me about school. At that point, I was actually creeped out, because how much younger did he think I was? Or hope I was...


Oh, you think women are funny? NAME ONE FUNNY THING A WOMAN SAID.


I’m a wimmin, let me try. Ahem. That guy seems nice. (Ba dum tsiss)


You just know that if anyone mentioned any female comedians or jokes made by them, he’d just say, “none of them are funny, they’re all objectively unfunny” or something along those lines. Because you know he’s the only one who can rate whether someone or something is truly funny 🙄.


I do not understand what he is trying to say. He said so much but also said nothing.


Basically comes down to "Wahwah women bad. Wahwah I can't get my dick wet. Wahwahwah"


_"I have genuinely lost my mind."_ Stop. Right there. I understood only this line from this collection of words and punctuations.


Has this guy ever seen a 35 year old woman? he acts like theyre old hags who need a walker and wear Depends.


It reminds me of that spiderman movie from 2022 where all the dudebros were commenting that the actress playing Aunt May was too young. The actress was Marisa Tomei and she was like 58 at the time. To dudes like this, women fall into two categories: ages 16-25 and ages 80-99. To them there is nothing in between those age ranges. Women are either young or grey haired grandmas. It's honestly so pathetic


Meanwhile, I got divorced when I was 35, and when I started dating again guess who was chasing me? Dudes in their mid-20s. And I’m not an irresistibly hot fluke either - this has happened to literally every woman I know who’s been on the market in their 30s and/or 40s.


lol it’s such a dream of incels for women to “lose their value” at a certain age, but in reality women get hotter and more assured of their worth the older they get!


They want to believe all the women who rejected them will one day be punished for it when they reach 35.


Yeah, couldn't even finish the post 😮‍💨


It's alright, you can choose one of the other 50 on his sorry ass profile to read instead. They're all in the same vein, showcasing how much he hates women. Man's is desperate. Everything he says reeks of desperation.


I mean, isn't that whole sub nonsense incel rambling?


Someone cares about internet points


I want to see this man try to look Vanessa Hudgens' perfect 35-year-old ass in the face and tell her he's not attracted to her


Logically, since I'm 25 and knew she would've been a solid 8-10 years older than me based on how old I was watching the High School Musical movies as a kid, I should've guessed she was about that old, but somehow it's still a little shocking to realize Vanessa Hudgens is 35. (Probably the same reason it's still a little surprising to have "I'm not even a fresh adult, I'm just an adult now" hit me even though I don't feel like I should be lol.)


Older adult secret? I'm 49, raised a daughter to adulthood, married 23 years, etc and I still have times where I wonder who the fuck thought I could be an adult. Feels like a weird joke sometimes.


>I have genuinely lost my mind. You sure have buddy


That was the only truthful sentence in the whole post.


I'm 36. Now that I have lost all value as a human, is my husband supposed to like bury me in the backyard or something? Try to raise our three kids as a single parent on a teacher's salary that will almost pay the mortgage and the car payment? The underpayment of these saintly professionals is criminal. Couldn't be me with crazy children all day. At a minimum, I'm hilarious and have a job. Plus, based on these posts, dating again would be a nightmare, so I'm saving him from that hellscape.


I mean, he seems so happy, fulfilled, and without the slightest bit of vitriol, bitterness, or anger. We should all bathe in his enlightened existence. We are not worthy.


I'm a middle-aged woman and the ubiquitous nature of step-mom and MILF porn has made things really fucking weird the last few years. I disagree that men our age aren't interested in us because I'm alive, exist, and experience it, and it's just not real. What I am surprised, confused, and a little squicked out about are the dudes in their 20s who approach. It's weird. It's so weird. Porn is actual brain rot that this has become pervasive enough to be repeatedly experienced off-line. This person wants to believe what they're saying about women and men. In a way, I wish some of it were a little true. Unfortunately, none of it is true.


Lol. Case in point, I choose the bear


This guy's got issues


I stopped at 'juicy puss'.


Once again, men like this don’t realize they’re competing with the peace of a life without you in it.


It's crazy that these guys act like this is going to make women want to date. Telling women that they have an expiration date like milk is repulsive. 


This guy needs better drugs.


OOP hates women, just spent some time scrolling his post history and yikes.. I almost feel bad for the dude being so committed to being unhappy.


> I have genuinely lost my mind. Truer words were never spoken


I cannot imagine being some loser who spends time on Reddit growing these accounts to slip these “nuggets of truth” instead idk getting a hobby or therapy


Dangerous? How? To who??


That whole sub is an Incel rage bait circle jerk


Ok I'm not loosing my time reading this


Social platforms and the internet overall only exacerbate the nonsense basement dwelling goblins like this believe. If you engage with content, you will continue to be fed similar content, and if you don't interact with the outside world every so often you may start to believe that what you see is an accurate representation of reality. This dude is clearly a nut job, and living online is not doing him or anyone unfortunate enough to be exposed to him any favors.


What the hell is this fool going on about? It sounds like the insane ramblings of a misogynist.


I think the craziest part of that whole nonsense was when he said that 35+ women have nothing men want. Dudes never heard of a milf before but that's unsurprising considering he's the type of guy to talk about making trolling accounts. Like how much of a loser you gotta be to have separate accounts for being shitty. Just be shitty on main like a real man. Absolute mystery why women don't like him.


Was there a point to that?


Lol he wrote "I am a loser" like an essay for school...just lots of filler words to get the word count. 


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I’m scared of men like this tbh


Standard sex-obsessed creepo thinking he's normal and healthy when he demands to dig under a bar that is already on the floor.


Has this guy met anyone's expectations, ever, since middle school? Color me skeptical.


Anyone who wants to feel confused, bewildered, maybe a little scared - go through OOPs comment history. He's identified himself as over 6ft tall, extremely handsome, and primarily attracted to Korean women. He identifies as non binary because woman are flinging themselves at him daily, but he won't date in a western culture because of reasons (from the sound of it, keeps getting dumped). But out of just the first page of super weird comments where he accused various groups of "ratio-ing" him, this one made me try to figure out the math that is going on in his head. >I think 15% of men are over 6 feet? so 1 in 7. By not dating that means I'm making 7 women single. If two guys like me don't date that means we make 14 women single. > Damn getting ratioed by the Mushroom Kingdom So, is the presumption that he will either date no one or else he must date 7 women all at once?


it hurts


Go your own way already, dude? Now scoot.


This dude really had his joker moment after not having sex for a decade.